Trump vs. the CIA

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

When I read Trump’s defenders, such as Daniel Lazare, having to balance their defense with denunciations of Trump, I think the CIA’s propaganda is working. In his article, Lazare asks the rhetorical question, “Is a military coup in the works?” He then goes on to describe the CIA and presstitute coup against Trump unfolding before our eyes.

Having described the unprecedented frame-up of the president-elect of the United States by the CIA and the Western media, Lazare has to square himself with those doing the frame-up:
“This is not to say that the so-called President-elect’s legitimacy is not open to question. . . . Trump is a rightwing blowhard whose absurd babblings about Saudi Arabia, Iran and Yemen reveal a man who is dangerously ignorant about how the world works.”

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Note that Lazare goes beyond the CIA and the presstitutes by elevating Trump from someone not sufficiently suspicious of Vladimir Putin to “dangerously ignorant.” I suppose Lazare means dangerously ignorant like Bill and Hillary Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama. If this is what Lazare means, why is Trump any less qualified to be president than his three most recent predecessors and his opponent in the election?

Of course, Lazare has no idea what he means. He is simply afraid he will be called a “Trump deplorable,” and he stuck in some denuciatory words to ward off his dismissal as just another Russian agent.

At other times I conclude that the CIA is discrediting itself with its fierce and transparently false attack on the president elect. The attack on Trump from the CIA and its media agents at the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, the network TV channels, the BBC, the Guardian, and every other Western print and TV source with the exception of Fox News, is based on no evidence whatsoever. None of the US 16 intelligence agencies can produce a tiny scrap of evidence. The evidence consists of nothing but constant repetitions of blatant lies fed into the presstitute media by the CIA .

We have witnessed this so many times before: “Tonkin Gulf,” “Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction,” “Iranian nukes,” “Assad’s use of chemical weapons,” “Russian invasion of Ukraine.”

General Smedley Butler, the most decorated Marine in the history of the US military said that he and the US Marines spent their lives defending the interests of the United Fruit Company and some lousy investment of the banks in Latin America. That’s all the attack on Trump is about. Trump is saying that “America first” doesn’t mean a license for America to rape and plunder other countries.

Normalized relations with Russia removes the orchestrated “Russian threat” justification for the $1,000 billion taxpayer dollars taken annually from ordinary Americans and given to the military/security complex via the federal budget.

Trump’s question about the relevance of NATO 25 years after the collapse of NATO’s purpose—the Soviet Union—threatens the power and position not only of the US military/security complex but also of Washington’s European vassals who live high in money and prestige as Washington’s servants. All European governments consist of Washington’s vassals. They are accustomed to supporting Washington’s foreign policy, not having had a policy of their own since World War II.

Trump is taking on a policy world long under the influence of the CIA. Little wonder WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange and a number of other clued-in people say that the CIA will assassinate Trump if he cannot be brought into line with a Western alliance organized for the power and profit of the few.

So what is Trump to do?

There are various alternatives. Trump could fire CIA director John Brennan, have the Attorney General indict him for treason, have the FBI locate all participants in the intelligence agencies and presstitute media who aided and abetted the attempted frame-up of the president-elect of the United States and put them all on trial. This would be the best and surest way for Trump to clean out the snakepit that is Washington, D.C. To call a snakepit a “swamp” is to use an euphemism.

Another alternative is for Trump to make the obvious point that despite the allegations of the CIA and the presstitutes, any hacking that occurred was not the fault of Trump and Russia, but the fault of the US intelligence agencies who were too incompetent to prevent it. Trump’s trump question to the CIA, NSA, FBI is: So, you know the Russians hacked us and you did not prevent it? If you repeat your incompetence, I am going to fire everyone of you incompetents.

The same goes for terror attacks. Trump should ask the intelligence agencies: “How were you so totally incompetent that a handful of Saudi Arabians who could not fly airplanes brought down three WTC skyscrappers and desroyed part of the Pentagon, humiliating the world’s sole super-power in the eyes of the world?”

Trump should make the point that the huge amount of money spent on security does not produce security. The massive security budget cannot prevent hacking of an American election and it cannot prevent humiliating attacks on the SuperPower by a handful of Saudi Arabians operating independently of any intelligence service.

Trump should raise the obvious question: Has the Saudi’s oil trillions purchased the CIA and the presstitutes so that the CIA and the corrupt Western media now serve foreign interests against the United States? The story is being established that the Saudis are responsible or 9/11 and nothing is done about it. Instead the Saudis are supplied with more weapons with which to murder women and children in Yemen.

All of the CIA’s propaganda can be turned against the agency. 9/11 was due to CIA failure, and to nothing else. Putin’s theft of the US presidential election was due to CIA failure, and to nothing else. All the bombings in France, UK, and Germany are due to intelligence failings, and to nothing else, as is the Boston Marathon bombing and every other alleged “terror event.”

I mean, really, the CIA is a sitting duck for Trump. He has every reason to abolish the agency that has traditionally operated in behalf of narrow interests. In his book, The Brothers, Stephen Kinzer documents the use of the CIA and State Department in behalf of the clients of the Dulles brothers’ law firm’s clients. The CIA serves no American purpose, only the private purposes of the ruling elites, who are the real deplorables who have used corrupt Western governments to solidify all income and wealth in a few greedy hands.

