14 Signs The World Is On The Verge Of Generational Chaos

Submitted by John Mauldin via MauldinEconomics.com,

It is one of the great ironies of life that each generation believes its experiences are unique. The reality is that we have seen this movie before—with different actors, plot twists, and technological advancements.

The basic plot seems to push along a hauntingly familiar path.

In 1997, Neil Howe and William Strauss introduced the concept of Fourth Turning. They divided the population into four generational archetypes: Hero, Artist, Prophet, and Nomad. (read more about the archetypes and their characteristics here)

Each generation consists of people who were born and came of age at the same period in history. They had similar experiences and thus gravitated toward similar attitudes.

The change of control from one generation to the next is called a “turning” in the Strauss/Howe scheme. On a Fourth Turning, the cycle repeats, sparking a generational crisis.

When Howe uses that word, he doesn’t mean a short period of difficulty. He means an existential crisis—one in which society’s strongest institutions collapse (or are severely challenged and stressed) and national survival is in serious doubt.

By Neil Howe’s timeline, we are today about halfway through the Fourth Turning’s Crisis phase. If this Fourth Turning is like previous ones, here is what we should see.

See how the following Fourth Turning characteristics match today’s landscape…

Rising community

Notice in the Orlando shooting coverage how often people use the word community to designate the different groups with which people identify.

Following the tragic nightclub events, Orlando’s communities drew together to support their members and each other. We see the same behavior in other stressful events. “Je suis Charlie,” the motto that emerged from the January 2015 Paris shootings, comes to mind.

Think of all the other disasters we have seen in recent times, and the public response to them. I am not suggesting that community comes to the fore only during a Fourth Turning—far from it. But it does gain strength during such periods.

Strengthening government

Small-government conservatives like me, and possibly you, are on the defensive. We live in a time when most voters would rather enlarge government than shrink it. We can expect to see stronger government action regardless of who wins this year’s presidential election.

Party realignment

Donald Trump is obviously changing the Republican Party into something quite different than it was just four years ago. Bernie Sanders may have done the same to the Democrats. I don’t think this is over yet. We will see a lot of shifting and movement between the two parties as they redefine themselves.

I am really quite taken with an interview that Trump did a few weeks ago where he talked about his vision that the Republican Party would be a “workers’ party” within four to eight years.

You spring that on me four years ago, and I smile indulgently. Now, within the framework of the Protected versus the Unprotected, I wonder…

Introverted foreign policy

Fifteen years on, the US is increasingly tired of the War on Terror. Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders both gained traction in the primaries with a less aggressive approach to foreign engagement.

Technology to scale

The Internet has outgrown its adolescence and entered adulthood. The technology industry now views the Internet as a platform on which to build new capabilities: virtual reality, home automation, and more.

Rising income Equality

The years of ZIRP and QE served mainly to drive up asset prices, enriching those who are already wealthy and doing little for everyone else. Now a backlash is building against wealth concentration.

We may see attempts to raise taxes on the wealthy, higher working-class wages, and other measures intended to “level the playing field.”

Wage disruption

We’ve seen major retailers hike hourly pay in the last year; $15/hour minimum wages passed in California and elsewhere; and there are growing calls for labor to get a bigger piece of the pie.

Fertility bust

Birth rates are now near or even significantly below replacement rate throughout the developed world. Much of the Millennial Generation feels financially or otherwise unprepared for parenthood.

Falling immigration

Both the US and Europe are trying to control immigrant flows. Refugees from the Middle East are the exception in an otherwise less migratory world.

Falling crime

Criminal activity varies tremendously depending on where you are, but overall rates are down considerably from the 1980s and 1990s.

Strengthening family

This one may seem counterintuitive with birth rates down and young people reluctant to marry. My observations are that people delay marriage today precisely because they respect it so much.

They want to do it right or not at all. And once they do have kids, they take parenting very seriously. My Millennial Generation children and their friends, Howe’s Hero archetype, are amazingly protective of their children.

