Last Stand

Is worth the entire 5:48 view –  but at the very least –  listen to what he says regarding the media beginning at the 2:47 mark.

Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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Robert Gore
Robert Gore
November 2, 2016 7:54 pm

Great video, and I urge anybody who has a chance to see him live before the election to do so.

November 2, 2016 7:54 pm


November 2, 2016 7:56 pm

Stunned is exactly the word. Now he needs to empty his wallet to get this on the big TV networks for a week non-stop.

I will now have zero respect for the person who watches this and still refuses to show up to vote for him. And if Trump loses because of one state, by a few hundred votes, then you’ll be dead to me.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 2, 2016 11:43 pm

Vodka, old pal, my vote won’t mean shit in Cali. Give me a break! At least give me credit that our neck of the woods will throw in for Trump but we are still LA county.

  EL Coyote
November 3, 2016 12:36 am

In Cali, the way to have an impact is to show up on election day morning at your local Dem headquarters wearing an I’m With Her t-shirt. They will bus you from precinct to precinct all day long, giving you a new name to vote under at each stop. You could probably vote for Trump at least 100 times with their help. You’ll be able to tell your grandkids (who will have living-wage jobs) that you voted for the great President Trump more than anyone else in California.

November 3, 2016 12:12 am

Yeah, like your respect means that much to anyone…..
I was going to work my full shift tonight but now that you don’t respect me I’ll go home “sick” so I can curl up in a corner and cry.

And if tRump turns out to be a failure, will you be leaving the USA or just voting for the next fukstick that comes along and blows sunshine up your ass?

November 3, 2016 2:16 am


Well I have kids so I would rather delay the Bad Shit Coming for a bit with a Trump presidency. Maybe I’m wrong that he can delay the George Orwell world that’s coming, but it’s worth a vote.

I don’t do ‘dust ups’ in the comment threads anymore. But I’ll at least give you a Fuck Off, John Boy.

November 3, 2016 3:23 am

LOL. Pussy!

The longer it’s delayed, the worse it will be. tRump will slow it down. Hitlary will serve it up by Jan. 21, 2017. I’d rather face it when I’m 50 than when I’m 60 or 70. Besides, I have no chirrens.

November 3, 2016 7:58 am

So you’ll die whimpering like a little school girl and other will die fighting to the end like men.

I feel sorry for you, we’ll both die but one will die shamefully and the other honorably.

Hollow man
Hollow man
November 2, 2016 8:55 pm

I was not going to vote. Seemed like an act in futility. But that video changed my mind. I still think it’s hopeless. But I just may fight for that man. The others can kiss my redneck ass.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 2, 2016 9:07 pm

I said I won’t vote. I hope nobody thinks I disapprove of voting. You fuckers have to get out and vote for Donny. Seriously. If he loses, I don’t want to have it on my conscience that I discouraged anybody.

Deplorable Paul
Deplorable Paul
  EL Coyote
November 3, 2016 1:35 am

El Coyote- I live in the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia, too. I’m still going to vote. Win or lose I will proudly say “I voted for good”- or – “Don’t blame me, I voted against the traitorous hag”.
Tilting at windmills? No- just doing my little part and hoping for the best, knowing that if it does turn out well that I had a part in it.
Its a small enough price to pay for the opportunity.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Deplorable Paul
November 3, 2016 11:41 pm

The last time I voted was for Reagan. Do I get any credit? No. Instead, Southern Cock tells me I don’t belong anywhere near TBP.

So, as a poor sap said, I gave $10,000 to —‘s campaign and all I got was this trinket. He had attended a campaign dinner for some Texas mucky-muck.

I tell you, voting for any candidate is not a guarantee of getting into heaven.

November 2, 2016 9:22 pm

I believe the Trump speech above was from his Palm Beach rally right after he said, “the gloves are coming off”. I heard snippets on the radio live, and had to pick my jaw up off the ground, and then I cheered out loud. Stunning is right!

Have y’all seen these videos? This may explain why no harm has come to Trump, and why he’s predicted several things that have come true.

