Stucky QOTD: J … JE … JEW …. JEWS!

Because of the raging debate in the “What I Like About TBP” thread concerning (((Jews))), I did some research. I entered such search phrases as;

—1.  “did Jews destroy societies”

—2.  “did Jews save the world”

The answer to the first question is a resounding ‘Yes!’ … with millions of pages of undeniable proof.

The answer to the second question is a resounding ‘Yes!’ … with millions of pages of undeniable proof.

Oy veh! What’s a Goy like me to think? Really, there’s fascinating info returned by both searches which can keep you busy for days on end.

Anyway, I found this quote from Mark Twain below. Written while living in Austria in 1898 for Harper’s Ferry, in an essay titled “Concerning the Jews”. Very interesting read from a great American writer. Link below quote

“Jews constitute but one percent of the human race. …Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. …The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed, and made a vast noise, and they are gone. Other people have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out… The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies… All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?”

Yup. From Pharaoh to modern times such as …. oh, what the hell, let’s just go with Hitler …. soooo many leaders/nations/peoples have tried to persecute and/or flat out dispose of the Jew.

Now, you might think ol’ Stucky is just trying to stir the pot, or get a massive shit-flinging episode started. NO, I AM NOT!!! I have absolutely ZERO interest in knowing your opinion regarding the two searches I mentioned above (the pro/con debate about Jews). Please, don’t let it devolve into that bullshit yet again.

I am ONLY interested in you answering Mark Twain’s question. Why? Because I’ve thought about it, and I can’t come up with anything conclusive.

What does pop up in my pea-brain most often is — what if the reason really is …..G-D???

King Frederick the Great once asked his physician Zimmermann of Brugg-in-Aargau, ‘Zimmermann, can you name me a single proof of the existence of God?’ The physician replied, ‘Your majesty, the Jews.’”


So, what is the secret of his (((Jews))) immortality?”




Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

August 27, 2017 1:54 pm

Stucky, Zarathustra has stated multiple times in this thread who they have a problem with and who they don’t. Some of the people they don’t have a problem with are jews.

Zara is not saying anything fundamentally different from these hardcore anti-semites. These have been posted here before but you might not have caught them.

August 27, 2017 2:00 pm

I have posted many articles here from , a site run by anti-zionist jews. But that doesnt matter cause we are not allowed to criticize Israeli oppression and apartheid, it’s corruption of our foreign and domestic policies or it’s criminal conspiracies against us because they are just smarter than us. If you do it then you are a raciss nazi piece of shit too.

August 27, 2017 1:50 pm

Stuck – I feel your pain. Truly. It is out of hand. It is mostly not fun anymore. The imbeciles drug in by the unholy trinity are fucking the place up hugely.

August 27, 2017 1:56 pm

You know where the door is.

August 27, 2017 2:13 pm

Ah, the #2 imbecile pops up. What a surprise.

August 27, 2017 2:26 pm

I’m getting a little tired of your whining. Admin has made his rules for this place clear. If you don’t like them, get the fuck out. It’s that simple.

August 27, 2017 4:38 pm

Z- the next time I give a shit about anything your anti-Semitic genocidal ass thinks about what I do will be the first time. Don’t you need to go back to planning how you intend to eradicate all those Israelis you hate so much, along with all their supporters?

Your entire contribution to this site, en total, has been to take one big shit with your one trick bigotted pony in tow. You claim to have a high IQ, but have never shown any indication of such.

What say you head back to the place you worship so much? It would do the world a big favor.

August 27, 2017 5:19 pm

Tough shit, neocon. I’ve been here for a decade and I don’t plan on leaving any time soon. Now be gone before the Chatham police are after your ass again.

August 27, 2017 5:59 pm

I told you this would devolve into a shitfest.

August 29, 2017 12:52 pm

LL and Stukfuk showing their level of tolerance, again. While I agree Z is a one trick pony, what is missing is that Jews and Islam are equally evil, in that they reject Christ, modern day rabbinical Judaism has nothing to do with the OT, and in fact, they aren’t even descended from biblical jews.

So, while LL may be right about Z, it’s for the wrong reason, as he is about almost everything. Stukfuk is wrong about absolutely everything, except his self deprecation. He’s right about that. Here the exception proves the rule.

