Via Ben Garrison

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February 5, 2017 8:27 am

CWII is a done deal. Not a matter of if, but when. Remember who the real adversaries are. Not the snowflakes but their handlers. It’s been one way violence thus far but I don’t see how that can continue. As no legal authority wants to stand up to this terrorism and insanity, by default the hot potato lands in the lap of the people. And regardless of the spark that finally ignites the conflagration, there’ll be no extinguishing it until one side is victorious and the other laid waste. Ugly as hell.

February 5, 2017 8:41 am

From what I understand, even the White House claims to know who the paid protestors are but doesn’t see a need for it.

With government employee defection and anti Trump activism, I hope Trump is aware of this and will make a direct statement about it so we’ll know if that is his or some subordinates position.

And if it is actually true or just a credible suspicion they have till more is known (which would validly explain avoiding an investigation till more evidence becomes available to legally justify it).

February 5, 2017 11:18 am

As Starbucks positions itself with a systematic decision to hire 10,000 Syrian refugees, Black Rifle Coffee Company (BRCC) and much of America asks why? While their attempts to capitalize on the veteran community have fallen grossly short, is it time now to make a puppet out of the very cultural diversity that founded this country for mere profit over security? Or is it time to put the power back in American citizens who need employment whose love, value and appreciation make today’s freedoms possible? Let’s be clear; the “American Dream” knows no prejudice against race, color, or ethnicity. It knows hard work. BRCC is welcoming 10,000 veterans to seek employment, training and or aid through them directly, as Starbucks has failed the military community in the hiring space.

February 5, 2017 11:22 am