Question of the Day, Aug 22

What annoys you most about today’s society that didn’t exist or wasn’t prevalent when you are growing up?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
August 22, 2016 2:38 pm

A lack of manners and a general increase in narcissism.

  Francis Marion
August 22, 2016 4:40 pm

I had a fucking rant typed up, but it ran long so I said “fuck it” and will just give you the short form:

Had a rude houseguest. Motherfucker was 38 from a good household, and a good upbringing, but his parents spoiled him as an only childhood.

Pissed us off, not a friend anymore.

The world would be a better place if it was socially acceptable to slap mouthy little shits.

August 22, 2016 6:46 pm

I know the feeling TPC, let me have a go & see if I can be concise….
Millennial Daughter & her boyfriend were moving so I offered to help since they didn’t have $ for movers or a truck. We set a time & I told both to be sure they were ready and had everything boxed up. They’re about 70 miles South of me. So I get up early, swing by a rental yard, hitch a trailer to my Explorer and call the Daughter. He phone is disconnected; I try his phone & get VM. I arrive right on time. Knock on the door, no answer. knock again, same result. I go around to the back door and knock. Nada. I then go outside their bedroom & yell. Finally boyfriend opens the door a crack and say he’ll be out in a minute.
About ten minutes later he stumbles out and proceeds to tell me he doesn’t even have a place to move; money didn’t come through from his Dadda (who’s a former big shot politico). I say, well a phone call would have been nice. His response, “Well I think you should cut me some slack!”
As you can see, I feel your pain. And this is just one episode, I have a sack full.

August 22, 2016 9:18 pm

Westie – this the same daughter you were bragging about yesterday? Really? Yep, she sure sounds like an upstanding adult.

I would have slapped shit out of that shithead boyfriend. No kidding.

August 22, 2016 10:41 pm

Lorde! why didn’t you just slap him! geez. I guess that would have ended the relationship. I am tired already…

August 23, 2016 12:48 am

One…..or *maybe* two (only because she’s my daughter) episodes like that and they could just fuck right off. No way I’d have “sack full” of episodes like that! Of course if I had had chirrens, I would have started teaching them that long before they ever understood why just like my dad did with my brothers and I. I’m more than happy to help but I refuse to be fucked around!

August 22, 2016 2:50 pm

At 67 I don’t see much difference than when I was 18, back in 1967.

People were basically clueless, watching TV, sports, for the most part had nothing to do with an intellectual conversation.

What has intensified their ‘condition’ are billion dollar stadiums with a myriad of useless sports teams, ICrap that feeds distraction directly into their minds with ear buds (this must be the ultimate mind control – and THEY PAY FOR IT!!!), and other Itechnology that keeps them constantly busy and distracted from the world around them.

I say nothing is new, it’s just intensified.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 22, 2016 3:04 pm

That people have turned into the Borg from the Star Trek series, unable to be individuals and refusing to think for themselves. Also the shift from human interaction for happiness to material objects for gratification, the almost complete disconnect between the sexes and people in general. WTF kind of world is this?

Mark Baumann
Mark Baumann
August 22, 2016 3:22 pm

What annoys me most about today’s society is that politicians are ushered in via blatant election rigging and blatant control of the media. [esp. re. “lying hillary”]

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
August 22, 2016 3:30 pm

I don’t own a cell phone. So I suppose my main gripe is this fixation on screens. I was depositing my pay last Monday. Walking across the street I noticed the Lady driving towards me, with a young child in car seat, wasn’t paying attention. Texting on her fucking phone instead of driving her car.

That didn’t happen 30 years ago.

August 22, 2016 3:31 pm

The FSA. and the lack of common morality in the multi-nationals. Both are a disgrace

August 22, 2016 3:39 pm

Can’t stand the tattoos and piercings. Back in my early days the only ones with tatoos were excons, bikers and sailors that got too drunk on leave. I can’t stand when a beautiful woman destroys her beauty with that ugly shit.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
August 22, 2016 6:05 pm

++1000 Yup

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 22, 2016 6:08 pm

If I’m ever in the market for a new wife, with my criteria: 2/3 my age or less, credit score > 720, BMI< 23, not a leftist, no tattoos… the only left one will probably be tranny. He better fucking put out.

August 22, 2016 9:24 pm

My wife and I walked out of a restaurant the other day. The server (female was tatted up, pierced up, and had purple hair). I asked for the manager. Told him we do not eat where they hire Brides of Frankenstein as waitresses. He was offended. Tough titty.

