Strip Mining the World

The richest vein in the history of predatory mining is just about played out.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

A gigantic mine engages in every conceivable destructive practice—strip mining, heap leaching, tailings dams and ponds and so on. It pays such low wages its workers only make ends meet by borrowing from the company at usurious rates. The mine has befouled the air and poisoned the water. Many workers are chronically sick and their children are afflicted with birth defects. The mine’s absentee owners know that the mine is played out and the tailings dam is structurally unsound. They close the mine, count their profits, and move on. A month later the dam gives way. A deluge of noxious sludge inundates the town below the dam, sparing no one and rendering the area uninhabitable.

The government is a strip mining operation, plundering the dwindling residual value of a once wealthy America. Forget ostensible justifications, policy is crafted to allow those who control the government to maximize their take and put the costs on their victims, leaving devastation in their wake.

Wars are no longer about defending the country or even making the world safe for democracy. They are about appropriations, not to be won, but profitably prolonged. The Middle East and Northern Africa have been a mother lode. You would think their sixteen-year war in backward and impoverished Afghanistan would be a shameful disgrace for the military and the intelligence agencies. It’s not. They’ve milked that conflict for all its worth, and now brazenly talk about a “generational war”: many more years of more of the same.

We can also look forward to generational wars in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen. The strip miners are agitating for an Iranian foray. That’s got Into The 22nd Century written all over it, a rich, multi-generational vein, perhaps America’s first 100-year war.

The only rival for richest mother lode is medicine. Health care is around 28 percent of the federal budget, defense 21 percent. Medical spending no longer cures the sick; it’s the take for insurance, pharmaceutical, and hospital rackets. The US spends more per capita on health care than any other nation (36 percent more than second-place Switzerland) but quality of care ranks well down the list.

In education there is the same gap between per capita spending (the US ranks at or near the top) and value received, in this instance as measured by student performance. What’s paid is out of all proportion to what’s received, especially at a time when computer and communications technology should be driving down the costs of education across the board.

Indoctrination factories formerly known as schools, colleges, and universities dispense approved propaganda. For students, higher education is now on the government-sponsored installment plan. There’s a litany of excuses why Johnny, Joan, Juan, Juanita, Jamal and Jasmine can’t read, compute, or think, but lack of funding and student loans don’t wash. Education dollars fund teachers’ unions, their pensions, administrators, and edifice complexes; learning is an afterthought. This vein will play out as the pensions funds, and the governments that have swapped promises to fund them for educators’ votes, go bankrupt. Probably around the same time as the student loan bubble pops.

Money itself has become a faith-based construct, a strip mining operation jointly owned by the government, the central bank, and the banking cartel it supports. Replacing gold with paper promises, monetizing debt, interest rate suppression, inflation of the money supply and the central bank’s balance sheet, macroeconomic meddling, maintenance of a bankers’ cartel, and insider dealing within the cartel have immeasurably increased the wealth and power of the entire banking complex.

Twenty trillion dollars in debt, two-hundred-plus trillion in unfunded liabilities, and an economy that has barely cruised above stall speed for eight years are core samples indicating the mine is exhausted. The tailings dam has sprung visible leaks. However, the townspeople below the dam remain willfully oblivious to the danger.

Recognizing realty and doing something about it are hallmarks of mental toughness, once considered a virtue. Now, in various tangible and virtual sanctuaries against facts and logic, the demand is made for reality to conform to the delusions of those who refuse to confront it. In the safe space between their ears, the only danger is someone warning of danger.

Lower even than the level of mental fortitude is physical toughness. When the dam breaks, the obese, opiated, otiose endomorphs resting their girths on couches across America will have no chance of escaping the sludge, even with their motorized carts. President Kennedy christened the President’s Council on Physical Fitness to address what he saw as a soft and flabby America. Fifty years later, America is exponentially softer and flabbier—physically, intellectually, and spiritually. Most Americans are in no condition to handle the emotional and physical stresses crises will bring.

It’s viciously ironic that many of them will look to the strip miners for salvation. A captive government that has turned America into a field of rackets, its string-pullers extracting power and wealth while ordinary people have seen their incomes stagnate, their meager savings dwindle, and opportunities shrink, is somehow going to make financial and economic catastrophe all better.

In one sense Hillary Clinton’s use of the term “deplorable” was unfortunate, in that it implies that the strip miners care enough about the townspeople to deprecate them. They don’t. The townspeople have had their uses, but they’re expendable once the mine is played out. Let someone else worry about pulling them from the sludge, or just leave them buried. The strip miners chose America first because it had the richest vein, now exhausted. The strip miners will move on to other, albeit less lucrative, lodes. That is what is meant by globalization.




