What REALLY Made Women Go Nuts?

Guest Post by Mary Christine

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…”And to your husband shall be your desire.
    And he shall rule over you.” – Genesis 3:16

“I took the evil and the evil took me. It made me it’s Bitch. ” – Frankie Fleabaggs

Have you ever seen the youtube about weird things couples fight about? Go watch it sometime. It’s funny because we find ourselves in the same stupid arguments all the time. This is how it starts, the first time you forget why you got married.

Our parents’ marriage was our first exposure to how a marriage works. That is, if your parents stayed married long enough for you to observe how they interacted, and have it burned into your memory.

Observing how people interact with each other is fascinating. Pay attention to how a couple relates with each other and you may notice one thing. The female is criticizing the male in public. Sometimes she will talk about him to others in front of him. This has always made me cringe inside, maybe because I am sensitive to that kind of criticism myself.

Women seem to want to make it a contest over who has the most worthless husband. Oh, but men do this, too, do they not?

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If a mother rarely had anything good to say about the father, what does that tell the kids about him? When there was a fight, were they the kind that sent the kids running outside, or into their room with the door shut? When mom is asked why she married dad, was it a superficial answer like “Well, he was so handsome, he looked like James Dean” or some such nonsense? Dad probably married her for a similar reason.

Someone once said that all families are dysfunctional; it is only the level of dysfunction that varies. If that is true, it would seem to follow that the level of dysfunction one lived with as a child probably determined the level of dysfunction in one’s own marriage. Of course it takes two to make a successful marriage, and the spouse brings their own baggage from their families with them.

How did things between us get screwed up so much that it seems the divide between us is just as bad as the divide between left and right?

Rooms full of books have been written on the subject of relations between men and women. I have read a few myself; some are helpful and some are a waste of time. Wait, you say, I thought this was about why women went nuts? I’m getting there, give me a minute. You cannot divorce women from marriage (no pun intended) in an effort to explain how things went so bad. So marriage, which is as old as civilization itself, is where we will start.

Some of what is wrong with women can be explained without going to scripture. But the level of acrimony towards men that you see at women’s marches and in the universities cannot be explained away by hormonal imbalance, antipsychotics drugs,  and attacks by cultural Marxists. Those things most definitely are a contributing factor, but it seems to have reached a level of insanity! Regardless of whether you think the Bible is myth or fact, there is wisdom to be found there.

After God quizzed the offending couple in Genesis 3, He pronounced a curse over the three beings involved in the debacle.

And to your husband shall be your desire…

That does not sound like a bad thing, does it? Nevertheless, this was a curse, not a blessing.  What does this mean “shall be your desire”?

The note from The Faithlife Study Bible says:

“The Hebrew word used here, teshuqah, occurs elsewhere only twice (Gen 4:7; Song 7:10). In Song of Songs, the term seems to indicate sexual desire, but that meaning does not work well in this context. In Gen 4:7 the word connotes desire to control or desire to conquer (…sin is crouching at the door. And its desire is for you, but you must rule over it.)”

The complete sentence in Genesis 3:16 says “And to your husband shall be your desire, and he shall rule over you.”

Some translations say “And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you” NLT or “but he’ll lord it over you” MSG

Combine the two verses together from both translations:

 “And you will desire to control your husband but he will lord it over you”

I think that is crystal clear, isn’t it? This is precisely what happened. For most of recorded history, women have been subject to men. Fathers gave their daughters in marriage to whomever they felt would get them the best deal, either moneywise as in dowries and/or because it gave some kind of political advantage.

This is not to say that there were not powerful women over the course of history, neither am I saying that all marriages were loveless. Of course, both things are true but for the most part, women were powerless and subject to the men in their lives.

In the ancient near east, men who could afford it sometimes took many wives. Solomon had several hundred wives and concubines. Even so, in Ecclesiastes 7:26-29 he states:

 “26 I myself found that more bitter than death is the woman who is a trap, whose heart is a snare, and whose hands are bonds. The one who pleases God escapes from her, but the sinner is caught by her. 27  “Look! I found this,”… 28  What my heart sought, I did not find. Although I found one righteous man among one thousand, I did not find one upright woman among all these. 29 Look! This alone I found: God made mankind upright, but they have devised many schemes.

It is assumed that he was talking about wisdom and righteousness in general based on the use of two women as the example of wisdom and foolishness in the Book of Proverbs. But, I am not so sure that there is not a double meaning.  I am just speculating, but it seems to me that the more women you have to deal with in your personal life, the more complicated your personal life will become.

Biological anthropologist Helen Fisher recently told a story about how her research took her to New Guinea, where she spoke with a native who had five wives.

I asked him how many wives would he like to have? I was wondering if he would say 10 wives or 100 wives. After a very long pause he answered none. He told me that it was not easy being married to so many women as they didn’t always get along. It taught me a lesson. When it comes to love, more is not always the answer.

So, for thousands of years, until recently, women for the most part had no power. They were literally lorded over by men. Women used whatever means they could to gain some control over men, means that would include verbal and sexual manipulation.

Then, about two thousand years ago, a man/God/messiah named Jesus appeared on the scene. Women were drawn to him. He treated them differently than other men. Mary Magdalene is the most famous of his female followers. Luke 8:2 tells how Jesus met her.

“..and some women who had been healed of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (who was called Magdalene), from whom seven demons had gone out,..

Over the centuries she has been confused with a prostitute and the adulterous woman Jesus kept from being stoned in John 8. Mary was demon possessed but there is no evidence she was anything else. Jesus made it clear he was there to advance his kingdom, and his kingdom included even the worst of society, the prostitutes and adulterers.

The apostles Paul and Peter further clarified how men and women should treat each other and left men speechless when they both insisted:

“Men, love your wives as Christ loved the church. Women, respect your husbands. Submit to one another.”

I have summed up Eph 5:22-29 and 1Peter 3:1-7 in 3 sentences in order to keep this short.  That women should respect their husbands was not a new concept but that men should love their wives was generally not well received. In the first century A.D. a husband was not expected to show love for his wife.

It seems to me that the command to respect the husband was emphasized, while the command to love the wife was mostly ignored.

How then, did things in the last 100 years, just a blip in time really, flip almost completely to the point where it seems that men have abandoned or been forced out of the role of the family patriarch?

Carloyn McCulley wrote extensively about this in her book Radical Womanhood: Feminine Faith in a Feminist World.

In Chapter Two titled “Men Aren’t The Problem” she explores the history of feminism in America. It was noted that Abigail Adams was strangely prophetic when in a letter to her husband dated March 31, 1776 she wrote:

“And, by the way, in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.”

Unfortunately, her pleas fell on deaf ears. For as close and loving a marriage as they had, John Adams simply wrote back this teasing reply on April 14: “As to your extraordinary code of laws, I cannot but laugh.”

In the mid 19th century women’s suffrage began to make its way around the world. They weren’t wearing pink vagina hats when they marched yet, but some think this is where things seriously began to go awry.

In the 1960’s the birth control pill became available. Dr. Gregory Goodwin Pincus was an American biologist and researcher who invented the birth control pill.   This man looks like he might be one card short of a full deck.

I think we never should have entrusted our reproductive health to this man  There is no doubt that birth control pills changed the lives of women in a historic way. Words to describe how it affected society seem to fall short. By the 1970’s birth control pills were widely available and affordable without insurance paying for them. Abortion became legal in 1973. The availability of those two things opened up options for women that they never had before.

In an agrarian society before the industrial revolution, the fact that woman are generally physically weaker than men helped “keep women in their place”.  Marriage, raising children and housekeeping kept women extremely busy. Technology and birth control gave them the freedom to do things they never would have been able to do before. Now it seemed that any women could do whatever she wanted. Sex was to be explored and used in the same way, and with the same kinds of freedom that men had always had.

Men expected single women to be the one responsible for her reproduction and if it failed, then abortion was always a viable option.

Things are so much better for women, the feminists keep insisting. Well maybe not so much.   Birth control failed for many reasons. And when it did, women had three choices. Carry the child and fight for child support, abort and live with that choice or make an adoption plan and give the child away. All three choices are hard and have consequences.

Men got the amazing freedom of child support for at least eighteen years, or having women kill their child against their will or well, not caring one way or the other. If that is not a soul killing life, I don’t know what is.

No Fault Divorce introduced in the late 1960’s gave both sexes even more freedom! Squeeze the toothpaste tube in the wrong spot? No problem! Why bother trying to work things out by say…having two tubes of toothpaste? Just get a divorce, it’s so much easier. The kids will be ok…studies have shown..right?

The universities started offering “Women’s Studies” and promoting the idea that men were the cause of all of our problems. Women swallowed that idea hook, line and sinker. Equal Opportunity mandates require employers to hire a certain amount of women. Was there a “good old boy” network that encouraged the hiring of men who were not qualified? Absolutely, but now are women guilty of a “good old girl” network and passing over qualified men? That’s assuming the men ever went to college because now, more women are going to college than men. Has it made men’s lives better? Shouldn’t we care? More young men are committing suicide than ever before.

There is plenty of evidence that destroying the traditional nuclear family was in fact a tenet of Marxism. However, pushing cultural Marxism alone is only one factor that has contributed, albeit a very successful one. Chemicals in our food and water contain xenoestrogens that mimic real estrogen causing estrogen overload in both men and women.  They can be found in just about everything in our environment. They are affecting our reproductive system and cause low sperm counts in men, hormonal imbalances in both sexes, cancer, thyroid problems and most likely in ways they have not been identified as of yet.  All of these things contribute to the war between the sexes.