August 22, 2016 11:46 pm

Yadda yadda. If a woman is ugly then piercings and tattoos make her even less attractive. If the woman is hot then no normal guy is going to let that stop him from banging her if he gets the chance.

August 22, 2016 11:50 pm

I HATE the tats. It isn’t the “worst” thing about modern times to me, but I HATE them.

I don’t know what I would do if my son brought home a tatted bride-to-be.

Edit: I would make the best of it, I suppose. However, since my son tends to be a bit conservative himself and hates piercings and tats, I don’t think I will have to address the issue.

August 23, 2016 7:45 am

My niece is gorgeous but also tatted up. She just got married and the big deal for her was being a tatted bride. Arms, feet and legs, no piercings, at least that I know of……

August 22, 2016 3:39 pm

The lack of a work ethic and a feeling of entitlement. Volunteerism seems to be on the wain, as the government controls more.

August 22, 2016 4:02 pm

I guess it’s how easily swayed or convinced people are by media, politicians and hollywood without asking questions or fact checking themselves. They are told and they believe.

August 22, 2016 4:25 pm

The lack of respect for human life.

August 22, 2016 4:31 pm

The foolishness that is common core maff I find atrocious and a damned nuisance..

August 22, 2016 4:44 pm

1) The devaluation of free speech, being replaced by a weak-ass political correctness — especially on college campuses, where people used to be encouraged to think for themselves and express and debate their developing opinions.

2) Seems that these days, everybody matters except white males…the ones who happen to pay most of the bills around here…

3) America is vilified as the Great Satan, while Muslims get a free pass for terrorist attacks, and the Chinese Communist government get a free pass for harvesting organs for transplants from Falun Gong political prisoners, etc., etc.

4) Decades of America as the policeman for the world. Enough, already. Stop screwing over the soldiers who love this country with meaningless, horseshit missions. FUCK IT! And grow your own military!

5) Make the 3 Rs and degrees at all levels mean what they are supposed to and used to mean — if a student has not mastered a subject, they FAIL and take it over until they pass. Otherwise, NO DIPLOMA! NO PASSING THE PROBLEM ALONG! NO EXCEPTIONS!

6) Eliminate welfare, food stamps and the whole Great Society — bring back orphanages, AND GIVE OTHERWISE FERAL YOUTH A CHANCE AT GROWING UP CIVILIZED.

7) Let’s go back to being a Republic, and give the vote only to those people who pay Federal Income Taxes.

8) Legalize all drugs, and deal with the changes that brings about. It can’t be any worse than what we are putting ourselves through now.

I could go on…

August 22, 2016 4:45 pm

The scarcity of extinction level meteor impacts on Earth chaps my ass quite a bit.

We definitely need a couple before hoomans figure out how to escape this rock. A nice evenly distributed “String of Pearls” event like Shoemaker-Levy 9 would do nicely. Ya gotta nip this shit in the bud and cosmically we are still in the “bud stage”!

[imgcomment image?interpolation=lanczos-none&downsize=660:*[/img]

August 22, 2016 4:55 pm

You know what really chaps my hide that didn’t exist when I was growing up? Blogs.

August 22, 2016 6:57 pm

Also people who don’t appreciate or recognize sarcasm. That applies to at least one person here based on the thumbs down above.

August 22, 2016 4:57 pm

“The scarcity of extinction level meteor impacts on Earth chaps my ass quite a bit.”

I hate to admit I feel your pain.

August 22, 2016 4:59 pm

I have a bunch of shit that annoys and pisses me off starting with Kardashian worship. Really? Who gives a crap about that pack of whores? Next is all the stupid ass reality TV shows and the people on them. Really? Who gives a crap about all these stupid people trying to make themselves matter, they don’t.

Like Diogenes says, tattoo’s on beautiful woman. Really? Why do you need to desecrate your body with a tattoo? Are you trying to draw attention to yourself? News flash you don’t need to, your beautiful, all the men want to bone you and all the woman want to play with your pink bits. Enough already. They have not invented a good looking tattoo yet so don’t do it.

Pokemon go and whatever the latest thing is that people of all ages feel they need to be a part of so they don’t feel like they have been left out or behind. Find something else to do.

Texting and e-mail, nobody wants to talk to you anymore. I can call somebody on their phone ten times and they won’t pick up, send them a text and they get back instantly. WTF?

