What Is The Obama Regime Up To?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Obama has announced new sanctions on Russia based on unsubstantiated charges by the CIA that the Russian government influenced the outcome of the US presidential election with “malicious cyber-enabled activities.”

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a report “related to the declaration of 35 Russian officials persona non grata for malicious cyber activity and harassment.”

The report is a description of “tools and infrastructure used by Russian intelligence services to compromise and exploit networks and infrastructure associated with the recent U.S. election, as well as a range of U.S. government, political and private sector entities.”

The report does not provide any evidence that the tools and infrastructure were used to influence the outcome of the US presidential election. The report is simply a description of what is said to be Russian capabilities. https://diplopundit.net/2016/12/29/dhsfbi-issues-joint-analysis-report-grizzly-steppe-russian-malicious-cyber-activity-read-report/

Moreover, the report begins with this disclaimer: “DISCLAIMER: This report is provided ‘as is’ for informational purposes only. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within.” https://diplopundit.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/jar_16-20296.pdf

In other words, the report not only provides no evidence of the use of the Russian tools and infrastructure in order to influence the US presidential election, the report will not even warrant the correctness of its description of Russian capabilities.

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Thus the DHS report makes it completely clear that the Obama regime has no evidential basis for its allegations on the basis of which it has imposed more sanctions on Russia.

What is going on here?

First there is the question of the legality of the sanctions even if there were evidence. I am not certain, but I think that sanctions require the action of a body, such as the UN Security Council, and cannot legally be imposed unilaterally by one country. Additionally, it is unclear why Obama is calling the expulsion of Russian diplomats “sanctions.” No other country has to do likewise. During the Cold War when diplomats were expelled for spying, it was not called “sanctions.” Sanctions imply more than unilateral or bilateral expulsions of diplomats.

Second, it is clear that Obama, the CIA, and the New York Times are fully aware that the allegation is false. It is also clear that if the CIA actually believes the allegation, the intelligence agency is totally incompetent and cannot be believed on any subject.

Third, President Trump can rescind the sanctions in 21 days, a third reason that the sanctions are ridiculous.

So why are President Obama, the CIA, and the New York Times making charges that they know are false and for which they have not produced a shred of evidence? http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/29/opinion/president-obama-punishes-russia-at-last.html?_r=1

One obvious answer is that the neoconized Obama regime is desperate to ruin US-Russian relations past the point that Trump can repair them. As the New York Times puts it, “Mr. Obama’s actions clearly create a problem for Mr. Trump.” The question the New York Times says, is whether Trump “stands with his democratic allies on Capitol Hill or his authoritarian friend in the Kremlin.”

Can Trump’s foreign policy be controlled by false allegations? According to the New York Times, Trump has relented and agreed to being briefed by the CIA about the Russian hacking now that Republicans such as Paul Ryan, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham have lined up with Obama and the CIA in accepting charges for which no evidence has been presented. However, a briefing without evidence would seem simply to further discredit the CIA in Trump’s eyes.

As I have emphasized in my columns, facts no longer have a role in the United States and its empire. Allegations alone suffice, whether in court cases, interrogation centers, foreign and domestic policies, or classrooms. The US even bases its military invasions on false allegations—“weapons of mass destruction.” Indeed, the entirely of US foreign policy since the Clinton regime has been based on nothing but false allegations.

The Russian government should have learned by now, but perhaps Moscow still thinks that facts matter in Washington’s decisions.

Possibly we should consider that more is going on than meets the eye. Perhaps the propaganda about the Russian cyber threat to democracy is being used to prepare American and/or European populations for an incident. The CIA has morphed into a “deep state” that uses disinformation and propaganda to align decisions of Congress, the executive branch, and foreign governments with secret behind-the-scenes agendas. Many books, such as Stephen Kinzer’s The Brothers and Douglas Valentine’s CIA As Organized Crime have described some of these secret agendas.

In order to deter Trump from restoring normal relations with Russia, an incident would have to be severe and irreversible. Rather than accept defeat for their agenda of US world hegemony, the neoconservatives are prepared to take high risks. The willingness to take risks is demonstrated by the public effort of the CIA Director to discredit the president-elect.

As expected, Putin’s response to the latest provocation is low key as the “sanctions” appear to be meaningless on the surface (http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2016/12/30/stephen-lendman-reports-president-putins-response-to-obamas-new-sanctions/). However, in the event that something dangerous is below the surface, the Russian government might want to consider putting its military forces on alert.

