It’s Still the Media, Stupid!

Guest Post by Antonius Aquinas


The US Presidential campaign has demonstrated once again that the mainstream mass media is still the dominant force and arbitrator of political events and if it is successful in pushing the Wicked Witch of Chappaqua past the finish line this November, it may have achieved its greatest triumph.  During the campaign’s stretch run, the mainstream media has used every form and variety of spin, distortion, half truth, calumny, and lies in its diabolical effort to make Killary Rotten Clinton President of the USSA.

The mass media – television, newspapers, movies, the Entertainment industry, book publishing, advertising, and now sports – are part of society’s opinion molding movers and shakers which form part of what Noble Prize winning economist F.A. Hayek called “intellectuals.”  This all important group are not simply nerdy academic professors with patches on their sleeves, but are those who have the ability to shape public opinion, as Hayek describes:

It is the intellectuals in this sense who decide what views and

opinions are to reach us, which facts are important enough

to be told us, and in what form and from what angle they are

to be presented.  Whether we shall ever learn of the results of the

work of the expert and the original thinker depends mainly on their

decision. *

Since at least the 1960s, the dominant opinion-molding sector of the mass media has been the electronic media, which has far outpaced newsprint and academia in influence.  While its power may be on the wane in the Internet Age, it is still the most powerful and important tool in the political elites arsenal for imparting their agenda.

The electronic media, through its use of pictures and images, has been able to manipulate political outcomes and shape public policy discussions at almost every turn.  As every media realist has long understood, the mainstream media has long been controlled by the Left which has used this power to counter any opposition to its narrative.

The major media outlets are controlled by five corporate giants – Time Warner, Disney, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp., Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom – the largest purveyors of crony capitalism and cultural Marxism the world has ever witnessed.  No dissent is allowed to be heard on these outlets nor is there any hope of career advancement for journalists or writers if the Leftist paradigm is not trumpeted.

A free society does not exist because of a free press.  In fact, every society which has naively allowed a free press to exist, invariably finds that the press will seek to undermine it, especially its most innovative and successful individuals.  The reason, as Hayek so brilliantly explains, is that the press, and in this age the electronic media, is part of the intelligentsia which by its nature is envy ridden since it has little to offer the world in the production of actual goods and services.  Its members, therefore, are constantly denigrating their betters.

Such a mindset and sociological disposition will naturally lead members of the mass media to support politicians who will regulate, tax, and control the productive members of society.  This explains, in part, their vile and hysterical opposition to Donald Trump.  For Trump, unlike his crazed opponent, has largely gained his wealth and position through his own intelligence, foresight, and hard work.

Offsetting media bias is a Herculean task and can only be done by one who is savvy and financially independent enough.  This is why Donald Trump has gotten as far has he has and has used his leverage to heroically call out the manipulations of the mainstream media.

It is surprising, therefore, that Trump agreed to the Presidential “debates” in a forum orchestrated by the media with “moderators” who would be gunning to undermine him at every turn.  Better to have chosen a neutral environment with an honest third party participant such as Brian Lamb of C-Span.  Agreeing to the same rigged debate format was a tactical mistake.

For anyone to seriously challenge the American Leviathan, it must be understood that the mainstream media is a part of that despotic structure and it too must be neutered.  Donald Trump has done more than any Presidential candidate to expose the treachery of the mainstream media, now others must take up the cause.

*F.A. Hayek, “The Intellectuals and Socialism.”


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October 25, 2016 8:25 pm

“For outside you have to creep on the ground, and everything is green instead of yellow. But here, in collusion, I can creep smoothly on the floor, and my shoulder just fits in that long smooch around the wall. So I cannot lose my way. Yellow creep around. – Charlotte Perkins
“The Yellow Wallpaper”

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 25, 2016 9:15 pm

The mass media should be our eyes, ears and conscience; their voices should defend our liberties and Republic. Instead they are the mouthpiece of the Elite who sold their Souls to the Devil; they are destroying America and really stinking that profession up: Pressitutes as Trump calls them.

Fred Hayek
Fred Hayek
October 25, 2016 10:31 pm

And, to look at this preposterous bias from the other side, where will it leave all these mainstream media outlets on November 9 if Trump has won? They will have displayed their complete lack of integrity for all the world to see, their abject groveling before power will be known in its entirety. And they would have nothing for it. If it happens I might stay home just to watch them all go through the five stages of grief. My god, I might have to call a doctor after four hours of watching that.

  Fred Hayek
October 26, 2016 7:40 am

If Trump wins, that’s when the real fight for our nation begins.

At every level and on every front from local to international.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 26, 2016 6:41 am

The elite end game is yet to be seen and I believe they have overplayed their collective hand . When you listen to all the past shenanigans legal and otherwise it is unbelievable that the likes of the Clinton’s could possibly aspire to the positions of power and control as they have . Only thru a complacent media and a dumbed down population could this ever happen . Never does the press run with a negative story regarding any of the left however it would take a negative regarding any conservative and beat it to death 24/7 . The real scary part is to witness the war talk with Russia by Hillary and how it is touted as strong , experienced and knowledgeable while Trump’s approach of peaceful talk with mutual benefit is spun on its head as weak stupid ill informed ! My past experience tells me any effort or thought that we as a nation are prepared for a global conflict is insane and any band of fools that promote it are mentally ill and must be relieved of any command situation they may occupy ! America has become a paper tiger and the world knows it even if many Americans do not . Our industrial base is in shreds and our infastructure is also ! A few strategic hits and we will all be in the dark without water food heat and all the millennial snowflakes are going to lose it and that’s it ! That devastation is one to be avoided at all cost . Remember 71% of military age males are physically , medically or mentally unfit for military service so ladies remember that equal rights stuff get ready because with it comes responsibility . Choose your vote carefully , it may be your last shot !

October 26, 2016 8:59 am

Megan Kelly on Fox News has turned into a real cunt.

Newt Gingrich ripped her a new one last night:

October 26, 2016 9:16 am

“The electronic media is part of the intelligentsia that is by its nature…Envy Ridden … with people who cannot produce any real goods or services” and the Prince of the Power of the Air is their father.Explains why they hate traditional Americans.Once i stepped away from the electronic media it did allow me to see their evil ideologies coming through the airwaves.It still takes time to separate yourself from the power of mass media.

October 26, 2016 12:50 pm

<————- gone 15 plus years.
I consume as little mass media as possible.

No radio, no TV, no 'Papers' or Magazines.
I don't even get f'kin junk mail (I hate those bastids).

Internet?, yes… What's the difference?

I get to chose what I read and watch, accordingly.

I read TBP most days, for ex.

Today, first time in a couple of years someone I do not know calls my cell.

I answer in my customary manner, "WTF who are you and what TF do you want?"
The reply was 'may I speak to (pick a name… like 'John') ?
I replied; "FOAD".

This is healthy living.