Miles Long
Miles Long
November 3, 2016 12:46 pm

There’s a new more in depth one from the Alex Jones (yeah I know…) Show today in Lew Rockwell…

Counter Coup: Intel Officer Steve Pieczenik Talks Hillary Coup To Alex Jones

Everyman the deplorable
Everyman the deplorable
November 2, 2016 9:55 pm

Y’all might want to read this theory:

I find it very plausible. It DOES NOT require that Trump be aware that he is chosen, or be in any sort of collusion with the global elites. It only requires that they support him, presumably in order to have an independent, nationalist, conservative in office when the whole system explodes.

If you’re a TBP regular, you know the system is overdue for exploding / collapse.

Killary is a sad little hag psychopath, and I’ll bet that the global elites despise her fiercely, for being the stupid political-prostitute that she is.

The million-billion-trillion dollar question: even if this theory is correct, could Trump and his supporters overcome the plan and make his presidency successful, at the permanent expense of the globalists?

  Everyman the deplorable
November 2, 2016 10:27 pm

Interesting and certainly plausible.

Can we overcome the plan? What small shred of hope I have comes from the number of people in my sphere who once shunned me for my “whacked out” views on the government, the Fed, 9/11 and so on. Heck, my mother used to put her hands over her ears and literally cry at the mere mention of any of this stuff. Same folks have now had it, and have awakened enough to at least sort-of get it, and are eager to learn more. My fear is that these folks have no idea that no matter what, we’re in for a bumpy ride.

  Everyman the deplorable
November 3, 2016 1:01 am

Why The U.S. Presidential Election Has The Entire World Confused
Tyler Durden’s picture
by Tyler Durden
Nov 2, 2016

Submitted by Brandon Smith via,

Well, everyone thought it was a sure thing — Hillary Clinton had the White House in the bag; the entire political system from the DNC to the RNC and the mainstream media had already called the election over and done. Online gambling sites listed Clinton as a sure bet and Irish site Paddy Power even paid out one million dollars on the assumption of a Clinton win. And then, one Weiner ruined everything — Anthony Weiner.

The revelation of an October surprise re-opening of the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s misuse of classified data on private and vulnerable email servers does not come as a shock to me, but it certainly does to many people around the world. Hundreds of mainstream outlets are scrambling to spin the news as misconduct by the FBI rather than a victory for the halls of justice. Numerous alternative media analysts are rushing to cover their butts and admit that there is now a “chance” of a Trump win. Confusion reigns supreme as the weirdest election in U.S. history continues to bewilder observers.

The first issue that needs to be addressed is the lack of an open mind displayed by some when it comes to the real purpose behind this election. The second issue here, of course, is one of timing.

Through the majority of this election cycle the public consensus has been that Clinton will win. Some argued that Trump would not be able to compete with the leftist media empire standing against him, while others have argued that the entire system including the Republican establishment would ensure that Trump would fail. The alternative media has in the past simply pointed out that elections have always been rigged, either by the elites playing both sides of the competition, or through outright voter fraud. They have assumed that the elites want Clinton, and therefore, the election has already been decided.

I tend to agree with the latter point of view, though I disagree with the conclusion. U.S. elections are indeed controlled, and have been for decades, primarily through the false left/right paradigm. However, as I have been pointing out since I correctly predicted the success of the Brexit referendum, I don’t think that Clinton is the choice of the elites.

I outline my reasons for this conclusion in-depth in articles like ‘2016 Will End With Economic Instability And A Trump Presidency’, published in August. For the past several months it seems as though I have been the only person holding the view that Trump will be president. Only in the past few days have I received emails from readers stating that they used to think I was probably crazy, but now they aren’t so sure…

To be clear, my position is that Trump is slated to take the White House and that this is by design. This has been my position since before Trump won the Republican Primaries, it was my position when the election cycle began, it has never changed, nor have my views on the reasons for this outcome ever changed. Of course, the election is not over yet, and if Clinton ends up soiling the already thoroughly soiled Oval Office with her presence, then everyone can color me confused as well. That said, here are some issues that I think many people are overlooking when coming to conclusions on the election and the events surrounding it.
Clinton Is The Worst Candidate The Elites Could Have Chosen

I have been studying the activities and behaviors of establishment elites for over a decade and I have to say… they are not stupid. They certainly have hubris, and I would not call them “wise,” but they are definitely devious. They know how to rig a game. They know how to play both sides. They know how to cheat to get what they want when it comes to politics and how to manufacture consent from portions of the public. They’ve been doing it a long time. They have mastered it.

