What’s Your Slavery Percentage?

What’s Your Slavery Percentage?


Very few things in human life are truly all or nothing. Almost everything works on a sliding scale, even slavery. The problem is, very few people have ever studied slavery, leaving them with a few emotional slogans instead of actual knowledge.

A Roman slave in a major city, for example, could start and run his own business, might be very rich, and might even become a major intellectual, like Epictetus. A Roman slave working in a mine… well… that was about as bad as it gets.

So, all-or-nothing representations of slavery are false and more often than not are propaganda. This being the case, a question sits in front of us: How enslaved are we? People sometimes get very upset over such questions, but not because they’re invalid. They get upset because they don’t want to confront such thoughts.

Believing that truth matters, however, I’ve decided to raise the question.

What Slavery Really Is

Slavery is a type of economic skim. It’s primarily an economic tool… surrounded by creative justifications, of course. A slave’s surplus (“profit” or “retained earnings”) is transferred to his or her owner. Physical control of the slave serves this purpose – to keep his or her surplus coming in. (We examined this in issue #32 of the subscription letter.)

So, if you keep all of your surplus, you are not at all economically enslaved. If you keep half of your surplus, you’re 50% economically enslaved.

But while slavery is primarily an economic thing, our freedom of action can be restricted as well, and that’s also a type of slavery. And like economics, freedom of action can be restrained partially rather than completely, and usually is.

Freedom – or liberty – on the other hand, is the state of being unrestrained.


If what I’ve written above is true or even mostly true, we can experience various percentages of slavery. In fact, by clinging to the old, all-or-nothing propaganda regarding slavery, we end up deceiving ourselves.

Here, for example, is a very simple calculation of a slavery percentage:

African slave, Alabama plantation, 1830

Economic slavery: 98%

Choice (other than economic): 70%

Overall slavery: 84%

In this case, the slave made very few economic choices – they could trade among themselves – but they could usually do things like mate as they saw fit, which does, after all, matter. So, the net percentage came out to 84%. That’s still horrific, but it’s not “complete slavery.”

Here’s another example:

English serf, 1300 AD

Economic slavery: 45%

Choice slavery: 50%

Overall slavery: 47.5%

This one is tricky. The serf owed his lord a number days of labor per month, averaging at most a third of his time. For the rest of the time he could work his own land as he pleased, but he couldn’t simply leave.

Adding to the complexity, he had a medieval version of a retirement plan: After he was too old to work he was still allowed to eat and couldn’t be put out of his house.

So, I gave him a 45% for economic slavery and 50% for free choice, coming to 47.5% overall.

Two more examples:

American baker, 1890

Economic slavery: 15%

Choice slavery: 15%

Overall slavery: 15%

During this period, the only taxes facing the working man were tarrifs and a few local extractions. (There’s a reason longshoremen and bakers were able to build grand houses in those days.) As for choices, there were social pressures on people, but that’s not slavery, as force was seldom used. Still, to be charitable, I’ve given that a 15% as well.

American plumber, 2016

Economic slavery: 60%

Choice slavery: 40%

Overall slavery: 50%

The modern American loses 50% of his earnings at the state, local, and national levels. In addition, he or she loses a great deal of money in pass-through taxes, taxes that businesses pay and pass on to you. I went to 60% on this, but that figure may be low, as frightening as that may be.

As for choices, those are dying by the day. Hundreds of medical choices are now forbidden, many types of employment are forbidden without state-approved certificates (aka diplomas), and much, much more. So, I think my 40% figure is not high and may in fact be quite reasonable.

“Wait… Worse than Serfs?”

That’s the usual freakout response. But in terms of slavery, yes, it seems so. I agree that serfs didn’t have the technology we do, but machines don’t negate slavery. Keeping our surplus and making unopposed choices negate slavery.

And I think you can see by comparing the 1890 and 2016 calculations why standards of living and the development of new technologies skyrocketed during the 19th century.


It won’t bother me if you disagree; I haven’t spent months putting together unchallengeable numbers on all of this. Neither has anyone else, which is the problem. These are “back of the envelope” calculations.

But if you do disagree, don’t just pass it off. Have the guts to run the numbers on your own. Consider each of the points mentioned above, using honest, best-guess figures. Calculate, and face the conclusion head on.

