Friends and Enemies

Guest Post by The Zman

For well over a year now, I have been talking about the Trump Effect™ and how it may be the single most important part of this election. Don’t get me wrong, Clinton winning is most certainly the end of America as an on-going concern. She will invite in 50 million foreigners, confiscate guns, auction off everything that is not nailed down in exchange for cash to her slush fund. She will weaponize the court by packing it with coreligionists. America will have become a banana republic and there is no peaceful way of returning from it.

That may be the end result, even if Trump wins the election, but what comes next will include a whole lot of people who are now fully aware of the reality of the political class. There are exponentially more people “fully woke” now than a year ago. Official Conservatism™ is circling the bowl, largely because the grassroots have looked around and decided guys like Jonah Goldberg are just low-tax liberals who hold them in contempt.

For a long time, the Cloud People have told the Dirt People that the great divide in America is between Liberals, who want to expand government and create a socialist utopia, and Conservatives that wish to restore limited government and a constitutional republic. The Bush administration put the lie to the latter and the mobilization of Wall Street behind someone’s wife in order to block Trump puts the lie to the former. Old school Progressive like Bernie Sanders are now outsiders on the Left.

In fact, among the Cloud People there is no divide. They unanimously agree that class solidarity comes before everything else. That’s made clear in this editorial from the Arizona Republic endorsing someone’s wife.

The 2016 Republican candidate is not conservative and he is not qualified.

That’s why, for the first time in our history, The Arizona Republic will support a Democrat for president.

This is the new team chant of Official Conservatism™. The logic here is akin to saying “They don’t have my favorite ice cream so I’m going to have rat poison instead.”

Trump responds to criticism with the petulance of verbal spit wads.

That’s beneath our national dignity.

By “our dignity” they are not speaking for you. You are not “our” and you better get that through your thick head.

Trump’s long history of objectifying women and his demeaning comments about women during the campaign are not just good-old-boy gaffes.

They are evidence of deep character flaws. They are part of a pattern.

These are not the words of serious people thinking seriously about the country. These are the words of teenage girls gossiping about one another in the bathroom. That’s what is dawning on many Dirt People. These feckless airheads allegedly carrying the people’s banner in the media are more concerned with their status among the beautiful people than anything else. There is no divide among the Cloud People. They think the Dirt People are revolting.

And increasingly the Dirt People are revolting. Even people like Ace of Spades are moving toward a break with Official Conservatism™ and the GOP.

The party — not just the party;the writers who are supposed to have telling the truth as their first mission, but instead of become nonstop liars all the time decrying Trump as a liar himself — has declared war on all of the Lessers beneath their station, those not in The Media and who should, therefore, not have quite as much of a say in things as they themselves have.

They’ve made themselves into exactly what they pretend to oppose — and exactly what I do in fact oppose.

Guys like Jim Geraghty, and other NR-types, used to quote Ace all the time, but now they don’t know his name. The reason is class loyalty. Ace has his ideas and loyalty to the managerial class is simply not a concern. Given the choice between Trump and Clinton, he rationally picks Trump. For the National Review types, this is treason. Class loyalty trumps everything or else, so Ace is now dead to them.

The sadness and frustration you see in that Ace post turns up all over as people begin to see the reality of their condition. More than a few look back at their support for Bush, for example, and wonder how all those big shots in conservative media were so wrong. They wonder why they never talk about it, much less admit it. The conclusion many are making is that it was just a scam, a con, a way to turn the virtue of conservative voters into a vice in support of the Progressive project.

Eric Hoffer wrote “What starts out here as a mass movement ends up as a racket, a cult, or a corporation.” That’s what happened with the conservative movement. By the 1980’s they had their charismatics, Reagan and Buckley. Next came the money making opportunities in talk radio and book selling. By the time Bush came along it was a racket, a bust out, where the only real concern was how much money these people could stuff into their pockets before the game was up.

The game is up now and the Dirt People are waking up to it.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 1, 2016 12:39 pm

That was excellent. I do not know who Ace is, however.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
  hardscrabble farmer
October 1, 2016 1:47 pm

Ace writes a blog, Ace of Spades HQ. It was an interesting blog for years. He went from being notmal to very never trump in the primaries, and his blog ceased to hold my interest. Looks like he woke up. Nice piece, Z- man

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
October 1, 2016 12:42 pm

The Cloud People and the Dirt People–I’m surprised Hillary didn’t use that.

I truly hope that citizens are waking up to the fact they are getting screwed by two parties that are really the same. But I fear, people don’t care.

