Measuring the Cost of the VW “Cheating” Scandal… So Far

Guest Post by Eric Peters

The VW emissions “cheating” scandal has been below the fold for a couple months now, but the repercussions are beginning to hit home.VW lead


At home.

If you are among those who own a diesel-powered VW – whether “affected” of not – its resale value has dropped by about 20 percent, according to data compiled by Kelley Blue Book. The average auction price paid for a used VW diesel last month was down to $10,674 vs. $13,196 last August.

That’s a big hit – especially for cars that (pre-scandal) were known for holding their value better than average.

But expect resale values to take a real dump come June 28 – next week –  when Uncle will finally allow VW to tell owners of some of the “affected” vehicles how much they’re going to get for turning in their cars to be destroyed. (The company has decided that “fixing” some of these cars is not economically doable; that it’s cheaper – and easier –  to just offer to cut customers a check for the value of the car and be done with it.)

Even if VW offers full MSRP (original purchase price) rather than 20 percent (or more) depreciated price, the value of other VWs will fall through guilt-by-association.VW 1

And even if your TDI-powered VW is not going to walk the Green Mile but will instead merely be “fixed” (software/re-programming in order to appease Uncle) it will take a hit, too – because it’s now public knowledge that the “fix” will probably hurt mileage and performance.

Which Uncle doesn’t care about, of course.

But people who buy diesel-powered cars do.

The taint of “scandal” has badly gimped VW sales generally. They are down 13 percent through May – and the company’s share of the U.S. market has slipped below 2 percent.

Part of this decline is due to the fact that Uncle has refused to grant the company permission to sell any new/2016 models powered by the TDI diesel engine. There are thousands of them sitting at depots, tucked out of sight somewhere… waiting. Uncle may finally grant permission next week, but it is probably too late to avert a catastrophe because we’re approaching mid-year/high summer and the 2017s will be soon be arriving at dealerships.

This virtually assures fire-sale prices of the stacked-up inventory of left-over 2016s.VW 3

This, in turn, will further depress the values of the diesel-powered VWs already in circulation – as well as VW vehicles generally.

Which will likely further gimp sales of new VWs as people shy away from the brand.

That plus double digit billions in actual and potential liability in the form of fines and class-action litigation could result in VW abandoning the U.S. market and perhaps going away completely. It is entirely possible. The amount of fines alone is high enough that VW has publicly announced it may not be able to pay any dividends to shareholders; high enough that VW might not make a cent in profit for several years to come.

VW (which includes Audi and Porsche) is a big company, but that’s a big hit. It might not be survivable.

All of this is tragic – and it’s easy to blame Uncle, whose Inspector Javert-like obsession with almost nonexistent emissions from cars that have harmed no one stands in sharp relief to his shrugging indifference about millions of mandated air bags that have actually killed people.Uncle pic

But VW has not helped itself – much less its customers – by failing to defend itself.

Yes, the company “cheated” on Uncle’s tests.

So what?

The tests are based on standards that have become all-but-impossible to comply with. That are laid down – by Uncle – with no regard for the cost vs. the benefits. Which benefits – contrary to what most people assume – are barely quantifiable at this juncture. We are no longer talking about whole number differences but fractional ones. It is not 1974 – or even 1994. The tailpipe emissions of modern cars – gas or diesel – are practically nil.

But Uncle continues his jihad – no matter the cost.

It is not enough that the “affected” VW cars would have easily met all the standards in place circa five years ago – standards that were already extremely strict. Most people are not aware of the fact that since the 1990s, harmful exhaust emissions have been reduced to almost nothing; that for the past ten years at least, EPA has been chasing fractions of the remaining 3 or so percent of what comes out of a new car’s tailpipe that’s potentially an issue, air-quality or health-wise.A2-71515070.jpg

At some point – and we’ve arguably passed it – we’ll either have to accept that internal combustion will never be 100 percent “clean” but that 97.5 percent “clean” is clean enough – or internal combustion will have to be outlawed.

Which may be exactly what the end game is.

The “affected” VWs are not – by any sane standard – “dirty.” They are – at most – fractionally less clean than prior models.

Which were extremely clean.

EPA cannot produce a single “victim” of VW’s supposed evildoing. The entire hullaballo is based on nothing more than having affronted an arbitrary regulatory standard based on a hypothetical risk to computer-modeled “victims.”

Enough, already.

That’s what VW should have said – publicly.