* * * * *

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* * * * *

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of FreemansPerspective.com, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

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October 12, 2016 4:18 pm

I don’t know what the Neegrows are bitching about. White men paying taxes, for all the entitlements given to the coons, many who pay no taxes. It’s the white men who are the slaves.

I heard some white liberal call a talk show and said these people ( the 50% that pay no Federal Income Tax ) pay taxes – they pay sales taxes. Liberalism is a mental disease.

October 12, 2016 7:09 pm

The subject will always be shifted to something else when the left has no ability to respond to the real one.

It’s no different than shifting from taxable income to wealth as an alleged tax basis when discussing the income tax of whatever wealthy man is in the line of fire comes into play.

October 12, 2016 6:48 pm

100 % slavery:

my name it is Pancho
I work on the rancho
I make 5 pesos a day
I go see my Lucy
She give me some pussy
And take my 5 pesos away

October 12, 2016 7:11 pm


I tell people all the time that slavery never ended but, instead, the plantation now covers the entire nation. Now, this is usually met with disbelief but then out come the facts.

Fact: If you work or invest, a fairly substantial portion of your wealth will be transferred to the plantation owners and if you refuse in any way, unbelievable amounts of force will be used against you. Anyone that has ever dealt with the IRS would probably rather take 20 lashes than ever go through such an ordeal again.

You are not free to leave the plantation. Only the plantation owners can grant you permission to come and go. Try to do so without their permission and you will be locked in a cage. Don’t believe me? Go to any airport and book a flight out of the country and try to board the airplane without your permission slip and see what happens.

You are not free to work. California manages more than 800 career fields and if you wish to work then you have no choice but to do so their way. After all, how dare you braid hair without their permission and if you do not comply, you’ll be locked in a cage.

Education of the slave is always controlled by the owners. Sometimes it makes sense to allow the slave enough education to read and write at a 4th grade level like we currently do so long as it is accompanied by forced vaccinations, fluoride in the water and 13 years of brainwashing. It just depends on what you’ve got in mind for your slave.

Finally, no one can argue that there are not two sets of laws. For the owners, anything goes unless it is a Sex Scandal which means that the elite person has fallen out of favor and must repent. If you are a slave then pretty much everything you do is illegal and if you do or say anything out of line then all of your transgressions will be punished.

Any questions?

October 12, 2016 7:58 pm

Interesting. The Boss of Wells Fargo ‘resigned’ today. You’d think a man with such a powerful position would have total economic freedom and to the extent he has salted a way a few tens of millions he probably does but even he has very little ‘choice’ freedom. Even if his bank had not engaged in criminal activity he can’t take the afternoon off and get shit faced drunk, fly to Africa and shoot a giraffe or use an ethnic slur even if the person deserves it. PC has enveloped us all and, if you want a career or hold a prominent position, even CEO of a global banking giant, you’d better keep your head down and conform to the PC zeitgeist.

One of the last men to be truly free was Howard Hughes. You only have to have seen him in 1947? appearing before a Senate committee to realize just how far the state has intruded into our lives. Back then some Senator was demanding Hughes produce some documents from Hughes Aircraft. “Are you going to produce those documents” the Senator thundered to which Hughes glared back at the Senator and replied, “No sir, I don’t think I will”! What Hughes did do was pour money into the Senator’s opponents campaign and retire him from politics.

Years later, Hughes was walking down a highway and stopped by police. They asked him for ID but Hughes had none on him and was dressed like a bum. Asked what his name was he said ‘Howard Hughes’. The police had about enough of the man’s evasiveness and arrested him for… vagrancy!

October 12, 2016 8:03 pm

Nicely done Nickel.

October 13, 2016 1:49 am

By the time a working man pays all the taxes & fees imposed, plus the theft of our wealth via inflation, our economic slavery is about 80%+. If you’re a “keeping up with the joneses” type, your economic slavery exceeds 100%. If you are an FSA member you have no economic slavery percentage but your choice slavery rockets to 100%.

Our collective slave master is the FED. Their control of our monetary system gives them near total control of your freedom of choice.

If we are not willing to take on the task of ending the fed, there is absolutely no reason to complain about our education system, political choices, crumbling infrastructure, wars of choice, corruption or anything else that comes to mind because central banking enables it all.