Whenever I hear someone, usually a woman, state that the world would be better if it were ruled by women I will ask them to show me how much better it has become in the past 100 years, as woman gained more power than they ever had in recorded history. How have women made it better? That women have made some good contributions, there is no doubt. But is society really better now?

Freedom always gives us the choice to choose good or evil.

 I took the evil and the evil took me. It made me it’s Bitch. “

I do not know how to the bridge the divide that has come between us in society now. We can make a difference in our personal lives, if we want to. We may never understand each other completely, but we can make an effort to understand each other better.

Whatever you may think about Jordan Peterson, he has made some very good observations about men and women.

“Many relationships are cobbled together by willful blindness and things left unspoken.”

Seems like we start out this way, ignoring what annoys us about the person we decide to marry or otherwise be in a long term relationship with. Why do we do this, sometimes against our own better judgment?

The first step is to recognize that not only do we want to control each other, we want to change each other. Then we must accept that the only person we can change is ourselves. The best marriages survive because grace and forgiveness abound.

Recognize differences – You first have to know them, but you have to give grace for your uniqueness.

Respect differences – It is not enough just to know the differences, you have to accept them. Respect them.

Clear boundaries – Don’t hold your spouse accountable for what they don’t know.

Forgive easily – Have high standards for your marriage, but recognize two imperfect people are trying to uphold them.

Serve expecting nothing in return – Part of gracing one another is doing for each other with no strings attached. The goal is not a 50/50 partnership, but that each spouse extend 100% grace to one another.

Extend trust – A marriage won’t grow far beyond where trust is still being earned.

Love the mundane – In fact, I’d be bold enough to say boredom is a leading cause of marriages that fall into trouble. It often starts there at least. Grace in a marriage means that we learn to love the highs…which is easy…and the lows…which is hard…and the mundane…which is sometimes…for some people…the hardest of all.

Many of these things can apply to relationships in general.

Read more at https://erlc.com/resource-library/articles/seven-acts-of-grace-in-a-marriage.

Don Henley figured it out the hard way and wrote about it in his song “The Heart Of The Matter”

I got the call today that I didn’t wanna hear
But I knew that it would come
An old, true friend of ours was talkin’ on the phone
She said you’d found someone

And I thought of all the bad luck
And the struggles we went through
And how I lost me and you lost you

What are these voices outside love’s open door
Make us throw off our contentment
And beg for something more?

I’m learning to live without you now
But I miss you sometimes
The more I know, the less I understand
All the things I thought I knew, I’m learning again

I’ve been tryin’ to get down
To the heart of the matter but my will gets weak
And my thoughts seem to scatter
But I think it’s about forgiveness, forgiveness
Even if, even if you don’t love me anymore

Ah, these times are so uncertain
There’s a yearning undefined
And people filled with rage
We all need a little tenderness
How can love survive in such a graceless age?

Ah, the trust and self-assurance that lead to happiness
They’re the very things we kill I guess
Ohh, pride and competition cannot fill these empty arms
And the work I put between us
You know it doesn’t keep me warm

I’m learning to live without you now
But I miss you, baby
And the more I know, the less I understand
All the things I thought I’d figured out, I have to learn again

I’ve been trying to get down to the heart of the matter
But everything changes and my friends seem to scatter
But I think it’s about forgiveness, forgiveness
Even if, even if you don’t love me anymore

There are people in your life who’ve come and gone
They let you down, you know they hurt your pride
You better put it all behind you baby, ’cause’ life goes on
If you keep carrying that anger, it’ll eat you up inside, baby

I’ve been trying to get down to the heart of the matter
But my will gets weak and my thoughts seem to scatter

But I think it’s about forgiveness, forgiveness
Even if, even if you don’t love me

I’ve been trying to get down to the heart of the matter
Because the flesh will get weak and the ashes will scatter
So I’m thinking about forgiveness, forgiveness
Even if, even if you don’t love me anymore

Don Henley – The Heart Of The Matter

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Steve C
Steve C
May 11, 2018 7:42 pm

”…Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea…” — Robert A. Heinlein

Steve C
Steve C
May 11, 2018 7:46 pm

A Tale of Two Brains:

Steve C
Steve C
May 11, 2018 7:49 pm

On a more serious note, the whole seminar is quite good.

Relations Mark Gungor Tale of Two Brains Full Seminar HD

May 11, 2018 7:53 pm

I could never get into the women as subservient role. I don’t look at my relationship like that, I look at us as a buddy team, both with different skills but complementary. He’s the breadwinner and soldier, I’m the lesser breadwinner but a fighter, a comforter, and a helper. We met in the financial aftermath of 2008, I saw him through cancer, I think that changed how he saw a lot of things. We’ll be getting married soon.

One thing I think MUST change is no-fault divorce. Divorce should be legally off the table for people who have minor children in the absence of abuse.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 11, 2018 9:00 pm

Goodness, KaD, you share a lovely story with too few words. Please be sure to send my invitation via Admin, I’d love to be there if only in spirit. I kinda want to take some credit for molding your temperament and maybe helping you become the wonderful nurse you were to your fiancee.

  EL Coyote
May 12, 2018 9:32 am

I was doing a drive-by fly-by and managed to hit ONE HUNDRED on Mary Christine’s first post! Am I good or what?

May 14, 2018 8:07 pm

Reminder to Admin… another hundred for Mags.

January 14, 2021 12:00 pm

Wow… it is like running into a ghost from the past.

Craig Johnson
Craig Johnson
May 11, 2018 10:59 pm

Nay, leave no fault divorce alone. Instead, take away child support and alimony, take away all draconian feminist laws like title IX and affirmative action. Most importantly take away women’s suffrage. Treat all uppity feminist cunts like the witches they are and publicly execute them. And watch the world return to normal over night.

#repealthe19th, #keepthepimphandstrong, full stop mic drop.

Craig Johnson
Craig Johnson
  Craig Johnson
May 11, 2018 11:08 pm
Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 11, 2018 11:38 pm

My husband took very good care of me after my mastectomy and during my treatments. It was a rough year.

Congrats on getting married!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 10:00 am

K, I hope you check in again. I was thinking about you after I shut down last night. I remember a comment last year around Thanksgiving, about how he would not be able to enjoy it and you were hoping Christmas would be better.

It sounds like things are going much better. I’m so glad.

  Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 3:07 pm

He still has a long way to go but I’m pretty sure the worst is behind us, as long as it doesn’t pop up again.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 11, 2018 7:53 pm

Note to self. Stay home when your first essay is featured on TBP. I’ll check in later.

  Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 9:21 am

So delighted to see this here and thanks Tadpole for the heads-up. I actually saw a RoadRunner while out driving around our land, which is in the process of complete reclamation of the arable land. The previous owner, the real estate broker, picked this parcel up in an estate auction and except for using one field for horses and another for hay, the land pretty much went wild, which meant briars and sumac and poison things of all make and species. Working in the wilderness requires total focus and the last thing I need is a pack of shit-flinging monkeys occupying my mind when I am supposed to be HELP MEETING with my husband. So, until the bulk of the land reclamation is finished (and, by the way? when you are a really good girl, God sends you angels to help. I have another one of those stories that you are going to immediately say “You are making that up!” and I am telling it exactly as it happened. Therefore, I will make you beg me to tell you about the morning a pair of brothers, aged 72, drove up my driveway when they drove past and saw me struggling to haul a cart of monkey grass (ironic, eh?) up my quarter-mile driveway. After introducing themselves as Harold and his other brother Daryl (fraternal, not identical twins), both in faded overalls, they asked who cuts our hay and what happened next was what you call God-sent reward. Of course, I always ruin it by bragging and being a bit naughty, so there you go.

However, they do remind me of one other old farmer dude who liked his Big Mac overalls.

[imgcomment image[/img]

I am checking in off and on, but we are really getting some work done on our little sustainable farm (yes… I caught that one of HSF’s too) and I am about to get a couple of goats and do not ask what kind because I haven’t completely decided.

We are really getting some work done around here. I suspect it is connected to my NOT being connected. I could be wrong. It has happened.

Admin will be getting a new “healthy” treat with his cinnamony twenties from me this year. I learned how to roast cocoa beans and make my own cocoa powder and cocoa butter. I also dry berries. I now make a granola crumble with chocolate drizzled over berries, nuts, pretzels and my granola. It is a labor intense treat that is priceless because I made it to see if I could, froze a couple gallons of it and will not be doing that again until winter comes.

I know you have been subject to the same crazy weather as I have Mary, since you are just around the corner and up the road, but I literally wore a jacket to work on my garden last week and turned the air conditioning on the next day!

[imgcomment image[/img]

Not everyone can pull off a gardening ensemble like this, but when since I truly do not give a shit, the stuff that is comfortable is what looks good to me. Wait until I get my weird hats out for summer.

I am not sure the images I attached will show up, but they are only included to inspire your shock and awe when you see I dropped another ten.

May 14, 2018 11:28 pm

You look great Maggie!

May 17, 2018 6:29 pm

I was wondering where you were at, Bea!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 15, 2018 7:32 am

The Nubian goats are a solid choice for land reclamation. They are heartier eaters than the Boer, larger framed so they keep most predators away, super friendly and curious so they act more like co-workers than livestock and have great tolerance for low maintenance. And if you care to they produce a really delicious milk that you can turn into a wicked good farm cheese.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 15, 2018 6:56 pm

HF- Nubian goat milk is considered the closest to human milk and most digestible. I would definitely go with Nubians over any other breed. They have a higher butter fat content in their milk which makes for rich cheese.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 17, 2018 6:38 pm

I actually drove three hours two consecutive Saturdays while in Oklahoma to take goat cheese making classes with a woman who had a small dairy north of Tulsa. It was getting the milking stool long before I got the goats, but I am glad I took my camera and filmed most of it now.

