A Nonviolent Solution To The Mooslim Problem

Long article so, sue me. From time to time some brilliant thinker will challenge us dummies with “What’s your solution?? We need solutions, not whining!!”. Well, this guy does exactly that. And, imho, they’re damned good ones.

That being said, his idea to show mooslims the true nature of Mohammed, that he is flawed, and seriously so — well, I guess the chances of that tactic being successful are slim to none. And, Slim left town. Many mooslims have attempted reform. They all wind up being ignored, ostracized, or dead.

It’s no different than trying to convince a staunch Christian that the Bible contains errors. Not one in a hundred Christians will be convinced.

But, most of his other mooslim-problem solutions seem reasonable, and doable, if only we had the will.

If we don’t destroy Islam as an ideology it will exterminate us culturally and physically.

Islam is an utterly ruthless totalitarian political system disguised as a religion. Islam will literally stop at nothing to achieve its objective of world domination, with all non-Muslims exterminated or enslaved. Muslims who deny this are lying (Muslims are encouraged to tell lies to further the expansion of Islam). Terrorism is an intrinsic and inseparable part of Islam.

Consequently, the ideology of Islam MUST be defeated. It must be consigned to the dustbin of history along with those other vicioustotalitarianisms – Nazism and Communism. The alternative is our extermination as a civilisation, and the whole world being plunged into an endless theocratic Dark Age.

There can be no violent solution
In an age of nuclear weapons, the option of exterminating Islam the way we exterminated Nazism – by world war – is unthinkable. Apart from anything else, there is no guarantee that the West could win an all-out World War III against Islam. Our infrastructure, government and militaryhave been too far infiltrated by jihadists. There would be thousands ofFort Hood style massacres of our troops if a war broke out between DaralHarb and Dar al-Islam, not to mention massive sabotage of military and civilian infrastructure and violent intifadas in Muslim-dominated cities throughout the West.

This is not to say that the Muslims would win a World War either. The victors of WWIII would be well-organised authoritarian states with small Muslim populations who would be prepared to be ruthless in keeping their Muslims in order. China springs to mind.

Islam – The Strong Horse Effect

A new cold war
The only option for defeating Islam is to undermine it in the same way we undermined communism – by a slow process of ideological warfare.

There are three factors driving the growth and continued existence of Islam in the West.

(1) Immigration

(2) Undeserved public respect for Islam as a ‘religion’, when actually it is a primitive, anti-rational, totalitarian criminal conspiracy — a combination of the Mafia and the Nazi Party.

(3) The ‘strong horse’ effect — all the special privileges and legal immunities that Muslims in the West enjoy, so there are no social or material (as distinct from spiritual) incentives for them to abandon their cult. Being a Muslim gives you high social status, exemption from normal laws, and special privileged treatment in many areas of life.

Muslims can get anything, and get away with anything, just by shouting ‘racism‘ or ‘Islamophobia‘.
Here are some ideas of how to deal with (2) and (3):

Altering the spiritual and material cost/benefits of being a Muslim
Like other religions, Islam promises spiritual benefits from being a member of the cult – namely avoidance of hell and entry into paradise, which in Islam’s case is a well-appointed brothel in the sky. But unlike other religions, Islam also offers material benefits in the here and now, for example immunity to normal laws, superior status to all non-Muslims (dhimmis) and sanctified rape and pillage where the victims are non-Muslims.

Adherence to any belief system usually has two components – faith and conformity. In Islam, as with communism, the forces of conformity are very strong and are imposed with murderous ruthlessness. Nevertheless, once the faith has gone, the habits of conformity will become an empty shell, which will eventually implode.

So we need to attack Islam on both fronts, by demonstrating that the spiritual benefits of the ‘faith’ are bogus – Islam is confidence trick set up by a ruthless megalomaniac – and also we need to decrease the benefits of conformity by increasing the costs and reducing the benefits of being a Muslim in the material world here and now.

Whether or not individual Muslims really believe in the cult of Mohammed, Muslims in the West find the ‘Muslim Identity’ very useful as a source of special entitlement, fast-track immigration, no-questions-asked welfare benefits, disproportionate political power, preferential housing and immunity from normal laws. There is thus no incentive to abandon their predatory sociopathic cult.


Destroying and replacing Muslim beliefs
Islam may appear hard, but it is also brittle. A small crack anywhere in the structure can spread throughout. Islam claims that the Koran is the literal word of God, which was dictated to, but not written by,Mohammed.

So it’s an all-or-nothing cult. Any fault in the Koran, or doubts as to the truthfulness of Mohammed, can cause the whole system to disintegrate. Muslims already subconsciously realise this, because they fly into tantrums whenever either Mohammed or the Koran is‘disrespected’ . Under Sharia law any criticism or either Mohammed or the Koran is blasphemy which is punished by death.

This paranoid, hypersensitive defensiveness and outrage at criticism are not the reactions of a confident belief system, but of an information-control cult. These reactions are evidence of an attempt to protect a fatal vulnerability, an attempt to cover an Achilles heel.

The location of that Achilles heel was amply demonstrated by theSatanic Verses affair, the Motoons rage, and by the OIC’s insidious attempts to introduce global laws against ‘blasphemy’ of Mohammed.The Muslims themselves have shown us their most vulnerable spot, which is the questionable (though unquestioned) character of the ‘Prophet’ himself. We need to satirise and ridicule baby-bonking Mountil the Muslims fly into uncontrollable tantrums, then ridicule them even more for their tantrums, and repeat the process until they froth at the mouth and steam comes out of their ears.

Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed.
Unlike the two other religions that have a single founder, Islam is uniquely and solely dependent upon the truthfulness of that founder.

Christianity is based on a long tradition of Jewish religion ( Christians would say it is the culmination of that tradition ), and the Bible was written by numerous authors . Jesus himself did not produce the Christian scriptures. His teachings were independently recorded by his disciples.

Buddhism has philosophical and psychological foundations which Buddhists claim to be independently reproducible and verifiable by anyone who follows the Buddha’s reasoning and instructions (The Four Seals of Dharma)

In contrast everything in Islam originates from the uncorroborated testimony of one pedophile, and pedophiles are notorious liars andconmen. Despite the Muslims trying to pull the Abrahamic Religions’taqiyya tactic, Islam is not a continuation of Judeo-Christian religion, it is a garbled plagiarism of Jewish and Christian scriptures which is in many respects a contradiction and corruption of the originals.