August 27, 2017 2:06 pm

IQ tests measure the innate and immutable mental capability that involves abstract thinking, logical reasoning, ability to solve novel problems and comprehend complex ideas.

Intelligence is inherited and not equally distributed among the races.

IQ by race:

• Ashkenazi Jews = 115
• East Asians = 106 • Inuits and Eskimos = 91
• South-East Asians = 87
• American Indians = 87
• Non-White Hispanics = 86
• >Koko (a western lowland gorilla)! = 85
• American Blacks = 85 (average 24% White admixture)
• Middle East and North Africans = 84
• Whites = 102
• African Blacks = 67 (only 2% of Whites score this low)
• Australian Aborigines = 62
• Kalahari Bushman = 54
• Congo Pygmies = 54

Asian IQ scores cluster around the mean; thus, the cognitive variation among Whites produces more geniuses, but also more morons.

IQ studies are normed for every conceivable variable and have been confirmed on twins and trans-racial, but the racial IQ gap persists, including on non-verbal tests such Raven’s Matrices, digit span, and adoption studies mental chronometry.

August 27, 2017 2:15 pm

“Now, it occurred to me that while I knew the oft-heard claim of a 115 average IQ for Jews was a misleading substitution of a subset for the set…

This resulted in an average Israeli Jewish population IQ of 98.7 percent, slightly higher than my original calculation. Now, the Ashkenazi are 47.5 percent of the Israeli Jewish population, which means that if their average IQ is 115, the majority of the Jewish population of Israel has an average IQ of only 83.7, which is TWO standard deviations lower, and is also lower than the average IQs of Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan, as well as Nigeria, Uganda, and the Israeli-Arab population.

Does that strike you as likely? No, me neither.

There is one Israeli study that found the difference between Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi Jews in Israel to be 14 points. This would indicate an average Ashkenazi IQ of 106 and a non-Ashkenazi IQ of 92. This is considerably more credible, especially since it also happens to align with a number of studies on Ashkenazi IQ. Given that 74 percent of the global Jewish population is Ashkenazim, that means that the average Jewish IQ is 102.4.

So, average Jewish IQ is not particularly high, but is slightly higher than the European average, and considerably higher than the current US average…”

August 27, 2017 2:30 pm

I don’t believe Ashkenazi jews constitute a “race.” I’m not sure I buy into the Zhazar theory of origin but since the zionazis oppose it on principle, I am inclined to give it some benefit of doubt. Either way, most Ashkenazim are Europeans and therefore white. Any difference of IQ with Germans, Poles, Russians, Turks and various Stans should be attributed to culture and not genetics.

August 27, 2017 2:45 pm

Vox makes that point in the discussion thread as well regarding European genetics in the pool.


“The formula is a high-performance, low-trust minority taking advantage of a high-trust majority.”


“”The Ashkenazi/white European IQ difference is very well documented. ”

No, it’s BS. As an educational psychologist I’ve talked my way into seeing the original data on many of these silly and fraudulent studies. They typically misdefine or mismatch populations or methods to get the results they want. Many are as goofy as the FISA tests, comparing e.g. 15 year old Whites to Ashkenazi adults. One used Catell IQ for the Ashkenazi and Binet for the Euros. Some simply define Ashkenazi as any one of them who is professional and ignore those of low education or mental ability.

There may be some effect, but it’s overblown and the studies if you see the original data don’t support the thesis. Don’t underestimate the corruption of science data by the far-left (and far-right). Some of this is coming out in the reverify the data movement, but whatever you fear, in my experience it’s worse.”

August 27, 2017 5:04 pm

So what Z the anti-semite is saying is that the Jews have a superior culture, because they are of the same race yet score much higher on IQ tests. Interesting.

i forget
i forget
August 27, 2017 3:44 pm

Nor is it distributed equally within races, either.

EL Chen
EL Chen
August 27, 2017 3:40 pm

200 Bitchez!

EL Chen
EL Chen
August 27, 2017 3:41 pm

Suck it, End the Chen

  EL Chen
August 27, 2017 4:43 pm

No thanks. Llpoh mentioned earlier in this thread being really into sucking ass though so you can ask him.

August 27, 2017 7:57 pm

The moron, Stucky, who cannot spell a simple two syllable word may not have declared himself an atheist but demonstrates his disrespect for God every time he writes about Him.

