Question of the Day, Nov 8

Preface: I know republicans suck too, save it.

So, what I gather what I’m supposed to believe from the “news” folks, since Demoncrats have spent the last 8 years just desecrating our once great nation, and the republicans haven’t repaired it fast enough this year, I’m supposed to vote for the Demoncrats again?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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November 8, 2017 3:25 pm

Of course, there turns out to be a gulf of difference between “Republicans” and Trump. The “Republicans” have done nothing … LITERALLY. Stopped Owebombercare Repeal 3 TIMES … no tax package, no legislation to enforce borders, etc. LITERALLY NOTHING.

Trump did pull out of the TPP, Paris, and has made progress on borders, all by himself.

Dennis Miller
Dennis Miller
November 8, 2017 4:47 pm


I feel there are three parties now. Republicans, Democrats and those who want a party to represent the will of the majority of the American voters.

The remarks from the Bush presidents made things pretty clear and they did us all a favor.

I went to DC along with several hundred thousand of my new best friends for the TEA party rally. Both the mainstream parties and compliant media wrote that off as a hissy-fit – and supported governing against the majority. They made a terrible mistake.

Check off the issues. The majority don’t want (and never wanted) Obamacare, open borders and bank bailouts. They are sick and tired of immigrants coming into this country that don’t want to integrate into our society; but rather want to change our culture to suit their beliefs.

The Trump voters want a representative government, one that listens to the people and truly represent their beliefs.

Bannon is on to it and I feel a new party (which might be named republican if the republicans are smart) has already formed. They may be called the populist party.

Check out this video posted on the BP earlier, it really shows how condescending the elites are in their feeling about the real people of America.


Dennis Miller

Texas Patriot
Texas Patriot
  Dennis Miller
November 8, 2017 6:00 pm

Dennis, you are right on!!! However, rather than calling the new party Republican, which has a nasty stench, let’s call it the Constitution Party or the Patriot Party!!!

Dennis Miller
Dennis Miller
  Texas Patriot
November 8, 2017 9:52 pm


Only reason I said Republican is so some will wise up and maybe some money will transfer. Calling them Republican will make it easier to raise money.

It’s ironic. When I was a kid it was the democrats that were the war party and the one accused of, and very much supporting discrimination.


Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 8, 2017 3:27 pm

You left out Fienstein & Frederica Wilson as Mac & Meyer For Hire and John McCain as BOZO the clown

November 8, 2017 3:34 pm

The Republicans just got themselves wiped out in yesterday’s elections.

bigfoot was here
bigfoot was here
November 8, 2017 9:55 pm

You do realize parasites live on the host? Virginia, Maryland, D.C., NY are the infected brain that one can hardly expect to act in its own interests at this point. The “wipeout” needs to happen so that the dead thing fertilizes the soil beneath the tree of liberty. Idiot.

November 8, 2017 3:37 pm

Heck, I can’t wait to vote…. for a Dem over a fake Repub (RINO)…….I give up trying to vote the ‘right’ people in to office

November 8, 2017 4:03 pm

Absent demographics and a recession, Trump would probably win just because of momentum of incumbency. But given the fact that several districts are going to swing democrat just from demographics, it is less likely than usual. Republicans will probably lose the house by 2020. Throw in a recession and the free shit army is going to come out in force to vote for their free stuff, or what they obviously think is free stuff which will be anything but.

November 8, 2017 4:27 pm

What do you mean vote for democrats, again? Have you been voting for democrats all along?

What has the liberal media whores in a quandary is democrats are polling down at the same levels as republicans. And they wonder why HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!!!!

I was a big proponent of voting third party, now I really don’t give a shit about voting period. I wish there was a box to check: NONE OF THE ABOVE.

November 8, 2017 5:43 pm

someone like you probably needs to run

November 8, 2017 4:43 pm

Minneapolis has gone ‘Full Retard’ – the entire city council and the mayor all Dems/Progressives.

Andrea Jenkins wins the Minneapolis Ward 8: Council Member race on November 7, 2017. Jenkins is the first openly transgender woman of color elected to public office.