If you destroy the credibility of Mohammed, you destroy Islam.
The primary target of the propaganda counterjihad must beMohammed. If Mohammed is revealed as an imposter, a fraud and a conman then the Koran and Hadiths are worthless raving and ramblings, mere sound and fury signifying nothing. Muslims revereMohammed because very few know the truth about him. The effectiveness of the direct attack on Mohammed has been demonstrated by father Zakaria Botros, a Christian Priest who broadcasts the truth about Mohammed, based on the Muslims’ own scriptures:

“It’s not enough that alQaeda has called Fr Zakaria Botros “one of the most wanted infidels in the world,” issuing a 60 million dollar bounty on his head, or that popular Arabic magazines call him “Islam’s public enemy #1”; now, as expected, CAIR is getting in on the action, calling for a “national alert” — as in umma alert, eerily reminiscent of a fatwa — against him. Apparently his last few shows dealing with Muhammad’s questionable sexual habits, including necrophilia – are irking CAIR.

Why do radical Muslims, such as CAIR, hate — and fear — Zakaria Botrosso? The problem Muslims have with Fr Botros is that they simply cannot refute him: everything he says — no matter how scandalizing to Islam — is always based on, often revered, Islamic sources. Moreover, Fr Botrosrarely makes any claims about Islam: he only exposes; he only raises questions and then invites Islam’s ulema to respond and “clarify” the matter. However, as this story indicates, their response is only to have him censored — or, for the more radical, killed.”http://www.jihadwatch.org/2009/01/father-zakaria-botros-on-cairs-radar.html

Providing an alternative to Islam
The Muslims who have abandoned Islam will need somewhere else to go. Some will abandon religion altogether and become secularists, but as most people need some sort of religious belief in their life an alternative must be provided. This means that apostates (people who have converted out of Islam) will need protection from the murderous intentions of their former co-religionists . Attempts to intimidate apostates must be treated as serious hate-crimes and punished with the utmost severity.

Of the two ‘universal’ religions – Buddhism and Christianity – the most suitable Islam-substitute is probably Christianity and is better fitted to Muslims’ intellectual capacities than the more philosophical Buddhism. The churches must therefore be encouraged to minister to Muslims, protect apostates, and even set up covert online churches where Muslims may privately convert to Christianity without taking the risks of ‘coming out’ by declaring their true faith while thy are still vulnerable.

Predatory cult
The difference between predatory cults such as Islam and real religions, is that a true religion attempts to bring out the best in people, whereas a predatory cult does the opposite.

Muslims inhabit a different moral universe from the rest of us, where good is evil and evil is good, if it serves the purposes of Islam.

While other religions teach goodwill to mankind, Islam teaches hostility to all non-members of the cult.
Jesus, in the parable of the Good Samaritan, taught his followers to help all people in need, irrespective of their religion. Jews are commanded to be a light unto the nations. The Buddha taught compassion for all suffering beings.

But in Islam, charity applies only to fellow Muslims, and in fact many Islamic charities are money-launderers for jihad.

There is no Golden Rule in Islam. There is no place for conscience in Islam. Peel away the thin veneer of religiosity, and all you find is vicious, primitive, predatory tribalism.

There is no moral equvalence
Those people who use the moral equivalence argument to compare Islam with other religions need to examine their own subconscious psychological motives. They are not only attempting to delude others, but are in deep denial and trying to delude themselves.

The conscious part of the argument takes the form “Christians and Jews have committed atrocities such as the McVeigh, Breivik and King David Hotel bombings, so Christianity and Judaism are just the same as Islam. Therefore Islam poses no special threat.”

The fallacies are obvious: Christian and Jewish acts of terrorism are rare and infrequent; they are rejected by the majority of followers of the religions, go against the core teachings of the religions, and are committed by a few isolated loonies. In contrast, Islamic acts of terrorism are commonplace, are encouraged by the Koran and are supported, if not actually carried out, by a substantial proportion of Muslims.

The unconscious and self-deluding part of the moral equivalence argument is the refusal to face the fact that Islam is an intrisically violent totalitarian ideology that has infiltrated our civilization, and is bent on our conversion, subjugation or elimination. To acknowlege this would be deeply disturbing and well outside the comfort zone of most people (remember the popular enthusiasm for appeasement of Hitler and ‘Peace in Our Time’?) . So we reassure ourselves, by the moral equivalence argument, that Islam is just like other religions.

It’s far easier to stay in denial and regard Islam as being no more threat to our lives and culture than the Quakers or Lubavitcher Hasidim. That way we don’t have to worry about the looming global clash of civizations, or think about the unpleasant courses of action that may be necessary to reduce the threat.

Destroying Islam Virally from Within
It’s recently been suggested that if Islam is treated as a contagious mental illness – a mind-virus or ‘meme’ – it might be possible to vaccinate against it in the same way that the harmless cowpox virus can vaccinate against smallpox.

The idea is to spread the ‘metameme’ – the meme carrying the meme theory – in the hope that it will lead Muslims to realise that Islam is a mind-parasite.

If you are a sexually repressed teenager, who suddenly realises that the promise of 72 virgins for killing kuffars is nothing more than the mechanism for a mind-virus to ensure its dominance over competing memes, by eliminating their carriers, then you may be less enthusiastic about blowing yourself and fellow passengers to pieces in a train or bus.

Here’s the article http://rational-buddhism.blogspot.com/2012/01/metameme.html

Destroying Mohammed’s street cred among ‘jihadi cool’ youths.
Jihadi cool’ Muslim youths in the west are a thuggish, predatory and parasitic criminal underclass of gangstas. Our normal standards of rationality and morality do not apply to them. They are also severely inbred which means that most of them are of low intelligence if not actually psychopathically insane. They have no loyalty to their country of residence nor any intention of obeying its ‘man-made laws’, just an arrogant sense of unearned entitlement and the Allah-given right to rape and pillage at will.