So, in my view it is rather insane for the elites to field a candidate such as Hillary Clinton IF the entirety of their globalist empire hangs in the balance (I don’t think it does). Though she is fond of BleachBit, the woman is unbleachable. With a decades-long rap sheet from her work at Rose Law Firm (in which document destruction and “misplacement” was apparently routine) to her interference with investigations into Bill Clinton’s sexual indiscretions, to the strange odyssey surrounding her lies on the Benghazi attack, as well as her rampant mishandling of classified documents as head of the State Department, not to mention the Clinton Foundation’s pay to play scandals, it is impossible to endear her to the masses. Her dismal crowd turnouts are rather indicative of this.

On top of all this, Clinton’s anti-Russia rhetoric is coming off as absolutely crazy, and I think this is by design. Many in the alternative media, while assuming that Clinton is paving the way for WWIII, forget that the average person may not be up to speed on the same information we are, but most of them aren’t ignorant. Clinton’s ravings on Russian hacking and potential war are even putting liberals off rather than inspiring their confidence.

One would think that if the elites have their veritable pick of any politician to represent their interests in the White House and convince the American public to go along for the ride, Clinton would be the worst choice. Even if the intention were to rig the election in favor of Clinton, she would be a lame-duck president the second she took office, and, her mere presence would galvanize conservatives to the point of mass rebellion.

This is not generally how the elites play the game. Instead, they prefer co-option to direct confrontation.
Which President Is Better For The Elites During An Economic Breakdown?

If you consider the premise that Clinton is NOT the chosen one, and that the entire election is theater, the situation changes rather drastically.

Those that follow the underlying economic data that the mainstream tends to ignore know that large swaths of the global financial system are not long for this world. With Europe’s banking system plunging towards a Lehman-style event, the OPEC production freeze deal ready to fall apart yet again, and the Federal Reserve threatening to raise rates into recessionary conditions in December, our already floundering fiscal structure is approaching another crisis.

My question has always been who would the elites rather have in office when this crisis occurs? I’ve said it a hundred times before and I’ll say it again here: with Clinton in office, globalists and international financiers get the blame for any economic downturn. With Trump in office, conservative movements will be blamed. In fact, I suggest anyone who doubts this scenario watch stock market reactions every time Trump rises in the polls or Clinton faces renewed scandal. The narrative is already being prepared — a Trump win equals a market loss.

For those that think it outlandish that the public could be tricked into blaming Trump and conservatives for an economic crisis, I suggest they consider that possession is nine-tenths of the law in the minds of many. People can also be irrational when facing financial ruin. I would remind readers that history is written by the victors. The globalists plan to be victorious in the dismantling of America and our founding principles. Whether or not they succeed is really up to average conservatives and liberty proponents, not Trump.
The FBI’s Move Prepares The Way For Trump

Clinton and the DNC argue that FBI Director James Comey’s announcement of a re-opened investigation is politically motivated. And they are right, sort of. The real motivation, I believe, is that Clinton was never meant to win the election in the first place, and that the elites want Trump placed in power during the final hours of the U.S. economy. Everything else is just a Kabuki dance.

The democrats are crying foul and accusing Comey of “working with Putin,” or working with the alt-right. The nefarious Harry Reid has even accused the FBI of hiding Trump’s supposed ties to the Russian government and violating the Hatch Act.

I think much of this outrage is real, as I believe much of the mainstream media attacks on Trump are coming from people who really think they are waging a propaganda war to get Hillary Clinton elected. This, however, does not mean that the elites plan to install Clinton.

Some might see my position as bizarre. I understand. But equally bizarre to me are some of the rationalizations people attempt to argue when dealing with the Comey revelation.

For example, the argument that the entire re-opening of the investigation is a complex ploy designed by the establishment to distract away from the Wikileaks data dumps. This makes little sense. If anything, the re-opening investigation is only bringing MORE attention to the Wikileaks data, not less. If the elites were hoping to create a distraction, they failed miserably.