Arrival time was 4 a.m., since the goats got milked at 6, followed by the milking of the two cows. Then, we made cheese which aged over the following days and we returned the following Saturday to finish the job and eat some.

I think more than anything the goat cheese has changed the way I eat.

I get my goat cheese at a local Mennonite dairy now and they raise Nubians. I will probably buy from them, but wouldn’t mind seeing if I could get some pygmy goats for my Pyrs to guard. I think the Nubians might kick Little Miss out of the pen.

January 14, 2021 12:08 pm

Ah…. the poorly laid plans of my silly childish games have long since gone awry.

I was deep into research about One Child China when this started last March. The Wuhan connection, the widespread dependency of so many in our culture to prescription as well as other narcotics and mind-altering substances, the casual acceptance of pornographic and deviant sexual behavior all seemed to declare the Eastern Sky about to crack open.

Now that the events of the autumn and winter are upon me, I find my ability to suspend disbelief flailing. I’m not sure what to actually bother to disbelieve anymore.

When everything happening is incredible, how can anything possibly be credible again?

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
May 11, 2018 7:58 pm

Birth control is great, and has prevented more abortions from happening than anything ever invented. The highest abortion rate was in the 1950s, when the doctor had to make a “house call” meaning the woman would have an abortion on her formica kitchen table, with her family eating meatloaf and mashed potatoes off of it later that day.

What really happened was that millions of jobs were created since the 60’s that produce no value, that are only financed through taxes and money printing, those jobs being occupied mostly by women. Their “liberation” is a subsidy. I’ve never met a hard bitten feminist who didn’t have a meaningless job.

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
  JR Wirth
May 11, 2018 8:19 pm

A subsidy (in the form of meaningless jobs) posing as women’s liberation… so true.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  JR Wirth
May 11, 2018 11:39 pm

The abortion discussion is for another day. I took a lot of abuse the last time I took that one on.

  Mary Christine
May 14, 2018 8:24 pm

It was your abortion discussion that really made me take a look at some things that happened during my early years and do some research that led me right back to the same time and place as most people end up. The Poets of the 60s didn’t create the best mythology for this high-tech band of Heroes. They are creating a new sort of Legend for their brave new world and it doesn’t seem to involve babies at all. Just more data storage and features.

I think the Tune In and Turn On generation just a few years older than the lost in space crowd who composed most of my peers dropped the ball and forgot teach their children about humility. I think a lot of us are about to learn a lot more about humility than we ever wanted to. I suspect a lot of people are going to be on their knees before someone or Someone soon. I try to spend a bit of time there now, gardening, cleaning and talking to Someone.

200, I hope.

By the way, I have just figured out how the manipulation of timestamps and moniker names is done. I decided I was sick of my son having to fix my snafus for me and giving me that sardonic look. But, I do NOT plan on doing the mole, troll or droll and remaining anon… I didn’t mean to not identify myself in some way to you. Am glad the UnadoredmorethanSpeedy one let you know. We are a funny crew of monkeys are we not?

  JR Wirth
May 14, 2018 9:40 am

Obamacare was another “make work” program for the unemployables.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
May 11, 2018 8:02 pm

Government issued marriage certificates are only 150 years old. Marriage has existed for thousands of years. The best way to get back to “marriage” is to boycott this certificate while getting married in a church. Suddenly the divorce industry would begin to lose its fuel. Especially the mandatory sham “counseling.”

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
  JR Wirth
May 11, 2018 9:16 pm

This is so true. I am not a bible thumper but it is Gods way or the highway.

  JR Wirth
May 11, 2018 9:39 pm

Best comment.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  JR Wirth
May 11, 2018 11:40 pm

I know of a young couple who did just that. Found a preacher to marry them off the grid so to speak.

May 11, 2018 8:09 pm

That was a good read MC, we all appreciated that. Ole, Lena, Swen, St. Peter.

May 11, 2018 8:20 pm

Ole liked it, said it struck a nerve. He lost his Mojo when he started hang’n with Lena , so wtf does he know? Swen.

May 11, 2018 8:24 pm

Fuck you Swen. At least I know some women. There’s Lena and Hiilda and Freya. Fuck you Swen.

May 11, 2018 8:25 pm

Boys!!! St. Peter.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 11, 2018 11:42 pm

Thanks, Pen.

I held my breath. Then went out with my husband who doesn’t really care about this sort of thing, blogs, that is.

May 11, 2018 8:25 pm


You mentioned the bit about how much better the world would be if it was run by women. Yet society has just lived thru 100 years or so of womens empowerment. Never thought about it that way before. Having heard that many times from many people, I usually feign agreement that things would be much better just to get along and avoid a fight. You do make a great point. And yet the question never asked is why are things not getting better. Might drop that grenade in polite conversation sometime. It would be interesting to see what the response would be…

Might write more later but just want to say you did great job writing this. Make sure you write more.



EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 11, 2018 9:06 pm

RiNsE, make sure you read more, she asked that very question. You get the Zippy award today, bro!

  EL Coyote
May 11, 2018 10:26 pm


Yeah I guess I do. I did have some moar commentary on article written in previous bit. I deleted most of it prior to posting though because I felt it was a bit too mundane. Even for you varmits…

I dont really have much to say these days. Still the problem, as I see it, is there isnt a pill for biological clocks. And when does go off, many women settle for less in meantime then search for more later. Not a great recipie for a happy wife. Throw in Snap Cards and free housing and pretty obvious that men are these days surplus to needs in lot of cases. Look no further than Black America. Somewhere around three quarters of households are led by women. If anyone wants to see what a world run by women looks like they need just go to Baltimore or Chitcago any weekend. There the womyns in the hive keep the Drones around just long enuf to make the next generation…..Once they aint needed they are an extra mouth to feed and like the bees out the door and onto the streets.

Not a good situation for a species descended from lobsters..

I jest..

  EL Coyote
May 13, 2018 3:43 pm

But NOT the 100 post prize.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 11, 2018 11:43 pm

I emailed you to see if you wanted to edit. You must have had a busy week.

I just jumped in with both feet and held my breath.

Wrote from the heart as you advised me to.

  Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 6:24 am


I feel honoured and a bit humbled that you actually considered me for the task. I wish it was true that life is busy. In fact to be honest I have been just a tad lazy and prone of late to having not much substantive to add. I hadnt checked my email for a couple of days so missed you request until too late. By the time I responded you had posted.

You made the right choice in just going for it. If I had read this, as it was, I would have offered no suggestions. It is and probably was a couple days back great. Your grammar and structure is actually better than anything I could hope to improve upon anyways.

You should write more for this joint as this place needs more perspectives from fairer sex.

Not Just A Blog For Old Men.

Once again props and congrats on a fantastic first effort.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 12, 2018 1:19 am

You people live in a fantasy world. As late as the 1960s, in some US states, women could not get a loan or a credit card or even open a checking account without a male co-signer.

So much for being “empowered”.

  Chubby Bubbles
May 12, 2018 6:55 am


that was 50 years ago. A hundred years ago all my ancestors, Men and Women were subsistence farmers. Not now. So what is your point..

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 13, 2018 11:40 pm

My point is that women have not had 100 years of “empowerment”. You just acknowledged that a crack only opened up for us 50 years ago.

Do you have a problem with reading comprehension or math, or both?

  Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 2:09 am

Not at all CB. My point was that was the past. Women can get a credit card and a loan nowadays. If you want piss and moan about oppression pick something that still matters. I don’t see women having problem getting credit cards these days and I ain’t a dirt farmer either. What difference does it make if it was 50 years or one hundred. The past is the past.

Get over yourself..

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 2:39 am

The past is not so far in the past as you might think. You’ve already extended 50 years to 100.

I am not “pissing and moaning”, just trying to set the record straight and be accurate.

Who cares if you are a dirt farmer.. what does that have to do with anything I said?

The past is never the past. The past is prelude.

Women were enslaved, for the most part, throughout history, and will be again. They are now in most parts. I can understand this, but it would be mighty white of you to permit me to not like it all that much.

What I see in MC’s “shorts=nuts” post is (imo) a capitulation to a (dare I say) toxic attitude prevalent among immigrant groups to Europe and to the US. There’s been a resistance to the general attitudes of those groups at TBP, so why are their attitudes towards women apparently now acceptable?

Why don’t TBPers just get off the pot and embrace the Islam? It’s got all you guys seem to want: religionism, male heroism and supremacy, female submission, abolition of secular political states, anti-usury rules (sort of), anti-homosex, militarism, anti-Zionism… there really isn’t much lacking, as far as I can see.

  Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 7:53 am

How did you get to… the Islam…. But keep telling us how the man keeps ya down. Women don’t have any problems getting credit cards and loans now. And if they are declined they just claim some new intersection of oppression and get another…

But lets think of the women who couldn’t shop without their fathers and husbands approval. Back when most women didn’t work outside the home. Ask yourself this.. If a women wanted a credit card in 1965 and didn’t have a job other than raising five or six kids would you give them some plastic. Would you?

Those poor oppressed Women from Fifty years ago..

Oh the Humanity!