Consequently, the psychopath Muhammad is in many respects an ideal role-model for them, and his robberies, rapes and massacres (especially of the Jews) are seen as ‘cool’ by most Muslim teenagers. Terrorists such as Bin Laden are idolised by Muslim youth. Mohammed’s sexual perversions are also widely approved of, as Muslim communities are the only ones in which paedophilia is an acceptable pastime. Many young Muslim boys are involved in pimping kuffar children by befriending them before handing them over to older ‘cousins’ for prostitution.

The Muslim mind is pre-rational, predatory and tribal. Appeals to reason are no use because they believe that faith is superior to reason, and the fact that the Koran is full of contradictions doesn’t bother them in the slightest. Islam hasn’t had an enlightenment and is still in the Dark Ages. In fact, the cult justifies itself in terms of a power-structure maintained by physical threats and lynch-mobs rather than reason or spirituality.

Appeals to normal human decency as an antidote to Islam are pointless. Muslims believe it is their duty to kill, maim, rape, swindle and rob thekaffir (unbeliever) – this is an intrinsic part of their cult. The ‘Golden Rule’ – ‘do unto others as you would they do unto you’ , does not extend beyond the boundaries of the Ummah-tribe. So, for example, displaying pictures of the aftermath of Muslim atrocities is a waste of time – this will actually encourage them. Many Muslim men and boys get sexually aroused by watching jihad-snuff videos of kaffirs being tortured and beheaded.

Pointing out that Muslims are useless parasites on the West is also not going to make them change their ways, because that’s what they are unashamedly here for.

The way to get at them, is to damage their inflated and fragile egos. Because Muslims are at a tribal state of pre-civilised development, they venerate the totems of their tribe, and will go into tantrums if these are ‘disrespected’. Unstable adolescents are constantly seeking ‘significance’ and ‘respect’.

Mohammed is of course one of the main totems, so one of the ways to discredit him is to turn him into a laughing stock. No cool teenager will follow a figure of ridicule, which is why the Muslims got so enraged when the Motoons came out. Ridicule is one of the most effective weapons against Islam.

No streetwise adolescent delinquent likes to be conned. So if you can also show Mohammed as the conman he was, then this is likely to have a far greater effect on ‘jihadi cool’ young Muslims than his violence and criminality (which they admire). They may approve of him conning his contemporaries, they may approve of him duping the hated kuffars withtaqiyya, but they will be very sure not to let him con themselves. More athttp://crombouke.blogspot.com/2010/01/exorcising-mohammed-conman-from-minds.html

Why we must stop legitimizing Muslim grievances
‘There is no surer path to Muslim violence than through the legitimization of Muslim grievance. And once you accept the legitimacy of the grievance, then you are also bound to accept the legitimacy of the violence that follows.

Violence begins with grievance. Grievance is the pretext for violence and the narrative for the violence. Liberals make a fetish of separating the grievance from the violence, emphasizing constructive means of resolving the grievance. But what do you do when the grievance and the violence are inseparable?

Grievance is the stories that Muslims tell themselves to justify their violence. To explain why they kill children and why they murder the innocent. The list of grievances is an endless as the violence. Every act of violence carries its own narrative. The endless Muslim conflicts throughout the world all carry their burden of history. But it isn’t a history that can be resolved with a tolerance session… More

Removing the benefits and increasing the costs of being Muslim
As well as ignoring their victim mentality and perpetual whining for redress of manufactured grievances, the second line of attack should also make belonging to the Ummah costly and unattractive in a material sense.
At present Muslims are pandered to and given special privileges just because they are Muslims. They believe that ‘Islam must dominate and must not be dominated’. For example:

– Muslims are given priority for social housing.http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/manchester/5213588.stm

– Muslims are exempted from paying bank interest charges on overdrafts. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1208204/An-overdraft-Thatll-200-Lloyds-TSB-15-youre-Muslim.html

– Muslims enjoy immunity from hate-crime legislationhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/personal-view/4975163/Stop-pandering-to-enemies-of-our-way-of-life.html

– Muslim communities are given vast sums of protection money (jizya) to try and buy off terrorist attacks.http://uppompeii1.uppompeii.com/2009/03/12/i-would-like-to-help-the-government–but-you-cannot-fix-stupid.aspx

– Courts automatically award Muslims huge sums in compensation for damages for ‘hurt feelings’ on trumped up charges of discrimination.http://crombouke.blogspot.com/2010/01/muslim-litigation-jihad-and-lawfare.html

– Muslims are allowed to practice polygamy and receive benefits for each wife http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1154789/Polygamy-UK-This-special-Mail-investigation-reveals-thousands-men-milking-benefits-support-wives.html andhttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-557331/Muslim-spared-speeding-ban-drive-wives.html

– Muslims are encouraged to live as welfare parasiteshttp://crombouke.blogspot.com/2010/01/islamic-parasites.html

– Muslims are allowed to operate pedophile rings without fear of prosecution lest it damages ‘community cohesion’.
and http://www.jihadwatch.org/2004/05/uks-channel-4-pulls-child-sex-documentary-on-racial-fears.html andhttp://isupporttheresistance.blogspot.com/2007/09/asian-paedophile-prositution-network.html

– Muslims demand Muslim-only prayer rooms at taxpayers’ expense.http://www.jihadwatch.org/2009/03/australia-muslim-university-students-demand-muslims-only-prayer-rooms.html

– Muslims are allowed to dictate who may visit Parliamenthttp://archbishop-cranmer.blogspot.com/2009/01/lord-ahmed-threatens-parliament-into.html

– Broadcasters must never upset Muslimshttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/religion/3198804/BBC-boss-says-Islam-should-be-treated-more-sensitively-than-Christianity.html andhttp://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jonathanwynne-jones/5501911/Sony_confirms_Muslims_can_expect_better_treatment_than_Christians/

– Muslim students are given religious benefits that aren’t given to members of any other religionhttp://friendlyatheist.com/2007/07/31/is-this-preferential-treatment-for-muslims/

– Muslims expect to be given free land to set up Mosqueshttp://swindonnf.blogspot.com/2008/09/muslims-in-my-area-are-asking-local.html

