The Generational Divide in News Consumption

Infographic: The Generational Divide in News Consumption | Statista
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June 22, 2016 8:56 am

Seniors love them some Faux Fox News on the tv because they are not computer savvy. I am shocked daily at how many of my clients can’t send an email (includes younger 40 to 55 age range).

Those who get their news from cable are beyond clueless.

June 22, 2016 9:15 am

I’m in the 55+ crowd (well into it).

I have a TV, but I haven’t turned it on is so long I really don’t remember the last time.

Used to use it to get the AM weather reports, but online reports are faster and more specific.

I suppose I’m a rarity.

June 22, 2016 10:53 am

I get my news, almost exclusively, from online and the radio.

June 22, 2016 11:07 am

well….I am in the over 55, but come out with the 18-24 group.
People love TV especially the cable series predictive programming
that they then use to predict.
Mom is 90, and the Mr. is installing a new computer for her this week.
I want her to enjoy the various sewing etc. you tubes. One mistake
she did make was to take a TV ad link (for patterns/baby booties)
and use it…subsequently “they” sent her hundreds of emails a day.
I tried to unsubscribe her/no luck. The Mr. tried and did it, but they
returned. Maybe that is what destroyed her present computer.
Faux news is akin to a soap opera. You can skip it a few days, but
never miss a thing. The commercials are obscene and/or absurd…
the vile…it burns.

June 22, 2016 7:24 pm

I turned 63 a couple of days ago. I watch maybe 5 hours of TV a week and the local news to get the weather forecast.

I get *all* of my news from the internet, period.