Clinton Foundation Being Investigated now by IRS, FBI & Intelligence

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong


Wikileaks has also revealed that the Clinton Foundation, which is the closest thing to a Racketeering Organized Crime Family, is being investigated by the IRS. However, sources also say that the FBI investigation of the Clinton Foundation is far more serious than did she have classified info on private emails.


The internal war we have have warned is unfolding with Intelligence and Law Enforcement standing against Obama and the corrupt DOJ under Lynch is really heating up. The FBI realizes that Lynch’s DOJ will protect Hillary at all costs and will never allow her to be criminally charged. They have no choice now but to leak everything they can to show the corruption going on in the Department of Justice (see Daily Mail).

There are 650,000+ emails on Weiner’s laptop. Meanwhile, Huma Abedin is preparing for her own criminal changes of obstruction of justice. She did not turn over that laptop when ordered to do so. She is now crying “she doesn’t know how her emails wound up on her husband’s computer” according to the Washington Post. She is saying that and it is not plausible. She had to be using that computer. Oh she may try to claim that her husband hacked her emails to escape the criminal charges. But that will get really messy. It would also mean there was a MAJOR breach of security.

Now the FBI is letting the press know that Clinton’s server was hacked by t least five foreign intelligence agencies. There are now also two addition investigations into Hillary on that score. State Department has revealed there were 10 attempts to hack Hillary in just 2 days. Let’s face it, if Hillary is elected, she will most likely be IMPEACHED as was her husband, but this time she would be removed. This is not a Monica deal.

This election is going down in history as the tipping point for the United States. It has revealed how corrupt Congress really is. We have even former Bush Sr saying he will vote for Hillary. He just lost all my respect for he has chosen the status quo to save the politicians rather than his country. This is just over the top. Even Podesta began a lobbying firm with his brother, which now collects $120,000 PER MONTH in a fee from Saudi Arabia.


Hillary has tried to slander Assange saying all these hacks came from Russia. Assange has come out and bluntly said the hacked Clinton emails didn’t come from Russia government. They may be coming from sources inside the USA. Do not forget, to my surprise, there is one source that has EVERYTHING. Hello – NSA! Anyone remember they are storing everyone’s emails, text messages, and phone calls? Nobody want to order the NSA to turn it all over because it will reveal treason, where Hillary took money from foreign government and they approved arms deals.

If Hillary is elected, it will be by rigging the election. Our computer has NEVER been wrong on this score. So if she takes office, this will be the worst administration in history and may very will set in motion the phase transition where capital flees to bonds and we see a significant rise in civil unrest.


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November 4, 2016 6:38 am

The FSA needs to look at this and really ask themselves how much that free shit is worth.

The American people used to have a bunch of nosy busybody reporters that were always sniffing around in D.C. for a good scandal. Now, we have a bunch of lapdogs to TPTB.

Oh, and I saw Ryan’s OUT no matter who wins. Maybe he’ll have time to grow a spine.

November 4, 2016 10:57 am

What kills me is that so many of the FSA gets jail time for FAR less that what this hag has already done, and yet they don’t make the leap that there are different rules? I can only surmise that they think everyone is a criminal, and it’s all a matter of getting caught.

Further, I used to work for the navy, and I held a very low-level security clearance. I knew damn good and well what I was supposed to do and not do, as well as the consequences. That the hag had a private server would put anybody else in the Big House. Yet, there are STILL military folks in my navy town who support the hag! WTF???

November 4, 2016 7:33 am

You finished your excellent piece with, “So if she takes office, this will be the worst administration in history and may very will set in motion the phase transition where capital flees to bonds and we see a significant rise in civil unrest.”

However I’d change that, “may very will” to simply, will.

And finally it begs the question, HTF will she get north of 50 Million votes with this info??

November 4, 2016 7:38 am

Congrats to Admin for posting some powerful pieces this week, I am sure TBP will have record numbers this month.

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
November 4, 2016 7:57 am

Went to several places (Lowe’s, Stop & Shop, Christmas Tree Shop) yesterday wearing my ‘Hillary for Prison’ tee. Women in all 3 places commented positively on the shirt.

Appears just cuz a female is running for office doesn’t mean she will get most of the female votes. All the negative news on the Clinton Foundation and the Hillary Email Private Server has to be affecting even some staunch female Registered Democrats.

  kokoda - 100% Deplorable
November 4, 2016 12:21 pm

As a woman, I have to say, voting for someone just because they have a vagina is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. And for it to come from women who constantly blame things on sexism makes it worse. If it was so damn important, why didn’t she beat Obama in the last election? Apparently, putting a black man in office was more important that putting a woman in office. Women that think like that are idiots. And I have no use for a wuss of a man that would even consider voting for Hitlery.

November 4, 2016 9:36 am

“…significant rise in civil unrest.” That phrase qualifies as potentially an understatement of the century. So far at least.

November 4, 2016 9:47 am

All this stuff going on, the truth coming out, yet Hillary still has tremendous support and is the probable winner of the election at this point.

That -her support- may be slowly changing but is it and will it change fast enough to make a difference before the vote?

The fact of her vast support is telling us something about the mental and moral state of the American people, and it isn’t something good.

November 4, 2016 2:55 pm

“We have even former Bush Sr saying he will vote for Hillary. He just lost all my respect for he has chosen the status quo to save the politicians rather than his country. This is just over the top.”

Armstrong seems to have been under some delusion that El Bushbo the First was some Pillar of Virtue prior to announcing his support of Hiligula Klinton. Getting pounded in the ass in federal prison really fucked Armstrong up.

November 4, 2016 11:26 pm

Clintons charged with a felony! Don’t hold your breath.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 5, 2016 12:36 am

I recall saying that if elected, she would be impeached as befitting the way Karma works. Then I said that her administration would be paralyzed by investigations and charges. All this was before Trumpo had a vestige of a chance at victory.

Here’s another point you will ignore until a white guy repeats it: Congress will be glad to have her inaugurated because then they can fuck off for 4 years or until she dies in office (yes, I predicted that as well) doing their usual grandstanding and foohfah for the voters.

If Trumpo wins, meh. The congress would have to do real work, fuck that.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  EL Coyote
November 5, 2016 12:47 am


It’s all good, I called the California Psychics to find out who wins. Oreo stays in for a while longer.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Bea Lever
November 5, 2016 1:18 am

Hope it wasn’t Miss Cleo, she’s dead and speaking to you from the great beyond.

The devil has not needed to invent new tricks because people keep falling for all the old ones. Therefore, my projections were based on things despots have done before. I didn’t need to consult any fake Jamaican psychic.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  EL Coyote
November 5, 2016 8:54 am

EC- That was just Old Bea’s sick sense of humor. 🙂

  EL Coyote
November 5, 2016 8:30 am

EC, didn’t you originally think Trump was in to help her win? Or was that Bea?