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September 24, 2017 6:37 pm

Totally gave up pro football after the second guy started doing it (don’t remember or care what his name is) and just follow college ball. With the NFL giving back something like 200 million a week to advertisers, looks like Luntz pretty much got it right. There are quite a few exceptions but most of the pro players are just assholes. It will serve them ALL right for not standing up to the idiots.

carnac the insignificant
carnac the insignificant
September 24, 2017 8:13 pm

I am now in boycott of sports. Not pro. Not college. Not the olympics. Dont need it. I have other stuff to do. Sports was an entertainment option. Optional in other words. I did firewood today. Then i went for a 2.5 mile walk out to the lake with the wife and dog. Hot day, so we took a swim. Visited a friend. Wife helped out a neighbor with a broke down vehicle. Having dinner soon, as its in the oven. Nice full day. Didnt miss football at all.

  carnac the insignificant
September 24, 2017 10:02 pm

Sounds like you had a great day.

  carnac the insignificant
September 25, 2017 9:28 am

Got frisky with the Mrs……..wondered what got into me……told her and she hopes they all kneel when they start their next job delivering furniture…..

September 24, 2017 7:01 pm

So what are they protesting again?

I’m lost. And who are they protesting?

They need to come out with a spokesman to explain all this. And make a bigger jackass of themselves.

September 24, 2017 9:31 pm

So what are they protesting again?

Blacks being held accountable for their actions.

And who are they protesting?

White people. For both having basic standards of civilized behavior, and in attempting to hold non-whites to those standards. We’re apparently monsters.

For under $500 billion we could air-deliver the entire black population of America to Africa, in about a year (though the prep work would take some time before shipments could begin). I was mostly joking the first time I posted this, but it’s looking like an increasingly serious option as every week goes by.

September 24, 2017 11:49 pm

They are protesting the false narrator that black people are shot at a disproportionally high rate by cops. While they are shot at a higher rather than the percentage they are of the population, they are shot at a much lower rate than would be expected based on the wildly out of proportion percentage of violent crimes they commit.

September 24, 2017 7:18 pm

Please remember the Atlanta NAACP called for a boycott of the NFL if they did not hire Kapernick, so the NFL is getting it from both sides of the political spectrum.
Also, please remember the NFL itself is a tax exempt organization, I plan to write my senators requesting them to have this rescinded.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
September 24, 2017 8:01 pm

the networks are in a pickle. a lose lose deal, which i enjoy

  fear & loathing
September 24, 2017 11:55 pm

As do I. I’d say I’ll quit watching and cancel cable, but I already did that years ago. The left has put the NFL and networks in quite the quandary. If they start punishing the players, the SJWs will start protesting the games, trying to block the stadiums, all kinds of nonsense. The left will come down on them, hard, and make life miserable. Personal attacks on owners, etc. On the other hand, keep this up and they will piss off and drive away their most important, and most lucrative, audience demographics. The SJWs tweeting and faceberging in support of this aren’t sports fans and will never be an audience they make money from. Leftists, by their very nature, do not like competition.

When I have a free Saturday or Sunday, I find a pistol competition near me to shoot in. There is something within an hour of me most weekends. You guys would enjoy a USPSA or steel challenge match much more than watching these overpaid(for now anyways) children play sports ball, trust me.

September 24, 2017 8:09 pm

I wish I could protest pro sports by no longer watching them. Fortunately I was ahead of the curve and never started watching pro sports in the first place.

Now if I can just get the wifely unit to give up cable, not a penny of my income will go to any major league sports organization.

carnac the insignificant
carnac the insignificant
September 24, 2017 8:17 pm

Get kodi and cut the cord. Then all you pay is internet and maybe phone bill. We have amazon prime but that pays for itself in shipping alone. 35 miles to nearest store. Dump that cable. Its easy. Do it now.

September 24, 2017 8:24 pm

Pro sports needs to suck it. Just look at all the free coverage they’ve gotten for years! My wife & I laugh at the local news/weather/sports show because when the sports guy comes on he’s YELLING! Why that is, I have no idea other than some fake energy for fake entertainment.
I hope the NFL owners lose their ass. That Charger move to LA sure hasn’t “brought the excitement”.

September 24, 2017 9:26 pm

Hopefully this disgraceful behavior will have the same result as when the Dixie Chicks flapped their gums and offended half of America.

“The comments at the concert beginning a Dixie Chicks world tour sparked off possibly the biggest black balling in the history of American music. Spoken 10 days before the beginning of the Iraq War, the backlash took the Dixie Chicks from the biggest concert draw in country music to relative obscurity in country music in a matter of weeks………….Radio stations who played any Dixie Chicks songs were immediately bombarded with phone calls and emails blasting the station and threats of boycotts if they continued. Even radio DJ’s and programmers who sympathized with the Dixie Chicks were forced to stop playing them from the simple logistics nightmare the boycott created. Some DJ’s who played the Dixie Chicks were fired…………Dixie Chicks CD’s were rounded up, and in one famous incident were run over by a bulldozer. Concerts were canceled in the US as the Dixie Chicks couldn’t sell tickets, and rival concerts were set up that would take Dixie Chicks tickets in exchange. The Dixie Chicks lost their sponsor Lipton, and The Red Cross denied a million dollar endorsement from the band, fearing it would draw the ire of the boycott. The Dixie Chicks also received hundreds of death threats from the incident.”

September 24, 2017 8:33 pm

You know. This issue or rather demonstration is looking a lot like the decrecration of statues.

Which makes me think , Trump is winning big.

rhs jr
rhs jr
September 24, 2017 8:35 pm

NFL pro-football should go where the Roman Gladiators went; millions of people were wasting precious time and money sitting on their keisters watching America hating millionaire athletes perform a show about nothing.

September 24, 2017 9:18 pm

Fuck those ungrateful bastards .I know I will never again Watch football . Maybe car racing.Maybe.

September 24, 2017 9:28 pm

Frank Luntz is an amoral asshole, but that doesn’t mean he is not right this time.

September 24, 2017 11:41 pm

tell us more about luntz-all i know about him is when i used to see him focus grouping on fox–

September 24, 2017 10:27 pm

I’m hopeful that the public will shove this up the NFL’s ass. Not optimistic.

September 24, 2017 11:43 pm

I find the anthem offensive in its own right. We are an Empire and our Anthem is a war anthem. I support a republic, not an empire, and one that defends it shores, not one that invades the world for the benefits of the banksters, the oil cartels, and the rest of the globalist puppetmasters. Both the flag (and its socialist-created pledge) and the anthem are symbols of that empire, not of the republic I was incorrectly taught that this country is.

September 25, 2017 12:14 am


Comments under this and every other yahoo article related to football dovetail nicely with this article. People are pissed.

September 25, 2017 12:31 am

The definition of irony: A bunch of malcontents crowing about racial inequality while taking multimillion dollar paychecks from 32 old rich white men. Start by protesting the makeup of your employer’s demographics, by taking a principled stand, and walking away from the game until the NFL can get it’s own house in order. The world may start taking you seriously. Not one minority owner in the game. Put you money where your mouth is gentlemen!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 25, 2017 6:23 am

-Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
September 25, 2017 9:33 am

Explode a grenade on the kitchen floor, you get Linoleum Blownaparte.
“Where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence.”
Mohandas Gandhi

“The primary thing when you take a sword in your hands is your intention to cut the enemy, whatever the means. Whenever you parry, hit, spring, strike or touch the enemy’s cutting sword, you must cut the enemy in the same movement. It is essential to attain this. If you think only of hitting, springing, striking or touching the enemy, you will not be able actually to cut him.”
Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings

Robert (QSLV)