The Intellectual Relationship

intellectual relationship

The Intellectual Relationship {is it gone for good?}

intellectually compatibleAs I get older (but still look 20+ years younger than I really am), I understand and value the importance of intellectual compatibility.

Which leads me to believe that almost every person seeking to find their “mate for life” should focus on the intellectual relationship – not solely the physical one.

But as I see how people “connect” in 2017 (social media, bullshit sites like Tinder, etc.), it appears that our society is devolving.

Materialistic and narcissistic energies are soiling the landscape of true companionship.

Partners for life – On the same team – Bonnie and Clyde

Our society has become so profoundly superficial, that it is bothersome to those with critical thinking skills.

Sure, there are still people with logical minds, and will end up with compatible partners – but in terms of the majority of budding relationships, I don’t think that is true. The last 10-20 years have propagated a very selfish society.

“What’s in it for me?”

While self-preservation is critical in anyone’s life – the “what’s in it for me” mentality today is purely narcissistic. Sex and money are the top contenders. Image and ego are not far behind.

But those things may be short-lived.

Whatever happened to finding a soul mate? People who think on the same wavelength? Who get each other?

It’s not always about physical

intellectual compatibilityThere is, however, some truth about physical attraction.

For instance, I wouldn’t be able to muster up a molecule of excitement for some of these fat pig women that the gatekeepers of society are peddling as “sexy” or “attractive.”

Any woman that gorges on food and gets obese and has cottage cheese-like skin – is a total turn off. Regardless of how “cute” their personality is, or how brilliant or funny they are. Sure, they can be friends. But why would I want to wrestle in bed with a literal pig?

Where is the self-respect?

If a woman cannot control her body sensibly – then you will have other problems down the line. Plus – that is selfish to eat yourself several sizes up. Control your taste buds, people!

I’m sure there are plenty of fat pig chicks that I’d probably really, really like a lot. But I’d have to educate them and inform them that they are killing themselves. And that I wouldn’t be happy with a person that weighs more than me. Attraction is a deal-breaker without a doubt.

But if I had a gun to my head and had to pick between the smokin’ hot chick with cement for brains, and the fat pig who’s sweet, funny and smart – I’d pick the fat pig for my lifelong partner.

If I had no gun to my head, I’d choose to be alone until I found my intellectual companion.

Understanding puzzle pieces

One last thing that I think is important in any relationship – is how puzzle pieces fit. Give and take in other words.

Each person brings with them strengths and weaknesses.

It’s crucial for any long-term relationship to understand them very well. And respect them.

Not about what people “want” (i.e., ego-driven desires), but what people are truly good at. It’s also a male / female thing much of the time as well.

Men are typically better at “man things.” Heavy-lifting, building stuff, fixing things, and logical, math-based endeavors. Women are typically better at more superficial things like decorating, furnishings, and motherly aspects like child-rearing.

Each person in the relationship should essentially relinquish some parts of themselves to allow the other to dictate the circumstances.

For example, a woman should shut the fuck up when it comes to how to fix a broken household fixture. And men should stay out of what color or fabric a room or piece of furniture should be.

In the end – a good intellectual relationship is the secret to success

If you can find an acceptable physical mate – your key barometer for determining whether it’s good long-term is your intellectual compatibility.

And not just “do you like watching the same shows” type shit. It’s what happens in-between that is more important.

How you talk about simple things. How you respect each other’s strengths.

And most importantly – you really have to be interested in each other’s hobbies or mental outlook.

A girl who just loves shopping for things is probably not compatible with a guy who is fascinated with pragmatism and the downfall of society.

You gotta find someone who is truly very close to your wavelength for at least 75% of the things you think about. Not identical – but compatible enough for a life-long relationship.

Hence, why more that 50% of marraiges end in divorce.

intellectual relationship

About Hoboken411

We’ve been “blogging” as Hoboken411 since before Twatter and Fakebook infected the masses. Back in 2005, it was all about politics and other bullshit in and around Hoboken, New Jersey (and the tri-state NYC area in general). But since those social media “apps” have amazingly coerced the majority of the populous to “blog for free” (to make Fuckerberg insanely wealthy) we’ve taken a slightly different approach. We talk about whatever the fuck we feel like talking about (including some things in Hoboken). But our main objective is to slap the “mentally-enslaved morons” (as Mark Dice eloquently says) upside the face with a dose of reality. We know full well that most people won’t be receptive to our ideas all the time. But feathers get ruffled to this day still – which means (as they say in the medical industry): “It’s working!”

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December 5, 2017 6:47 am

” a good intellectual relationship”
Years ago I was dating a girl who out of nowhere said, “I’m glad Sonny & Cher broke up. She was too good looking for him.” I broke up with her on the spot. I couldn’t care less about Sonny & Cher, but if that was the most significant thing on her mind….