The FBI’s announcement ONLY harms the Clinton campaign. Period. Even if it fizzles out, even if they announce that nothing was found, the investigation hitting the news streams so close to election day refocuses all public attention back on Clinton’s corruption and will continue to do so for the next week at least. The idea that the elites hope to use it to help Clinton is nonsensical.

I have also seen the argument that Comey is acting to cover his own posterior, perhaps because of a fear that Trump may steal away a victory. I find this equally absurd. Months back the consensus among alternative analysts was that Comey (placed in the FBI by Obama) was a traitor and the FBI was a puppet agency of the establishment. Now, suddenly, Comey is worried about a possible Trump win and so takes an action which might self-fulfill the prophecy?

Comey does what he is told. The FBI is an owned and operated elitist franchise. They do not go rogue. If the rogue FBI narrative were true and Comey actually feels the need to cover his bases with Trump, then it is only because he knows something the rest of us do not. With Clinton in office, his goose would be cooked after this little incident. Comey only gains an advantage if Trump is slated to win.
Trump May Or May Not Be Aware Of The Plan

The bottom line, according to the evidence I have seen in terms of elitists influence over U.S. elections, is that if Trump wins it will only be because they wanted him to win. The FBI firestorm this past week appears to support my view and we still have another week left for further Clinton ugliness to be revealed. I also expect that if Trump wins, the reaction from conservatives and liberty activists will be that the event was a “miracle,” a shocking upset against the establishment. Much like the reaction to the Brexit referendum. I continue to hold that conservatives and sovereignty champions in Europe and America are being set up to take the fall for a coming global destabilization.

I have not taken this position just to be contrary. If I think about it honestly, my position is truly a losing position. If I am mistaken and Clinton wins on the 8th then I’ll probably never hear the end of it, but that’s a risk that has to be taken, because what I see here is a move on the chess board that others are not considering. If I’m wrong, then I’m wrong.

That said, if I am right, then I still lose, because Trump supporters and half the liberty movement will be so enraptured that they will probably ignore the greater issue — that Trump is the candidate the elites wanted all along.

If I am right, I cannot say either way if Trump is aware that he will be a potential scapegoat for the elites. With Trump on the way to the White House I can guarantee a Fed rate hike in December. Imagine what a staged war between Trump and the Federal Reserve will do to the U.S. dollar? What a way to destroy the currency’s world reserve status and make way for the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights! I also suspect that widespread rioting is on the schedule as well from various social justice mobs; a perfect excuse for expansive martial law measures, don’t you think?

The point is, as horrifying as a Clinton presidency might be to conservatives (or to everyone), don’t get too comfortable under Trump. The party is just getting started and our vigilance must be even greater with a conservative White House, because, like it or not, everything Trump does is going to reflect on us. We can no more allow unconstitutional activities under Trump than we could under Clinton. If you think the election has been chaotic and confusing so far, just wait until after it is over.

November 3, 2016 10:12 am

This Zero Hedge post actually originated with Brandon Smith at Alt-market who was one of the few who called the Brexit vote correct and is now predicting Trump will win in accordance with the goals of the globalist. Last night I asked Brandon a question in the comment section to which he replied. This morning I expanded on my original query in my comment below. I am curious to see how Brandon will reply to this:

@ Brandon

Even a President Trump would stand powerless before the vampire squid that is the Federal Reserve. All the FED would have to do is raise rates. Eventually the bond market will blow and then “lights out” for the U.S. Dollar.

The media would daily prosecute the financial disaster blaming the nationalist movements behind Trump and Brexit as well as their childish dreams of protectionism.

Yet, as we see in the video link below, Trump seems fearless in speaking truth to power and calling out to those “awake” in ways similar to Churchill inspiring Great Britain during WW II.

Do you believe that Trump could possibly be a Forth Turning Grey Champion as described in Strauss–Howe’s generational theory?

If so, it seems to me Trump could use the Bully Pulpit to shine a light on the fractional reserve banking, global elite rats hiding in the shadows.