So, is it the inward Jews you hate or just the outward ones? Which ones are the ones who are smarter than everyone else? Which ones destroyed civilization but saved the world?

I’m very much looking forward to your next hiatus. I’m done responding on this thread so take your last parting shot and go back into hiding.

August 27, 2017 6:44 pm

Don’t blame you at all, Stuck. These fucks have taken advantage of Admin’s private property, and it is a disgrace. It is a steady bombardment, as you say, and it is entirely contrary to why this site exists.

August 27, 2017 6:53 pm

I don’t know what the fuck you guys are talking about. This is TBP at it’s finest. It is what TBP is all about.

My job will be finished when the neocons are extinct, and when Israel is about as popular in the US as it is in Lebanon or Syria. And you know what? We are winning. That ridiculous bill in the senate that would criminalize support of BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions) is proof that the zionazis are running scared. They have lost in Syria, their frankenstein monster ISIS is on it’s deathbed, the US has lost and Russia and Iran are victorious. It’s a good day to be an anti-zionist!

I look forward to the day when confederate statues are re-erected and holocaust museums are torn down. Keep the faith people, it will happen.

August 27, 2017 9:18 pm

TBP at its finest. Hardly. Would it kill you guys to take one day off a week. Maybe two. Talk about something else. Some folks need a break from the drone of this noble crusade.

Newsflash. Folks are getting tired of every thread devolving into a Jew bashing shitfest. As for the plan to carry on until Israel is hated here as much as in Lebanon and Syria. I can’t see that happening. But keep trying I guess.

If it is a measure of success by how many you drive away it is working like a charm.

August 27, 2017 9:36 pm

Well Rins, I don’t recall anything memorable that you have contributed, but if you took a break, nobody would notice. With that, carry on. As for current readership, Admin can enlighten us. My guess is that it is higher than ever. So solly.

August 27, 2017 10:10 pm

Sez you.
Go blow an Ayahtollah.
You worked hard today!
You deserve it.

August 27, 2017 10:14 pm

Well here another retard who can’t even spell Ayatollah much less define it. I think those IQ charts should be reexamined. I can’t imagine Africans being dumber than Americans.

August 27, 2017 11:00 pm

You know what is really sad. I have never been a fan of State of Israel. Theocracies as nations is the motherload of bad ideas.

August 27, 2017 6:51 pm

Before you leave, Stuck, what are your thoughts on these jewish people trying to get their message out?

Stucky QOTD: J … JE … JEW …. JEWS!

August 28, 2017 1:18 pm

Once again, Stukfuk attempts to frame the christian narrative from the unbeliever’s perspective.

Judaism is a dead religion since the day of Pentecost in the Book of Acts. Today’s Jew is a tribe of Khazars caught between Christians on one side and Muslims on the other during the crusades, declaring themselves to be jews, from which clan comes the Rothschilds and European Jews.

The existence of God can be proven by the voracity of his word, which Stukfuk rejects. He should recuse himself from further discussion of spiritual matters as one who rejects God.

August 28, 2017 3:01 pm

You again. Took time out of your busy day jerking off on that book to visit comments.

You’re grrrrrrrrreat.

August 28, 2017 3:42 pm

Hi Stucky,

I would love it if you could offer your thoughts on these people’s thoughts.

Stucky QOTD: J … JE … JEW …. JEWS!

August 28, 2017 3:59 pm

Thanks Stuck.
Your assessment means a lot.

August 29, 2017 12:47 pm

Two idiots agree, why is that not surprising. Thanks for proving my point about unbelief.

I get it, you both hate god. You do so to your own detriment, not mine.

August 29, 2017 12:58 pm

I wouldn’t be so sure Bible boy. I don’t hate God. I should know because I am me.

So may the love of Odin shine upon your head.

You’re grrrrrrrrrrreat!

[imgcomment image[/img]

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
August 27, 2017 9:45 pm

perfect example of how divide and conquer works

EL Chen
EL Chen
August 27, 2017 9:59 pm

It was a dreadful time while you were gone. We spent a lot of energy fighting the YoBo onslaught but he has proven indefatigable in spreading his gospel of idiocy. At times he plays innocent, a victim, misunderstood, a neophyte, an ingenue, a gentleman, a goose-stepper and an out and out Nazi.

