Don’t Believe Your Lying Eyes: Gold Does Not Offer a Safe Harbor Against Financial Crises

Guest Post by Jesse

“Gold has worked down from Alexander’s time… When something holds good for two thousand years I do not believe it can be so because of prejudice or mistaken theory.”

Bernard Baruch

Gold has moved in price from $250 in the year 2000 to $1,350 today.

And given the structure of global supply and demand it is likely to go much higher, unless it becomes a fixed asset in a global monetary system once again and its price becomes set by fiat.  More likely it will be a floating asset.

Don’t buy any, don’t like it. Laugh at the rest of the world who is buying it.  It doesn’t matter.

The flaws in this paper are obvious. A very broad sweep of data over time without sufficient attention to the character and elements of the contexts of the various situations described within can easily be misleading, or be used to ‘prove’ something.

Most assets will smooth out over a long period of time, unless they are artificial constructs,like stock indices which are altered by throwing losers out and putting winners in to achieve a semblance of growth.

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These vegans are really starting to piss me off | Knuckledraggin My Life Away

Who is the Bacon  Aficionado here at TBP?  How many chemicals would you have to add to eggplant to make it even resemble bacon?

Can a vegetable taste as good as crispy, freshly fried bacon? The answer for most people would be a resounding ‘no’. But many vegetarians and vegans have been searching for a meat-free …

Source: These vegans are really starting to piss me off | Knuckledraggin My Life Away

A Soldier’s Farewell to Uncle on Ann’s Page

A Chilling Letter From an NCO Calling It Quits

(As a veteran of the Air Force myself, with my husband retired, I am particularly moved by the sincerity I perceive in the letter posted on Ann’s page.  I know the feeling in the pit of this NCO’s stomach because I experienced it myself when I stared into the soulless eyes of a former commander who’d sold us all out for a post-military career with a Big Gubment weapons manufacturer.   Those in power do not care about what is legal or what is right.  And if you are in their “employ”, they expect you to comply with their directives, lawful or not.  Emphases Ann’s).


I leave the Army for good in September of this year.  My chain of command has been shell shocked that I am going through with it.  Two years ago when I first came to grips with what was happening and resolved to no longer be a part of it, there was derision and even an officer telling me that voicing my opinions about the state of the US economy and its moral failings could be considered a violation of the UCMJ for conduct “prejudicial to good order and discipline.”

When I gave my Operations NCO a copy of the book “A Distant Mirror” by Barbara Tuchman he came to me a month later stating that if there is a civil war, he and his fellow Hispanics will “have to choose sides.”

When I told my first sergeant why I would not be re-enlisting, she said “Don’t you want to re-enlist to get your 20?”

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Is it a Cop Running Radar? Or a New Car Running K Band?

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Radar detectors have always had to keep up with the latest developments in police radar – from X to K to Ka band (and laser, too). But in recent years, it’s civilian radar that’s been giving radar detector makers  – and owners – fits.Hero ticket

It began about five years ago, when “safety” (really, lazy driver/idiot-proofing) technologies like Lane Keep Assist, Adaptive Cruise Control, Automatic Braking/Collision Avoidance, Park Assist and Blind Spot Monitors became mass-market features. Today, most new cars either come standard with or offer some or all of these systems – like power windows and air conditioning.

But why is it a problem for radar detectors?

Because these systems use radar (and sometimes, laser) to sense the presence of other cars and obstacles in the vehicle’s path, in order to alert the driver to a potential collision or even to automatically take steps to avoid a collision. And the radar signals emanating from cars equipped with these systems are of the same type as cop radar and so trigger false – and frequent – alarms in radar detectors.

Is it a speed trap up ahead – or just a new Audi?

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Is Trump the Peace Candidate?

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Is Trump the Peace Candidate?

With Democrats howling that Vladimir Putin hacked into and leaked those 19,000 DNC emails to help Trump, the Donald had a brainstorm: Maybe the Russians can retrieve Hillary Clinton’s lost emails.

Not funny, and close to “treasonous,” came the shocked cry.

Trump then told the New York Times that a Russian incursion into Estonia need not trigger a U.S. military response.

Even more shocking. By suggesting the U.S. might not honor its NATO commitment, under Article 5, to fight Russia for Estonia, our foreign-policy elites declaimed, Trump has undermined the security architecture that has kept the peace for 65 years.

More interesting, however, was the reaction of Middle America. Or, to be more exact, the nonreaction. Americans seem neither shocked nor horrified. What does this suggest?

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If Voting Made Any Difference, They Wouldn’t Let Us Do It

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

“The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”—Joseph Stalin, dictator of the Soviet Union

No, America, you don’t have to vote.

In fact, vote or don’t vote, the police state will continue to trample us underfoot.

Devil or deliverer, the candidate who wins the White House has already made a Faustian bargain to keep the police state in power. It’s no longer a question of which party will usher in totalitarianism but when the final hammer will fall.

Sure we’re being given choices, but the differences between the candidates are purely cosmetic ones, lacking any real nutritional value for the nation. We’re being served a poisoned feast whose aftereffects will leave us in turmoil for years to come.

We’ve been here before.

Remember Barack Obama, the young candidate who campaigned on a message of hope, change and transparency, and promised an end to war and surveillance?

Look how well that turned out.

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Welfare is the new work

Guest Post by Stephen Moore

Chart to accompany Moore article of Aug. 1, 2016

Two recent news stories highlight how pernicious the welfare state has become in America today.

The first was an announcement by the feds that food stamps can be used to have groceries delivered right to a recipient’s door. Service with a smile. The Obama administration says it is too much of a hardship for those on welfare to actually travel to the grocery store. What’s next? Cooking the meal for them? If only the DMV would do home deliveries for drivers The second story was about the hullabaloo over a proposal by Maine governor Paul LePage to prohibit food stamp recipients from using their food aid to purchase junk foods like sugary soft drinks and candy bars.

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“End The War On Black People” – BlackLivesMatter Demands Reparations, Investments, Political Power

Tyler Durden's picture

Today “The Movement for Black Lives,” a coalition “more than 50 organizations representing thousands of Black people from across the country” posted a 22 page list of “demands” in what they called “A Vision for Black Lives: Policy Demands for Black Power, Freedom and Justice.”

The demands are fairly extensive and call for, among many other things, the following for Black people: free and open access to all public universities, retroactive forgiveness of all student loan debt, passage of H.R. 40 to study a “Reparation Proposal for African Americans,” removal of police from schools, retroactive decriminalization and release of all people held on drug and prostitution-related offenses and a restructuring of local, state and federal tax codes to achieve a “radical and sustainable redistribution of wealth.”

The policy demands were summarized as follows:

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BLM FURY! Calling For Student Body VP Removal For THIS Simple Comment, You WON’T Believe What She Said

Via US Herald

America has always been opposed to totalitarianism – a world where the government regulates every aspect of the individual’s life, including speech.

In fact, our founders felt so strongly about free speech that it was guaranteed it in the first amendment in the Bill of Rights, and generations of soldiers fought and died for it rather than have us go the way of Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia.

So, while it would seem logical that our institutions of higher learning would encourage students to speak their minds, in these politically correct times, those who dare to do so frequently pay the price for exercising that sacred American right.

Rohini Sethi, University of Houston student government vice-president learned that lesson after having the temerity to think for herself, as she was sanctioned by the student government and forced to issue a humiliating apology.

Her crime?

A post on Facebook in the hours after the assassination of five police officers in Dallas that read: “Forget #BlackLivesMatter; more like #AllLivesMatter.”

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