This ‘beast’ is the best name I can think of. If you dare – see the picture here:

With a face like that ‘it’ could stop a clock and make it run backwards.

November 8, 2017 4:52 pm

Damn I wish I hadn’t clicked on that link.

November 8, 2017 4:55 pm

Dutch, you make me laugh. Tumbs Up X 10. Funny, consistently. Bravo.

November 8, 2017 5:06 pm

Minneapolis just wants to be more like other ‘big and important’ cities….like Baltimore and Chicago……maybe they will have the same murder rates soon.

Dr. Doom
Dr. Doom
November 8, 2017 9:57 pm

Nanny Fregosi and George Benedict Arnold Bush both agree. The Huns are just coming for a better life and the rapine and pillaging are the new nergal. We need to stop blaming invaders for small problems like smoldering ruins and victims of rape and murder. We are all in the looney bin together. Sanity has no place here anymore. Only racist nazi deplorable White Men want some semblance of stability and a future. Now lets all drink and take some heroin like these people in the diseased swamp. The Legion of Doom says it will all be fine.

bigfoot was here
bigfoot was here
  Dr. Doom
November 8, 2017 10:01 pm

Well said!

bigfoot was here
bigfoot was here
November 8, 2017 10:00 pm

All this is not just good news but great news!

Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Warren, and the rest only hasten the ending time where we get to have a debt jubilee and create a proper society. Vote for ’em all, but keep voting for the prez who riles them up and makes evident what they are all about. The dizzy bastards are playing with pro’s who count the money when the game is done.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 8, 2017 10:10 pm

Back in the old days when the show was over the comics would go back to the comedy condo and play that silly game”Which would you rather?”

You’d spend hours coming up with “Drag a cheese grater across your nutsack and then rub rock salt in the wound or stick a glass rod up your penis, whack it with a rubber mallet and pull out the pieces with a shrimp fork?” It would usually get worse from there. Just like with our choices at the polls.

Repub/Demo same/same

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 8, 2017 10:10 pm

The Democrats, NeoCons and RINOs are still trying to utterly destroy Trump but he is fighting back like a cornered Bobcat. I pray Trump utterly destroys them instead, and the Pedophiles & Pornographers, the Banksters & Warmongers, and the Useless Idiots (MSM, BLM, Antifa, PP etc) & the Professional Welfare Class before Nov2018; with our continued support and the Grace of God, Yes We Can (overcome)!!!

November 8, 2017 11:43 pm

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November 9, 2017 2:06 am

I have to wonder if the person with the camera filmed the lizard for a long time for the money shot.

I just read Sellout by David Schippers, Chief Investigative Counsel for the Clinton Impeachment.

Very appropriately titled. That lizard’s fart has more honor than most of the U.S. Senate and the Clintons.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
November 9, 2017 9:38 pm

Yeah, I read today some babes are accusing Roy Moore of inappropriate behavior thirty years ago so some such. Said babes said nothing while he was a prosecutor, judge, etc. But now that he has defeated the RINO candidate in a special election and is leading the Demoncrat candidate in the general, these babes can keep silent no longer. The harshest unprovable accusation is that Roy Moore attempted heavy petting with an underage girl of 14, at least as I read it.
Guess what, Slick Willy Clinton raped two or three women, molested an intern in the Oval Office and used her as a humidor; we don’t know what he did on pedophile Jeffry Epstein’s island on all those trips.
I got a deal for you. You can forbid Roy Moore from being a Senator as long as Slick Willy and Hillary are publicly executed, him for rape and her for mishanding classified information. You also have to execute the Podestas and all their circle that misbehaved with children, every other pedophile in D.C. (all branches) and the surroundings, lock up everyone in the DNC who cheated Bernie of his primary wins and every Congresscritter who lost information to the Awan cybercrime contractors.
Once you pile up all the bodies on the National Mall you can forbid Roy from running for Senator. Until then, STFU. Clean up your own house first.