They seemingly script every moment of their children’s lives. My three-year-old granddaughter just started school, for God’s sake. My generation just didn’t approach child rearing like that.

Practical culture

The financial crisis has set a new standard of frugality, which has evolved into the “sharing” economy… think Uber and Airbnb. We even see the trend in fashion: Millennials have little interest in prestige labels and much prefer the low-priced “fast fashion” they can buy at Zara or H&M.

Rediscovered norms

The Fourth Turning is a time when people rediscover values and norms. That process can take many shapes, of course, but we may again see the “all-together” ethos that brought the US through the Depression and World War II.

Overprotective parenting

My Baby Boomer peers and I love to recall the unsupervised play and relative independence of our childhood years. Growing up as a country boy on the edge of a small West Texas city, I roamed the woods and ranches of our neighbors.

The barbed wire fences were built to keep the cattle in, but they didn’t keep the kids out. We knew which fields had the bulls we wanted to steer clear of. We explored quarries and lakes and rivers, clambered down into caves, and in general did things that would scare the pants off of today’s younger parents.

Today’s cautious parents won’t let children out of their sight—and often with good reason. As the crisis unfolds, we should see growing concern for protecting children from harm.

The worst is yet to come

So after Neil Howe explained all this at the conference, it was time for questions. Naturally, I voiced the question that we all want to know the answer to: “Will the crisis be over soon?”

Neil’s answer was succinct and not encouraging. He thinks we are only halfway through; and if the next few years play out like past Fourth Turnings, the worst is yet to come.

The message is, make sure you’re ready. The good news is that we still have some time (even if we don’t know how much time). We can prepare our portfolios and lives to deal with the coming changes.

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June 30, 2016 3:58 pm

I doubt some of this guy’s logic:
“Falling Immigration” – WTF – it’s an invasion.
“Strengthening Government” – and overbearing police state.
“Rising Income Equality” – what’s this guy smoking?

The best joke is calling the Millennials “Hero Generation”. If hero’s are on their iCrap all the time, and live with their parents (after age 25), then I guess they are hero’s.

June 30, 2016 6:06 pm

The “Hero” generation is an archetype. The real generational name is Millennial; the Hero archetype is characterized this way:

Hero generations are born after a spiritual awakening, during a time of individual pragmatism, self-reliance, laissez faire, and national (or sectional or ethnic) chauvinism. Heroes grow up as increasingly protected post-awakening children, come of age as the heroic young team-workers of a historical crisis, demonstrate hubris as energetic midlifers, and emerge as powerful elders attacked by another awakening. By virtue of this location in history, such generations tend to be remembered for their collective coming-of-age triumphs and their hubristic elder achievements. Their principle endowments are often in the domain of community, affluence, and technology. Their best-known historical leaders include Cotton Mather, “King” Carter, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan. These have been vigorous and rational institution builders. In midlife, all have been aggressive advocates of economic prosperity and public optimism, and all have maintained a reputation for civic energy and competence to the very ends of their lives. (Examples among today’s living generations: G.I.s and Millennials.)


June 30, 2016 11:29 pm

My fear is that the gubmint is so powerful / so lying / and the populace is completely zoned out – that this 4th Turning could take 50 years.

July 1, 2016 5:26 am

Dutch, i think it is going to be faster than predicted, at least for the west. The rest of the world? Wow. No telling. I don’t want to be anywhere but fortress america

June 30, 2016 4:04 pm

That part about ‘falling crime’ is wrong. Crime isn’t falling. The reporting of crime by the FBI and local LE is falling hard. Plus the actual arrests in da hood has continued to drop because the tax feeders in .gov costumes don’t want to appear racist to the other tax feeders.

If crime was falling as much as the official .gov figures suggest, then why are the major cities much more dangerous than ever before? I notice that prisons are all chuck full, to the point of the various state’s actions in releasing some prisoners to make room for more.