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The past is the past. Learn from it sure but using it as a crutch to beat others with now in your battle to stay in progressive stack. Well that is not a good choice. it will only end up leaving one, as Kanye West pointed out recently, a slave to it.

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But you Go Girl!
Anchors a weigh!

  Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 8:33 am

Women have all the power, if, they know how to use it. Most straight men are in thrall of the almighty Vag.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 11, 2018 8:26 pm

I read this as my wife, my sister and my daughter were chatting and preparing dinner, laughing between themselves and sharing little stories of their day. I cannot tell you the contentment I feel because of my wife and the way she goes through this world.

“An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.”

Excellent first offering, and a pleasure to read..

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  hardscrabble farmer
May 11, 2018 11:46 pm

Thanks, Farmer. We cherish those times like that, when the family is around and everything seems right.

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
May 11, 2018 8:26 pm

Most women’s liberation is pseudo-liberation that would evaporate like a puddle on a hot highway in a SHTF scenario.

Tsumani, earthquate, nuckular armageddon? Women’s general perceptions of men improve suddenly and drastically, and the respect he get from women goes vertical.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles

If it’s nuclear armageddon, my perception is that men caused it and Fuck Them for having done so.

  Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 7:26 pm

Chubby a question..

Do you squat to piss on your Corn Flakes or can you do it standing up?

Just curious…

whiskey tango foxtrot
whiskey tango foxtrot
May 11, 2018 8:34 pm

Women went nuts in 1968. The entire world went nuts in 1968. That was the year the world first glimpsed the Great Oz pulling the levers behind the curtain. Matrix exposed. Blind panic. Tell me it ain’t so Joe.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
May 11, 2018 8:51 pm

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in His only Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. On the third He rose again from the dead. He ascended unto heaven, where He sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.

For me, I have no desire to compare different translations, i.e. NIT, MSG, NWT (especially since it is Jehovah’s Witnesses), Revised Standard Edition, American Standard……or any of the dozens of different ones. I will stick to the KJV, and search Hebrew and Greek word study guides….which becomes complicated enough. (A quick comparison of the verses you quoted to the KJV readings present huge differences.) I am a believer in the ‘Fallen Angel’ theory, described in the books of Jasher and Enoch, both of which are mentioned as books of authority in the KJV.

How you guys at this website put thoughts to paper is an amazing skill, skill that I absolutely do not have. I won’t even attempt to state my difference of opinion, other than to point out my belief that one cannot pull a few verses here and there to formulate a meaning because I believe the entire Bible is an interwoven and connected telling of the HIStory of God’s creation, from Genesis to Revelation.

I would attempt to answer the title question of “What really made women go nuts?”……..SIN !!
At any rate, this was a well written, and thought provoking article. Thank you!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  ordo ab chao
May 11, 2018 9:38 pm

This might be a first. Many here have shared their Christian beliefs but no one to date has posted the Nicene Creed before commenting. As long as you don’t start performing an exorcism of the players here.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  EL Coyote
May 12, 2018 2:54 am

El Coyote:
It’s actually the Apostle’s creed, and only posted in part. I left out the third article. I did, however, try to hit the ‘edit’ button (which was nowhere to be found) to add a critically important part to this second article-“From thence He shall come to judge both the quick and the dead”
There would be no need for you to worry about me attempting to perform an exorcism of the players here, I consider myself to be more of a reprobate. There doesn’t appear to be much of a peaceful spirit within me (“If it be possible, as much as lieth within you, live peaceably with all men” Rom. 12:18), but rather an internal sense of rage at the hubris of man. Perhaps you could recommend an exorcist for me? And he better be a good one because, while I’ve not yet spun my head completely around, I have been known to perform a serious chickin neckin with arms a flailin !

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  ordo ab chao
May 12, 2018 2:35 pm

Sherry could have performed the exorcism on you but it seems she found the players here beyond redemption. Writing good, it seems to me, is the ability to put words in an intelligible good order, like putting one foot in front of the other until you are walking. Reading Admin’s compositions consistently constitutes taking a great course in practical writing. Keep commenting, you’ll get the hang of it.

  ordo ab chao
May 11, 2018 10:26 pm

I could have sworn she said sin from the get go.

May 11, 2018 11:20 pm

where you been baggs,i haven’t seen a post from you lately–
good post mc but you were prettier when you were a lighter shade of green–

May 12, 2018 1:48 pm

I’ve been having one of my reclusive months.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 11, 2018 11:49 pm

Hope you don’t mind that I borrowed from your essay. It is so appropriate for all of our bad choices.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
May 12, 2018 3:10 am


I don’t sleep much at all anymore (a couple hours every 24), so perhaps you are right. I did just re-read it a couple of times, and she may have implied it (I didn’t pick up on it), but I couldn’t find where she said it !

  ordo ab chao
May 12, 2018 2:15 pm

Evil is not sin? The first 200 lines are about fault finding, laying blame, public insults and criticism for revenge aren’t direct enough?
I can’t help thinking You are being too clever by half. What was the object of those 2 sermons. Was there a point?

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
May 12, 2018 3:56 pm

That’s Mr. Chao, to you ! Just kidding, but you do have a point, for sure. I read the comment board, in it’s entirety just after posting a response to you. What I realized is, yet again, that there are some extremely intelligent folks on here, and I don’t stand a chance of understanding unless I jump on here first thing after I’ve gotten my 20 winks.

I guess I just got hung up on the Gen. 3:16 dissection in reference to what really made women go nuts…….the previous versus tells us it’s what made the whole of God’s creation “go nuts”. I am tempted to expound on the subject (the curse of the nachash, serpent, Lucifer to be cast to the ground, the earth, forever, the curse of childbirth itself, the possibility that the serpent cast his seed into the woman and produced Cain…..boy could I go on), but I don’t want to be accused of preaching another sermon, for my intent was only to voice my opinion/beliefs. I don’t even know what you mean when you say I’m “being too clever by half”….not sure that I even want to.
I really didn’t mean to offend you, but until the administrator bans me from this site, I’ll keep reading it-some of the best essays, articles, expressions of opinion etc., that I’ve found on the net were on this site. HSF and Uncola (Stuckey QOTD too) just have a way of covering some pertinent subjects in such a manor that I find they slide in my ears and nest in my brain with ease, and this post was a little too deep for me to wade into. I’ll do my best to make an attempt at keeping my thoughts to myself.

  ordo ab chao
May 14, 2018 7:29 pm

Mr. Chao

I like the jib of your jibe. Keep the comments coming. And even though I tend to be purile when it comes to sermons a Bible class once in a while aint so bad a thing

May 14, 2018 7:54 pm

” …. a Bible class once in a while aint so bad a thing” ——- RiNS

Mr. Chao, don’t fall for it!!! RiNS is just yanking your chain. He’s not that crazy about this Jeebus fellow. Fact is, Mr. RiNS is a worshiper of Odin. Not kidding.

Here is his theology in a nutshell. What say you to that??

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May 15, 2018 9:07 am

All Hail Odin!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  ordo ab chao
May 12, 2018 7:39 am

FWIW, of all the things that I miss about being involved with the church, the recitation of the Apostle’s Creed is probably the most profound loss to me. I don’t think I have said those words out loud in more than a decade and every syllable came back to me the moment I saw your first sentence. It was, I think, the most reflective part of the service for me, to have to state, in cadence and unison with all the rest of the congregation, exactly what it was that was the foundation of my faith. It was the mortar that held the entire construction of the church together and it was a master stroke to require it’s pronouncement as a body.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  hardscrabble farmer
May 12, 2018 4:05 pm

HSF-it’s worth a lot to me !Twenty years ago, when my dad was dying, then passed, I said it to myself daily, usually on my knees in tears, shaking my fist at the Almighty, before closing myself up in a quiet little room and reading the KJV. I’ve done it every day/night/or morning since, but I’m not shaking my fist at Him so much anymore.
FWIW from a pea brained abomination-You, sir, are one helluva good writer !

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  ordo ab chao
May 14, 2018 1:01 am

shaking your fist.. why?

I understand pain at separation, but why be angry at death which comes to all creatures?

In my life’s experience, the most religious people seem to be the most ill-equipped to go through the dying process.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 14, 2018 9:17 am

Traditions matter in spite of the Enemy convincing the entire world they do not. At the end of the day, the laws of God and Nature will merge and mankind will re-learn those traditions.

Here’s our latest addition to the rabbit herd. These three are all white and in the “cull” cage. My friend’s daughter in Maryland has already tried to “name” them from there to “save” them. I have extended an invitation to the young lady to join me here this summer and help me select and acclimate the new goats to the new pens and feed sheds Nick has placed in the “pasture.” You inspired me with your stories of your “interns” last year and I decided to take the plunge and see if I can still work with young people beyond the age of ten. In general, I adore kids until they turn ten, then I prefer to let them work through puberty and hormone issues before I talk to them again. That includes my own son, in many ways. It is why children need two parents, one male and one female, according to God and Nature.

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I have been doing some really deep study of the gender issues the world is so confused about as well. What really made women go nuts, I think, is the complete depletion of testosterone in men.

My prepper pal buddy sends me really good information about mineral content in the soil. He is “inoculating” his soil after testing. I’m just spreading bunny nuggets and composting. The earthworm population is enormous here and they understand how to turn trash into treasure. Without a single algorithm.

May 14, 2018 12:20 pm

OMG, you have aged, Megalon.