Fad diets and exercise programs. Get off the couch and eat healthy and you won’t have to worry about fad diets and latest exercise system.

Oprah Winfrey, back in the day we did not have Oprah, now we do, she is a menace to society, she needs to disappear.

Special rules for black people, when I was a kid the black kids in school, yeah they were black but they were just kids. They didn’t ask to be treated any different and we didn’t treat them any different. Everything was cool. Now kids are afraid to even say anything around them for fear that somebody will take offense and tell the SJW school administrators and all hell breaks loose because black lives matter and we need to be sensitive to these kids after all their great, great ancestors were slaves for God’s sake. Fuck that.

I could go on and on about today’s politics and financial system but alas I work for a living trying to make sure I pay my fucking share so that free shit army can continue to destroy today’s society…………..

August 22, 2016 5:51 pm

you want to be the change you want to see. #1=Do not watch any
TV. There are rays coming from it that will seriously poison you.

rhs jr
rhs jr
August 22, 2016 5:01 pm

I grew up in a rural area in the 1950s and everything has gone to Hell since about 1964! It is past time for a Counter Revolution.

  rhs jr
August 22, 2016 5:54 pm

people are too busy texting and taking pictures of themselves for
any revolt. After the texts and pics? Time for TV. However, the
device remains in their hand throughout. Furthermore, revolt
against what? People love their lives. The device is their God.

August 22, 2016 5:06 pm

Warning labels.
Warning labels have dropped IQ in this country 20 points easy. Stupid people used to die early before procreation. Now they live and gin up the gene pool.

harry p.
harry p.
August 22, 2016 5:12 pm

the biggest thing i see missing is the lack of ever having been in a fight and knowing what it feels like to get really and truly getting hit in the mouth hard

  harry p.
August 22, 2016 5:57 pm

Harry, you nuts!
Go and play some Rugby.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
August 22, 2016 6:11 pm

I think he’s right.

harry p.
harry p.
August 22, 2016 9:08 pm

seriously though, a man can’t know himself if he hasn’t beat someone’s ass and had his ass beat by someone. he ends up thinking conflict ends with verbal altercations and they end up lacking humility.

and yes, i did play rugby (played full-back) and it was great but won’t do it anymore, the old out of shape men play dirty, lol.
now my son and I both started brazilian jiu jitsu, my boy won’t grow up a creampuff.

  harry p.
August 22, 2016 10:50 pm

I have to agree with Harry P. There is something manly that comes out of boys who have been beaten up physically. None of this “f u, f u” nonsense. A real bloodied up beating does something to males!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
August 22, 2016 11:05 pm

It’s a simple lesson. Actions have consequences. And some times they are immediate.

  harry p.
August 22, 2016 11:56 pm

harry p…While I agree to some extent with susanna… I do know what you mean about the ass kicking. Until you know what it feels like to get a black eye and actually “see stars” you can’t appreciate the sense of accomplishment that comes with kicking the asswipe across the floor once you get your balance.

And I know you are talking about “manly” men fighting, but a good-cat-fight-bitch-slapping is a lot better than the deranged name-calling-bullying on social media that has everyone wringing their hands today.

August 22, 2016 5:26 pm

I suppose some people can pull off tattoos, but for most folks, tattoos and piercings make them look stupid. Seeing a young girl with a pierced tongue is so sad it is ridiculous.

It bothers me how a lot of boys today excel at video games but look weak, with raccoon eyes, skinny arms and slumping shoulders.

I hate how selfies reign (rain?) nowadays and how social media makes everyone long to be famous while sometimes ending up more infamous instead.

I hate phone menus in general and how every place I call tells me how I must “listen carefully because the options have changed”. And, when I hit 0 for customer service, I don’t like having to decipher what Haji Halfaglobeaway is trying to tell me.

I fucking HATE CFR light bulbs for reasons I have previously stated here (bright as a candle when 1st turned on, more $$$, don’t last as long as promised and require a HazMat team if broken.)

I hate having to remember upteen-zillion internet passwords, then having to change them every 90 days for some sites. I hate it when a computer or phone updates and then causes problems with programs that worked fine before. I also get tired of having to upgrade software constantly in order for it to sync properly with other systems.

Furthermore, I hate always having to back shit up, or lose it. And I don’t like it when people think they can take my photo just cuz they have a smart phone handy.