The themes are all the same crap Billy pushed only less enthusiastically. YoBo’s relentless efforts to christen TBP as an AltRight site, a Nazi club and an alternative publisher for Andrew Anglin’s fountain of hate are impressive.

It is no surprise that Stucky or anybody else would throw in the towel and yield to the goose-steppers. Perhaps admin’s tactic is to leave the door open as the Jews did to prevent the storm-troopers from kicking the door in. Then the world will wonder as it did on observing that the Jews far outnumbered their captors, how is it so many TBPers got overrun by a few Neo-Nazis? Unless the truth is that Stuck and LLPOH are in reality far outnumbered by the haters that have taken over TBP.

  EL Chen
August 27, 2017 10:04 pm

El Chen, would you mind offering a few thoughts on what these jewish voices are trying to communicate?

Stucky QOTD: J … JE … JEW …. JEWS!

EL Chen
EL Chen
August 27, 2017 10:19 pm

Anonymous, would you mind offering a few thoughts on what LLPOH, Stuck and many other voices are trying to communicate?

I think they are trying to say, give it a rest. We get it, you hate Jews. Can TBP go about its business now?

  EL Chen
August 27, 2017 10:24 pm

El Chen, are you saying that those two men in the videos I linked to hate jews?

August 29, 2017 12:57 pm

Jesus Christ, will you people listen to yourselves? Stukfuk hates God, and loves Jews. That should at least tell you something. Jews hate God, too.

The bright line, the delineation of mankind, is whether one loves God, or loves the world. Forces are aligning along this demarcation, and it’s up to every person to decide for themselves.

Progressives are able to reconcile their profession of tolerance and diversity, with a religion that professes neither, Islam, because the point on which they agree, is they both hate God.

The same for Stukfuk. He hates authority, so he hates God. I could go on, but the point is the same, in every single case.

August 29, 2017 4:04 pm

Well said. Welcome to the Zoroastrian faith.

August 29, 2017 4:15 pm

a good essay

The Moral Battle

August 29, 2017 4:34 pm

Good stuff, Yo!

August 29, 2017 8:30 pm

Go Go YoBo!

August 29, 2017 9:16 pm

The Axis powers have overtaken the thread. Dark days ahead.

Topsy Kreits
Topsy Kreits
August 29, 2017 9:22 pm

Clearly you don’t understand the difference between a post and a comment. The column on the right says recent posts, and recent comments. Post being news, articles, or things of interest Admin has decided to POST.

That being said Yobos repetitiveness does begin to bore me. Especially since it makes it take too long to scroll up and down and read the comments. Oh hell why lie, I really only come here for the tittys.

  Topsy Kreits
August 30, 2017 9:16 am

If you’re coming here for titties, you may want to brush up on your internet skillz…

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
August 29, 2017 10:02 pm
August 29, 2017 10:54 pm

Admin: My preference would be no posts about Jews, Nazis, Hitler, Holocaust, KKK, or white supremacy.

August 29, 2017 10:59 pm

I think you assholes broke The Burning Platform.


August 29, 2017 11:21 pm

Admin: My preference would be no posts about Jews, Nazis, Hitler, Holocaust, KKK, or white supremacy.

August 30, 2017 12:07 am

The only truth Anon knows is the color of his skin. He is pure as fresh snow and just as cold. He is fighting a ((REAL WAR)) for the Aryan people. But do you fucking losers start your own website? No. You will just shit all over this one until you end up all alone talking to each other. This is not the way to win. You are playing right in to the hands of your enemies. Fucking fools.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
August 30, 2017 12:53 am

I sorry, you Nazis started this blog? Man I confused. Guess LLPOH and Stucky re-wrote history to hide this important detail.

August 30, 2017 7:14 am

“The only truth Anon knows is the color of his skin. He is pure as fresh snow and just as cold. He is fighting a ((REAL WAR)) for the Aryan people.” – Antibabkatist

Antibabkatist = ((STUCKY))

Who said one had to be WHITE to know the ((TRUTH))?

You do not believe ((THEY)) are attacking free speech?

You do not believe ((THEY)) run the government?

You do not believe most of the ((NEOCONS)) and ((NEOLIBS)) are of a certain ((RACE))?