May 15, 2018 10:01 am

We all age. Some do it poorly, grasping and clinging to things which do not matter. Others do it stylishly, tossing trinkets and baubles gathered over a lifetime to those who would fawn at their feet. Few of us age with quiet dignity, but it is my goal to try.

Failing that, I will simply do it as gracefully as I can possibly manage.

My son has agreed to a photo to commemorate the occasion. A rare opportunity for me to frame a photo and choose the perspective. I like this one best, I think.

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May 15, 2018 10:52 am

I was mocking your ‘Megalon’ moniker. We former AF are proud to have you among our company as evidence of the babes we had in our generation.

I like pretty old ladies because they’ve been pretty a long time. – Doc Pangloss

May 15, 2018 7:45 pm

I will take “pretty old lady” any day of the week.

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I lost all that weight last year and managed to get into my wedding dress for my 25th, but this year? It really fits.

One time I took Alejandro and a couple other crewdogs on a trip to Tyndall AFB up to Pensacola to meet my Aunt Martha and cousin Pat, who now lives in an ashram in India, btw. My cousin Pat was doing some local theater work and came out with her hair in a towel…shook it out to towel the long auburn hair out in the sun. Alex (I didn’t always call him Alejandro) and Herb stared at her, which Vicki and I chatted with my aunt about killing roaches and fire ants. She shook out her long hair and toweled it dry, stopping occasionally to tell the “boys” a story about doing local theater there in Pensacola.

She was 6 feet tall and I always thought she was stunning. And she truly was stunning that day 40 years old, which was her age when we visited her in the late 80s. I told Alejandro he may realize that I was not that gorgeous yet… but give me another twenty years because it runs in the family. It’s been 30 years and I’m getting there, I hope. Country living has brought it back to me.


Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 14, 2018 12:26 pm

Hormones contributed to my cancer. Mine was estrogen positive which means my cancer fed off of estrogen. I will listen to your youtube thing. I am always wanting to learn more about hormones.

  Mary Christine
May 15, 2018 10:07 am

This doctor has a series of you tube discussions which have made a tremendous difference in my understanding of the term “whole food.”

I am now using a juicer, buying those ginormous bags of citrus and carefully washing then making my own juice with pulp and collecting the zest from the walls of my professional grade juicer. I think it makes a tremendous difference to drink a fruit beverage that really is FOOD and not just flavored water with added poison.

It is fascinating to see images of me now after losing almost an entire PERSON. I asked Nick why he never told me I’d gotten kind of fat and he said that to him I was just me and he figured I could look in the mirror and see what he saw and if I was fine with it, he was fine with it.

As I said… never a Mother’s Day gift from Nick but what a wonderful husband. And look what he built for me!

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 11, 2018 9:05 pm

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Trust me, I’m a licensed professional.

Looks like Larry Tate on Benzedrine.

Steve C
Steve C
  hardscrabble farmer
May 11, 2018 9:23 pm

Or maybe Herman Munster.

  hardscrabble farmer
May 11, 2018 9:37 pm

It is fitting both “Bewitched” and “I Dream of Jeannie” were released in the 1960s. Each showing women with magic powers over the men in their lives.

“Relax”, said the night man. We are programmed to receive. You can check out any time you like. But you can never leave.

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May 12, 2018 11:03 am

There were a lot of really terrible things going on in our society in the 1960s. If you think about it from a Fourth Turning perspective, 60s television was our “Poetry” that created the myths and legends which remain somewhere in our (50ish and older, I think) longterm memories. I truly believe the pack of us born in the late 50s/early 60s are to blame for the mess we are in. I am inclusive of the whole nowhereman in a nowhereland generation. I say blame because our generation allowed the idiot box to convince us we did not need to actually read stories to grasp nuance and learn to read between lines. We allowed our entertainment to rule our lives. We fell for the bait and switch routine hook line and sinker with Mayberry RFD morphing into the Beverly Hillbillies and, once they got to Beverly Hills there was NO going back to Mayberry, was there?

What rough beast have you sensed slouching around the pond out yonder past the clover on the meadow? Have you missed the nonsensical riddles and rhymes?

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 1:03 am

And the menfolk were:

Ad Executives



We know Ad Execs work their own Magic Bullshit. Astronauts? Some would say, also….

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  hardscrabble farmer
May 11, 2018 9:48 pm

He’s Bewitched.

whiskey tango foxtrot
whiskey tango foxtrot
  hardscrabble farmer
May 11, 2018 10:13 pm

HF: Nailed it. A 10. TY for the belly laugh.

May 11, 2018 9:22 pm

That was great, MC.

Freud asked: “What does a woman want”? Betty Friedan answered that question in her book “The Feminine Mystique”. Her reply was: “Respect”.

I’ve often wondered if respect is simply a by-product of love and forgiveness – or – if it is, in fact, vice versa.

I believe it is in the forward of Kurt Vonnegut’s “Welcome to The Monkey House” where there is a quote attributed to Horace Walpole. The quote is one I repeat to myself from time to time. It is this:

“Love may fail but courtesy will prevail.

As for me, and my household, we have a nice plaque positioned on a decorative shelf and displayed prominently in our kitchen. It is engraved with these words:

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Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 11, 2018 11:54 pm

Everyone is normal until you get to know them.

I could say a lot more about those paragons of women’s lib. Their lives did not seem to turn out they way they might have wanted. But not tonight.

I thought about you before I hit the send button. How you said you hold your breath. I did the same thing. Then it seemed like I held it all day.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 12:19 am

The hard part is coming down. Then you have to think of other topics to write on so you can get a rush like today’s. Congratulations, you are a writer and a contributor. You can now warn traffic cops that you write for a powerful blog and you won’t hesitate to tell the world if they so much as fart.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  EL Coyote
May 12, 2018 10:46 am

“You can now warn traffic cops that you write for a powerful blog and you won’t hesitate to tell the world if they so much as fart.”

No, I don’t think so. My husband keeps me grounded. When I asked him if he wanted to share my essay he said no.

Well, alrighty then. No big heads are to be gotten in my house;)

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 3:21 pm

It’s a reference to a T4C meme regarding a traffic stop using Stuck’s fantasy monologue that sounded much like this one:

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  Mary Christine
May 14, 2018 1:04 am

“Everyone is normal until you get to know them.”
MC, in this I wholeheartedly agree with you!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 11, 2018 9:29 pm

Let’s not curse MC with faint praise – the whole thing was spectacular. She introduced the article with her personal observations and impressions regarding marriage. She gives substantiating evidence from the bible that is tilted somewhat towards the male but then shows how Jesus corrected the situation with his teaching. Then she covers the failure of men to take women seriously since the birth of the nation and the further subjugation and abuse of women couched in a false liberation called the sexual revolution. She brings us back to the issues of marriage to signal that true equality can only be nurtured in a marriage and offers some helpful guidance.

No men were harmed in the production of this article as far as I can tell. Thank you, MC! You’ve always been a good sport and now you’ve proved to be a superior writer right out the starting gate. You should see the claptrap other writers here started off with. I do not know if Admin is a saint for even publishing the early works of some folks here, but that’s another story.

  EL Coyote
May 11, 2018 10:19 pm

El Critical,

“Great” defined = “remarkable in magnitude, degree, or effectiveness”. Hardly faint praise?

Jeez, Louise. It’s not like I said: “Your article was wholly adequate, Mary” or “Congrats on your first stand-alone post, Mary. It totally did not suck. Really! It was fine.” It’s not like I said that.

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Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 11, 2018 11:56 pm

Ok, you two are cracking me up now. I really need to go to sleep.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 12, 2018 12:29 am

Am I supposed to be Pedro?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  EL Coyote
May 12, 2018 7:47 am


  EL Coyote
May 12, 2018 8:52 am

I’ll vote for you.

  EL Coyote
May 12, 2018 11:20 am

Definitely not Alejandro.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 12, 2018 2:46 pm

Dammit, I can never beat that guy. The guy that did everything right.
I hate him. You know why? He didn’t take a front topless pic.
That’s like George Washington not crossing the river or Paul Revere sleeping in.

His tombstone might as well read: The tits, man, the tits!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  EL Coyote
May 11, 2018 11:58 pm

I had some editing help from my husband. He is a good sport, even though this type of thing is not his style. He would rather be in the shop tearing up a car or trying to find a place not already covered in tools and such to put something else down.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  EL Coyote
May 12, 2018 10:48 am

“No men were harmed in the production of this article”

I had not intention of spearing men. It’s counter-productive and both sexes are guilty of making a fine mess of things.

May 11, 2018 9:40 pm

I’m 51 years old and can honestly say that I’ve known less than a dozen married men who did not cheat on their wives. I very rarely got involved in why this was the case with any of them. The wives seemed to me at least to be more than accommodating to their husbands but what do I know.

I could not have asked for a better man to teach me about marriage, mostly by example, than my father. In my 51 years I never heard him say a derogatory thing about my mother to anyone. That was quite an accomplishment as my mother could be an EPIC cunt whenever she took a mind to. In talking with my mother’s siblings after her death and with members of my father’s family who knew her, I’ve come to believe that my mother had some significant but well disguised mental issues going all the way back to her childhood. Still, my father was the very model of a gentleman when it came to his wife right up until the end. He put up with way too much of her bullshit in my opinion but perhaps he recognized her issues and rather than draw attention to them which surely would have hurt her, he just took the higher road. I will be forever amazed at the goodness my father had in him. I’ll also be forever puzzled by the apparent evil my mother had in her.