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July 23, 2017 12:01 pm

I don’t care actually, as long as it’s good for white people. If the world be against us, lets take it.

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 23, 2017 5:48 pm

Wait a doggone minute here: Yesterday WIP was a 1960s war hating Pacifist wipping on me about the US Military being a bunch of stupid murderous fascist pawns destroying the whole world for the Oligarchs; today he says to take over the world for Whites? Please tell me my arguments didn’t mutate and turn WIP into a McCain NeoCon? PS: Yesterday I forgot to add that Obama destroyed the last vestiges of Defense Accounting.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  rhs jr
July 23, 2017 11:44 pm

He’s a piece of work in progress. He called me a wetback the other day, very un-Christian. Sad.

July 25, 2017 10:27 am

Your article is sited today: imho, one of your
very best!

Unreconstructed Southerner
Unreconstructed Southerner
July 23, 2017 12:19 pm

Like locusts they lay waste to the land. And only when there is nothing left to be consumed do they move on to the next valley. Know history and it will lead you to truth.

July 23, 2017 12:20 pm

The “big lie” is now known as the “gargantuan lie”, we as subjects choose to believe it because the alternative is too hard to imagine. The game that is being played in Washington DC is only open to the club membership. They believe that they can keep pulling the strings that are actually rubber bands about to snap. I don’t know what will happen, but it will put an end to the lie!

July 23, 2017 6:08 pm

When Kelly Ann Conway and the Koch Bros. are partying with George Soros, it requires serious stupidity to not understand what’s going on. I have been pointing out this rapacious looting, with only limited success, for a decade. This post is spot on…Well done, Robert Gore!

July 23, 2017 12:32 pm

And install another lie.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 23, 2017 12:37 pm
james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
July 23, 2017 1:42 pm

A good insight into a certain class of people. There’s nothing wrong with a responsibly designed and operated mine; if you can dig up a mineral with minimal impact, good for you (and for everyone whose stove, refrigerator, electrical wires, pots and pans and hand tools came from a mine somewhere). If you wanna create a wasteland without conscience, you should be required to live there.
Certain people stripmine minerals; other stripmine societies, creating havoc and discord for profit or power; others yet stripmine relationships, leaving hurt and broken people behind. BE a builder, not a stripminer; those you build may help you when the storms of life break above you.

  james the deplorable wanderer
July 23, 2017 6:10 pm

Gore’s analogy is not quite perfect, because a mine has some social benefits. The wholesale looting of America by our government(s) has no social benefits whatsoever.

July 23, 2017 1:56 pm

Another great article that I took no pleasure in reading for, as often it’s been said, “The Truth Hurts.” Couldn’t agree more with the mine being fully stripped and the trailing dams with visible leaks. Having farmed using ditches I can easily visualize the leaks breaking down the damn (earthen sides) as they steal and reek havoc on the “down hill” side of non containment….
Lord how I’ve prayed for repentant folks but having now seen President Trump’s attempts at keeping his promises (i’m not criticizing him in the least here) but watching the division in this once great country tearing apart the foundations which hold the damn in place, it is obvious to a blind man that time is more than short. Those feckless folks in dc, rep and dem who would rather keep filling their pockets than help out those who put President Trump and his agenda in place are the incompetents who stand on the side and watch the flood gates break without regard to the folks down stream….
This outcome will not be pleasant. In the book the Fourth Turning they speak of the outcome/end result being basically up for grabs. It could be a better or worse governing body than what we had/have now…. Frankly, I hate to imagine a worse case than we have now but with the millions of sheeple spewing their hate and msm doing their best to fuel their lies…. well, if we even come out of this turning at all as one nation would surprise me….
Lord help us be strong and courageous in the face of such darkness.
pray, prep and protect, david.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Robert Gore
July 23, 2017 4:38 pm

Bob, I liked your article. Very readable and it got to the point in a hurry. The strip mining analogy hooked me and you just reeled me in with the rest.

Ordinarily, I don’t like mining stories. I keep thinking of that kid on teevee. 10 yo, in a poor South American country with a gargantuan body, he was terrified of doctors since in his view, they had made his condition worse. Nobody dared connect the nearby goldmine with his unspoken cancer.

The Spanish came here with gold fever and things haven’t changed much since then. My grandpa told a tale of that time. He said the Indians poured molten gold down the Conquistadors throats since their thirst for gold was unquenchable.

Maybe it’s due to my age but the article’s worldview resonates with mine.

  EL Coyote
July 23, 2017 4:56 pm

I love that imagery, EC. Is that your own or did you borrow it from some other coyote south of the border?

“The Spanish came here with gold fever and things haven’t changed much since then. My grandpa told a tale of that time. He said the Indians poured molten gold down the Conquistadors throats since their thirst for gold was unquenchable.”