RT Rider
RT Rider
October 1, 2016 1:11 pm

The Cloud People are actually parasites. They want us to ignore our own lying eyes so they can continue to suck the life blood out of us.

kokoda - Les Deplorables
kokoda - Les Deplorables
October 1, 2016 1:17 pm

The Az Republic: “She does not casually say things that embolden our adversaries and frighten our allies. Her approach to governance is mature, confident and rational.”

That is b-cuz she is a politician who has learned how to deflect, obfuscate, and lie.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
October 1, 2016 1:57 pm

Perhaps voter fraud will win and place hildabeast in the oval office. With all the people waking up she may well have a Marie Antoinette moment and that may be her first real punishment.

October 1, 2016 3:51 pm

Z-man says: “They don’t have my favorite ice cream so I’m going to have rat poison instead.”

That’s a quote for the ages right there.

October 1, 2016 4:12 pm

A lot of people have woken up ? Maybe they just woke up and realized they are going to lose their free shit or pensions or retirement savings. Maybe that’s the real reason Hillary will win the election. She promises more free shit and security for scared people. It’s all lies but people love lies.
Example , mad dog Meathead has lashed out at me several times recently but telling him he is going to lose everything he has ever worked for. Some people just can’t handle the truth.

EL Coyote the not popular
EL Coyote the not popular
October 1, 2016 4:33 pm

Which meathead is it this time? You usually have more sliders on the grill than Trump has feuds going on during the campaign.

EL Coyote the not popular
EL Coyote the not popular
October 1, 2016 4:27 pm

The next debate sounds like an updated version of trash teevee. It should be moderated by Jerry Springer for full effect. Maybe Hillary will go off script and open up about her feelings after Bill cheated on her. Oh, then a surprise guest: Marla comes in to talk about being both the other woman and the cheated spouse.

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Jerry,……..

We were treated to Trump talking about the size of his dick earlier in the campaign season, it could only get worse and it did. Real debate is superfluous, nobody wants to hear about solutions, the only thing that matters is who wins. Liberalism is dead, from Drumpf to Duterte, the world is talking a hard right to dictatorship.

Aw, c’mon. Didn’t you hear? One wants to impose stop and frisk across the country. The other wants to take away the guns. The talk about dick size was only a trailer promoting coming events. The talk of guns and unlimited police pat downs is only a prelude to perdition.

uncle fester
uncle fester
  EL Coyote the not popular
October 1, 2016 7:33 pm

we already have stop and frisk nationwide. its called the TSA.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  uncle fester
October 2, 2016 3:53 pm

I thought of mentioning the TSA but saved it for a future topic when I can expand it to bus and train stations. Leading to a potential expansion on the border patrol checkpoints. The agents won’t have the usual BP uniforms, they will be ICE agents. Coming soon!

October 1, 2016 6:34 pm

I am guessing some people have actually woken up…
to the mess they are in and what the future holds for

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 2, 2016 9:30 am

As we attempt to analyze our “choices” in this election , we have none ! In America we have even lost the choice of paper or plastic and the grip is tighter and tighter . As we circle the drain remember the speed at which “THEY” take action will become swifter and more violently intrusive . Stop and frisk is pure totalitarian police state action and is in total violation of our constitution . But who cares that “LIVING DOCUMENT” , nice description that allows the political hacks to twist and bend till the law of the land looks like a third rate carnival side show ! To think a presidential candidate actually discusses confiscation of personal property if you refuse to surrender it to the state . Clinton’s firearms proposal to model Australia’s confiscation program and her looney toon supporters cheer with tears in their eyes ! Both the front runners leave me with disgust for the process and thank God I still have a choice Bourbon , Scotch , Beer ! Dear Dr. Ron Paul thanks for your efforts , you did not fail your fellow countrymen failed you !

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Boat Guy
October 2, 2016 4:10 pm

Boaty, I went to bed thinking about Amazon. Then I thought about self-driving cars. And the national fixation on iStupids.

I imagined a world where people were forced to stay indoors after curfew. Anybody outdoors after dark would be 1. spotted on infrared 2. stopped and frisked. All shopping was done online through Amazon. Self-driven delivery vehicles took care of shoppers’ groceries and consumables. Most citizens stayed within the confines of their backyard or apartment complex. Homeless people were either voluntarily adopted or sent to workfarms for the mentally ill.

And I wondered if one day we would enter a Logan’s Run dystopia or Art Spiegelman’s Maus cat-astrophe. In that world, it is amazing to see that the methods of control were introduced gradually so that there was no response except fear and compliance even unto death.

“I don’t comply, I just fucking do it.” – the beautiful blonde

October 2, 2016 8:25 pm

“By the time Bush came along it was a racket, a bust out, where the only real concern was how much money these people could stuff into their pockets before the game was up.”

This is EXACTLY what mainstream politics is all about, for both parties. This is the dirty little secret that Trump needs to expose. Its all a racket.