– Muslims get public money diverted from churcheshttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/religion/5803962/Church-accuses-Government-of-favouring-Muslims.html

– Muslims get preferential treatment in hospitalhttp://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/27213/Nurses-told-to-turn-Muslims-beds-to-Mecca
– Muslims get Muslim-only swimming sessions at public expensehttp://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-560231/Public-pool-bars-father-son-Muslim-swimming-session.html

– Muslims are allowed to part illegally near Mosqueshttp://theopinionator.typepad.com/my_weblog/2009/01/just-another-example-of-muslims-expecting-preferential-treatment-when-it-comes-to-local-or-national-laws-and-nothing-like-th.html

– Muslims can expect lenient sentences for traffic offenseshttp://isupporttheresistance.blogspot.com/2009/03/so-lord-slaughter-is-freed.html and http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-557331/Muslim-spared-speeding-ban-drive-wives.html

– Muslim criminals cannot be deported.http://theopinionator.typepad.com/my_weblog/2010/12/muslim-man-who-killed-12-yr-old-seeks-to-remain-in-uk.html

The Strong Horse effect
Social groups that have more members or are seen as stronger are going to be more attractive to join, since social groups, including religions, have a status or utility. At present this effect is working for Islam and against most other religions, especially Christianity.

All the dhimmi pandering, appeasement, legal immunities and special privileges contribute to what Bin Laden calls the ‘strong horse effect’,which makes Muslims confident of further increasing their numbers and influence, and thus winning the Stealth Jihad in the West.

So as a first measure, all special treatment should be withdrawn.

Secondly, Muslims should not merely be treated the same as everybody else, but should be made to pay the price of their totally negative antisocial and damaging presence in our countries.

– Muslim immigration must be stopped.

– Islam’s status as a religion should be rescinded.

– Muslims must be regarded as enemy aliens and banned from sensitive occupations where they may be a security risk.

– All illegal Muslim immigrants must be deported, or if they can’t be sent back to their countries of origin they must be held in internment camps until some country will accept them.

– All Muslims guilty of serious crimes must be deported.

– Translation at public expense must be stopped.

– All Muslim clergy must be put under surveillance and deported at the first sign of trouble.

– Muslims who leave the country should not be allowed back in unless they can prove they were here legally in the first place.

– Cousin marriage must be banned to disrupt their breeding cycle andspare the Health Service the cost of their inbred offspring.

– Muslim welfare parasitism must be clamped down on rigorously. Hopefully they may move elsewhere once they realise they’re no longer going to get a free ride.

– We need to get out of the EU to prevent other EU countries ‘Muzzie-dumping’ on us.

– Remains of terrorists should be buried in pigskin, Russian style, to prevent them entering paradise.

– Extended families of terrorists should be rounded up and deported as accomplices, since family members often encourage terrorism in the hope of a free ride to paradise.

– Kuffars should boycott Muslim businesses and products.

Polluter Pays Principle
Islam is a form of pollution, which is not just limited to environmental pollution caused by the population pressures of fast-breedingparasites. Islam is also a toxic upwelling of spiritual, moral, social,economic, educational, genetic, intellectual and cultural pollution in the Western societies it is slowly poisoning.

As well as the various forms of organized premeditated jihad, Muslims are psychologically primed to be opportunist jihadists, spontaneously attacking their prey like packs of hyenas as soon as they sense they have the numerical advantage. Islam legitimizes and encourages predatory attacks on infidels.

This kind of spontaneous, opportunistic jihad is exemplified by the‘Street Jihad’ attacks in Europe, and Islamic gang rapes such as that ofLara Logan.

Most religions have a restraining influence on anti-social behavior, but Islam has precisely the opposite effect due to deliberate destruction of the conscience.

Islam incites and excuses crime against infidels. Because of their arrogant sense of supremacy and automatic entitlement, Muslims regard infidels not as fellow human beings, but as walking opportunities for plunder , parasitism and rape .

Islam is not a religion. It is an international criminal conspiracy like the Mafia .

On the principle that the polluter pays, Muslims should be made to bear the cost of their socially corrosive activities, rather being rewarded for them.



Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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October 31, 2017 9:22 am

This problem was solved many centuries ago. It’s called “borders”. They can sit in their lands and screw all the sheep they want. Hell they can even cut off their little girls clits and butt bang their little boys if that’s what their stupid book tells them to do, as long as they stay on their sides of their borders.

October 31, 2017 2:22 pm

At least two challenges face us. First, Islam is more than a philosophy or political system, it is a belief that captures one’s soul and spirit. How many followers of Marxism or Adam Smith free market capitalism put their heads to the rug five times a day and fear eternity in hell if they do not submit to their religion of submission? Second, we have many enemies domestic who want Islam to be the religion of a Marxist, Nazi, or Fascist world that they can then easily control.

October 31, 2017 9:25 am

There will be no non violent solution to Islam.

The final battle on Earth will be between an Islamic alliance and the remnant of Christendom allied with Israel.

Afterward only one side will remain.

Much still needs to happen before this comes about, but there are no other choices and no other sides, you are going to be on one side or the other by either choice or default.

Brendan Guy McMahan
Brendan Guy McMahan
October 31, 2017 12:18 pm

Goals – 3rd Party, legal, maximum donations, target White House 2020 2024 etc., plus concurrent program – organization for USA if nuke attacked, plus other reality-relevant programs, plus long-term programs.

If anyone thinks they can handle well enough a post in the White House,leave a message for me at my website.


October 31, 2017 9:46 pm

One hundred or two hundred years from now, Christian China will have converted them and brought Christianity back to the mideast. That is the belief of Chinese Christians. There are already a couple of hundred million of them.

October 31, 2017 9:46 am

We are not going to convince 1,600,000,000 to give up the lunacy of the Muslim religion.

As others have said: Boarders – keep them within their boarders.

General Flustercluck
General Flustercluck
October 31, 2017 12:40 pm

Repel the boarders! By maintaining borders! (And learn spelling.)

October 31, 2017 9:51 am

Agreed, islam is a problem, but muslims are but useful idiots. They represent a biological weapon which was created for the purpose of the eventual annihilation of the goyim. (((They))) always use others to do their dirty work, whether they be ‘The Allies’ in WW2, muslims or the good ‘ol USA.
By equating ‘Nazism’ with islam, the author demonstrates that he doesn’t quite get what’s going on. The Germans are maligned because they correctly identified the culprits.

