Nassim Taleb: The Syrian War Condensed (For Almost Dummies)

Submitted by Nassim Nicholas Taleb via,

Juxtaposition. The way to analyze the situation is to look at the factions comparatively. You do not compare Assad’s regime to the Danish or Norwegian governments, but to the alternative. The question becomes if there is anything in the left column that is worse than the right column?

Note 1. Assad father’s operatives blew up my house in Amioun when my grandfather, then MP, voted for Bashir. In Skin in the Game I discuss this as “acting against one’s interest” (the opposite of conflict of interest). So as a scientist and a humanist, I have been setting my grudge aside in considering the far, far, far, greater cancer of Salafism or Islamofascism.

Note 2. Recall that I am a statistician. When I took a look at the statistics of the conflicts, most appear to be fabrications inflated by Qatari-funded think tanks and their useful idiots?—?by a mechanism the Indians call “Salma told Sabrina”. For instance, we know that Hama’s toll was not the 30–40,000 people report but the only real evidence is closer to 2,000.

Note 3. One may ask: are the “rebels” all theocratic Salafis? No, but the groups became progressively so by the minority rule: you put a single Salafi in a group of five, and the five behave as Salafis. This, aside from Wahabi funding.

Note 4. Counter-insurgencies (Army vs insurgents/terrorists, etc.) command a much higher rate of civilian casualties regardless of whether the army belongs to a liberal democracy or an autocracy.

Note 5. One may ask: are all people who are mourning Aleppo that stupid, so gullible to the think tank operators? My answer, alas, is yes. And it takes some financial and intellectual independence and a great deal of integrity to analyze matters outside the main narrative as think tankers jump on you like flies.

In the end I never imagined seeing the “left” siding with the AlQaeda of Sept 11, mourning the fighters of Aleppo and, aside from such independent journalists as Robert Fisk, spreading all manner of concoctions.


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Cartersville Critter
Cartersville Critter
December 15, 2016 3:39 pm

Could it be that our vaunted legacy press has fed us another serving of bullshit about Syria? More fake news for you Hillary.

Here’s some more truth about Aleppo:

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 15, 2016 8:21 pm

Buchanan’s latest column is a good one:


December 15, 2016 8:44 pm

Mr. Taleb,
Your article is concise and persuasive
and your chart is informative. I was just
talking with my mother, and she is so sad about
the destruction in Syria. Mom’s cousin’s daughter, they
live in Europe, visited Syria many times with her company,
and on her own. They are sick about the harm done there,
and know it was a sophisticated and beautiful country.
Thank God Russia has helped drive the rotten killers out.

December 15, 2016 10:32 pm

One day when the story is told it will all come out that this administration, due to a political promise, pulled out of Iraq too early, promised the Sunnies a Nation of their own through money and training provided by the USA, supplied by Turkey, Saudi and Qatar created this monster called “ISIS” and brought hell upon the people of the middle east. The Gulf of Tonkin does not measure against the acts of these criminals.

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 15, 2016 10:52 pm

And the Nobel Peace Prize winning Black Mahdi (Obama) is supplying the Islamic Terrorist with weapons, ammo, radios, food, air support, etc. He should be tried for treason for aiding the enemy.

  rhs jr
December 15, 2016 11:40 pm

Given that the provenance / authenticity of obumma’s birth certificate is once again being questioned, I think a charge of treason could very well become a reality.
Drain. The. Swamp.

December 16, 2016 1:55 am

Putin and Assad will lose the war because they are pathetic pussies. They are bussing out terrorists to terrorist-controlled territory. Can you imagine US doing that to Taliban? And when US “mistakenly” bombed Syrian government forces, the Russians twice told them to stop. Can you imagine, you have a gun, someone is firing at you and you tell them to stop shooting. How fucking pathetic. Just like the retards here who have been taken in by this Trump bullshit, thinking he is an alternative. He’s filling the swamp with ex Goldman-gators. Like Putin – NWO-controlled opposition. I think the US hormone-infested meat and GM shite has infected the redneck’s brains here.

December 16, 2016 7:18 am

I think there are a lot of things going on, both on the international and domestic scene, that you fail to fully understand.

December 16, 2016 3:35 pm

I think there are a lot of things going on, both on the international and domestic scene, that you deny

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
December 17, 2016 4:22 pm

oh, and we’re beating the Taliban?
how long have we been in Afghanistan? 15 years?

December 16, 2016 9:55 am

The west has an interest in isolating and encouraging this conflict. Dead mohammedans are a good thing.