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December 31, 2016 9:24 am

We can be certain it’s just another transparent scheme to keep this nation scared of the boogie man and still willing to see more blood and treasure poured down some foreign rat hole in that the 2 leading the charge are Mad Dog McCain and his main squeeze Lindsey.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 31, 2016 9:44 am

These “sanctions” are a total gift to Trump by the half-wit Obama. Obama thinks that Trump overturning these actions will make Trump look like “Putin’s bitch”. He also thinks he’ll split Trump off from congressional GOP leaders (which he will). Trump doesn’t give a fuck about that stuff. He’ll make an occasional feigned respectful statement about Ryan, but Trump knows that his supporters hate Rat Ryan, McCain and Miss Lindsay Graham. They can have all the investigatory hearings they want and nothing will come of it. People are sick of their neocon warmongering bullshit. If Trump has a PR battle with McCain everyone will know that Trump is the sane one. The libtards can’t paint Trump as a Russian agent at the same time they’re labeling him likely to start a nuclear war. They’re incoherent and laughable, especially when joined by neocons in warning that Trump is perilously close to bringing about peace.

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
  Iska Waran
December 31, 2016 9:50 am

Iska…..yes, yes, yes, yes….

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
December 31, 2016 9:45 am

If Mike Pompeo can get the ‘truth’ that the Ruskies didn’t Hack the DNC cuz the CIA has no proof of that occurring and brings that info to Trump…

Will Trump then go on TV and explain that the CIA chief under Obama lied about the Ruskies hacking the DNC ….wouldn’t that be an absolute stunner; the public would then be behind Trump on anything he said (excluding Dem politicians and most Registered Dems – they are too low on the humanity scale to care about the truth).

Big Dick
Big Dick
December 31, 2016 9:59 am

It appears the black turd wants to leave a stink everywhere he can before the world is put together on the road to peace. Russia, Israel, Syria, etc. are all media games that smell like the crap that has been put out long before the election. Are the neocons desperate to create another false flag? I hope not and on 1/20/2017 we can flush the turd away.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
December 31, 2016 10:01 am

Fact: US foreign policies especially in the Middle East been a fucking mess since the assignation of Irans democraticly elected president in 1955 by the CIA not to mention Israel and its never ending strife supported by the US that entire part of the world is a quagmire circling the drain ! US policies have been more problem causing than solving !
Putin is laughing his ass off at Obama and he knows the adults are coming to town in a couple weeks so as long as our community orginizer and chief can keep from doing something really stupid and our military going with it , the world can wait this one out !
Please remember the only people that keep calling our form of government a democracy are either mis informed or a hope & change hold outs when the American voters showed how stupid they are by putting Obama in twice and nearly letting Hillary in to follow up the damage done !
We are a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF INDEPENDENT STATES ! Regardless of what the big government nanny state centrists keep spewing out ! Please let’s stop falling into the liberal whine of new speak and call our country what it should be not what a band of liberal half wits keep blurting out

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
December 31, 2016 10:07 am

My opposing view: The Russian FSB could have instigated the DNC hack. It is possible that the CIA does have proof but if it was to divulge that proof, it would then give the FSB a reason to change their hacking code. It would be like the U.S. military in WW2 performing an operation that would let the Germans know the Enigma machines were compromised.

Why would the FSB hack the DNC – they knew HildeBeast was detrimental to world peace. Averting WW3.

December 31, 2016 10:27 am

Forget about niglet Oreo.

Been making a large breakfast and baking some cookies this AM. Of course, I had Fux and OAN on in the background for some noise.

They both paraded an endless line of neocon warwhore cocksuckers hours on end. Russia bad!!! Putin evil!!! Russia? ENEMY!!!!!!

Putin’s gracious response to the nigger in chief? It’s all just a show. Disingenuous. An act. Self serving. And guess what else those lying whores tell us …. that the American people are not fooled by Putin. hahahahaha!

Gotta justify a trillion dollar defense budget! ISIS alone just won’t do the trick.

Good luck, Donald. You are surrounded by lovers of war and believers in Imaginary Enemies. You’re gonna need a lotta luck.

December 31, 2016 11:07 am

It is all just crazy talk. We are fearful O will pull something.
If the BS about hacks and sanctions are all O has?, then we are good.
Happy New Year to all.

December 31, 2016 12:31 pm


Excuse me but I think that all ended at Appomatox Courthouse in 1865!!!

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
December 31, 2016 1:54 pm

True but we can still hope and keep the dream of America alive regardless of the racist half breed negro and Lincolns crap ! In 1960 America lead the world in public education , industry and technology plus a standard of living for the majority of the population the world tryed to copy and the country was 80% white now the country is 60% white and is a mess “just saying” to the shit for brains Drexel professor dreaming of white genocide his wish is slowly coming true and we are tolerating the results most are too stupid or afraid to bare witness to !

December 31, 2016 2:06 pm

This whole thing is killin’ me. The DNC is a PRIVATE organization. PRIVATE, as in NOTHING to do with goobermint. If it DID get hacked, why dafuq is it any business of the US goobermint to try to stir up WWIII over it?

All this, but nobody’s making a peep about an illegal hackable server in a bathroom that really DID contain state secrets.

These people are completely insane!