December 5, 2017 7:17 am

Wow, Marsh. Another DejaVue comment from you. I had just mentioned Sonny & Cher to my husband last night. We were talking about the oddities associated with that relationship (including some of the new talent they welcomed to the industry) and I asked him if he had any idea where the two children are now? That cute little girl Sonny used to carry onstage to close the show is now a man, right? And what about that poor humiliated young boy strumming that guitar while watching his half-century aged mother straddle that big gun for the sailor boys? (Was his father Gregg Allman or Gene Simmons? I could never remember.) Could there have been better poster children for what happens when morals decay and the children are on their own? These two must be Generation X in a nutshell. Gender confusion and Oedipus Complex nightmares of childhood in one narcissistic to the nth degree family.

I think you all know I GET the importance of an intellectual relationship. And, I GOT one.

December 5, 2017 10:15 am

That was her SON behind her on that stage.

Interesting (to me) aside about the Sonny & Cher “period” of American celebrity enthrallment. When Sonny OR Cher was ever asked about their ex by a host of a talk show, they would both denigrate the other with some pretty good zingers, but they seemed to stop short of being hateful.

I think Sonny was already in Republican politics when Cher made this video. I remember seeing him tell a reporter he thought Cher looked great in the video… just about like when he first saw her at age 15 dancing for all the cowboys on the reservation. Since he WAS almost 10 years older than she, I wonder if he would be labelled child molester now?

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 6, 2017 12:43 am

A couple of those guys in that band used to back Robert Plant after he left Led Zep.

December 5, 2017 11:31 am

Funny, I never thought Cher was particularly good looking.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 6, 2017 12:46 am

I always thought Cher looked better when she older, like after she straightened her teeth, than when she was younger. Funny that her ex-husband, Sonny, became a congressman. Ended up dying in a skiing accident hitting a tree.

By the way, Maggie, Cher married Greg Allman, not Gene Simmons.

  Vixen Vic
December 6, 2017 7:09 pm

I think she had “relations” with both. I remember she did not like being treated like a groupie.

December 5, 2017 11:00 pm

“Years ago I was dating a girl …”

Wait, you’re…a dude?


December 5, 2017 7:17 am

How could you pick someone to live with for the rest of your life and not seek an intellectual relationship? Hell, I’ve never even had sex with a woman I couldn’t talk to. Bubble headed bimbos, no matter how hot, are a huge turn off for me.

Too many people think only with their cocks and twats.

December 5, 2017 8:21 am

“But if I had a gun to my head and had to pick between the smokin’ hot chick with cement for brains, and the fat pig who’s sweet, funny and smart – I’d pick the fat pig for my lifelong partner.”

I’m 71 and if there’s no physical chemistry, I’m still unable to contemplate any relationship beyond friendly, but she in her house, I in mine. At my age, that certainly limits the probability of any further cohabitation for me!

Maybe that will change with time, but at present I simply can’t follow this piece of advice from out of the time tunnel:

December 5, 2017 3:24 pm

The logic is that you can fix fat, but cant fix stupid. Dont allow any carbs in the house and the fat will go away.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
December 6, 2017 12:49 am

There’s nothing wrong with opening a book ever once in a while, as well.

December 5, 2017 8:29 am

“But if I had a gun to my head and had to pick between the smokin’ hot chick with cement for brains, and the fat pig who’s sweet, funny and smart – I’d pick the fat pig for my lifelong partner.”

Uh huh. Personally, I think you are 100% full of shit.

Looking forward to next week’s article “Why you should wash your hands after wiping your ass”, or some other mundane shit. Lol

December 5, 2017 6:48 pm

“For example, a woman should shut the fuck up when it comes to how to fix a broken household fixture. And men should stay out of what color or fabric a room or piece of furniture should be.” Nice work, Hoboken

December 6, 2017 5:48 am

I didn’t miss it.

It was your wording. You didn’t say “a homely girl” or even “ugly”. You said a FAT PIG would be your choice over not just a pretty or good looking girl, but one that is SMOKIN’ HOT.

This seems most implausible, gun issues aside.

Just havin’ a little fun with you.

December 5, 2017 8:49 am

This is the best of the article…

“Each person in the relationship should essentially relinquish some parts of themselves to allow the other to dictate the circumstances.

For example, a woman should shut the fuck up when it comes to how to fix a broken household fixture. And men should stay out of what color or fabric a room or piece of furniture should be.”

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
December 5, 2017 9:46 am

Right, Wip? I keep having to convince my husband to trust me with color! It’s about the only real talent I have, artistically speaking.
Beside, well..ahem. Never mind.

He would paint the whole interior white! He’s always happy with the choice I made when it’s all done.

I don’t tell him how to work on cars or anything.

  Mary Christine
December 5, 2017 9:53 am

I think that was the nugget in the article. My wife and I definitely had to figure that out or our marriage was over.