There is no reason for Trump to tolerate spurious charges against him by the CIA. At best the CIA is incompetent. At worst the agency is complicit in, or organizer of, terrorist events.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 19, 2017 9:17 am

Let’s be perfectly honest, whatever the CIA has been doing to sway public opinion, control the media spin, denigrate the movement behind and the person of Donald Trump it would be very hard to imagine a job done with less efficacy. In short, with their experience, budget, connections and influence they’ve not only lost, but they appear to be losing ground daily.

No one really trusts or believes them. They’ve clearly violated their central prohibition to stay out of domestic intelligence/American politics and they’ve aligned themselves with the losers after the loss.

How sad is that?

Who runs things at Langely, Jim J Bullock? These guys haven’t scored a single hit in my adult memory.

The CIA is an old dog that went from loyal protector to shitting all over the house and snapping at the children. It’s time to visit the vet and do what’s responsible.

January 19, 2017 9:33 am

“The same goes for terror attacks. Trump should ask the intelligence agencies: “How were you so totally incompetent that a handful of Saudi Arabians who could not fly airplanes brought down three WTC skyscrappers and desroyed part of the Pentagon, humiliating the world’s sole super-power in the eyes of the world?’ ”

Uh, because they were in on it.

January 19, 2017 9:47 am


In times of trouble we must look to the sages of our age… none greater than Gabby Johnson.

January 19, 2017 9:51 am

“This is not to say that the so-called President-elect’s legitimacy is not open to question. . . . Trump is a rightwing blowhard whose absurd babblings about Saudi Arabia, Iran and Yemen reveal a man who is dangerously ignorant about how the world works.”

Actually, it shows he knows exactly how the world works, knows it is wrong for it to work that way, and intends to do something about it.

So do the people that voted for him.

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
January 19, 2017 9:57 am

I’ll go with door #2, organizer or terror events.

January 19, 2017 10:04 am

Trump needs to do the same thing as needs to be done with many other “offices” and their directors in the shadow government and private industry. On Monday, begin instructing the department of justice to prepare charges against these “citizens” for various violations of the espionage act, anti trust acts, RICO statutes etc. Begin raids of offices and start bringing in handcuffs. No more hearings on Capitol Hill, that is theater. The only hearings that should begin is arraignments on the charges….period.

January 19, 2017 10:41 am

It would be interesting to see if he could even get the FBI or any other federal agency to start raiding and arresting the members of the other federal agencies. What if they all just said no? What would we the people do?

January 19, 2017 12:03 pm

I suspect that these agencies have plenty of patriots in them that have secretly felt that we are on the wrong course for a long time. Do you think the rank and file FBI agent or CIA agent has benefited from these “arrangements”? Most of the shadow government is not the rank an file, but elite factions within that are untouchable because they control the purse strings and / or have connections with power brokers in the beltway.
I don’t think that most real patriotic FBI, CIA, NSA etc. that joined for the original reasons these agencies were set up in the first place would miss their chance to “drain the swamp” themselves. Remember, “we the people” also consist of insiders that see the corruption first hand, however up until the indictments come down, their options have been Julian Assange and a possible 30 year sentence in solitary, or worse, or just keep their mouth shut.

January 19, 2017 4:42 pm

Saw another article the other night that speculates that the Deep State is fighting w/itself and parts of it,especially the military,have Trump’s back.

January 19, 2017 10:25 am

Does anybody really think things will change?

If you are awake, you must realize that nothing will change except the signs on the walls,
and the cost of everything.

Foreign wars are essential for the MIC and the CIA, doesn’t anyone understand that the heroin flows from Afghanistan to EU and US on CIA charter flights?

We need Chaos in the ME until the oils runs out, so we do not get a repeat of the “Oil embargo” during the Carter Administration.

Off topic, but there was another building that collapsed after being irradiated, this time they were testing it in Iran, so that means Iran also has directed energy weapons.

if you watch the video, there is a concrete/rebar high rise in Iran that is “burning” but you can’t see the fire only plumes of smoke, similar to the dust/smoke that preceded our twin towers.

this is the 2nd time I have seen a building collapse where the official cause is fire, but it looks more like a controlled demo.

it is going to get real strange going forwards, don’t trust your lying eyes.

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
January 19, 2017 11:19 am

What I noticed was the color of the smoke – similar to WTC bldg’s it was white (dustified).
Most fires I’ve seen have black smoke.

Maybe there is a ‘direct energy weapon’.

  kokoda the deplorable
January 19, 2017 12:54 pm

It wouldn’t change the color of the fire smoke, a fire is a fire once it starts and consumes available fuels.

If you’ve ever watched a house fire being put out (or a range or forest fire while it burns) the smoke is usually white when it starts coming to an end as it is put out.

Dust from a collapse, as far as any I’ve ever seen, is never black since it is dust and the concrete and masonry materials it comes from are not black.

January 19, 2017 11:01 am

“He[Trump] has every reason to abolish the agency that has traditionally operated in behalf of narrow interests.”
Aww naww…if the CIA is abolished who will fly in the heroin, assassinate world leaders and foment international chaos?

kokoda the deplorable
kokoda the deplorable
January 19, 2017 11:20 am

Excellent points flash.

January 19, 2017 9:17 pm

PCR- You rock dude.

January 20, 2017 9:20 pm

The people in charge of just about all the government’s agency & bureaus need to be purged wholesale. A very few good ones might have to be sacrificed.