You do not believe ((THEY)) started ((NAACP)), ((ACLU)), etc. with the sole purpose of using the black or colored man for their ((MARXIST)) or ((COMMUNIST)) agenda?

Inquiring minds want to know!

Antibabkatist to ((ANONTIFA))
Antibabkatist to ((ANONTIFA))
August 30, 2017 9:36 am

((NOT STUCKY)). You are not very ((CLEVER)). What is with all the ((PARENTHESES)) anyway. They only make you look ((STUPID)). This is not how to win a ((REAL WAR)). The ((JEWS)) are not the ((ENEMY)). Fight the ((BELIEF SYSTEMS)) and not the ((ETHNICITY)) you fucking ((IDIOT)).

  Antibabkatist to ((ANONTIFA))
August 30, 2017 10:13 am

“…not the ((ETHNICITY)) you fucking ((IDIOT)).”


August 30, 2017 10:31 am

You got me. Those ((BLACK JEWS)) are all ((NIGGERS)). ((YOU SEEN ONE, YOU SEEN ‘EM ALL))

August 30, 2017 10:38 am

Zionists, niggers… potato, potatoe… patterns patterns everywhere.

August 30, 2017 10:50 am

Like the number 23.

August 30, 2017 11:02 am

There are many useful patterns in numbers. It’s called math which leads to engineering. ((ANONTIFA)) should look it up. When a pattern becomes reliable enough you can use it to predict events, only a niggardly consciousness would resist attempting to understand it.

Here’s another pattern… ((ANONTIFA)) is not going to bother to read this:

“First of all, it implies on the face of it that we think all Jews support open borders. Second of all, it implies on the face of it that we think only Jews support open borders

Finally, a quarter of all Jews, including half of all Orthodox Jews, voted for Trump in the 2016 election.”

August 30, 2017 11:28 am

Math and Engineering are based on logic. Racial categorizing is a lazy reduction to the mean that is not based on logic. It is based on your emotions and your prejudices. I read the link. The police and local governments don’t have to corral you with antifa. You’re doing that yourselves. Not smart.

August 30, 2017 11:40 am

See, Stubb. The ability to predict outcomes based on patterns is a valuable skill.

August 30, 2017 11:46 am

Anontifa… now that you’re playing along. Let’s keep going.

You’re not going to bother offering your opinion on these jewish voices that have as yet been treated with utter disregard by the profilers here who think they can reduce people and their statements down to “das rayciss”.

I’m certain you won’t watch these videos, or explain why these jewish voices don’t deserve to be taken seriously.

Stucky QOTD: J … JE … JEW …. JEWS!

August 30, 2017 12:03 pm

The real question is why you are so selective on which Jewish voices you wish to hear. Only the ones that support your bias. Doesn’t this very fact prove that you’re so full of shit your breath stinks? That you would call on those who you claim is your enemy to support your position? It proves nothing other than your own confusion. You and Stubb are right in one respect though. What you call patterns as evidence is actually just math.

August 30, 2017 12:14 pm

It’s not selective. It’s adding them into the conversation along with all the other voices that we’re all already hearing from the mainstream. This includes the voices referenced in the article you say you read.

I say put them both on the table, look at what’s actually happening in the world, and see which voices are more accurately describing the events of the world.

You however, are attempting to let only one side have a voice and decrying anyone who says it’s much more complicated and there is more going on that is worth understanding, as rayciss.

You treat the demographic as a monolithic dindu nuffin. I treat the demographic as one which has many individuals who have many different beliefs, including individuals and organizations who are hiding behind their demographic and using it as a weapon. Like BLM and feminists.

Let’s keep playing the pattern and influence game: You won’t address the voices in the video, or the voices in the article.

August 30, 2017 1:00 pm

Listen. I may know who you are and you may think you know who I am. That’s fine. Possibly out of mutual respect is why we are fighting this proxy war here and now. We may agree that cultural marxism is an insidious foe and a real enemy to the US. There are conspiracies that we may also agree to. But when you go and assign the conspiracy to one particular ethinic grouping, then like Houston we have a problem. There is no way you can account for all factors involved and to oversimply is to do so at the peril of what you claim to be fighting for. To say that the jew is pulling the strings and the niggers are doing their bidding is tempting to believe, but it won’t win you this war. You will lose the heart and soul of those you need in the fight. On this website and politically. Sure Ben Shapiro may be a jew. But that is not why he is the enemy. If you believe that your cause will be diminished. Not everything is flesh and blood. Ideas rule. When it is time to fight it will be a mistake to aim at colors and genealogies. If you do, the aryan descendants in antifa will roll right over you. And if you win what will that look like? Think about it. Memes work when they attack ideas more than people. That is all I want to say.