I hate how new appliances and automobiles today more resemble an IPhone and how you have to replace them nearly as often. Or, when out of warranty, you are advised to buy a new one or spend even more money to fix it after waiting for the parts to come from India, Taiwan or China.

I hate having to go to night classes just to learn how to operate the latest credit card reader at the check-out of any retail store. Plus having to remember debit or credit, chipped or non-chipped, signature required or not? Everywhere you go, it’s like a fucking game show. I’d pay cash but I can’t remember my latest pin number at the ATM.

But, most of all, I guess I just hate being old-fashioned in a Brave New World.

Muck About
Muck About
August 22, 2016 5:38 pm

What he said.


Full Retard
Full Retard
August 22, 2016 6:19 pm

Unmolested, is your name Andy Rooney?

August 22, 2016 9:28 pm

If I get Haji, I tell them to put someone on that speaka de English. That offends them. But they do it. Fuck Haji. I am the customer.

August 23, 2016 12:24 am

Well put. For the most part.

I hate trying to answer my phone and it hanging itself up or locking up and when I try to return the call, whomever has hung up and is trying to call me back immediately.

I hate cell phones and I leave them at my house unless I’m traveling more than two hours away.

Miles Long
Miles Long
August 22, 2016 5:43 pm
August 22, 2016 5:53 pm

Haji Halfaglobeaway LOL good one.

I talked to Haji Halfaglobeaway last week when I finally exhausted all the phone menu options when calling Direct TV service to let them know that we were not getting the sat signals for HD channels we were paing for and we needed a service guy to realign our dish. After 15 minutes of trying to talk to Haji we said screw it and hung up and started the whole phone menu process all over again in hopes of getting somebody else on the end of the line that could converse in English. No luck, we must have got Haji’s brother Raji because he could barely speak better than Haji. After going back and forth with him for about 20 minutes we were finally told that the first available service man would be six weeks out on October 4th between 10 am and 2 pm. We told him that we both have JOBS and we would not be home to let the service guy in. He says then “he was so solly but they could not help us then, goodbye.” Click!

You have got to be shitting me! Fuck them. Went up on the roof and fixed it myself, made the adjustment on the roof while my wife monitored the signal on the TV until it was at it’s strongest point. It was not a big deal to fix but it was the principal of the thing. We pay a fair amount of money for their service and they should at least be able to see to it we are getting what we pay for.

Direct TV ES.

August 22, 2016 6:07 pm

those dishes don’t work in a rain storm eg. The signal comes from
a far away satellite. One knows this by reading the fine print.
Problem is, one needs a 10X for fine print. Basterds.

August 22, 2016 9:31 pm

Peaceout – cancel the fucking service. Why give your money to companies that fuck you around?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 22, 2016 6:10 pm

Mike- This a good QOTD, what gave you the idea for this one? Did someone besides me get on your last nerve?

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
  Bea Lever
August 22, 2016 7:57 pm

I got pissed off the other day when I couldn’t make an online purchase because my debit card had a 2 digit CCV. Office depot has no way to override that to sell me my $40 purchase. That, and I went to the mall with the Mrs because it was 98 degrees outside.

Full Retard
Full Retard
  Back in PA Mike
August 22, 2016 10:41 pm

Mike – cancel the fucking card. Why give your money to companies that fuck you around?

Full Retard
Full Retard
August 22, 2016 6:10 pm

Once in a while you read stuff that makes you wonder. The owners of Adelphia cable were charged with some sort of crime. Yet I recall they had resisted putting porn channels on their system.

Back in the day Vern Hussman, my boss, said they could put two hundred channels in a box but who had time to watch 200 channels? Their cable system was quite primitive and I got out quickly. Cable content took a nosedive to the shit pile.

The pornographers won and today we have a post-Christian society that has been brainwashed into living in a realm of the senses and believing in a minimum morality.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Full Retard
August 22, 2016 6:19 pm


If you think it’s bad now wait a while, the plan for the future is depressing and includes full blown porn on daytime non-pay-perview tv. The devil is “winning” dude.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Bea Lever
August 22, 2016 6:25 pm

Maybe full blown was not the best choice of words FR.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
  Full Retard
August 22, 2016 7:58 pm

Embezzling from their own company. My cousin worked for them.

August 22, 2016 6:16 pm

the apparent de-evolution of mankind as a whole—not insane but unsane people just running amuck.

August 22, 2016 6:26 pm
August 22, 2016 8:03 pm

Atheists. In my day we were all agnostics.