Our cars are not “dirty.” No one’s cars are dirty anymore.

But the government is crazy.

Or, determined to outlaw IC-engined cars (see here) but unwilling to come “clean” about that.

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June 22, 2016 9:22 am

Great time to pick up a deal on a used vw. Shit. No cops up here. I can drive around with an expired emissions inspection sticker for years. My trailer is running expired plates and stickers since 2006. Fuck ’em.

Visitor from Germany
Visitor from Germany
June 22, 2016 9:22 am

The hypocrisy of Uncle becomes even more evident, if you consider that “coal rolling” is not illegal.

One of the scenes of the above video most probably produces more toxic exhaust than a modern Diesel in a month!

  Visitor from Germany
June 22, 2016 10:07 am

True, visitor. All of the city buses in Richmond spew black smoke while they roll around downtown, almost completely empty. The city transpo department tinted the windows of the buses so that you can’t see from the outside that they are empty.

A few thousand VW TDI’s running all over town couldn’t equal the smoke and the stink of their bus fleet.

June 22, 2016 11:26 am

is that Richmond as in Virginia?

June 22, 2016 11:59 am

VW’s response to all of this will eventually be to say fahr zur Hölle! With that they will just not offer sales of TDI’s in the USSA. As it is too much of a hassle.

As the article articulates all of this will be over fractions of a percent of emissions as compared to diesels of decades gone by.

End users will be forced to buy shittier cars. VW TDI’s are awesome. I drive a 2004 one with over 200k on it. It has been a great car with mileage in mid 40’s and very few major issues over the years.

All the EPA has done here is to shit on a great type of car and removed a little bit more freedom from you and I.

June 22, 2016 12:17 pm

Again, my buddy from Daytona, ecliptix543, just bought a VW -before the cheating “scandal” broke. I expect him to now drive the very nice vehicle until the wheels fall off rather than trying to get a trade in at a lower value by and by..

I have a 4 year old Prius – my sweetie is lobbying for a new one – but this one is pulling 55-70 MPG, quiet at a mouse and only has 18K miles on it.. I suspect it will be another vehicle that will be driven until the wheels fall off. We use it for town and country (no long trips for Old Muck) and it is absolutely perfect for what we use it for. The new ones have TONS of electronic garbage added on them (to fail) that I neither want, nor need. I’d have to special order a new car stripped of all the crap to get what I want!! Ain’t that a hell of a note!!


June 22, 2016 12:22 pm

Damn, I love the new format! Please pass along my kudos and thanks to “The Man With No Name” as his efforts will bring TBP into the 21st Century as more and more shit throwing monkeys get used to the new look and suburb new features…. Better than Zero Hedge now by far..


June 22, 2016 1:04 pm

This place has always been better than Zero Hedge…

June 22, 2016 1:11 pm

You can tell that this is all about politics and not about pollution or even anthropogenic global warming if you believe in such a thing. How much energy is used and pollution and CO2 created to make a car? How much energy is used and pollution and CO2 created to junk a car? If you compare this huge amount compared to how much pollution would be created by these cars over their normal lifespan that is over what the US regulations allow there are many orders of magnitude difference. Junking perfectly good cars is a crime, not only against the people and companies involved, but against the environment, too.

But we all knew that this administration is more concerned with politics and corporate favoritism than the environment – remember Cash for Clunkers? Designed to give the Japanese car makers a bonus and stick it to poor people by increasing the prices of used cars. Who cares if the administration is screwing up the environment by junking perfectly good cars?

June 22, 2016 1:18 pm

Yep. 3 weeks before this whole diesel bullshit kicked off. The car I traded was worth what I owed on it, I put some cash down, and drove away with a car that was just about even-up on trade value vs debt incurred so that I could pay it down roughly in line with the depreciation curve. For three weeks. Now it’s about $6k upside down through no fault of mine. It is a very good car though and even without the resale value getting gangfucked by the EPA nazis, I was planning on keeping it well past payoff anyway. I had been planning on shooting for 150k, now I guess I’ll take it to 200k+ as long as I can still get parts. Fucking Feds.

June 22, 2016 1:49 pm

Here I’m sitting, squirming in my chair, my face red-cheeks bulging, trying with great restraint from adding to ‘greenhouse gases’ and saving the planet for the 1%. After all, flatulence is a known ‘greenhouse gas’ and carcinogenic to boot.