October 31, 2017 10:03 am

People get overly dramatic when it comes to this crap.

Stop giving special treatment, and allow people to express their first amendment rights in mocking their prophet. Over time it will water itself down, like all religions.

October 31, 2017 11:09 am

Hasn’t done it in 1400 years.

Seems to be gaining strength and territory instead.

FWIW, http://www.lifezette.com/polizette/islam-track-overtake-christianity-worlds-no-1-religion/

October 31, 2017 12:43 pm

No, people in the west have forgotten that their laws apply to EVERYONE within their borders and play favorites, and if an outside power infringed on that law you meet them on the battlefield.

Apply laws across the board. Stabilize the borders. Pull troops out the middle east. It will sort itself out. There is no need for some grand crusade that will just unite the islamic world.

Stand apart from them. Be better. Create beautiful art. Build better technology. Enjoy the freedoms of a modern world.

Had the West never mettled in the political state of the Middle East then the hordes of refugees in Europe would be an annoying trickle. Had the West never mettled in the political state of the Middle East 9/11 never would have happened. Had the West never mettled in the political state of the Middle East this discussion never would have happened, because the Patriot Act and subsequent explosion in central control by the Federal Government never would have had the excuse it needed to really take off.

Get out of the Middle East. Keep out of the Middle East.

October 31, 2017 8:32 pm

The changes in the “law” over the past 20 years are profound. From the complete disregard if not outright nullification of the 1st, 4th and 5th Amendments to the SCOTUS ruling that Corporations have constitutional standing as individuals in giving almost unlimited campaign donations to buy favors from Congress Critters, the idea of individuals being equal before the law is “quaint.”

The loss of our ability as a citizenry to know and understand the law, respect the law as just, and to TRUST the legal process is the greatest tragedy this country endured during the Clinton/Bush/Obama Era. (Lumping them together as Turn of the Century Disaster Series.) Whether Trump joins the list or manages to convince me he meant to try and make a difference in the executive branch is moot. The damage done to the stature of the American Justice System is irreversible. I suspect any esteem held for other remaining rights of the individual is shallow and will very soon wear thin. When the same officials who allow and even demand the tearing down of monuments belonging to the “people” start allowing and demanding the sharing of our individual property as fair (restitution is next on the agenda), we will be forced to stand on principle or meekly abandon all pretense that we have any representation in our government. Corporations own Congress, the Courts and, the Bureaucracy. The only one left is the 4th estate, which has been corrupted by its own reflection in the screen, like Narcissus, since the spectacle of Watergate convinced Hollywood there was entertainment value in corruption. When they come for your property it will be with the law of the land revised to grant them authority.

The idea that the Muslim terrorists hate us for freedom is ludicrous. They want our land and our stuff. Thanks to the liberals who think anything that takes away from white men equals JUST, Progressives who like to hold themselves in high intellectual esteem while they rationalize the abhorent, and spineless neoconservatives who love war and all its shiny machinery that generates donations from corporations masquerading as individuals exercising Political speech. What to do about Muslims? What to do about roaches. You can really only keep them out of sight.

Shit… Do not make me get off this couch. I am watching baseball.

(Cell phone typing)

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
November 1, 2017 1:46 am

Music to my ears (eyes?) TPC.
Truly, you’ve said what I was going to, but better probably. Everything you wrote is the core of it.

October 31, 2017 10:19 am

This is the Machiavelli in me. I do not propose or espouse the solution to the “islam problem” as perceived. However if one were serious about this, there is one approach that would be both effective and cruel but in the long run would probably be beneficial to human civilization.

The world is greatly and unsustainably overpopulated. This is the real hockey stick graph and it is undeniable. Human population growth threatens many ecosystems and creates competition over increasingly scarce resources that lead to war.

You may notice that some of the most overpopulated countries on earth are muslim. Many of them are poor as well:

Saudi Arabia…

Invading them militarily is out of the question as is deploying nuclear weapons. However there is another solution. Introduce disease. A plague. The plague in Europe in the 1300’s wiped out a third of it’s population but it did more than that. It destroyed the old medieval order and paved the way for the renaissance. A modern plague might accomplish the same thing. It might even save the human race from itself.

Horrible to think of, but is there another way?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 31, 2017 10:35 am

First – the world is not overpopulated. Overpopulation is a regional problem, not a global one. Alaska is not overpopulated. Canada is not overpopulated. Russia is not overpopulated. The USA is not overpopulated in general but will be in time as it suffers from an illegal immigration problem. If the immigration and welfare tap were turned off the demographics of the country would stabilize and the population would likely decline.

With regards to the rest of the world, I think your suggestion of introducing disease is disturbing.

Parts of the planet are overpopulated in part due to our (the west’s) intervention financially. Stop sending money and providing infrastructure to countries who cannot produce it for themselves. We don’t send aid packages to Namibia. It is in Africa. It is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world.

Close borders and stop with the international welfare payments. Then watch demographics and population levels shift.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
  Francis Marion
October 31, 2017 11:03 am

Fran…………you are wrong on the population issue; I’ve heard the same story before. Do some research on Nigeria with respect to population. Try to think ahead cuz that is where the future lies. What will the population of planet earth be in 2050 or in 2100.

The numbers are not sustainable whether it is food, water, and other resources. On top of that, there is a culture problem with the Musloids infecting their Islam disease upon the world.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion


Educate me. Why is Nigeria’s population exploding and how/why should it affect me here in Canoodlestan?

  Francis Marion
October 31, 2017 12:09 pm

Nope, no population problem at all. Move along, nothing to see here…
[imgcomment image[/img]

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 31, 2017 4:22 pm

I love graphs without context…. “See my graph – there I proved my point!”

I refer you to my previous statement in the hopes that you will begin to think outside of the propaganda you have been spoon fed and happily swallowed.

October 31, 2017 5:03 pm

Your graph appears visually shocking, but remember this: if you take a small globe of the earth (slightly larger than a basketball) and pull a quarter out of your pocket and place it on the globe, the entire population of the planet could reside comfortably on that amount of land, which would be a generous half-acre lot in a 3 bedroom house (5 people per house).

