The Most Popular Jobs in a Decade

I bet they’re wrong. I’d put my money on radiation cleanup specialist, ditch digger, scavenging specialist, fisherman, farmer, and guillotine operator.

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist
Technology destroys jobs, but it also creates jobs.Many of the most interesting jobs in a decade from now relate to emerging technology trends: virtual reality, cybersecurity, the internet of things, vertical farming, big data, and more.

Here’s descriptions of just some of these roles:

Neuro-Implant Technicians: Dealing with brains is serious stuff, but working to insert implants is another level of complexity. We will not only need brain surgeons and people that can augment brains with technology, but we’ll also need people that can do backups of brain data as well as people that can interpret such data in real-time.

Smart Home Handyperson: The smart home is a megatrend that will affect everything from your refrigerator to home security. We’ll need people who can connect these things together so that they work in unison.

VR Experience Designer: Navigating virtual reality is going to be a challenge, and no one has really figured out how that’s going to work. We’ll need UX designers that can make this palatable for the average person, making VR accessible to everyone.

Freelance Professors: Higher education as we know it is slowly dying. Professors in search of academic freedom are already leaving established universities to teach on a solo basis, and technology enables them to reach the masses. American historian Thaddeus Russell is a perfect example of this trend, establishing Renegade University to offer tuition at a fraction of the price.

Urban Farmers: People want fresh food closer to them, and vertical farming is expected to gain momentum in the near future. We’ll need people that can teach the ways of vertical farming to new operations that emerge.

Terabyters: You think big data is big now? In the near future, we will be capturing insane amounts of information through sensors, cameras, and other apparatuses. This will require special equipment and know-how.

Nano-Medics: Technology has allowed us to dive deeper and deeper into the fundamentals of the human body. The most basic level is the cellular level, and we will soon have the ability to address concerns within this microscopic landscape. Nano-medics, essentially doctors that can diagnose symptoms, design treatments, and implement nanotechnology at a cellular level, will be needed.

3D Printing Engineers: The next wave of 3D printing technology will require engineers that can oversee and operate computerized plants that print everything from custom concept cars to biomaterials.

Elevated Tube Transport Engineers: Vacuum tubes with maglev tracks will be the future’s trains. We will need people that understand how to solve problems that routinely occur with this emerging technology.

Personal Health Coach: As the quantified self trend meets the cloud, we will seek professionals that can look and interact with our health data. They will provide us personalized solutions to make our lives better.


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September 30, 2016 1:19 pm

All these future jobs depend on a stable electricity supply as well as rule of law.I doubt we will have either in the future.

September 30, 2016 1:20 pm

Have futurists EVER been right? All of these are such bullshit.

DaBirds (if you ain't deplorable, you ain't s**t)
DaBirds (if you ain't deplorable, you ain't s**t)
September 30, 2016 1:41 pm

Gravediggers (gonna be yuuuuge)

September 30, 2016 1:52 pm

Admin says: “I bet they’re wrong. I’d put my money on radiation cleanup specialist, ditch digger, scavenging specialist, fisherman, farmer, and guillotine operator.”

They say there is truth in jest and THAT is some funny shit right there. Made me LOL

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
September 30, 2016 4:42 pm

I was thinking the same thing. What a load of crap.

September 30, 2016 1:58 pm

I’d like to operate a guillotine. I’d even do it for free. Maybe I could start a franchise of street corner guillotine kiosks nationwide!

With 10,000 boomers retiring each day it won’t be long until 10,000 boomers will be dying each day so starting a chain of low budget crematoriums should profitable. You kill ’em, we grill ’em!

September 30, 2016 2:02 pm

Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!

September 30, 2016 2:00 pm

Who wrote this crap? Elon Musk? The IEEE? I hope all futurists take the trip to Mars, and stay there!

September 30, 2016 2:06 pm


He forgot flying car mechanic.

September 30, 2016 2:07 pm

Such a load of stinking bull shit.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 30, 2016 2:29 pm

Actually many of those will be exactly what persons will be hired to do for a living from much that I have read and researched. Not a big fan of the VR revolution to come but it is out of my hands and I have a complete distrust of artificial constructs as you have surely noted.

Persnickety the inscrutably deplorable
Persnickety the inscrutably deplorable
September 30, 2016 2:33 pm

Jim’s list is about 1.2×10^27 more plausible.

Wake me up when my cheap clean-fusion-powered flying car arrives.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Persnickety the inscrutably deplorable
September 30, 2016 3:12 pm

Just call for a UBER. They will have these in the air in the next 10 years. Drudge did a story a couple of days ago.

September 30, 2016 2:38 pm

Once the economy collapses, prostitutes.
In Greece the going rate is around $6/hr., from what I have read.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 30, 2016 2:56 pm

Future designs for urban living is high rise and urban gardening is most of the time encompassed withing these building for residents. It remains to be seen if they will hire people or do the gardening themselves. Urban gardening on a wholesales basis is very likely also. Plans for future Detiolet buildings incorporate urban gardening so I guess by that time the chimps will be out of the city or growing their own food as EBT will be a thing of the past or limited. Future requires we become producers of some of our food supply.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Bea Lever
September 30, 2016 5:08 pm
Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 30, 2016 3:00 pm

Nano medicine will be huge in the future. Invasive procedures will be eliminated to a great deal and there will be a lot of jobs in this field. Today’s medicine will seem barbaric in comparison.

September 30, 2016 3:02 pm

Private security to hold off the junga hord’s. People who can grow food or repair things.
All this hi-tech talk is crap.Almost everything considered hi-tech is made in China. Too bad we sent all the jobs away for cheap labor and few EPA regs.

September 30, 2016 3:30 pm

This one somehow slipped through the cracks, a people walker…

The People Walker will take you on a walk, for a fee

September 30, 2016 4:20 pm

Pimps and ho’s. Some things never change!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 1, 2016 10:16 am

At the end of the day the STM again are unable to see past the end of their nose. I have posted many times that wondrous things are to come rising up out of the ashes like a phoenix. Look around at your home, did you ever think you would have 60 lnch flat tv and phones with visual contact? Many of those jobs will be in our future and the future is not nearly as grim as you think. That is not the way of things in the matrix.

  Bea Lever
October 1, 2016 3:28 pm

Bea,All made in China.