June 30, 2016 4:57 pm

I enjoyed the piece. Mauldin was reporting on a presentation
he attended. I did a double take on some of the terms and definitions
but understood the logic better after a rereading parts of the whole.
Smiled when remembering that in the summer Mom would pack
me a little lunch for a “picnic” sometimes. Then she left for work.
I was free to roam and explore…just be washed up and ready for
supper at 6pm. If we had a nickle, we could share a Popsicle.
Those were the good old days!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 30, 2016 5:19 pm

Interesting but full of holes. We shall see, if myself and TBP are still here 20 years from now, I will be back to do a recap.

June 30, 2016 5:22 pm

I say shit ,well then just more shit.Shit is really fucked up and shit as someone here says. It is depressing. Sometime during this time my mom will die.Little bb will die and I will be tempted to stick the barrel of my AK in my mouth and blow my brains all over God’s universe.
Good news is my x wife has rediscovered her Christian Faith. She says we should try the marriage thing one more time.I not sure but she says we should.

June 30, 2016 5:44 pm


The saying is as follows…

Shit is fucked up and bullshit.

June 30, 2016 11:12 pm

Don’t marry you ex. Better to marry your hand!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 1, 2016 11:34 am

bb- Do it…………sleeping with a cat is weird. Don’t listen to Dutchman, he likes bots but has little regard for his spouse, by his own admission. You loved her once , she loves you, go for it.

July 1, 2016 9:40 am

do it, you deserve a second chance, and so does she.
I have seen this work several times (me too) and it is
lovely to watch renewed trust bloom.

June 30, 2016 6:27 pm

Jim…the really rich got out of the market before the depression started and profited handsomely buying assets for pennies on the dollar .

Trumps election will accelerate the 4th turning here in the USA. There are a lot of crackers in the South who are tired of hearing about “White Privilege ” . When the Black Lives Matter folks want to burn baby burn after his election they’ll find the push back will be breath taking .

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 1, 2016 1:26 am

My crystal ball says:
1) Derivatives will soon implode and drag down the entire banking world.
2) Credit will freeze up and the goods & services will stop on a dime.
3) The EBT cards won’t work and the cities will burn. Looting will be out of control.
4) Martial law will be declared in major (majority black) cities, nothing in or out.
5) Those who rely on government to provide their sustenance will perish in the first 120 days.
6) The cops will go home to take care of their own families.
7) Gangs will rove around taking what they want/need, some gangs will be cops.
8) If you are not prepared, well armed, strong and smart, you will die.
9) These conditions will prevail for a decade or more.
10) The USG will do everything it can to assure most citizens die.
11) Chemtrails are poisoning the air, Fracking poisoning the water, GMOs poisoning the food, and radiation is killing the oceans – all of them.
12) HAARP will assure the worst possible weather conditions at the worst possible time.
13) If we avoid nuclear war, it might just be our bad luck, to have to live through what’s coming.
14) If all that isn’t enough for you, then take your DNA altering vaccine poison, with formaldehyde, mercury and aluminum.

  Swamp Fox
July 1, 2016 9:47 am

Swamp Fox,
Many agree with your crystal ball predictions.
Based on recent history? These are likely outcomes.
Ten years? I would like it to be two…my crystal ball
is in the shop for repair however…moral of the story?
Have an exist plan.

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 1, 2016 10:38 am

I wish this cup of bile could pass by our lips, but powerful forces are working feverishly to assure it happens.

Like Lysander, I wish it didn’t have to be….but me thinks there is no exit plan. Maybe the dread is worse than the reality, let’s hope.

July 1, 2016 8:04 am

IMO, ten years from now western civilization will either have been restored to its traditional state or it will have ended.

The process, either way it goes, is likely to be rather unpleasant so be ready for it.

Again, IMO and YMMV depending on where you are while it happens.

July 1, 2016 8:29 am

“We can prepare our portfolios and lives to deal with the coming changes.”

Oh, of course. If you prepare your portfolios by printing as much of what you have access to online, you’ll have a big pile of paper to use in your outhouse. Total fucking bullshit. This piece, like most of them from financial advisors is written as clickbait to get subscribers.