The Earth is no where near being overpopulated. There is such an abundance of food that we use grain to feed livestock merely for a small increase in the meat’s quality. Then still have so much grain remaining that we needed to start making fuel out of it so it wouldn’t go to waste.

When you take a long flight and look out the window, anybody can see that the Earth is still sparsely populated.

I can get on board with an argument that criticizes resource allocation, but not overpopulation.


Kokoda, you are the one who’s wrong about overpopulation. Go watch the speech by Albert Bartlett about human’s inability to grasp exponential math on youtube. It won’t “feel” overpopulated right up to the last iteration, when all of a sudden we will realize that way too many humans are being born every day and there isn’t enough arable land left on the planet.

I had a similar thought the other day that while I will not like it one bit personally, maybe a ruthless theocracy is the only viable solution to the overpopulation issue.

As many here agree that the Muslim drive to take over the world is a serious issue facing us that most sheeple cannot see for themselves, Malthus also saw a problem that is just as serious. He, like we are on other issues, was just early.

  Francis Marion
October 31, 2017 5:20 pm

“First – the world is not overpopulated. ”

It is overpopulated when companies like Monsanto and others have to develop frankenfoods to feed the ever expanding mass of humans. Any country that cannot feed, clothe and house it’s entire population……..on its own……..is overpopulated.

October 31, 2017 10:43 am

Wait a minute………

Isn’t there an outbreak of the plague in Madagascar right now?

October 31, 2017 8:06 pm

There’s plague in the US. https://www.cdc.gov/plague/maps/index.html

October 31, 2017 12:15 pm

I was just reading about the Plague: “WHO has issued alerts for nine countries surrounding Madagascar where the outbreak has occurred”

Sounds promising.

October 31, 2017 6:33 pm

You’re aware you are proposing mass murder, right? Just want to make sure you’re comfortable with the label.

October 31, 2017 10:44 am

Both judaism and islam spring from the same source. The islamic koran and jewish talmud have virtually identical passages that outline the supremacy of each respective group. These two texts relegate gentiles and infidels to the status of livestock, to be used (and abused) for the nefarious purposes of each respective group. In fact, BOTH islam and judaism proscribe harsher punishments for those who transgress against those of their respective groups while proscribing little or no punishment for those “believers” who transgress against “goyim” and “infidels”.
Since judaism is much older than islam, it is apparent that islam is an arabicized form of judaism.
Judaism has already succeeded in undermining Christianity because its disdain for “outsiders”is carefully hidden in its texts which are “for jewish eyes only”. Christian supporters of israel are willing “dupes” and “useful idiots” who are contributing to the destruction of Christianity.
One divergence between judaism and islam is the treatment of Jesus Christ and his mother Mary. The jewish talmud states that Jesus Christ is an apostate, “boiling in excrement for eternity”, while his mother Mary conceived Jesus with a Roman soldier. Jews HATE Christianity, but will use Christians to achieve their aims.
The islamic koran reveres Jesus Christ as a great prophet–not the “Son of God”, but a great prophet nevertheless, while his mother Mary is specifically mentioned in the koran and is given a place of high honor.
I cringe when I hear well-meaning people talk of our “judeo-Christian” heritage. There is NOTHING “judeo” about TRUE Christianity. Both judaism and islam regard their supreme being as a “God of vengeance” unlike Christianity…

October 31, 2017 10:50 am

Very well stated and all true. “Judeo-Christian” is another late-19th century Zionist perversion of western culture and tradition. How can they be compatible faiths when the locus of Christianity, Jesus Christ, is a non-entity in Judaism?

October 31, 2017 11:11 am

No “Judeo”, no Christian.

Who do you think Jesus was and whose prophecies did and is he fulfilling?

October 31, 2017 11:57 am

If you’re a Christian, you must believe that Jesus was the messiah and that Judaism (and thus Jews) ceased to exist because of his existence. Judaism is the denial of Jesus as the messiah. Christianity is the denial of Judiasm after Jesus.

October 31, 2017 12:01 pm

And why would I believe that?

Nothing in the Bible or the prophecies it contains suggests that.

October 31, 2017 3:06 pm

Unashamed of the Gospel
15That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are in Rome. 16I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, then to the Greek. 17

October 31, 2017 2:19 pm

Absolutely!!! Well Done anarchyst. Hey dumbass Christians who stand up for Israel,

October 31, 2017 6:36 pm

Christians are commissioned by God to love and pray for those who hate them.

But there are many people who call themselves Christians but are not that would hate the Jews instead of loving them as Christ taught.

October 31, 2017 8:26 pm

Love them but always be wary of them and keep your distance from them.

October 31, 2017 11:06 am

Stuckman. It’s not the length that I would complain about. It is the mindless dribble that is demonstrated in paragraph after paragraph of this meaningless crap. Not that I don’t think that Islam is a problem. It most surely is. And not that I don’t think that exposing Islam for all of it’s faults and inconsistancy isn’t a good idea. I just think that this guys approach is far less effective at this than Acts 17 Appolgetics. See Below.

Oh and so as to beat you to the punch…”Well go fuck yourself you ignorant asshole.”


Mother Racoon
Mother Racoon
October 31, 2017 2:43 pm

EDIT: Forgot to log in. This post submitted by Stucky


“Oh and so as to beat you to the punch…”Well go fuck yourself you ignorant asshole.””

You read, you opined, you left. IOW, you backed nothing up, not even with one example. Blow-by commentary. So your comment, “paragraph after paragraph of this meaningless crap” well, it’s pretty much meaningless to all (other than yourself). Not worth the effort to tell you to go fuck yourself.

Tell you what … I don’t actually believe you read the whole thing.

Let me highlight his solutions for you, below. How you can possibly say those are meaningless is beyond me. Personally, I think they make perfect sense.


So as a first measure, all special treatment should be withdrawn.

Secondly, Muslims should not merely be treated the same as everybody else, but should be made to pay the price of their totally negative antisocial and damaging presence in our countries.

– Muslim immigration must be stopped.