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 23, 2017 5:28 pm

He told some very short stories that he might have adapted from a tv show or that he read somewhere. Either way, they were his stories.

Maybe this came from a show but he told it so well: A drunk in a bar, talking to himself, “I’m starting to feel just like I did when I shot and killed that other dude.” He looks around and the bar is suddenly empty.

Speaking of Jose Alfredo Jimenez’ song Life Ain’t Worth Nothing, he said the title comes from the old attitude that you could pay you way out of jail. The expression at that time in old Mexico was – As soon as I have a peso, I will kill him! (No mas que tenga un peso y lo mato!)

i forget
i forget
  EL Coyote
July 23, 2017 5:53 pm

Sadim touch. Read that, & recognized it, from “The Prince of Tides” (Pat Conroy).

“Slavery had been practiced in Mexico since time immemorial. Pre-contact Indians had sold their children or even themselves into slavery because they had no food. Many Indians had been sold into slavery by other Indians as punishment for robbery, rape or other crimes. Some war slaves were set aside for public sacrifices & ritual cannibalism. Some towns even had holding pens where men & women were fattened before the festivities. All of these pre-contact forms of bondage operated in specific cultural contexts. But as Brett Rushforth has recently argued, they were close enough to what Europeans understood as slavery that they persisted into the post-contact period. This was certainly the case in central Mexico, where Spaniards acquired Indians in tianguis, open air markets, for decades after conquest. In the 1520’s these slaves were so plentiful that their average price was only 2 pesos, far less than the price of a horse or a cow. Spaniards typically traded small items such as a knife or a piece of cloth in exchange for these human beings. As for their number, we do not have the slightest indication, as these transactions were private & went untaxed.” ~ “The Other Slavery,” Andres Resendez

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  i forget
July 23, 2017 6:17 pm

The Aztecs were assholes. Capitalinos are not universally liked.

i forget
i forget
  EL Coyote
July 23, 2017 6:37 pm

A.A. is everywhere & when. Aztecs. Spaniards. Romans. What’s in a cohort name\word? Everything, so nothing. Assholery is in individual action, not generic anonymousing words. & capitalino punishment is not universally dislikable.

  i forget
July 23, 2017 7:10 pm

Assholery is NEVER making a whole sentence that makes sense. Jeebus…

i forget
i forget
July 23, 2017 7:13 pm

Never? lol….

  Robert Gore
July 23, 2017 7:15 pm

Robert, I’d bet we don’t break up the nation. Only for this reason. The left has nowhere to go. They aren’t self supporting, can’t feed themselves, can’t house themselves. Start cutting back on Uncle Sugar, and a lot of this crap is in the rearview mirror. Looks like Trump plans to do that. The mueller investigation is the thinnest of threads. Trump doesn’t have to fire mueller, he can fire his protector, rosenstein. The DC establishment is going to the mat on this, but they’re losing a little more, everyday. And we’re waking up a little more, every day. Keep putting truth out, Robert, every bit helps.

July 23, 2017 1:58 pm

I thought that Uncola’s “shipwrecked” was a great metaphor but “strip mining” is even more powerful. A terrific read.

July 23, 2017 2:18 pm

A nightmare analogy in dozens of spot on ways.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 23, 2017 3:03 pm

Excellent comparison to what the “CLUB” members have done to our country and all that once made it great . As my great grandmother described those on the top of the shit pile called Washington DC :” they are all down there in Washington scurrying about like cats covering up shit ! I suppose you could include the investor class and banker cartel scurrying about that same shit pile . One can only hope that when the time is right all responsible and all who benefit from our nations demise will be forced to eat a huge plate of their own shit !
Like Denzel Washington said in man on Fire when asked what he would do now ? His classic response being a retired CIA assasin ” WHAT I DO BEST _______!
Creasy your country is in need of your services

i forget
i forget
  Boat Guy
July 23, 2017 3:48 pm

There is such a thing as too late, too far, to make it up. Ike’s “warning” upon retiring from what he “warned” of, for example. Once you’ve eaten the cake, it’s gone, & you can’t have it. Perkins, econ hitman, may be in category. For mercenary services rendered:

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
  i forget
July 23, 2017 5:27 pm

Well said , I am certain this mess will play out in many ways and I doubt forgiveness will find much room in this ending

Miles Long
Miles Long
July 23, 2017 4:16 pm

It’s been almost 60 years since I played in the abandoned strippings behind my grandparent’s house. It was a bleak, black, dangerous place.
I got my ass whooped for climbing around in the rickety old breaker out back (a tall wooden structure where coal was sized by falling through varying size screens) with the neighbor kid.