Do you have any thoughts regarding the potential ramifications and/or fallout should it all go down like this?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Everyman the deplorable
November 3, 2016 10:13 am

The whole “system will collapse and then it can be blamed on someone so they can usher in a NWO” theory is rife with contradictions.

Civilization will not collapse, only the rigged, phoney and corrupt systems will. Are people dependent upon them? Yes. Will that mean that they won’t go immediately back to finding something to eat the next day? No. Life goes on. How many people do you think are going to really lose their lives if Wells Fargo goes tits up? If there is systemic collapse, who are these Masters of the Universe going to count on to do their bidding in the interim? People with families and loved ones. If money is worthless, and there’s mayhem in the streets, you think the lawyers and security details and associated school of pilot fish sycophants are going to rally around a wrinkled old billionaire or their own families when a choice has to be made?

If this is a game being played out and Trump is an actor playing a role, it is the greatest single acting performance in human history. No one can offer a plausible explanation of why calling out the entire existing framework of controlling entities works to their benefit. You believe it’s true so everything goes south and they’re the ones people are supposed to turn to fix things? Does that make sense in any way to anyone?

What you are witnessing is exactly what everyone here has been expecting, a cyclical phenomenon that brings to the fore the unstoppable forces of nature and animal instincts. You were waiting for a grey champion? Clairol may have offered a slight disguise, but there he is. You want a hero generation to fuel the next wave? There they are. Reality is about to trump propaganda. Fantasy and ideology are about to be left on the side of the road with their thumbs in the air while the bus full of real life barrels on by.

Does it have a chance of succeeding or will it turn into a forest clearing conflagration?

We’ll see next Tuesday.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 3, 2016 10:55 am

Great comment, HSF. Whenever I read how everything that happens is planned in advanced by a handful of elite, my eyes roll of their own accord. These people have watched one too many Bond movies. Power, just like money, is illusory…just as money has value ONLY because people believe it does, so is it with power. The ultra-powerful are all infinitely fallible human beings, like the rest of us. Circumstances have afforded them a temporary place of power and influence, and they have had the will and ruthlessness to exploit it. That’s all. They can control information, but not minds. They can control the narrative, but not thought. They control huge amounts of money, but again, money itself is just another temporary con game.

Now, I think that if Wells Fargo (your example, but banking in general) goes tits up, it will cause millions of deaths. Which is a shame really, because it needn’t be so. People will die because their food travels an average of 1300 miles to get to the grocery stores. They will die because they have never lived without hot and cold running water nor (for many) never taken a dump outdoors. They will die because they have only ever known a system that coddles them and when it is gone they will react with extreme violence and little thought.

This is not your reality, of course, but is for tens of millions of ‘Murikans. It is sad really, but it is the first Fourth Turning of the technological age. Time alone will tell if it will be the last.

November 3, 2016 11:05 am

Indeed, luck used to happen when opportunity met preparation. But in the post Wells Fargo age, luck will most likely be defined when catastrophe meets preparation.

Drud has a great quote for the ages right here:

They can control information, but not minds. They can control the narrative, but not thought. They control huge amounts of money, but again, money itself is just another temporary con game.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 3, 2016 11:31 am

Best line of the day…
“Fantasy and ideology are about to be left on the side of the road with their thumbs in the air while the bus full of real life barrels on by.”

I had a bunny emergency when the five fat Chubbies (who are scheduled for slaughter) dug out overnight and four of them joined the chickens in their pen, while the one holdout hid in the brush behind the barn.

Four fat bunnies in their pens while the holdout is in her new pen with the other does.

One doe is going to be petted by poor children.

November 3, 2016 11:39 am

What makes me laugh, Maggie, is how the people at the shiny new NSA data center in Utah are all trying to decipher your bunny speak as I write this. Regardless, message received on the Chubbies ready for slaughter, the fat ones, the holdout and the those petted by the poor. 10-4. Over and out. 🙂

November 4, 2016 6:52 am

The doe in question now resides in a barn, in a hutch, with the horses, donkeys and cats. Beatrix is in bunny paradise.

November 4, 2016 8:04 am

Roger. 10-4. Input received and processing. Over.

November 4, 2016 9:41 am

I spent a whole career killing and butchering cattleon an industrial scale. Rationally I know that what Maggie and HSF do is necessary,moral and ethical. For some reason it makes me uneasy. It is to personal, I guess.