I think for him it was a matter of honor and integrity to always do the right thing. This is what he passed on to his children. Honor and integrity seem to be in short supply these days. Most men I know from my X’er generation and especially the millenial generation think only with their dicks. Their dicks decide which women to dick and when their dick gets tired of dicking one woman it’s their dick that decides which woman is next. The fact that they have wives or girlfriends doesn’t mean dick. Hell I know millenials who will avoid restaurants because the waitresses aren’t hot. Why they ever bother getting married I’ll never know.

2018 marks 30 years of marriage for me…..to one woman. I could not have picked a better woman to put up with my shit but I do try to keep my shit to a minimum where she is concerned. I treat her with respect in all things and she does the same for me. We’re a team. We have each others back through thick and (mostly) thin. We rarely fight because we settled most of our fights before we ever got married. One example: Before marriage I told her that if she ever felt so put out that sleeping in *our* bed with me was not an option then she was welcome to sleep anywhere else she wanted to but I was never going to be put out of my own bed nor would I put her out of our bed.

We had lots of discussions like that before we got married because I was not going to play bullshit high school level games with someone I chose for my wife. She thought it all sounded pretty reasonable to her and 30 years later we’re still going strong. I could have easily fucked around on my wife dozens of times and she would not have known but that is not the point. I made a commitment to her and *I* would know. The only way I could ever let her down is by letting myself down first. That is never an option.

Personally I think “women went nuts” because of an extreme lack of parenting probably due to too much *dick* thinking. If it feels good, just do it……right? That and liberalism truly is a mental disorder. Liberalism was/is just INTENTIONAL Marxism in disguise. EDIT: Look up the Marxist planks and Frankfurt School action items. Every time I read them I can’t help but think just how perfectly they’ve stuck to those goals and how they’ve nearly completed them. Divide and conquer. We are being intentionally destroyed from within.

On abortion………a womans “right to choose” begins with keeping her fucking legs closed. A mans “right to choose” begins with keeping his fucking dick in his pants. Avoid either one of those choices and both parties get to enjoy the consequences of those choices. Unfortunately it’s the kids who always suffer the consequences which just makes it a self reinforcing downward spiral. I’m not sure how to fix it without responsible parenting. It seems to me that once kids are involved parents should loose their rights until the kids are of age.

Nice article Mary.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
May 11, 2018 10:27 pm

I enjoyed your comment, IndenturedServant. You make very good points. Glad your marriage story is a happy one.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 12:05 am

Thank you, IS.

I had a father like that, too. While I would not call my mother names, she was a bit cold. She wouldn’t allow me to disrespect my dad, though, when I was going through a rebellious stage. My dad loved her, no matter what. He was a devout Catholic for most of his life. I doubt if he ever cheated. If he did, I don’t want to know about it.

Their marriage was stormy and I did hide in my room and run outside sometimes.

  Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 1:10 am

What’s so fucked up about my mom is that all of her evil deeds were intentional. She was even proud of it. She also never hinted of a reason for it even when asked directly. She’d just say that was the way she was and if you didn’t like it you could go to hell.

We all thought she was a pretty damned good mom when we were growing up and she was. Once we were grown and on our own she just went full tilt evil. She was a master at deceiving everyone around her, except family which is why I think she seemed to reserve a special ire for family. We saw through her bullshit and that really pissed her off. It also caused her to double down on still more evil bullshit. Never any rhyme or reason to it.

Her body died eight months ago but my mother died sometime in the early nineties. I just never noticed that distinction until a few years ago. By then the only resemblance was in appearance and even that was almost completely changed and she never had a dimes worth of plastic surgery. My father deserved so much better but he stood by her and made sure she was cared for and I did the same. I could just never muster the respect for her that he had. I wanted to but I’m not wired that way.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 10:18 am

IS, maybe she had borderline personality disorder. My oldest daughter is a mess. My younger daughter is in nursing school and taking a Psych coarse this semester. When she came upon the symptoms she said it sounded like her sister. I have been doing a lot of reading about it and I think she may be right. She is not as bad as your mom sounds but like everything else, the severity and symptoms can vary. She is probably a more mild case.

Sad thing is she is a single mom with a 13 yr old son. We try to keep him as much as possible to give him a semblance of normalcy and exposure to a positive male role model. His dad lives half way across the country.

  Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 11:39 am

I empathize and sympathize with IS on the family issues. There are some that are mind-boggling, such as his mother and a few others I know about.

Some people are born into good family. Some can grow their own. Others never grasp what it means to have someone you can rely upon no matter what.

When ones mother has a dramatic personality change for any reason it is traumatic. When my son was 9, I didn’t wake up one day and ended up having a series of brain surgeries to correct for adult onset hydrocephalus (aqueduct stenosis). I didn’t realize until we had a family therapy session (for me) last year how that impacted my son. I’m not beating myself up over it… I did have freaking brain surgery to deal with.

  Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 12:47 pm

Mary, I’ve been down that road of discovery myself. I even got her in to see a psychologist and a psychiatrist. Of the ten different Class A, Class B and Class C personality type disorders my mom had more than 60% of the symptoms of nine of them and more than 90% of seven of them. http://www.psychone.net/list-of-personality-disorders.php The odd thing that the doctors found amazing was how high functioning she was. She seemed to be able to turn her bullshit on/off at will. She could fool the average person for several years but rarely longer than that. If anyone ever called her out on any of her shit, even over something trivial and done in a polite and private way, that person was instantaneously “dead” to her. She even applied that to family which backfired because she actually needed us so it just became a massive adversarial situation.

They said it was all caused by vascular dementia caused by strokes but no one could ever explain her ability to be completely conscious of her own BS and be able to turn it on or off at will. She seemed to delight in the chaos she caused.

I’m glad it’s over for her because I cannot imagine she had any real happiness in her life. I just wish I had something other than anger toward her in my heart.

Best of luck with your daughter. My only advice would be to seek some guidance on how cope with it in your own mind. I never did find a way except to take it day by day and ensure that she was safe and cared for, meaning not abused. Fortunately there was no more emotional attachment on my part so I think that made it easier as crazy as that sounds.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 2:47 am

IS, I am glad you were able to have some detachment from the situation. I have some family members with (imo) undiagnosed personality disorders. There is a love of chaos that puts everyone else on an uneven keel for the duration, so I know what that is like.

May 12, 2018 7:13 pm

I’d suggest demonic influence, if not possession.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 12, 2018 7:44 am

Worth it’s own post. A good marriage to a society is like nutritious food for the body; it allows it to reach it’s potential. This cannot be overstated.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
May 11, 2018 9:42 pm

Very good article.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 11, 2018 9:54 pm

What is the premise for this article.. that women have “Gone Nuts”?
Where is the basis for this?

Haven’t men also “Gone Nuts”?

Camille Paglia was excoriated, and not only by Feminists™, for saying that if women had been in charge of the world, we’d still be living in grass huts. Upon hearing this, my first instinct was to ask, “and what’s wrong with that, exactly?”

All the BS that a lot of you people lament day in and day out.. the carz, the traffic, the highwayz, the housing projectz, the government and its “intelligenz”, the GMOz, the warz, the nukz… the public scoolz, the UN, the CFR, the World Bank.. ANY bank.. All the churchz and their pedophiles and wealth extraction. All the sportzball. All the concrete. All the RoundUp® and lawnmowers and Scotts Turf whatever. All the SSRIs. Meat grown in a vat. All the snowmobiles and Monster Trucks and ATVs burning fuel just for the hell of it. Anything to do with space and space travel.. most women could just not care less. All the high-tech surveillance and AI shit. Any “factory” or soul-killing “industry” pumping out crap that people don’t really need….

who EXACTLY was in charge of setting up all that?


Yeah, there are some craptastic women now “managing” the clamorous human failure that all this shit entails.. the real “dick thinking”.. what of it?

When I hear anything out of the mouth of anyone on TV, anyone in movies, anyone on the radio… the list is endless.. they are all there because Men Have Gone Nuts.

I just found out that there is a lucrative business in videos of people (of both sexes, I guess) watching Men playing video games (invented by Men). You aren’t supposed to do anything else except watch some guy play a video game.

And yet it’s the women who have “Gone Nuts”?!?

I’m not convinced.

  Chubby Bubbles
May 11, 2018 11:18 pm

“who EXACTLY was in charge of setting up all that?”

That’s a big question. I have a big answer.

Frankfurt School:
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.

Communist Manifesto:
“1. Abolition of property and land and application of all rents of land to public purposes
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax
3. Abolition of all right to inheritance
4. Confiscation of all property of all emigrants and rebels
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6.Centraliztion of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing of cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of label. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country,
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination with education and industrial production.”


Use Horrorwood, Sports Ball and Pop Music *stars* to make it all popular and then look at who promotes and profits from it all and you will know:

“who EXACTLY was in charge of setting up all that?”

Don’t think for a minute that men and women aren’t equally behind it all.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 11, 2018 11:36 pm

Well that’s fine as far as it goes, but what about before the modern era?
What about before the influence of this group you want to blame?

Maybe Jordan Peterson can weigh in on this….
I find the main “heroic” tropes throughout history to be male-oriented. No surprise there, and not saying that is an unconditional Bad Thing, but it is A Thing.. and lusting after wacky sorts of power hasn’t really been a mainly feminine pursuit.

Icarus wanted to fly to the sun.
Tutankhamen thought all his gold and dead slaves would serve him in an afterlife.
Chinese emperors would kill hundreds and take them to serve in their graves.
Indian women (some) still feel pressured to die on a husband’s funeral pyre.. you can bet that’s not a social standard imposed by women… nor would the FGM Muslim women carry out have arisen in a female vacuum.

