Millennials: Communism sounds pretty chill

Guest Post by Shawn Langlois

Anti-aircraft missiles on parade as they are led past Lenin’s Tomb en route to the saluting base in Red Square to celebrate the anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution.

In a Halloween tweet that’s since gone viral, Donald Trump Jr. jokingly (although who really knows these days?) took the opportunity to impart an important political lesson to his cute little daughter.

Perhaps he should share his wisdom with millennials.


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According to the latest survey from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a D.C.-based nonprofit, one in two U.S. millennials say they would rather live in a socialist or communist country than a capitalist democracy.

What’s more, 22% of them have a favorable view of Karl Marx and a surprising number see Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un as “heroes.”

Really, that’s what the numbers show.

“Millennials now make up the largest generation in America, and we’re seeing some deeply worrisome trends,” said Marion Smith, executive director of the organization. “Millennials are increasingly turning away from capitalism and toward socialism and even communism as a viable alternative.”

But do they even know what it is?

The survey, which was conducted by research and data firm YouGov, found that millennials are the least knowledgable generation on the subject, with 71% failing to identify the proper definition of communism.

Smith explained that this “troubling turn” highlights pervasive historical illiteracy across the country and “the systemic failure of our education system to teach students about the genocide, destruction, and misery caused by communism since the Bolshevik Revolution one hundred years ago.”

Other findings include the belief held by 53% of millennials that America’s economic system works against them, which is the same percentage in the prior study. Meanwhile, 66% of Gen Z, ages 16-20, say the system works for them.

When it comes to the wealth divide, Americans seem to be on the same page, with 80% saying it’s a serious issue, up from 78% a year ago. They also mostly agree (68%) that the highest earners don’t pay their fair share in taxes.

“This report clearly reveals a need for educating our youth on the dangerous implications of socialist ideals.” Smith said. “We will continue to work with educators to build curriculum to address this important need.”

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November 2, 2017 3:29 pm

They are afraid to work. So socialism sounds really good – someone else will pay for what ever you need.

Free college (adult day care), free health care, free child care, how ’bout free iPhones, and don’t forget free data plans. Let’s do this – see how long it takes to go down the shitter.

November 2, 2017 5:40 pm

free Porsches

November 2, 2017 3:56 pm

They are afraid of work because they do not correlate the largesse of profits with more work.

What they see is more work leading to…nothing. Their parents pensions were destroyed. Social Security will not be around. The cost of education/housing/healthcare is skyrocketing. All of this eats into your confidence in the future.

So they turned to the “anti-capitalist” view of Communism, not because they understand either idea, but because they want “a change.”

They are the ultimate product of the system, the perfect culmination of the last century’s Western Educational system, perfect little statist drones. They want to kept as pets, coddled, and fed treats. Better to be warm by someone else’s fire than cold and miserable trying to forge your own path.

Ultimately, they are cowardly, and lazy.

Perhaps the most un-American generation you will ever see.

November 2, 2017 8:24 pm

TPC .. Could it be the lessons you specified above might lead to destruction of our current cleptocracy? I believe that is what they label as capitalism. We have been sold down the river by systemic abuse by the wealthy manipulators of this “system”. Capitalism worked when there were still ethics in business. Now, not so much.
The real problem is abuses in the “banking” industry allowing unearned wealth to push out earned wealth in bidding for assets.

November 2, 2017 9:07 pm

Wrong on multiple counts.

Capitalism worked when there were ethics in politics. Instead they sold out and have ruled time and again in favor of anti-capitalist monopolies and “thou shall not fail” strategies.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
November 2, 2017 4:17 pm

This country really does need to break into smaller pieces so everyone can live in a country that supports their philosophy. The communist-loving millennials can take California, Oregon, and Washington west of the Cascades/Sierras. People who work for a living can take over the intermountain area from Texas to the Canadian border. The rest of the country can sort it self out however people want.

Of course, I’ll need to move over the mountains to sanity-land, but that is a small price to pay to get away from the nuts who want to turn us into a failed country. Oh wait, we already are a failed country.

Texas Patriot
Texas Patriot
  Trapped in Portlandia
November 2, 2017 5:42 pm

Well, as long as you are not afraid of work, we have plenty room in Texas.