Appalachian Trail Deblazer
Appalachian Trail Deblazer
November 2, 2016 11:27 pm

TRUMP has finally gotten “The Best Speech Writers” ! Has he suddenly become a “Conservative” or changed his spots, remember in his first speeches prior to the nomination DJT, like BHO, told you he will make himself appear to be what ever you want him to be.

No, he is still the first Democrat on a Republican Ticket; but he is not Hillary.

If elected the first 100 days will tell how successful he will be as he finds out CONGRESS / SCOTUS / FED and the alphabet bureaucratic agencies are not like any other criminal business he has dealt with before.

I suspect he already is wearing some body armor. I’m sure he will not ride in open vehicles or visit Dallas.

We have already lost one generation that has not lived in a “Constitutional Society”. We that have lived 60 – 90 years have memories of what the country used to be like (Even with its good and bad).
After living through the draft, surviving Vietnam, and coming back to the “States”. I considered the whole USA to be “Disney Land” compared to the countries I had been in.

“God Bless the USA” and pray for Donald J. Trump.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 2, 2016 11:48 pm

If I had Kellyanne in my corner, I coulda been a contender, instead, I got Maggie. Fuck!
At least Maggie has a nice rack.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  EL Coyote
November 3, 2016 11:57 pm

Thanks to everyone for keeping me saturated with their best guesses. Hopey stuff can be found everywhere but folks here have their finger on the pulse of this election. All I can do now is chew on my fingernails and down bagsful of cheetos.

Please bear with me if all I can conjure are sexually tainted images of every scenario possible. I need Kellyanne’s reassurance that everything will be alright. If Trump doesn’t win, David Duke will run for president in 2020 and he will win against Hillary or anybody because the racist mood of the country will be worse by then.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  EL Coyote
November 4, 2016 12:09 am

We iz f**cked no matter which one gets selected. I have been helping family look for affordable healthcare and working on the doomstead. There is peace in ignoring the whole mess. We should meet here each evening about this time and swap groundbeef recipes til this crap is over.

Yancey Ward
Yancey Ward
November 3, 2016 12:53 am

I had already listened to that speech, like one of the commenters above, it was from few weeks back when things looked their most dire for him. I thought it was outstanding, and he has been giving different versions of this since according to some of the other clips I have seen.

D.C. needs a wrecking ball, and I pray that Trump is it, because, otherwise, I think the rot in the country is irreversible.

November 3, 2016 8:00 am

It’s been tried multiple times, just not reported in the MSM so almost no one knows about it.

He has pretty good security, and possibly some divine protection as well.

Monty Zuma
Monty Zuma
November 3, 2016 8:53 am

If DC gets a wrecking ball Yancey it will be from a fake alien invasion. The only way your dreams of Trump will come true is if the owners let him play the role of alien Starship Commander.

Keep playing and some day you will catch on how these actors work through their roles.

November 3, 2016 10:03 am

I tend to agree that Trump never envisioned himself as the leader of a ‘movement’ when he began his campaign. For him it was probably as much about promoting his ‘brand’ and ego at the start. But a funny thing happened. He was the right man at the right time in the right place.

Bill Gates didn’t set out to become the world’s richest man. Its not really possible to have such an ambition. He too just happened to be at the right place at the right time and history took care of the rest. Dwight Eisenhower didn’t go to West Point with the ambition of becoming the commander of the most powerful military force in human history. Its where events took him.

So it is with The Donald. He ended up on an epic journey that has transformed him. Gone is the silliness of his early campaign. No more taunts and cheap theatrics. When he says the Clinton’s are criminals, its not an insult. Its a serious observation and one he will act upon.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 4, 2016 12:01 am

Unit, Carlos Slim is richer than the ‘world’s richest man’ as you call Gates.
Bill Gates is not an accidental billionaire and Trump isn’t an accidental candidate.
Old Bill did to IBM what Zucky did to the Winklevoss twins
and what Obama did to Alice Palmer.

You have to have stones as big as LLPOH’s boerboels have to play in this game.