August 22, 2016 9:14 pm

Paying for TV (sports salaries), paying for internet, watching zombies walk all around with eyes towards a pad, missing the front porch society and neighbors acting as family, six-packs for less than a dollar, a carton of smokes for under $3, Genders not confused, real investigative reporting, overtime pay, promotional opportunities, and the Shah of Iran. Good to know the 2016 election will return it all.

Recently a young woman lost her unborn in a traffic mishap whereas the other driver was charged with the death of the fetus, while not a fan of abortion, when/why does one fetus have rights over another? Miss a more simple life

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
August 22, 2016 9:33 pm

People who are older than 21 who act worse than children.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  Robert Gore
August 22, 2016 11:07 pm

Mmmhmm. Here we call it Parliament.

  Francis Marion
August 23, 2016 12:29 am

FM… good one!

Hollow Man
Hollow Man
August 22, 2016 9:42 pm

Disappearing morals

August 22, 2016 11:22 pm

The belief of entitlement – due to the fact that “this is the United States of America” and being in The U.S. no one should have to live below a certain standard of living that everyone is entitled to.

My grade school years were in the 50s and during those years our family lived a depression level standard of living (not everyone came out of the depression on the same day or year) that the FSA of today would riot over if that was all they were provided. We lived in a house without hot running water, no indoor toilet, no heat just to give a sense of the level I grew up in.

In those days the idea of “being on welfare” was a level of shame that you avoided unless you truly had no other choice. The idea of accepting welfare NEVER crossed our minds. As kids we picked strawberries in the summer time to buy our school cloths. I have been working since the age of 10.

Today the standard of living the FSA enjoys is so far above the way I grew up and I fail to understand what it is that entitles anyone to that standard of living when they did nothing to deserve it.

I didn’t suffer from growing up the way I did. Far from it I believe I as well as my siblings actually benefited from the experience. I grew up with the strong desire to never have to live like that again, and the fact that my parents always taught us that if we got a good education and worked hard we could succeed and do well; it was entirely up to us to make that happen. There was NEVER EVER any mention that we needed to get some help, or were entitled to any help from anyone else and certainly not from the Government.

Our family went on to all become successful and we did it with a LOT of hard work. I actually believe if we had been provided a comfortable standard of living without having to work for it, it would have done us more harm than good.

This idea of entitlement annoys me the most.

August 23, 2016 2:23 am

ASIG, i grew up picking stuff. My grandad picked something every Sunday morning before church to give to the poor people (it never occurred to him he was poor). I picked it all, tomatoes, squash, butterbeans, black eyed peas, okra, peanuts, oranges, grapefruit, tangelos, avocados, strawberries, pecans, you name it. I loved it. Never thought of it as work. Something about filling a box with good stuff that i really enjoyed. I can’t remember the last time i saw women sitting on the porch shelling black eyed peas. More people should grow up that way.

August 22, 2016 11:59 pm

Sick and tired of obese people everywhere holding their 5 gallon frappachinos, sodas, etc which they sorely don’t need. Even worse is seing their obese children doing the same. Then when diabetes, heart disease, gout, or whatever illness inevitability strikes, taxpayers get to subsidize their care. No personal responsibility anywhere anymore!

August 23, 2016 8:50 am

Hope I’m not the only one who detests Big Pharma’s teevee commercials …. especially the ones saturating the broadcast news networks. They are all stupid, annoying and unbearable to watch. Half of the commercial, written by lawyers, is devoted to telling you the drug being advertised might kill or maim you. The pharma boys even invent diseases to be cured by their product .. like “dry eye disease “… wtf ??

August 23, 2016 2:10 pm

I hate that someone invented a bra we can’t see nipples thru. Nipples are good.

August 24, 2016 9:09 am

The pic says it all.
Those totally braindead zombified little shits called gen-y.
“Y” do you exist ? “Y” do you think you are “in touch” ?
You have the sum total of human knowledge at your fingertips via your smartphone (aka dumphone) but know absolutely NOTHING about reality in the world, on the world or above the world.
Notice how asians all wear glasses but still don’t seem to be able to actually fucking SEE, let alone drive ! Sit in a mall sometime and just watch (closely) how people look and behave…
Sad pathetic detached from reality little shits they all are. They don’t want to communicate with others, they don’t know how. A dumbphone is a tool of isolation not contact.
Such is this phase of the collapse. Such is their fate. Reality’s a bitch, coming up fast.