Will Trump Continue the Bush-Obama Legacy?


This week, Congress passed a budget calling for increasing federal spending and adding $1.7 trillion to the national debt over the next ten years. Most so-called “fiscal conservatives” voted for this big-spending budget because it allows Congress to repeal some parts of Obamacare via “reconciliation.” As important as it is to repeal Obamacare, it does not justify increasing spending and debt.

It is disappointing, but not surprising, that the Obamacare repeal would be used to justify increasing spending. Despite sequestration’s minor (and largely phony) spending cuts, federal spending has increased every year since Republicans took control of the House of Representatives. Some will attribute this to the fact that the Republican House had to negotiate with a big-spending Democratic president — even though federal spending actually increased by a greater percentage the last time Republicans controlled the White House and Congress than it did under President Obama.


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The history of massive spending increases under unified Republican control of government is likely to repeat itself. During the presidential campaign, President-elect Donald Trump came out against reducing spending on “entitlements.” He also called for a variety of spending increases, including spending one trillion dollars on infrastructure.

One positive part of the infrastructure proposals is their use of tax credits to encourage private sector investments. Hopefully this will be the first step toward returning responsibility for building and maintaining our nation’s infrastructure to the private sector.

Unfortunately, the administration appears likely to support increased federal spending on “shovel-ready” jobs. Claims that federal spending helps grow the economy rely on the fallacy of that which is not seen. While everyone sees the jobs and economic growth created by government infrastructure projects, no one sees the greater number of jobs that could have been created had the government not taken the resources out of the hands of private businesses, investors, and entrepreneurs. Despite what some conservatives seem to think, this fallacy applies equally to Republican and Democrat spending.

President-elect Trump has criticized the past two administrations’ reckless foreign policy, and he has publicly shamed the powerful Lockheed Martin company for wasting taxpayer money. Yet, he continues to support increasing the military budget and has called for increased military intervention in the Middle East.

The fact is the United States already spends too much on militarism. Not only does the United States spend more on the military than the combined military budgets of the next eight highest spending countries, but Pentagon waste exceeds the total Russian military budget.

America can no longer afford to waste trillions of dollars on a militaristic foreign policy. Donald Trump should follow-up his attacks on wasteful military spending by dramatically changing our foreign policy and working to cut the Pentagon’s bloated budget.

If the new administration and Congress increase spending, they will need the Federal Reserve to monetize the growing debt. The need for an accommodative monetary policy gives the Federal Reserve and its allies in Congress and in the deep state leverage over the administration. This leverage could be used, for example, to pressure the administration to abandon support for the Audit the Fed legislation.

Fed action can only delay the inevitable day of reckoning. Raising levels of federal spending and debt will inevitably lead to a major economic crisis. This crisis is likely to be reached when concerns over our national debt cause more countries to reject the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency. The only way to avoid this crisis is to stop increasing spending and instead begin reducing spending on all aspects of the welfare-warfare state.


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January 16, 2017 8:19 am

Dr Paul is reaching back a bit here. We have a mess. All we hear is that it can’t be fixed. If we are going to crash anyway, more spending can’t hurt us, right? In the meantime, we have a guy who says he can fix this. AND most importantly, has put himself in THE position to do it. Get out of his way. Don’t pile on. Let’s see how he does. Considering the state of the country, we have found ourselves in the absolute best case scenario. A sliver of light is still better than total darkness. We have work to do.

January 16, 2017 11:27 am

EVERY congress is going to use the prevailing hated program of the day as an excuse to extract more spending – from us. That is just a fact. OUR job, and as I see it, Trumps job, is to say – wait a minute you ass-hats, why do we need to spend more money on this, to stop THAT.
Obamacare could be stopped by saving money, not spending it. If congress was, and that ass hat Ryan was, truly interested in getting rid of Obamacare without increasing debt, they would simply DE-FUND the program. Full stop, Obamacare would be FINISHED. Oh, the law may still be on the books, and they could then work toward a repeal, but the law could not be enforced, or provided for, so it would become overnight irrelevant. Same goes for the IRS enforcement of the individual mandate. All congress would have to do is say to the IRS, we will no longer fund your budget for IRS agents to enforce the personal mandate of the program. If you do, we will CUT YOUR BUDGET proportionately until it stops.
Congress has the power of the purse, and if they had any serious thoughts of controlling ANY of this shit, they, tomorrow morning, could stop a lot of the nonsense – think EPA, CIA, NSA, FBI etc.
CONgress is just a whole society of con-men, just finding different angles to extract money from as many as possible to give it to others (while themselves skimming off the top) so they can continue to appear useful, and have soundbites for their next campaign commercial.

January 16, 2017 11:52 am

Under Trump;
—1) The Debt WILL become even larger
—2) Government WILL become bigger
—3) Government WILL become more powerful

Those are not anti-Trump statements. I believe they are statement of fact. Or, will his trillion dollar infrastructure dream and multi-trillion dollar rebuilding of the military be the result of prayers and unicorn farts?

Donald is here to fix things. MAGA. Not Donald the businessman. No! That ship sails this Saturday. Donald THE GOVERNMENT POLITICIAN is here to fix things. Just because Donald is the consummate political outsider, well, you should STILL be terrified of the statement; — “Hi, I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”

Trump has said absolutely nothing that should give anyone any hope that government will get smaller, less powerful, and will spend less. Nothing. It’s quite the opposite. Donald Trump’s government will cure all that ails us. God help us!

So, RP’s question is rhetorical, for he knows the answer. Of course Trump will continue the Bush-Obama legacy!! It will look different. Even feel different. Maybe even produce some better results. But, at its core, it will be the same.

I believe Trump will slow the rate of decline of the American Empire. But, he can’t stop the inevitable. You know that’s the truth. He ain’t God (MAGA Be Upon Him), even though on some days he thinks he Is.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 16, 2017 4:50 pm

I agree with Stuck…Trump is just a variation of the same old same old…