About 4 years ago I drove through that area. The house & the church next door are still there in reasonably good repair, late model cars in the driveway, kiddie toys in the yard. The old breaker is gone without a trace other than some weathered concrete shapes. There’s real forest growing there now, tall trees; green where I remember black & desolate. The land is healing. Is this the apex of a cycle?

The entire area is teetering on becoming filled with ghost towns like so many other mining communities that have played out. The once bustling stores on Broad St. in Hazleton sit empty & boarded up. The aging, mostly white, population is dying off; being replaced by Section 8 housing, English as a 2nd language, completely dependent “diversity” complete with all the cultural rot that cant possibly sustain itself without outside help. Less than 15 miles away from the above, this sure seems to be the nadir of a cycle. Maybe like the scab someone keeps picking.

What does it all mean? Maybe we’ll know in another 60 years.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Miles Long
July 23, 2017 6:07 pm

Similar to phosphate mining in Bartow Florida where my Stepmom still lives: there are still large chemical holding ponds that make the water taste awful. My land near Copperhill Tenn has only 20 year old planted pines because refining killed all the trees for 30 miles. We have to have fertilizer for food and copper for electricity etc but it needs to be done better.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
July 23, 2017 11:22 pm

“The strip miners will move on to other, albeit less lucrative, lodes. That is what is meant by globalization.”


I was thinking today that the main reason the West, in general, is collapsing socially, economically and politically is because we have outlived our original purpose. Our purpose, like the sea people who were allegedly responsible for the fall of a variety of bronze age civs, was to consolidate power for others. Our services are no longer required and as such it is subjugation time. What we are experiencing now, via globalism, is the great leveling.

Thank you for playing. Now please take your seat and shut yer trap.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  Robert Gore
July 23, 2017 11:45 pm

Lol. Damn internet!!!

July 23, 2017 11:53 pm

I spent the weekend in the bustling downtown area of a major American metropolis. Lodged in an area of affluence, I noticed the denizens there had a certain soft insouciance in their collective demeanor.

I was reminded of the words of Led Zeppelin:

“If it keeps on rainin’ levee’s goin’ to break…. When the levee breaks, mama, you got to move…”

A very pertinent essay, Robert; and a great analogy.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  Robert Gore
July 24, 2017 12:44 am
Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  Robert Gore
July 24, 2017 1:32 am

ZH has devolved into a contest to see who has the wittiest or most shocking comment. Most of them are neither. In the end, the commenters mostly speak past one another or to no one at all. At least here there is dialogue and relationships are formed. Even when we disagree.

  Francis Marion
July 24, 2017 2:52 pm

Right, and about half of us read the article first. On ZH I think they just look for a word in the title that they can go off on.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 24, 2017 12:03 am

“I noticed the denizens there had a certain soft insouciance and a delightful devil may care with just a hint of verve in their collective demeanor.”

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
July 24, 2017 12:24 am

Zepparella? She can sing. The lead is hot. It’ll do.

  Francis Marion
July 24, 2017 8:55 am

Wow! That video made my morning. Hot chicks & hot guitar awesome !

  Francis Marion
July 25, 2017 12:16 am

It sounds wonderful, but is not a real live play. We know of ‘lip-synching’. This is ‘guitar synching’. Little miss sweetie couldn’t come close to covering Jimmy’s sound. Fake city.

And yes, a significant amount of Led Zeppelin’s music was stolen from bands that you have never heard of. A journalist once told Robert Plant that a new band had a song that sounded suspiciously like that of a Led Zeppelin song. Plant’s reply, with a shrug: “Stolen once, stolen twice”.

Miles Long
Miles Long
July 24, 2017 2:33 pm

Unc… that’s really a Memphis Minnie song written long before Page/Plant’s parents met. I think she was credited on the album though, without a lawsuit by the heirs.

July 24, 2017 9:02 am

Oh Robert,

You have done it again. Ball is out of the park…
and down the road. We are being looted, down
to Grandmothers last bit in the banks. The mining
analogy works, we can see it in our minds eye.
The 16-17 years in Afghanistan? Try explaining
that to the otiose. New word, thanks. Some people
will be starving at some point. The bankers and other
party goers will be all about blinis and caviar plus
great champagne.


Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
July 24, 2017 8:23 pm

Well that’s a succinct description of our current state. But lets face it, 20 trillion? Us peons are all squozzed out. Fucked in the ass and thrown in a ditch. The productive people, the Americans who actually do something got globalized into oblivion. Schoolteachers and cops, code enforcement offficials , fire inspectors, meat graders and paper shufflers, all you government titty suckers got a tab coming. 20 trillion, just put it on your Visa, no problem.