I don’t know of any homicidal female Elon-Musk analogs, for example (Tesla keeps racking up the body count).

Looking back, I have Walked Away from many opportunities in life because I did not understand the inspiration behind them: in biology, I was steered away from anything as large as a cell; in design, I was steered away from conservation and toward mindless waste. I just gave up because I never agreed that the problems presented were real problems, or that the solutions we were supposed to mimic were in any way real solutions. This continues for me to this day. When in a town meeting we were told one of our three wells has too much of some mineral for the state’s liking, I proposed reducing potable water consumption in order to take that well off-line either temporarily or permanently. I was told that could not be done and wasn’t a solution. [Insert picture of dog with head sideways here.]

“Dick thinking” is always bigger, always more… forget the fact that at some point your dick is so big it won’t fit in the hole.. In that case, just drill a bigger one, or genetically engineer one, or fuck a horse, I guess.

  Chubby Bubbles
May 12, 2018 12:47 am

Interesting question. It seems to be ubiquitous throughout history and among most cultures. Perhaps it comes from nature. I think it’s more likely that our TRUE early history has been erased. Nearly everything we claim to KNOW was “discovered” and taught to us by “learned men” of the modern era. We see how efficiently our modern editors…I mean owners are able to edit our history out of modern school books in our own lifetimes. I doubt that’s a newly discovered trick.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Chubby Bubbles
May 12, 2018 1:16 am

He’s knows the answer, he’s got the dick. – Bitch Witch

  EL Coyote
May 12, 2018 11:07 am

Who are you calling Witch, Bitch?

  Chubby Bubbles
May 12, 2018 1:22 am

Chubbles, Loved your edit. Sounds like we think the same. I think that’s why I have no faith in the human race. I see such enormous potential in us but the morans are firmly in control. Those with potential are terminally outnumbered…….by design I believe. Taking everything to such extremes seems completely foreign to me. I think it’s all part of the divide and conquer mentality. Those in control don’t ever want any of us to discover that we don’t need the controllers. I just can’t figure out why I’m a square peg when the vast majority are round pegs. Maybe I didn’t get enough fluoride?

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 12:20 am

Well, yes. Note October Sky’s acceptance of “superiors”. “Superiors” (for the most part male, as it happens) will be the death of us.

  Chubby Bubbles
May 12, 2018 2:17 am

jordan peterson has already weighed in several times on why hero figures are archetyped male.

“a society which does not hold women sacred, ceases to exist rather quickly”
the men have to be primed for hero-ship because if all the women of the past went out and sacrificed their lives as heroes.. the population would have died off!!

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 12:22 am

Have the clit-cutting, black-bagging, gang-rapey Islamists died off over the last 1400 years?



They may hold women “sacred”, but not in a way that would really behoove any woman ever to be so “held”.

October Sky
October Sky
  Chubby Bubbles
May 11, 2018 11:55 pm

Instead of carefully joking about why women have gone Nuts or adding further examples of what women can have faith in, you appeal to your version of harsh problems. I hope Mary Christine can convince you to discuss the contents of her essay.

It’s Nuts to where those pink hats! It’s Nuts to demonstrate rage. It’s Nuts to carry on as hypocrites.

Mary Christine wrote:

“The best marriages survive because grace and forgiveness abound.”

Mary Christine also stated the advice given may work in other types of relationships.

Comments followed about men who love their wives! They love them because they share a one-of-a-kind bond.

Those of us who do not support feminism but who are at peace in our own femininity know tactfulness, thoughtfulness, common sense, discipline and grace can build bridges to our goals.

Whatever challenges women face in society, men have different and similar challenges.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  October Sky
May 12, 2018 12:18 am

Can’t please everyone. I honestly thought more women would be upset than men but you never know for sure.

I appreciate your comment, October. You always have some good insights.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  October Sky
May 12, 2018 12:51 am

“It’s Nuts to [wear] those pink hats! It’s Nuts to demonstrate rage. It’s Nuts to carry on as hypocrites.”

Well, I agree 100%!

But I despair to read an essay about how “Women Are Nuts” in some particular and unique way, as a response and sop to clear TBP male frustration with the modern world, as though they were somehow alienated from its construction and in some mystified state.

“… tactfulness, thoughtfulness, common sense, discipline and grace can build bridges to our goals.” That’s a very “good girl” set of tools. I don’t side with modern feminists for the most part, but where is the call for men to have tact, common sense, discipline or “grace” (that’s a fabulous one!)?

What my experience tells me is that:
“Tact” means “don’t call men out when they are being jerks”.
“Discipline” means “don’t let yourself be tempted to call men out when they are being jerks.”
“Grace” means “accept the lot men offer you without complaint.”

Sorry, but fuck that religiously-inspired noise.

I’m just not buying the initial premise that women are somehow “nuts” any more than men are, so I don’t see the point of this essay, however well-written or -intentioned. It’s just a non sequitur for me. I have a great relationship and am committed ’til death do us part. My husband would not be able to operate with a “graceful” partner, nor I with a macho stunt driver, so we suit each other well enough.

What are your “goals”, MC?

Personally speaking, we would not have a homestead or an orchard if it were up to DH, and he would be the first to tell you that. He’d still be spending three hours a day on the ring road in a big city, driving to some pointless programming job if it were not for my absolute lack of tact, lack of grace, and lack of “common sense”.

P.S. I find October Sky’s comment instructive:
“Instead of carefully joking about why women have gone Nuts or adding further examples of what women can have faith in, you appeal to your version of harsh problems. I hope Mary Christine can convince you to discuss the contents of her essay.”

Sorry I was not “careful”..
(oops! No, I’m not!)

Personally, I would never try to corral someone into a response other than the one they organically wanted to give. This is a very “feminine” demonstration of trying to maintain a decorous social order on behalf of men. Thanks, October Sky!

Women can be “at peace in their own femininity” in ways other than those which have been expressed, but clearly YMMV.

October Sky
October Sky
  Chubby Bubbles
May 12, 2018 1:43 am

“What my experience tells me is that:
“Tact” means “don’t call men out when they are being jerks”.
“Discipline” means “don’t let yourself be tempted to call men out when they are being jerks.”
“Grace” means “accept the lot men offer you without complaint.”

Sorry, but fuck that religiously-inspired noise.”

My experience has been different. I always put my efforts toward getting the job done. It is just the way I am. The male and female jerks avoided me as a result.

Tactfulness has been a great resource when dealing with superiors (men and women) who ask for input because they are unfamiliar with areas of progress or lack thereof. They trust I will offer feedback that does not waste their time.

Discipline is self-determination.

Grace is a combination of skills and confidence. Granted some have a finer level of grace than others.

I have worked with lazy women and lazy men. I have been harassed at work by both women and men. And so have men. It goes both ways.

With femininity, I influence those who are dedicated and who take time to share what works in the long run.

The foundation of femininity came from peaceful families.

I replied to your post bc you were trying to get away with a fallacy.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  October Sky
May 14, 2018 12:10 am

October Sky, not sure what you mean by a “fallacy” except that you and I have different life experiences and different interpretations of what we may or may not have learned to our relative advantages.

“With femininity, I influence those who are dedicated and who take time to share what works in the long run. .. The foundation of femininity came from peaceful families.”
I don’t know what those sentences mean.

In the workplace I have found men to be predators (not necessarily of the sexual kind) and that’s “normal” (see llpoh). Being the handmaiden of say, Michael Porter, did not interest me. I walked away from those kinds of gigs.

There aren’t a whole lot of peaceful families and the responsibility for that lies with both women and men.. I don’t see what “femininity” has to do with it unless it’s (with apologies to Colin Flaherty) “Don’t Make the Male Kids Angry” .

Funny.. a while back I read somebody commenting that TPB was such a male space, and they wondered upon it. I didn’t wonder at all. The vibe is clear: heroes and handmaidens is the fiction to which to adhere if you want upvotes here. Stuff contrary to that romantic narrative isn’t welcome.. and that’s [Stuart Smalley voice].. ok. TBPers need their Daily Affirmation that humans are good, men are better, industrial society isn’t ruining the planet.. whatever it takes to get Admin through another 30 blocks of squalor and back, whether any of this is objectively true or not.

October Sky
October Sky
  Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 7:17 pm

1. The Drama Fallacy
2. You did not discuss or debate the contents of the essay. Instead, you appealed to another issue. Appealing to other problems or issues to discuss as a replacement of the original topic is a fallacy.

What is cool about Mary Christine’s approach is, there are not any excuses for anyone to appeal to drama.

I would like to hear your viewpoints about femininity and how each viewpoint relates to Mary Christine’s essay.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 12:18 pm

I stated the goal in the essay. What are your goals, CB?

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
May 11, 2018 10:02 pm

MC , well researched and thought out , after 43 years of marriage we are not what we were but we are where we are together . Ups Downs and inside out !
I joke and will always say “ she saved some other poor girl but after witnessing the deaths of a few husbands in our old gang circle of friends a new appreciation has grown for each other . It’s not just Love it’s friendship even when the other enrages you if you still like each other the negative things we all carry can be forgiven after all we are friends first lovers last !

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Boat Guy
May 12, 2018 12:20 am

My husband and I started out as friends but that didn’t last long before.. well you get the idea.
We built 3 houses together. We are still friends

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
May 11, 2018 10:09 pm

Nice read MC.

I think the secret to a long lasting marriage is, as a man, to marry above yourself. And to not forget it or take it for granted.