December 5, 2017 6:49 pm

Sorry WIP. I didn’t read down far enough to notice you already had that comment covered. That one’s pretty good

December 5, 2017 9:07 am

The wife has a BA, two Masters and is currently working on her PhD. Why? She likes to learn and believes there is no limit to expanding the human mind, probably where our girls get it from. Me? I barely made it thru shit HS to graduate, I love my animals and splitting logs into firewood, doing landscaping and taking care of shrubs and trees, fishing, growing food, etc.
She has difficulty swapping out a bulb and I diagraming a sentence, but together we found our happy place. Now if she was a vegan, well…….
Love and family, and BBQ, lots of BBQ

December 5, 2017 9:56 am

Opposites can not only coexist but thrive especially if the end goal is the same or similar enough.

December 5, 2017 9:56 am

Find a lady that’s reasonably attractive(7 or a bit better) and that’s fun to be with. I met one of those 50yrs ago and married her two years later. Are we intellectually compatible? I really don’t think so. In the old days women tended to “marry up”. Secretaries married bosses, medical techs and nurses married doctors, stewardesses married pilots, &TC. It seemed to work pretty good back then. Religious compatibility was very important too. Nowadays, who knows. Young people aren’t able to tell their “gender” by simply looking in their under pants. I don’t see how in the hell they could even consider an LTR or marriage.

December 5, 2017 10:27 am

Funny thing is (imo) almost any woman CAN be a 7 if they take pride in their appearance.

December 5, 2017 12:29 pm

In today’s world of hollow people, trying to get one’s hands around the intellect of others is like trying to get a hard grip on a handful of water. My wife and I met in college in the early 80s when people could still think. Together we have grown intellectually and have been married 32 years last month. If you cannot connect on an intellectual level, you might as well just get a dog….you will be far happier.

December 5, 2017 1:34 pm

Well then, I have a good intellectual relationship AND 3 dogs. Jackpot.

December 5, 2017 11:44 pm

We’ve been through 5 so far. Indeed, jackpot.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2017 12:50 pm

I waited for the unicorn, it was worth it.

December 5, 2017 2:57 pm

I flew to Iceland (top of the World) in May 1992 and brought home Nick from where he was stranded on that rock at Keflavik NAS. It was a coinkidink of the best kind that they were tearing down those NATO/OTAN connections during my last trip to Iceland.

With any luck, Nick and I will get to tour Iceland next summer, celebrating the golden years the best way we can once our son is truly on his own. It will be our victory tour of the glacier.

We have our own little fairy tale to fulfill on that very strange piece of rock called Iceland. I wonder why no one has ever settled any of the landmasses close to Antarctica?

December 5, 2017 9:09 pm

One of my sons has practically sworn off looking for a mate due to exhaustion. The other nearly gave up trying to find one with something resembling morals and honesty. Both of my daughters married – and for now theirs are working well.

My youngest went through several girlfriends just trying to find one that wouldn’t lie to him regularly. His next criteria was one who wasn’t concerned about doing the suburbia thing and grubbing after money.

Needless to say, his was a very long road, and finally ended when he met a woman from another country!

Do I need to elucidate more?

It just doesn’t matter.
It just doesn’t matter.
December 5, 2017 9:18 pm

I know more about fixtures and fitting than my two brothers. If I said this about my husband, would I be a bad wife or just honest. ?

A woman who has to pretend to “ not know things” of manly categories is going to be frustrated. Just as a man with a newly obese wife ( perhaps, post-baby) is frustrated.

Men are visual, woman are……. fill in the blank

  It just doesn’t matter.
December 5, 2017 11:10 pm

It doesn’t really matter which side you’re on. You’re walkin’ away and they’re talkin’ about you…

  It just doesn’t matter.
December 5, 2017 11:24 pm

“…woman are…”

Biological diodes.

December 5, 2017 11:04 pm

If it flies, floats, or fucks, rent it.

December 6, 2017 12:56 am

A wise man once said “Why buy a book when you can join a library?”

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
December 6, 2017 1:29 pm

I got lucky, mostly. She was an engineering student also, got her B.S. in STEM and somehow wound up married to me. Thirty-eight years, two kids and a couple of hard illnesses later we still talk, argue, aggravate, placate, elucidate, innovate and celebrate together.
I cannot imagine how a marriage with one intellectual partner and one unimaginative partner could survive, let alone thrive, but occasionally you see one. And you wonder, what do they talk about on long cold winter nights? How do they explore mysteries together? And when one needs to talk and the other cannot, how do they dissipate the stress?
Mysteries of marriage indeed …

December 6, 2017 11:22 pm

My wife just told me on our 40th wedding anniversary…”Mark, the last 40 years with you have been like a day at the beach…NORMANDY!”