What Volkswagen needs to do is pipe the exhaust back into the interior of the car and thereby contain the exhaust where it won’t destroy the ozone layer. This should satisfy Greenpeace and the Feds.

Also…Science has finally discovered the causes of ‘Global Warming’. It is all these women going thru menopause with their ‘hot flashes’.

“It’s been proved.”

June 22, 2016 1:57 pm

Annie say, “…remember Cash for Clunkers?” Remember???

I’m poor. I’ve been paying ‘Cash for Clunkers’ long before Obama’s wet dream about it, longer than I care to remember.

I look at new cars as my car in 15 years.

June 22, 2016 3:09 pm

I was looking for a new (I go for 10 year old vehicles rather than 15) car right after the Cash for Clunkers program started . The price for 10 year old vehicles popped up by $1000-$2000 after the Cash for Clunkers program started because so many cars were being junked rather than resold. That’s a big hit for vehicles that were only worth $1000 to $5000 to begin with.

June 22, 2016 2:36 pm

A bloated bureaucracy needs to justify it’s existence.

June 22, 2016 2:41 pm

Seriously, VW’s actions shows the corruption permeating all areas of our life, today.

Congress and the EPA in it’s infinite display of hubris, like King Canute, believing his word was so powerful that even the tides would recede at his command, pass all kinds of edicts without any concept of reality or even whether it is possible to achieve those goals.

Congress and the EPA are classical examples of ‘magical thinking’ that 12 yr olds display. We are being governed by a bunch of adolescences, who have no clue. But most Americans are pre-adolescence in their thinking, anyway.

Perhaps, VW was forced to cheat to conform to unrealistic rules.

June 22, 2016 4:03 pm

“Perhaps, VW was forced to cheat to conform to unrealistic rules.”

Bingo. That’s what I think.

June 22, 2016 4:30 pm

So to sum up the slant of this article, VW was correct in lying to the gov and its buyers since the law is bogus anyway, and pollution doesn’t “harm” anyone.
But most people who visit here would strongly debate the idea that our immigration laws are bogus; they’re all behind Trump in his comments about mass deportations.
I guess, just like in “Animal Farm”, some laws are more equal than others.
Fuck VW and their aristocratic attitude!

June 22, 2016 5:25 pm


Bad comparison.

Our immigration laws are reasonable, even loose, but aren’t being enforced anyway.

You’re comparing reasonable laws that aren’t enforced with unreasonable ones that are strictly enforced.

June 22, 2016 10:50 pm

Start w deporting yourself…Mike in Ct

June 22, 2016 4:34 pm

One of the main reasons the VW discussion has turned to the idea of buybacks is that there was tremendous resistance from the owner group to the idea of bringing the cars into the shop to get them ‘re-tuned’ to govt. specifications. Turns out the cars would be left with significantly less power, torque and gas mileage! What a deal! LOL

Let’s watch the spectacle of people turning their noses up at the offer price, and threatening, as ecliptix543 talks about, to drive the damned things into the ground! Are we going to see people coerced into selling a car against their will? Will there be a group of ‘outlaw cars’ on the road? And what’s going to happen with all those 2016 models, anyway? Enquiring minds want to know!

June 22, 2016 4:37 pm

Ed–I’m glad you agree, and stop calling me Bingo.

June 22, 2016 4:55 pm

ecliptix543–If I can’t get 300k out of a car, I junk it. I use only synthetic motor oil of the highest quality and change it every 100k whether it needs it or not.

Most of the cars I’ve had to junk had 100,001 miles on them.

My first car was a 1962 Volkswagen Beetle. I love that car and had more fun with it than you could shake a stick at. I was always pushing the gas gauge to see how far I could go before running out of gas. I had a reserve gas lever below the dash that I could turn if I judged the distance incorrectly.

But once in a while, I would even drain that dry before hitting a gas station. I commenced to carrying a spare gas can, a 1Qt. lacquer can filled with gas. You could drive to the moon on that.

Wonderful car.

Dick Proenneke
Dick Proenneke
June 22, 2016 10:58 pm

This is just another form of ‘Lawfare’. The fix will require sending more exhaust gas thru the EGR valve. This will result in more cloged EGR valve’s. Cleaning an EGR valve is an expensive adventure. So I not only do you get a lower resell value and lower fuel mileage you will also see a significant increase in maintenance expense.

And nobody has discussed yet how much of the settlement cash the EPA and the states are going to get.

My bet is the owners receive less than half.