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Mike Murray
Mike Murray
August 18, 2017 12:48 pm

The nicest thing I can say to the PC fools who would rewrite history is a quote from Sam Adams-
“Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen”!

August 18, 2017 1:08 pm

And . . . the Soros and “its” “antifa” chumps have thrown the USA liberty train in to reverse. Really sad.

August 18, 2017 4:58 pm

It is a Brave New World where no one’s feelings get hurt because they have indoctrinated a new generation to NOT FEEL. What was going on in the 1990s? A whole new group of children were being brought up by parents who were once enthralled by a dot being bounced back and forth across an imaginary tennis court called Atari. They viewed their children playing the Nintendo, Sega and Sony platforms as “like” Atari when they were kids. What we did not know, and I am ONE of the guilty… was that our children’s minds were being programmed to think in first-person player mode. That is why, I suspect, so many young people in my son’s age group (him included) do not feel quite right if they do not have an electronic device to become an interface between them and the real world.

While Bill was NOT having sexual relations with that woman (a 20-year-old intern?), a LOT of laws were changed to allow corporations to seize upon the idea that they were citizens of the State with rights of their own. The 90s introduced the idea that Reinventing Government was a good thing, with Al Gore showing the world reams and reams and reams of documents being simplified by the embrace of NEW ways of governing.

Then, they met bureaucracy. You might call the U.S. Bureaucracy the equivalent of Russia’s General Winter to anyone trying to effect change in D.C. No one can ever defeat an immovable force.

So, our kids born in the 1990s saw images of Waco, Murrah Building OKC, then the whole 9-11 monstrosity, sham or not, followed by the “embedded” reporters from Corporate Media in the ultimate weird bedmates category with Shepherd Smith being a forerunner of the entire LGBT debate ongoing in the military world. This new generation of young adults saw that the world really did seem to be playing a video game around them. So, now they tune in to their cell phone for updates.

I personally do not think they will survive an EMP.

i forget
i forget
August 18, 2017 6:59 pm

Francis “Sinatra” Fukuyama sang it in ’92. I had history before then, & nothing but history, since then.