  Texas Patriot
November 3, 2017 3:57 am

If you’re in Texas and not working, you don’t want to work.

  Trapped in Portlandia
November 2, 2017 9:57 pm

You’re half right – but why should we give up the best living spaces in North America to these scumbags?

November 2, 2017 4:17 pm

This, combined with the electronic toys of the Technocratic State, does not bode well for an optimistic Resolution following the Climax of this Crisis/Winter phase of our current Fourth Turning. As stated previously here, the “Hero Generation” of this Turning consists of Snowflakes raised on a steady diet of Marxism, political correctness, social justice, and participation trophies. Quite the far cry from the rugged individualists of America’s past.

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 2, 2017 7:55 pm

That is one amazing photographic image. It says more than a thousand written words. Survival of the fittest may come to pass on an advanced level, given the current state of the matrix in which we reside, and pajama boy is unlikely to make the cut. There is an old saying I heard in my youth, “Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations”. I took it as a reflection on what can happen when people came to this country, were successful enough to propel their children into the middle classes and then have some of the third generation move to the next level, while others retreated back to the “shirtsleeves” stage or morphed into a non-proliferating strain of the human genome.

November 2, 2017 11:11 pm

At least he didn’t post the Nov 4 scary perv again.

November 2, 2017 5:19 pm

What would you expect Millennials to say? They’ve been programmed 24×7 by their TV, their schools and sadly many of their parents to believe the cultural Marxism bullshit. Nice to see some push back by GenZ though. There may be hope yet.

November 2, 2017 5:32 pm

She’s just a little girl. At her age please teach her that it’s ok to share. It’s sharing, nothing more. Let them be children. If you want to start indoctrinating your children at that age, you have something wrong with you. Seriously

carnac the insignificant
carnac the insignificant
November 2, 2017 7:23 pm

Do you enjoy sharing your hard earned money with the government? Theres voluntary sharing, then there is socialism. Its never too soon to learn the evil of socialism.

November 2, 2017 10:02 pm

Absolutely, it’s OK to share – exactly as much as you WANT to share.
The problem isn’t the redistribution – it’s the coercion.

November 2, 2017 5:55 pm

If a Millennial doesnt know what communism is … or, any “ism” …. then it makes no difference whether or not they like it. Right?

They’re just blowing smoke out their asses.

Not every one who calls on the name of Jesus is actually a follower

November 2, 2017 5:59 pm

Penforce, the schools are doing it — parents owe their children guidance and balance.

November 2, 2017 7:26 pm

Guide and balance away. The kid is what, three? Tell your kids the truth when they ask questions. That’s a good beginning to guiding and balancing 101. Use a buffer if you must. If you plan on having a conversation regarding socialism with your kindergartner, that’s a you problem.

November 2, 2017 6:15 pm

I’ve had the discussion about capitalism, communism, and socialism with my son who is a junior in college. His point-of-view was that if you look at the current system, which is capitalism, it isn’t working. I quickly pointed out that what we have now is not true capitalism; it’s pretty much fascism. If we did, many of the airlines, GM, AIG, the big banks and a host of other companies that have been bailed out would not exist. The mere presence of bail-outs indicates that we don’t have capitalism.

What the millennials don’t understand is that the system they have been living under and which they are told is capitalism is not in any way capitalism.

Pretty damn brilliant on the part of the socialists to paint capitalism this way to color a whole generation’s view of the system in order to get their way. Fuck them all!

Two, if by sea. Three if from within, thee.
Two, if by sea. Three if from within, thee.
November 2, 2017 10:00 pm

Leg up becomes hand out becomes privilege begets entitlement.
Our lack of teaching history creates the downfall that affords anyone believing they`d be a chosen “one” in socialism and communism.

November 2, 2017 11:04 pm

I guess between my city taxes, county taxes, state taxes, IRS, permits and licenses and inspections and registrations which have to be done yearly; then there is the assessment on my home for those taxes, which always goes up. Then we have sales taxes and gasoline taxes and beer taxes and tobacco taxes that are ‘special’ taxes. Oh! And the various types of insurance that are required by governments and banks – pretty much taxes too.