– Islam’s status as a religion should be rescinded.

– Muslims must be regarded as enemy aliens and banned from sensitive occupations where they may be a security risk.

– All illegal Muslim immigrants must be deported, or if they can’t be sent back to their countries of origin they must be held in internment camps until some country will accept them.

– All Muslims guilty of serious crimes must be deported.

– Translation at public expense must be stopped.

– All Muslim clergy must be put under surveillance and deported at the first sign of trouble.

– Muslims who leave the country should not be allowed back in unless they can prove they were here legally in the first place.

– Cousin marriage must be banned to disrupt their breeding cycle andspare the Health Service the cost of their inbred offspring.

– Muslim welfare parasitism must be clamped down on rigorously. Hopefully they may move elsewhere once they realise they’re no longer going to get a free ride.

– We need to get out of the EU to prevent other EU countries ‘Muzzie-dumping’ on us.

– Remains of terrorists should be buried in pigskin, Russian style, to prevent them entering paradise.

– Extended families of terrorists should be rounded up and deported as accomplices, since family members often encourage terrorism in the hope of a free ride to paradise.

  Mother Racoon
October 31, 2017 4:31 pm

OK Stucky, you caught me. I didn’t read the whole thing. But thanks for your summary above. That really helps me to make my point. Let me paraphrase a few (ok all) of your excellent summary phrases from the lengthy paragraphs in the original work.

So as a first measure, all special treatment should be withdrawn. (I can’t argue with that but why limit it to muslims?)

Secondly, Christians should not merely be treated the same as everybody else, but should be made to pay the price of their totally negative antisocial and damaging presence in our countries.

– Christian immigration must be stopped.

– Christianity’s status as a religion should be rescinded.

– Christians must be regarded as enemy aliens and banned from sensitive occupations where they may be a security risk.

– All illegal Christian immigrants must be deported, or if they can’t be sent back to their countries of origin they must be held in internment camps until some country will accept them.

– All Christians guilty of serious crimes must be deported.

– Translation at public expense must be stopped.

– All Christian clergy must be put under surveillance and deported at the first sign of trouble.

– Christians who leave the country should not be allowed back in unless they can prove they were here legally in the first place.

– Cousin marriage must be banned to disrupt their breeding cycle andspare the Health Service the cost of their inbred offspring. (well this most certainly should be applied across the board, but Tennessee might protest.)

– Christian welfare parasitism must be clamped down on rigorously. Hopefully they may move elsewhere once they realise they’re no longer going to get a free ride.

– We need to get out of the EU to prevent other EU countries ‘Muzzie-dumping’ on us. (Oh crap, how did we become a member of the EU? I guess I am not paying attention.)

– Remains of terrorists should be buried in pigskin, Russian style, to prevent them entering paradise. (Couldn’t agree more. How about pig fat on the bullets that we use. That should help too.)

– Extended families of terrorists should be rounded up and deported as accomplices, since family members often encourage terrorism in the hope of a free ride to paradise. (Here again we might get some push back from Tennessee.)

October 31, 2017 11:07 am

“The problem of radical Islam is the problem of Islam itself.

Many are afraid that if Islam is the problem there can be no solution. That terrifies them. So they do all they can to avoid engaging with the evidence that Islam is the problem.”

Mark Durie

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
October 31, 2017 11:09 am

These solutions should be implemented; many are easily accomplished, such as eliminating immigration.

I think the best solution is when a major government acknowledges and advertises that Islam is a political construct (not just a religion) and that is to be treated as disease. This will accelerate the humiliation factor (which I think is the author’s most important contribution).

October 31, 2017 11:18 am
October 31, 2017 12:10 pm

I challenge anyone to sit down and read the Qur’an or Koran . It’s the biggest bunch of bullshit crap there is .I could have written the damn thing.
Islam and Judaism both reject Christ as the Messiah therefore according to Christian Doctrine they are both Satanic to the core.Any so called religion , philosophies, Creeds or Ideologies that reject Christ are Satanic no matter what Stucky says . That’s why there will NEVER be PEACE in the Middle East.They are EVIL.

October 31, 2017 12:27 pm

The Bible

Let me explain the difference.

The Bible is the creation of the spirit of a nation over a very, very long period, if we talk from the point of view of the scholar, and let me remain scholarly. But there is one thing that is important in the Bible. It leads to salvation. It leads to salvation in two ways.

In Judaism, it leads to national salvation – not just a nation that wants to have a state, but a nation that wants to serve God. That’s the idea behind the Hebrew text of the Bible.

The New Testament that took the Hebrew Bible moves us toward personal salvation. So we have got these two kinds of salvation, which, from time to time, meet each other.

But the key word is salvation. Personal salvation means that each individual is looked after by God, Himself, who leads a person through His word to salvation. This is the idea in the Bible, whether we are talking about the Old or the New Testament. All of the laws in the Bible, even to the minutest ones, are, in fact directed toward this fact of salvation.

Secondly, there is another point in the Bible, which is highly important. This is the idea that man was created in the image of God. Therefore, you don’t just walk around and obliterate the image of God. Many people, of course, used Biblical rules and turned them upside down. History has seen a lot of massacres in the name of God and in the name of Jesus. But as religions, both Judaism and Christianity in their fundamentals speak about honouring the image of God and the hope of salvation. These are the two basic fundamentals.

The Essence of Islam

Now let’s move to the essence of Islam. Islam was born with the idea that it should rule the world.

Let’s look, then, at the difference between these three religions. Judaism speaks about national salvation – namely that at the end of the story, when the world becomes a better place, Israel will be in its own land, ruled by its own king and serving God. Christianity speaks about the idea that every single person in the world can be saved from his sings, while Islam speaks about ruling the world. I can quote here in Arabic, but there is no point in quoting Arabic, so let me quote a verse in English. “Allah sent Mohammed with the true religion so that it should rule over all the religions.”

The idea, then, is not that the whole world would become a Moslem world at this time, but that the whole world would be subdued under the rule of Islam.

When the Islamic empire was established in 634 AD, within seven years – 640 – the core of the empire was created. The rules that were taken from the Koran and from the tradition that was ascribed to the prophet Mohammed, were translated into a real legal system. Jews and Christians could live under Islam provided they paid poll tax and accepted Islamic superiority. Of course, they had to be humiliated. And Jews and Christians living under Islam are humiliated to this very day.