August 30, 2017 1:31 pm

Good reply Anontifa. I will return to this thread later tonight when I have time to give an equally well enunciated response to the legitimate concerns you raise.

August 30, 2017 2:22 pm

Alright. But even if you do provide the irrefutable truth of a jewish conspiracy which I believe would not be impossible, also consider this about meme warfare. In dealing with the cultural marxism that brought about issues like transgenderism and obammy’s open bathroom policy, the enemies want us to accept their beliefs. Even if the jew were behind it all, would it be more effective to fight by showing a meme of a bearded hacidic jew wearing a black hat with fishnets and high heels scaring a little girl in a bathroom or something like this picture that humorously attacks the IDEA behind the fallacy? Memes like this make people think and change their mind rather than shutting down the conversation in my opinion.

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 30, 2017 1:05 am

What a very sad thread. When someone like Yoebbels just won’t quit on a topic it’s because they are trying to convince themselves that they are full of discernment on the matter. He just won’t let off the gas pedal because he still has doubts deep down. So he keeps going in the hope that if he can convince others, then he might be correct. A ‘safety in numbers’ psychological self-delusion.

“Bore: one who has the power of speech but not the capacity for conversation”. -Benjamin Disraeli

That’s what Yo has become. An absolute fucking bore.

August 30, 2017 7:24 am

How wonderful!

Vodka wants to quote a ((NEW WORLD ORDER)) and ((ZIONIST)) father figure!

Since you like his quote about a “bore”.. what do you think about this quote from him?

The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. Benjamin Disraeli
Read more at:

Was ((Disraeli)) telling the ((TRUTH))?

Is ((Disraeli)) referring to a “conspiracy theory” or a “fact”?

((WHO)) runs the ((NEW WORLD ORDER))?

Inquiring minds want to know!

August 31, 2017 2:31 am

You don’t like the Disraeli quote?? That’s called (((Irony))). Look it up.

August 30, 2017 9:02 am

Posting that many comments in a row seems a little unhinged to me. I don’t get it.

August 30, 2017 9:29 am

A little? The dude needs a fucking padded room and a good whack of Thorazine.

August 30, 2017 9:39 am

Way more than 50 posts, one after another, in direct disregard of what has been asked. It is disgusting.

Unhinged? Something seriously wrong with the guy.

August 30, 2017 9:50 am

Have a heart, guys. YoBo has been going cold turkey since TDS went dark.

August 30, 2017 11:10 am

You don’t lend confidence to your research abilities and thus capacity to comprehend complex subject matters (and thus reason to have an opinion) when you can’t even get something as simple as that comment right.

Posting a link is not an incitement to clicking it… it’s simply provided here for scientific purposes.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
August 31, 2017 1:05 am

You seem to be trying to drive a nail into ironwood. You pound and you pound and you never seem to hit the nail on the head or get your point across. What are you driving at?
Jews are bad?
So are Negroes and beaners and whites, (some whites, not the guys in Boston) etc. I read in the bible that they are all bad and fall short of the glory of God. All men are bad, some worse than others.
What do you propose, assuming you got your point across, shall we start up the gas chambers once more?
Your kill list is too long. It would be far more efficient and easier if you killed yourself, you will be rid of the hated bad men and we shall hear no more of your endless miserable blather. Everybody wins.
Do we have a deal?

  EL Cibernetico
August 31, 2017 2:14 am

“What are you driving at?”

There is a Jewish Supremacist movement. It has enormous control and influence over you. It hides behind jews who don’t like them very much but go unheard by most. These jews who are not supremacists wish that this supremacist movement would stop behaving in ways that keeps bringing the normal jewish people so much trouble.

They wish that this supremacist movement would stop abusing this “trick” to exploit the natural empathy and high-trust nature of the traditionally Christian European cultures.