I’m thinking that whoever is running the numbers for Tax Freedom Day is doing meth or using common core math badly. I ran my own numbers years back, and my actual day was in July, not April.

Next, we have a centralized economy that is run by the Fed and the government, Both socialism and communism have the same thing. We would vote for change, but there are zero candidates available on the ballot that represent change. Even if they were to get elected, the current crop is very change-averse – they want things to remain the same, so their schemes and skims keep working. So a few changers are not going to make it work.

For the life of me, I am not sure that we really have things much better than China or Russia – and I have been to both in the last decade too. Our political correctness is a very effective censoring mechanism, similar to Chinese censorship!

Looking around logically, there isn’t a lot of difference between a broken and corrupt democracy and the other types of governance out there. The only solution to this is decentralization, which the federal government will not allow until they are completely broke.

Chalmer Basham
Chalmer Basham
November 3, 2017 2:29 am

Society has not been developing organically for quite some time. Now and for decades we have been lab rats who on a daily basis “run the gantlet” in which we find ourselves and who respond to the multitudinous stimuli inflicted upon our senses by these closet Nazis. All is observed, tabulated and fed into super computers with statistics generated and dissimulated to the experimenters. Committees meet, reports are given, discussions are entered into, decisions are made and the rats maze and various stimuli are altered per agreement and the experiment is ready to run again. Of course it is of the upmost importantance that the lab rats must know and believe that all this is done by the most highly educated, most moral and certainly most benevolent experts in the corporate, government and university worlds and with only one overriding purpose…that being the happiness and well being of the rats. This “compliance” experiment is run by a different group of experimenters and yes, there are literally thousands of on-going experiments.
So why can’t so many not read or do their sums and why don’t so many young not want to get on with life. Why are so many clinically depressed, obese, diabetic, drug addicted and even confused about their gender of all things. For Gods sake undress and look in the mirror!
Well, now you know or should at least have a clue.
It was planned! That’s a good thing…right?

November 3, 2017 10:03 am

Ask a millennial their views on Dialectical Materialism.

November 3, 2017 10:24 am

Yoji, a newbie here, but 2 points for you. (I’ve been lurking for 3-4 months now, and LOVE this site, but damn you all…my unread emails are piling up, with this TBP goldmine of info, insight, and all the comments, some critical, some hilarious, some lame.
I need to cut Admin some $$ for funding soon. JQ, will you take a few Ag Eagles? Nice gifts to the kids in lieu of Savings Bonds. Yes?)
Perhaps one day, I’ll submit some writing I deem to be worthy of consideration by Admin & the Big Dog Regulars, without catching a shitload of scalding criticism. But, I digress.
Point 1. The article on this thread Re: “Build That Wall”… one of the reaction movements to spring from that is / are lawn signs that say: “Hate Has No Home Here”…to which I’ve often wanted to plaster a sticker across that says: “Unless your target is older Conservative White Males & Trump Voters”
Point 2…Your viewpoints are interesting IMO. One of the more eye-opening ones for me, was the link / video / article revealing the true storyline behind Caddyshack I and II, and that Sandler flick mentioned that I never saw. Being a golfer, I used to think CS-1 was funny, but man, that message you posted was revealing, to me at least. Thanks.
To the other BD-R’s that comment ALL the time, keep at it…I’m learning more every day.
Lastly, Thanks Jim. I wanted to comment on the “What TBP Means To Me”, and on Stucky’s “10 Rules for Newbies”, but I’ve been busy, like a 1-Legged Man in an Ass Kickin’ Contest, up until now.
I’ll chime in more, to some of the other BDR’s, as I appreciate their perspectives. And, might submit a few more of my own ~ Aloha

November 3, 2017 10:36 am

“… without catching a shitload of scalding criticism ..”

Hint: Being nice to Big Dogs and regyoulahs will go a long way to keeping you from suffering such a dastardly fate.

November 3, 2017 11:09 am

“They talk amongst each other more and their Iphones are not their life ”

Good point. I also noticed the same. I have a theory about that.

What does almost every new generation go through? Rebellion! Not wanting to be like their parents … or, do what their parents do. They want to forge their very own identity.

So, they see their moran Milly parents glued to the phone, and they say “That’s not for me.”

Just a theory.