October 31, 2017 2:30 pm

“In Judaism, it leads to national salvation – not just a nation that wants to have a state, but a nation that wants to serve God. That’s the idea behind the Hebrew text of the Bible.”

Yes, but let us name their god – Mammon

October 31, 2017 6:41 pm

BB, maybe you could back that up wit actual scripture (and not a verse here and there taken out of context from a scripture)?

FWIW, if you reject Christ’s teachings and substitute men’s teachings in place of them then you, too, are rejecting Christ and are Satanic.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
October 31, 2017 12:48 pm

So you propose we “nudge” them to death?

Robert (QSLV)[imgcomment image?w=300&h=300[/img]

October 31, 2017 2:01 pm
October 31, 2017 2:24 pm

I think we could stop the problem if everyone, who is not muslim, would hang a picture of Mohammad fucking a goat on his house. Let the goatfuckers know what we think of their religion of piece (piece of goat ass).

Dance Macabre Group,

October 31, 2017 2:31 pm

The real problem with Islam is that it is the only thing taught to poor ignorant masses. It is mostly used to control them in these poor countries. The world declared war on Islam in the early 1900’s and beat it into the ground. it has only come back due to the oil wealth and the inability of the oil sheik kingdoms to control their populations. This is their version of divide and conquer utilizing various forms of Islamic religion to keep everyone fighting amongst themselves over nothing, while their leaders party across the world. there are so many problems and issues with the Koran and Muhammad that anyone with higher education quickly notices they become smarter than Muhammad, so what does that make muhammed’s islam if the followers can be so much smarter? I think the answer is education and modernization, but the governments that rely on it to divide and conquer will fight it… that’s the reason for sharia and not revealing any truth that contradicts it. CAIR is a terrorist organization and needs to be shut down, also no external funding for mosques or candidates should be allowed.

October 31, 2017 2:33 pm

Idiotic. The author has no understanding of Islam and is ignorant to boot.
There are lots of problem Muslims, but these are heavily outnumbered by the hundreds of millions/billion who aren’t.
Look to the Southeast Asian nations of Indonesia and Malaysia for example.
It is no coincidence that the problems caused by these problem Muslims escalate as you get geographically closer to Saudi Arabia.

November 1, 2017 12:43 am

Yeah I agree with Stucky on this one. And those countries you mention are horrible places to live, not examples of places where Islam works well.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 31, 2017 4:08 pm

“There are lots of problem Muslims, but these are heavily outnumbered by the hundreds of millions/billion who aren’t.”

STUCKY!! This is what you hear from all the Islamophiles that live here and in Europe! Oh..but there are soooo many muslims who “just want to be left alone”!! They would not hesitate in a minute to go along with the extremists, if push came to shove.

It’s the Islamophiles that would stop us from putting the so called “religion of peace” in it’s place, dead, or at least mostly dead.

Your plan is a good one but far too many people love Muslims, think they are peaceful people, and would block any attempt to implement even some of your ideas.

The elite muslims are quite intelligent, I doubt they even believe their own crap. But they have power over a billion people that are not too smart and they will do anything to keep it. They have been quite good at using our own 1st amendment against us to benefit their cause.

October 31, 2017 4:37 pm

I was reading in a book about symbolism and came upon Diaspora. I wasn’t familiar with it… REALLY. I learned that it had nothing to do with spores, which would seem to be the case, and it seems to be a word we really ought to be more familiar with around here. So, since you like to educate us on things that matter (or not), what about a rundown on the Diaspora phenom in history?


I’m working on my symbolism shit… no time for diasporic journeys. Walmart doesn’t seem to have it, but I didn’t link to that other site that must not be named.


kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
October 31, 2017 5:18 pm

Maggie….you could have easily thought diaspora was referring to Diamonds.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
October 31, 2017 5:57 pm

The words “spore” and “diaspora” are indeed related.

Greek spora “a seed, a sowing, seed-time,” related to sporas “scattered, dispersed,” sporos “a sowing,” and speirein “to sow, scatter,” …
from PIE *spor-, variant of root *sper- (4) “to strew” (source also of Greek speirein “to scatter,” spora “a scattering, sowing,” sperma “sperm, seed,” literally “that which is scattered;”

  Chubby Bubbles
October 31, 2017 6:07 pm

That is true… I was actually thinking of Mushrooms when I saw the word. Interesting.

October 31, 2017 5:05 pm

Pretty simple. Put them in FEMA camps before they and their enablers put us there.

October 31, 2017 6:02 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 31, 2017 6:31 pm
Tom S.
Tom S.
November 1, 2017 12:40 pm

Interesting article with some interesting points, but it falls flat in one particular way. He seems to treat all muslims as the same, when in fact, within the islamic world there are various versions and subsects that are different almost entirely, and many of which hate each other. Very often these groupings go along with ethnic groupings as well. While overall, there is the seed of a problem which must ultimately be confronted, due to the vastly different beliefs between these groups, it would be both silly and counterproductive to treat them all the same.

The harshest measures should be taken against those from the groups which espouse the worst kind of in your face islamism. Knowing which group is which is simple, finding the political will to do that is not. This will have the added benefit of supporting and growing (relative to the others sects) the most tolerable ones, thus using the “strong horse effect” to our benefit.

The only other problem with the article is that the author speaks of islam and muslims in a way which gives the impression of very little first hand experience with them and how they think, operate, and feel. This is the same effect you hear when someone from a wealthy area in LA or the New York talks about how people threat “the blacks” when the closest they’ve ever come to one was as a bellhop or watching Jefferson’s rerun on Netflix. It’s the same mindset that some people have when there only experience of a black person is a thug in “da hood”, ignoring the millions of middle class nuclear families out in the hinterlands raising responsible kids.

Tom S.
Tom S.
November 1, 2017 2:13 pm

I really don’t give a rats ass in an isolated way, but how they “feel” is important because anyone who desires to influence – or manipulate – another’s decision/actions can use that information to great effect. How your opponent thinks, operates, and feels is critical information.