Bibi wants Americans to die for Israel in a futile war with Iran.  Of course the US, being a pathetic lickspittle to the Kike Republic will oblige.

VP Pence Confirms US Will No Longer Certify Iran Deal

While President Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans battle to reopen the federal government, Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Israel this week to meet with dignitaries and visit a handful of historic sites – including the Holocaust Memorial.

But during a speech to the Knesset – Israel’s parliament – Monday afternoon (local time) , Pence surprised his audience by declaring that the US would not re-certify the Iran deal when it comes up for renewal in May, virtually guaranteeing that the US will reimpose economic sanctions against the Iranian regime. Trump re-certified the deal earlier this month “for the last time”, part of a deal with Democrats to buy them some time to work out a compromise.

Vice President Mike Pence is calling the Iranian nuclear deal a “disaster” and says the Trump administration will no longer certify it.

Instead, Pence told the Israeli parliament on Monday that the administration is “committed to enact effective and lasting restraints on Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs.”

Pence has received a warm welcome in Israel, which has praised the American decision last month to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is among the fiercest opponents to the nuclear accord the Obama administration reached with Iran, saying it could pave a path for the Islamic Republic acquiring a nuclear weapon that could threaten Israel’s existence.

Pence says that the deal is not fixed and that in the coming months, the United States will “withdraw from the deal.”

While a wave of economic protests that momentarily threatened the government’s grip a few weeks ago have mostly subsided, Iranians are still struggling with massive youth unemployment and runaway inflation.

The US bowing out of the deal would most likely lead to its collapse, as Iranian leaders have warned they would consider the whole pact – which also involves Germany, the European Union, Russia, China and France – null and void if the US were to pull out.


During his speech, Pence defended the US’s controversial decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital – a decision that elicited howls of condemnation from the Palestinians and their Arab allies, according to the Associated Press.

Pence says the administration will advance its plan in the coming weeks and the embassy will open by the end of 2019. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson once said that it would take three or four years to move the embassy. Enraged Palestinians have pre-emptively rejected any push for peace presented by the Trump administration. Pence’s announcement also earned jeers from Arab-Israeli lawmakers,who were promptly ejected from the house. The main Arab party in the Israeli parliament warned ahead of time it would boycott Pence on Monday.

Ayman Odeh, leader of the Joint Arab List, said it was the party’s democratic right to boycott the speech by the U.S. vice president. In a tweet, he said the party will not provide a “silent backdrop” to a man he called a “dangerous racist.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who accompanied Pence for most of his visit, on Monday in a speech to parliament that President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the country’s capital will go down as one of the most historic in Israel’s history.

Alternating between English and Hebrew, Netanyahu lauded the unbreakable alliance between the countries, saying they had a “shared destiny.”



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January 22, 2018 10:05 am

If a nuclear device is “lit off” in an American city, it will have Israel’s fingerprints all over it. Israel is desperate to keep the American money spigot running as well as sabotaging the Palestinian “peace process” that the world wants it to take seriously.

The “power outage” in Atlanta was a convenient excuse for Israel to perform a logistical “sleight of hand”, as an Israeli plane was allowed to land and take off during the “power outage” without receiving customs clearance or inspection. Just maybe another one of Israel’s nukes was just being pre-positioned, getting ready for “the big one”. As most Americans are tired of all of the foreign wars being fought for Israel’s benefit, another “incident” on American soil would be enough to galvanize the American public, once again, (just like WTC 9-11) to support another war for Israel’s benefit. Israel’s “samson option” is a real threat to “light one off” in a European or American city, if Israel’s interests are not taken seriously.

Israel refuses to abide by IAEA guidelines concerning its nukes as they are already distributed around the world. Israel would not be able to produce all of them as most of them are not in Israel, proper. No delivery systems are needed as Israel’s nukes are already “in place”. Look for another “false flag” operation with the blame being put on Iran or Syria. You can bet that some Iranian or Syrian passports will be found in the rubble.

Israel also threatens to detonate nuclear devices in several US cities. Talk about total INSANITY; the so-called “Samson Option” is it.

As an aside, American “foreign aid” is prohibited from being given to any country that has not signed the “Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty” or refuses to abide by “International Atomic Energy Agency” (IAEA) guidelines regarding its nuclear devices. Guess what?? Israel does not abide by EITHER and still gets the majority of American “foreign aid”. This prohibition also applies to countries that do not register their “agents of a foreign government” with the U S State Department. Guess what?? Israel (again) with its “American Israel Political Action Committee” (AIPAC) still gets “foreign aid” in contravention of American law..

There are forty or so congressmen, senators and thousands of high-level policy “wonks” infecting the U S government who hold “dual citizenship” with Israel. Such dual citizenship must be strictly prohibited. Those holding dual citizenship must be required to renounce said foreign citizenship. Refusal to do so should result in immediate deportation with loss of American citizenship. Present and former holders of dual citizenship should never be allowed to serve in any American governmental capacity.

When Netanyahu addressed both houses of congress, it was sickening to see our politicians slobber all over themselves to PROVE that they were unconditional supporters of Israel…just who the hell do they work for? Certainly not for the interests of the American people and the United States…they should renounce their United States citizenship and be deported to Israel…

January 22, 2018 10:47 am

The sheeple of the United States are living proof that a nation can eventually die of stupidity. Although many have tried to expose the treachery in the “hallowed” halls of Congress, most people will simply ignore, or choose to believe the lie, which keeps us shackled to the pit of misery (dilly dilly). We have long ago crossed the Rubicon and will now only be witness to the final death throes of our nation as the vile parasites complete their task of draining the last drops of blood from the corpse of a formerly great nation.
Beyond that, we have the most treacherous and dangerous band of morons ever known to exist; that of the Christian Zionist. They are slavishly devoted to the rogue state of Israhell and will bankrupt themselves and this nation in order to swell the coffers of the Zionist swine. Hosea 4:6 states that my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (a polite term for stupidity), which is coming to fruition at a frightening pace. Take up with a brood of vipers and you will inevitably receive a fatal strike from their poisonous fangs.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
January 22, 2018 10:49 am

Assuming what you state is valid, especially the threat about setting off one or more nukes in US cities, wouldn’t the best option be to do a nuke 1st strike?


On Israel.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani

Because the U.S. and Iran are the only two countries in the world with nuclear weapons,Kokoda? Or, because Iran doesn’t have any allies with countries that have nuclear weapons? Please, tell me which is it?

22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
January 22, 2018 11:06 am

I’m interested in seeing if these ‘nuckular’ bombs really work as advertised.

All I’ve seen thus far is grainy, 60+ year old government produced films.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani

They cannot be loaded with nuclear material and stored for the length of time that they have been.

January 22, 2018 10:46 am

I don’t know but I’m beginning to pull for Iran.

22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
January 22, 2018 11:07 am

Trump’s 2016 AIPAC grovelling/speech…

January 22, 2018 1:07 pm

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January 22, 2018 1:13 pm

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January 22, 2018 1:41 pm

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22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
January 22, 2018 2:11 pm

I still say some AFRICANS (born and bred) would make outstanding AFRICAN-AMERICANS.

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