Via Lonely Libertarian

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March 10, 2017 4:06 pm

Really….don’t even deal with them in the first place. There are lots of classy great women out there.

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
March 10, 2017 4:11 pm

BLT – I’m drooling

March 10, 2017 4:22 pm

Mustard, NO mayo, woman! Go on now..

EL Coyote who is in no way a misogynist, really
EL Coyote who is in no way a misogynist, really
March 10, 2017 5:02 pm

The whole world went to shit when the Western World did what Ray Charles did; he modified gospel music meant to honor god into songs meant to honor women.

Who is the guilty party, Sir Lancelot? Whoever convinced themselves that they could get some poon by praising women to the stars without any merit other than they have a pussy ought to be dug up and shot.

Now we have millions of useless eaters living off American taxpayers and baby-daddies because they found a way, and we facilitated that method, to commercialize their vagina more effectively than a $2 whore. And then the bitches have the nerve to insist, demand, that you respect them in the morning, even late in the evening when they are old worn-out bitches, they still want you to kiss their ass and grovel at their feet. Bitches.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 10, 2017 10:00 pm

Skipping the respect issues, I think you dated my first ex-wife?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  rhs jr
March 10, 2017 10:32 pm

They are all the same, Bob. In spite of the song ‘American Woman’ females around the world are scheming to rope poor unsuspecting males with sex. Sorry to be so blunt and crass as to mention it but sex is men’s Achille’s heel.

Onan got in trouble, not for spilling his seed but because he wasn’t following the rules, he was obligated to marry Tamar. Nowadays, men aren’t obligated to marry anybody, they should be careful not to become compromised.

There was that Bizarro cartoon years ago – Lois Lane’s Kryptonite laced lingerie had Superman on his knees.

My buddy Castro showed me a pic of his ex-wife. Being polite, I said she was attractive.
He said he would introduce us and if I married her, I would be his BFF. No thanks.

BTW, how many ex-wives do you have? The beautiful blonde, an almost 60ish bimbo uses the expression – shining like a diamond – I suppose because, like diamonds, ex-wives are forever.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  EL Coyote
March 11, 2017 4:44 am

Just two Americans who went nuts and the first broke my heart and budget. I was a very poor wild kid from a broken family who was always longing for love and a real family. Everyone was shocked when I scored in the top 2% on the Florida Senior Placement Test and FSU gave me a scholarship; I realized I had a future other than the Army or crime. My first wife was a sexy but academically dumb blond from a well off family who tried hard to stop her. I thought we’d always be in love even though she was lazy, spent money on “air”, and had to be the boss of everything. It lasted 23 years. I would have died of a broken heart but I swear that when I called to Jesus for help, He came invisibly and put His arm around me and restarted my life. The second woman had been a very poor country girl who had married an older millionaire who died and broke her heart. She lasted 6 years and then went wild. Both women suffered the same fate: they became feminist, ran around and dumped their good husband. I’m sure both regret it now. My wife of 16 years is a Chemist from a rich prominent Philippino family who wanted to marry an American. I told her minutes after I met her that if she had any idea of ever divorcing me, I didn’t even want to talk. She said she is a good Catholic and would never divorce me; that was as good as sex when I heard it. When I brought her home, the first thing she asked was where was the maid (at her home, they had a driver, a maid, a gardener, and a body guard). I had to laugh a little and said you are the maid. I had to teach her to drive, to ride a bike, to read a map etc but she loves to cook, keeps “her” house like a pro, and spoils me. I urge all young men to marry an Asian, or Latin or about anyone but an American; no matter how great she seems, almost any non-Western woman has better morals.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  rhs jr
March 11, 2017 11:13 am

Dang it, now I’m in trouble with Miss Suzanna who raked me over the coals with a harsh reproof; silly boy.

Here’s the problem, if you recommend that men marry a Latina, a Filipina or Asian, then white women are left hanging and easily picked up by black men or worse, beaners.

Back when I was in HS I failed miserably in trying to woo a pretty white girl with blue eye shadow and cankles; she wasn’t fat, she just had not-well-defined ankles.

Years later, I arrived in Cali and I saw pretty white girls on the arms of illegal alien looking field hands. Are you fucking kidding me? Of course, this valley was so small that the girls had little to choose from and the field workers needed love also.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  EL Coyote
March 11, 2017 2:14 pm

Good Conservative American women are surely in demand; we should warn the young men that the rest don’t deserve a good man to plunder. I deserve what happened because there were two wonderful girls (Judy R and Carol S) that liked me even when I was poor and would have been great wives; but I chose a hot blond that turned out to be a gold-digger who thought highly of herself, wanted greener pastures and mugged me. You were probably lucky when those girls let you go!

March 10, 2017 11:07 pm

That sammich looks damn good, I’m going to look in the fridge for bacon and tomatoes. Feminazis have been really quiet since Hitlery has been sent to the dustbin of political history. They are not relevant.

Pussy hat protesters don’t count, that is paid theatrics.

March 11, 2017 10:46 am

“… but sex is men’s Achille’s heel.” really? I never knew that,
silly boy. Sex is the glue that holds men and women together.
And men are glad, women are willing.

Men and women are like bread and mayo… and go together
very well. Men are the protectors, women hug and kiss their
men. I loathe these freaks that are trying to destroy woman’s
greatest gift in life…MEN.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 11, 2017 2:22 pm

Suzanna has got to be TBP’s very own Melanie Hamilton.

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 11, 2017 3:25 pm

I think all the Real Men here admire Suzanna. Bread & the Staff of life? She was a Porsche 911 Crepe Suzette and super fun to ride but something went bad and she took me over a cliff; I just survived. I now prefer my very comfortable Frontier; sports-models are for young fools. Make mine Sour-dough Bread & Honey Butter.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
March 11, 2017 3:13 pm

It’s supposed to be an infatuation, a partnership, a team, a pairing and a delirium (occasionally). If it’s not, the two of you aren’t meant for each other.
Forcing it doesn’t work. Marrying someone with the idea you can change them into someone more appropriate doesn’t work. Marrying them for money is even worse.
If I ever have to start over I think I will put what little money I have in a blind trust somewhere, to be reclaimed at least ten years after marrying. The first years should be poor, hard and challenging, to allow the two of you to build the trust, commitment and dedication that will have to last the rest of the way.
Out of college, we waited a couple of months, separated from each other by distance to my new job, to make sure we really wanted each other. Six months into the job, three months into the marriage, I was caught by circumstances into a period of twelve-hour workdays seven days a week; seven and a half months’ worth. Good money, yeah, but there were times we were so stressed out we cried on each others’ shoulders at the same time. It built a relationship that’s now thirty-six years old in August; despite medical problems (miscarriage, exhaustion, cancer) and occasional financial problems (lost jobs, a decade of graduate school, various Wall Street shenanigans that devastated IRAs) we are still here.
A good marriage is like a fine wine in that it improves with time; I feel sorry for those that go sour, whether early or late. But you have to start somewhere, and men and women are meant to be together.