Look at his picture on his website. He looks like an asshole.

July 1, 2016 9:51 am

lighten up…the “advice” is one man’s opinion.
Your “portfolio” may not be held in digits but rather
in any hard assets you choose to hold. Get you some.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 1, 2016 8:55 am

Ed- You posted what I was thinking. Notice it’s never going to be such horrible turmoil in the 4th turning that we can’t PREPARE our portfolios. Can you feel me smirking and turning red?

  Bea Lever
July 1, 2016 9:57 am

“Prepare” your portfolio is a silly notion, IF everything
freezes up and we have “lock-downs” the portfolio is/
will be toast. Meanwhile, get another portfolio, one of
your own design. Be your own bank, I say, as perhaps
a silly optimist, but maybe that will ensure one with
a cushion for a hard landing.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 1, 2016 11:28 am


As you are new…. I have posted countless times that I am out of paper (everything) and hard assets only. My comment was that he is the typical money whore as Ed pointed out looking for fresh meat to click on his site as if preparing your portfolio in financial instruments/markets was viable. I don’t think he deals in PM’s or land or ammo.

Muck About
Muck About
  Bea Lever
July 1, 2016 1:11 pm

@Bea and Suzy: Trade paper, hold hard assets. As paper trades (try silver since last Feb.) throw off extra goodies, convert the paper to hard stuff. You will know the USA end is near when we start doing things like confiscating bank accounts to bail out failing banks. When that happens all you can do is play turtle, get out of cash except for an emergency “carry over” stash.

I personally don’t see us pulling a “Greekism” or a “Creteapart”. Bail-in’s however, may happen but if they do, there will be a revolt the next day the size of which you have never even dreamed of in your worst nightmare. I think we will go down s-l-o-w-l-y as inflation starves out the old and disabled and someday, we’ll hit a trigger point and then comes the BANG.. But not any time soon.


July 1, 2016 9:34 am

@ Swamp Fox…..You get a standing ovation from me, Brother. You just typed in my wish list.

Do I want to see millions of people suffer? Not really, but that’s what it will take to effect real change, as history proves.

To all who read this I tell you that you don’t have enough food and ammo. Don’t screw around and wait for some “sign” or some notable person to declare the time has come. The time has come already.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
July 1, 2016 9:59 am

this is what i call a fastball down the middle. we can hit this one out of the park. first off, bb, mellow out, month ago your future was uncertain, divorce the AK, consider the lady from your past may just be a gift. 2nd chance, who knows, i would go back to the woman i fell in love with a fourth time if she were only alive. love is weird, i would enjoy it. i was enjoying the company of what i call mini boomers, boomers in waiting, just 8 to 10 years younger, into the community gig, glad to have neighbors like these folks. nevertheless, it was a generational thing, folks from around the world. reading between the lines, this rural community has beaucoup firepower. i like to think the men in susanna/maggie/stephanie’s lives realize the strength of character of their companions. i subscribe to the fourth turning, it blends in with all the history i read. does our farmer friend from NH still plan a reunion in the fall. nothing i would like more than to see his farm, meet all the names. HSF has done is doing exactly what i attempted, yet it is a team operation, pointless to milk two cows as a solo. since the turn of millinium things have been most entertaining. i think my meltdown began with the dotcom bubble burst. i made a small fortune when i had no idea what i was doing in the stock, then i realized how smart i was and lost it all. what is so cool is we all can play this insane game, before it was rigged, it reminded me so much of the cattle market, americania wild west, buyer beware. if one wants to see the real america of yesteryear go to the livestock market, suppose it’s days are numbered as well.

Swamp Fox
Swamp Fox
July 1, 2016 10:32 am


Thanks brother. Love your namesake. Lysander Spooner was a giant among giants.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
July 1, 2016 12:09 pm

stucky, you have something to celebrate on the 4th, auxit, 2nd vote in september, good for them, beginning of the end continues