Because they know that if that trust and empathy is ever exploited too far, it will be these jews who have been complaining about the supremacists who will be unfairly hurt the most because the supremacists will throw those jews who have complained about the supremacists under the bus.

Those who refuse to have an honest conversation about the role Jewish Supremacists are playing in your life, the policies of our nation(s), etc… are helping to ensure that those supremacists will yet again, as they have many many times before, bring great suffering on innocent jews in order to escape accountability.

  EL Cibernetico
August 31, 2017 2:29 am

What are attempts at solutions?

Murder is not the solution. YOU keep bringing murder up, but that reveals more about you and your psyche than the person you were replying to.

There are two primary themes this can go along that might allow for improvements rather than continued degradation in relations.

The “shut ’em down” path: ALL affirmative action is stopped immediately. Ethnicity based advocacy groups are dismantled. National (foreign) advocacy groups are dismantled. Dual citizenship is halted. etc. Slavery is over, the Holocaust is over, we’re all competing on merit and advocating on nation/ethnicity in any way is shut down.

The “Let ’em compete” path: Pro-white advocacy is allowed to compete directly with BLM, ADL, etc. States are granted far more leniency in their methods of providing incentives for demographics so that demographics can settle into natural equalibriums.

If neither of these sort of themes are allowed to be followed, then tensions will only increase and it won’t be the fault of the white demographic for finally having Zero Fucks left to give.

August 31, 2017 1:40 am

That anon has a more consistent username than El Pink Square below this post.

Norman Franklin
Norman Franklin
August 31, 2017 1:49 am

Fuck it I think we should all change our names to anon. That way when I am working in my orchards I don’t have to assign names to trees based on TBP characters. Everything can just be called fruit or nut.

  Norman Franklin
August 31, 2017 1:58 am

I’m just saying that if you’re going to criticize anon, they are operating on identical terms as EC and BL. They are more consistent in that even, as EC and BL post as the abstract Anonymous as well, along with humor names.

As to your other point… there is an enormous amount of validity about a community where there are no names. It’s essentially the entire premise behind the chan boards. It forces all conversation to be grounded in the ideas and zero relevance to the person expressing them.

I do think TBP would be better if it didn’t have a voting system, but the loose nature of the voting system here does make for an entertaining side conversation so long as you don’t take it too seriously.

It’s embarrassing to watch certain people here who seem to want their ideas to be taken seriously reveal just how fragile their conception of themselves really are when they start whinging about thumbs. It shows how completely useless their thinking really is if it were to leave the safety of this place and attempt to put them into practice “out there” where the knocks are harder and sometimes permanent.

But if you haven’t spent any time in anon culture, then you might not really understand the value of it. It’s an entirely different beast when you abandon all ego and can only get something recognized 100% on the merit of the idea and nothing to do with the avatar or label slapped on them.

You’d probably be surprised who you wind up agreeing/disagreeing with if TBP were to strip all names and icons for a week but everyone kept posting.

Norman Franklin
Norman Franklin
August 31, 2017 2:25 am

Hey I like thumbs, sometimes I wish I could get a 100 down but I really haven’t figured out what to say to trigger that. I probably would be surprised as you say. Sometimes I am convinced by the writing that there is only 1 or 2 people behind Lipoh, Bl, Ec, BB and a few others. Also I think U nco are behind 5- 10 or more characters. So it is exercise for my little brain at times. That might be an interesting experiment for one of the powers to suggest to admin. Sort of a 2 minutes weak of hate, or love whatever. And no I haven’t spent any time in Anon culture.

August 31, 2017 2:51 am

Let’s call this ‘the thread that won’t die’.

BTW, the latest ‘anon’ posts have all the verbal cadences of Yo, trying to convince you that he has a following. He doesn’t.

Topsy Kreits
Topsy Kreits
August 31, 2017 3:26 am

This place is full of bots. These bots have been imbued with the power to read ones mind. If one has a mind to begin with. As long as they don’t hurt LIPOH or Stucky its all good.

  Topsy Kreits
August 31, 2017 3:47 am

“Tracking shillbots” –

August 31, 2017 4:27 am

I guess it must be true that you can’t fight progress. That guy that talked us into buying Super Absorbent towels at the State Fair in the early 90’s is now everywhere on the internet.