Professor who blamed ‘Trumpism’ for Las Vegas massacre resigns

It’s amazing how university administrators change their minds when donors back out of giving them millions of dollars.

Via Fox

A far-left Drexel University professor — known for making inflammatory remarks on social media — is resigning from his teaching job, blaming a right-wing “internet mob” for alleged “harassment.”

George Ciccariello-Maher, an associate professor of politics and global studies at the Philadelphia school, will be leaving next year, he said in a statement Thursday.

He blamed “right-wing, white supremacist media outlets and internet mobs” that allegedly harassed him for nearly a year.

“Staying at Drexel in the eye of this storm has become detrimental to my own writing, speaking and organizing,” he wrote.

The professor had drawn attention for a series of inflammatory remarks. Most recently, he was placed on administrative leave after he blamed the Oct. 1 Las Vegas massacre of 58 people on the “narrative of white victimization” and “Trumpism.”

In another instance, Ciccariello-Maher in March said he wanted to “vomit or yell” after seeing an airline passenger giving up a first-class seat to a U.S. military service member. On Christmas Eve last year, he said that all he wanted for the holidays was a “white genocide.”

The constant controversy created a backlash for the university, prompting an inquiry into the professor’s behavior after donors started reconsidering their partnership with the institution.

The university’s provost reportedly wrote to Ciccariello-Maher that “at least two potential significant donors to the university have withheld previously promised donations” while a number of prospective students reversed their decisions to attend Drexel.

In the resignation announcement, Ciccariello-Maher said that “we are at war” and accused conservatives of “targeting campuses with thinly veiled provocations disguised as free speech.”

He added: “In the face of aggression from the racist Right and impending global catastrophe, we must defend our universities, our students, and ourselves by defending the most vulnerable among us and by making our campuses unsafe spaces for white supremacists.”

Drexel previously defended the professor’s right to free speech, but stressed that his views did not reflect those of the institution.

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kokoda Raccoon
kokoda Raccoon
December 29, 2017 1:19 pm

Another Good Start.
Fuck Yeah !!!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 29, 2017 1:44 pm

Ya know, I’m always curious as to why people who are white who are calling for the elimination of white people don’t simply start with themselves? It truly makes me question their level of commitment.

i forget
i forget
  Francis Marion
December 29, 2017 4:17 pm

I see some commitment. Fame minutes are elapsing, or have elapsed. Marginal spectacle on course to marginalization, disappeared status.

The typical outcome of selling oneself to an audience. Or a tribe. Or any other comforting delusion.

Texas Patriot
Texas Patriot
  Francis Marion
December 29, 2017 4:42 pm

Or, at least have himself castrated so that he cannot procreate more imbeciles like himself. I bet we could come up with a bunch of volunteers that would be willing to assist him with that operation. I will supply a knife. LOL!!!

L Murray
L Murray
  Francis Marion
December 29, 2017 4:54 pm

Good question and a good point.

  Francis Marion
December 29, 2017 8:08 pm

Is it actually white people calling for this, or is it “white people” calling for this?

(((Maher))) suggests a conclusion.

  Francis Marion
December 29, 2017 8:29 pm

foxy,they are mentally ill and do not think of themselves as white,like that rachel whomever from a couple of years ago who was running her local naacp–

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
December 29, 2017 1:45 pm
Mountain Farmer
Mountain Farmer
December 29, 2017 2:21 pm

I agree with Francis Marion about whites who want white genocide. Have they really given their statement any thought? Do they want their parents, grandparents and other white relatives to be dead? Why do they hate themselves so much?

The white race has done some bad things but so has every other race or ethnic group or religion. The bottom line is not race, it is human beings. All groups of people at times do bad things (and good things). The white race has many positive accomplishments.

The professor is the bigot because he believes all right-wing people are racists. That is not true.

December 29, 2017 2:22 pm

” ……… is resigning from his teaching job, blaming a right-wing “internet mob” for alleged “harassment.””

These people only associate with themselves and constantly reinforce each others beliefs till they end up thinking they are the mainstream of American thinking.

Then they are completely baffled and can’t understand it when it catches up to them so they, instead of rethinking their view of things and comparing it to reality, it’s because of some small insidious and evil opposition group that is persecuting them through no fault of their own.

Go figure, I guess it’s just the way their minds work.

The Modern Chronicler
The Modern Chronicler
December 29, 2017 2:58 pm

That people like him (and another leftist “academic” – one with a very long neck, disheveled hair, girlish mannerisms, and a very odd voice whom Tucker Carlson attempted to reason with not very long ago) actually become professors is both frightening and sad.

December 29, 2017 3:11 pm

Man, those lefties sure do whine when the shoe is on the other foot. Lefties have been harassing folks for years, costing them their jobs and reputations.

They hate that medicine when it gets poured down their throats.

Beautiful justice.

December 29, 2017 3:35 pm

Drexel University has forever maligned themselves as a “gutter” school by their refusal to take action (fire) against Ciccariello-Maher. They’ve equated themselves with Evergreen University, the lowest of low in the dubious world of higher education.

December 29, 2017 3:41 pm

Why wait so long, throw the bum out now. You are just giving this cretin more time to poison the minds of the students.

December 29, 2017 8:04 pm

Guaranteed…the next you hear of this lunatic will be his
employment at some public university in California.

December 29, 2017 9:57 pm

amazin’ how well the lyrics fit

December 29, 2017 11:45 pm

I agree that the prof. should have been fired. Calling for genocide
of any group, does not belong on campus. He is likely gay, but
not attractive to other males. Tiny sausage. He fits the profile.

December 30, 2017 5:45 am

The Weaponized Autism of 8chan have been on this dude like stink on shit. They are setting their sights higher now and are going after the Vatican after tackling Lynn d Rothschild and numerous others. They’re relentless and it’s funny as hell to watch especially when they break someone.