November 3, 2016 2:24 pm

Many excellent comments, especially since compromised of guesses,
and while informed, still guesses.
The president, plus the people, of the usa cannot “save the world.”
Maybe we can help ourselves, and provide inspiration to others though.

The reserve dollar status is being unwound. Standard of living will drop
and some folks won’t be getting all their free stuff. At present, the corruption
in banking and gov has reached a terminal stage. It will tip over and crumple
even if an arch angel took office, because the credit cards are maxed out.
The president, as CEO will be blamed, but only teeny tiny minds will hold him
accountable. A softer landing is better than a hard crash…Trump may provide that.
The truth shall set you free. Someone said that, and I love it.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 3, 2016 11:49 pm


November 3, 2016 3:23 pm

The “oligarchs”; “Elites”; “Deep State” or whatever you want to call them/it. Are mere men. All men have blind spots & shortcomings. It is true of ALL of us.

To think they will not out maneuver themselves; overstep themselves or just plane find themselves and all their corruption revealed and laid bare is not too hard to believe. The Donald, it seems, wants to root out the corruption. “They” may think rightly or wrongly that he can be controlled. If elected, we shall see.

I do believe that the corruption runs so deep and so wide that “they” will not go quietly, but kicking & screaming like a two-year-old in a violent temper tantrum. This includes both the “left” and “right”. Everything will be done to undermine President Trump if he moves to clean house. The one thing in his favor is what we have seen in the campaign. He will not go down without a fight. There is 40+ years of entrenched corruption it will take a dedicated soldier willing to get down and dirty; sweat and toil with seemingly an endless amount of energy and willing to outwork everyone around.

Is Trump the man? We shall see. What I can see is he saw the need and NO ONE else was willing to pick up the baton and say the things that need to be said. The revolutionary war was won by a minority constituency who were willing to go all the way to death for what needed to be done.

“To see men without cloathes to cover their nakedness-without blankets to lay on-without shoes, by which their Marches might be traced by the blood from their feet-and almost as often without Provisions as with; Marching through frost and snow, and at Christmas taking up winter quarters within a days March of the enemy, without a horse or hutt to cover them til they could be built & submitting to it without a murmur, is a Mark of patience and obedience which in my opinion can scarce be parallel’d” George Washington

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 3, 2016 10:11 pm

constman54, while reading your comment a thought came to mind…

Someone with grand hubris has played an enormous role in the elevation of Trump: Barack Obama. Obama’s in-your-face defiance of American values, culture, and traditions, his outright disdain for the Constitution, his purposeful open borders policies, his obvious bias towards Muslims who ultimately want to conquer the west, and scores of other indiscretions as president are now turning against him.

Legacy my ass.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Rise Up
November 4, 2016 12:16 am

Riser, it’s betrayal. Think Robespierre.

Rise Up
Rise Up
November 3, 2016 9:49 pm

Anon, if the Establishment wants to off Trump, they’ll do it after the elections and when he assumes the Presidency. Much more effect that way. On the other hand, maybe they have not taken such a drastic action with the hope that Hitlery will eek out a win.

If we’re lucky, neither will happen. Big changes sometimes start with small beginnings.

Lon Spector
Lon Spector
November 4, 2016 9:36 am

Remember in the film “West Side Story” Tony is hiding out in the
basement of Doc’s candy store and is on cloud 9? Tony tells Doc about the
wonderful life he’s going to have with Maria: “We’re going to have 5
children and name them after you!” Doc slaps Tony’s Face: “Wake up!
What does it take to get through to you? Burst, like a pipe?”
Remember the first Clinton administration? Scandal after scandal. Lie after
lie. Sock puppet apoligist after sock puppet apoligist.
I think it will be different this time because Hillary WILL weld ALL the power.
The D.O.J. The Supreme Court, and the media will belong to her.
Devilary at it’s finest.
God has given America over to Satanic rule because that’s what most people
seem to want. There is individual protection in Christ Jesus, but the American nation state is dead.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Lon Spector
November 4, 2016 12:26 pm

Lonnie, T4C characterized this as a prison planet. The lord of the air has dominion over the world and can offer its riches and power to those who will serve him; shrewd, calculating, cunning people who value money, women and power more than they value anything else.