And besides, I have no idea who else would put up with me? I know I wouldn’t.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Francis Marion
May 12, 2018 1:12 am

FM, it’s been a long time since I addressed one of your comments. Sorry.
Men marry up, women marry down.
Pretty Woman, based on Pygmalion, inverts that formula to make the romance more exquisite. A modern equivalent is not Melania Trump but rather the divorcee marrying a prince – Meghan Markle.

  EL Coyote
May 14, 2018 2:28 pm

Although, long before that, we see the owner of all the gold and earth itself, pick a lowly bride:
…6″When I passed by you and saw you squirming in your blood, I said to you while you were in your blood, ‘Live!’ Yes, I said to you while you were in your blood, ‘Live!’ 7″I made you numerous like plants of the field. Then you grew up, became tall and reached the age for fine ornaments; your breasts were formed and your hair had grown. Yet you were naked and bare. 8″Then I passed by you and saw you, and behold, you were at the time for love; so I spread My skirt over you and covered your nakedness. I also swore to you and entered into a covenant with you so that you became Mine,” declares the Lord GOD.…

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Francis Marion
May 15, 2018 7:49 am

I’m in complete agreement on that one. My wife inspired me to become a better man than I was able to do on my own. She continues to inspire me daily and whenever I face a difficult choice or see myself reacting to someone or something in a way that isn’t what I’d like it to be I ask myself what my wife would do and in almost every case it delivers.

This is not to say that I haven’t had an equal influence on her to improve on the things that she needed to change, but in a good marriage that’s the hidden gift, the force multiplication of two people working towards a betterment of each. Marriage may not be the perfect relationship, but it is the optimal one.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 11, 2018 10:09 pm

The real “dick thinking” is explicated in the development of nuclear power and nuclear weapons. The result is Fukushima (a catastrophe that will never end in any human’s lifetime) and all the other 450+ nuke plants which will never be decommissioned but will run to failure or be abandoned.

That’s your “dick thinking” right there, like all the “dick thinking” I was expected to embrace at a well-regarded tech school.

May 11, 2018 10:14 pm

Wow MC , I am awestruck with your take on this HUGE life issue!! This obviously came from my heart and mind and landed near your pen (keyboard). I’m very impressed by your thoughts and opinions put into words but a bit saddened by some of the trite and juvenile comments it illicited.
Bravo and keep writing! It’s wonderful to read an article from someone who sounds like a soul sister.
Thank you!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 12:22 am

Thanks Rosa. Trite comments are to be expected.

I have been known to derail a wonderful essay before. It happens.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 1:24 am

Trite comments? Must be related to 22Winnie – “BooHooHoo, I had to leave ZH because of all the Bitcoin stories.”

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
  EL Coyote
May 12, 2018 11:36 am

That’s “damn-near hourly Bitcoin stories” to you bud.

May 14, 2018 4:29 pm

Howdy ARosa. Soul Sister. She said it first, EC. I didn’t even pipe in to suggest it now that I know she’s a she and willing to “claim” it.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
May 11, 2018 10:33 pm

As I said, a great article. And I agree with the ideas on the pill and abortions. But we cannot forget the role the welfare state has, which began at about the same time. All seem to be a bad combination for male/female relations and families.

May 11, 2018 10:48 pm

Mary C.
Most excellent. Have been waiting and wasn’t disappointed.
Love is the hardest thing God ever asked me to do. Its also the only thing he ever asked me to do.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think the lesson was “Serve expecting nothing in return”. No mean feat.
BTW I’m flattered to be quoted in such well thought out and reasoned article.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 12:28 am

The whole “expect nothing” part is our cross to bear, isn’t it?

My husband’s love language is acts of service. Mine is quality time. As long as we both keep that in mind we are ok. When we forget, things can get a little ugly for a minute.

It’s really hard, the “expect nothing” part, and I would never be able to live up to that alone. There have been times when I have to turn everything over to God and ask Him to help me let something go and God, please do not let me keep running a script back over and over in my head.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 1:02 am

That may have been the appeal of Scientology where you could vent and an auditor would listen and assess when you were ‘clear’ of the engram or memory.

I had a venting episode last night on the male professor article. The take-away is, fuhgeddaboudit.
Suppose you wore glasses and they got smeared with dog-shit. Now if you look at your honey, you will have a shitty outlook; why wear those shit-colored glasses? All they do is color your world in an ugly color. Ain’t nobody paying you to paint your world in shit or to remember shit like that.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 12, 2018 1:12 am

Well that’s a wonderful message of slavery for people willing to be enslaved (by imaginary beings, no less, on top of their spouses and relations).

That’s the ethos behind Christian Europe sacrificing itself to those more violent than they. Good luck with “servitude” as a life goal. I think when you really find out what that means you may change your mind.

“Servants” have a place in the human ecosystem, and servitude can certainly have its usefulness as a survival tactic. I’m just not enthusiasic about its being some kind of overarching universal value for anyone, male or female.

  Chubby Bubbles
May 12, 2018 1:01 pm

You’re dribbling your inner anxiety and tension all over your shirt and some of it is starting to reach the table. You might need a bib.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 13, 2018 11:47 pm

I have zero anxiety in this realm if not thinking of other women who may be voluntarily selling themselves short.

I’ve had a great life as an equal to men because, generally speaking, I never acted subservient to them and I never will. (Some commenters here think I am a man, and I’m almost sorry to have left any breadcrumbs to indicate otherwise.)

When October Sky talked about [I assume her] “superiors” something clicked for me… that’s the issue.. that you assume you– any of you — have superiors.. why?

Where is the “free man” ethos that’s such a leavening aspect of TPB?

Should women not take being free to heart? Why not?

  Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 5:05 pm

— “I’ve had a great life as an equal to men…”

You have never been equal to men. You have experienced an anomaly where you get to exercise your full power with impunity that most men are no match for WHILE AT THE SAME TIME nearly every man around you is self restraining or being restrained by other men… to the point most of them are afraid to offer even mild disagreement or criticism.

You only notice (and focus on) the ones with enough spine left to stand up to you, because those are also the only ones that could ever turn you on.

You are a delusional harpy and are the scourge of male/female relationships.

The only concept of equality you’ve experienced has required men to sell themselves short. Not all men, just the only ones who actually ever gave a damn about someone like you. The men who you can’t and never will be able to control will continue to do as they please but you’ve utterly destroyed the boys who would have become men that were strong enough to provide some degree of counterbalance to them.

It’s never been better for a guy who just wants to use women as sexual property than today, and there has never been a time where more women are being left to rot in their twilight years than today.

That’s your equality. Chads with more young women at a swipe than ever before in history, and cats with more older women needing them for company than ever before in history. Congratulations, hope the paycheck was worth it.

October Sky
October Sky
  Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 6:33 pm


I have superiors in the workplace. Mangers and supervisors can be called superiors. Sometimes superior is written in work place polices and job descriptions.

Mary Christine wrote an important essay. Briefly, the essay was equally important for Mary Christine’s reach to men and women to encourage communication. She discussed haunty wives verbally smashing the roles of their husbands. Many of us know exactly what she is referring to. She also referred to the actions men.

Chubby Bubbles, you remind me of those women. You appear to be intentionally insulting women who live outside of the drama camp.

  October Sky
May 15, 2018 7:16 pm

Chubby Butt is easily the biggest misogynist in her social circle and everyone around her knows it.

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 11, 2018 11:00 pm

It’s about maturity and satisfaction: many women are spoiled and have mega wants. Full satisfaction escapes them sexually, materially, socially, etc, and they are more grumpy than men, more likely to nag and bitch about stuff to friends and counselors than fix or accept the problems. Feminism requires men to give their wife an orgasm even if she has decided Tom Cruz couldn’t get her off for some reason. My first two liberal feminist wives purposely complained themselves into divorces, then went wild, and wound up old maids in poverty.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  rhs jr
May 14, 2018 2:55 am

If you think women want Tom Cruise, then that’s a weird issue right there.

I cannot think of a single woman I’ve met who’s looking to men to fulfill their satisfactions. Not saying they don’t exist, but the women I know are in charge of their lives and, if anything, that situation makes their partners grumpy. I wouldn’t say this if this were not my experience.

May 11, 2018 11:08 pm


I’m glad you gathered your bravery to produce a thoughtful and thorough and well-written article. I ponder all of these issues regularly as I watch women around me including daughters and daughter-in-law struggle to find a peaceful path amidst the many mixed messages they encounter 24/7.

Women have a hard time reconciling their biological/hormonal imperative to nest-build and nurture with cultural and economic insistence that competence in the marketplace is where their value should be measured. Sexual “freedom” has added another set of problems and consequences that are far more destructive than the supposed bondage of earlier eras. I view contemporary life as equally hard on men as on women, probably as the world has always been, just in different manifestations.

The curse in Genesis has always intrigued me. Does it mean that a woman feels helpless without a man, recognizing her need for protection and provision in a harsh world? Does it mean she craves a man to meet her psycho-emotional needs? Or does it mean she is envious of the God-given authority that the man has and thus rebels against it? Perhaps it is a combination of all three. At any rate, men’s relationship to women seems less complex and conflicted.

Now we have all the gender-bending stuff for young girls and boys to deal with. Unless you are around groups of young people these days, you don’t see how pervasive the messages have become. Even in middle schools, kids are openly experimenting with gender identity and are quite open about it. I’d like to think this is going to end well, but…

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 12:31 am

Gayle, you should write. You are quite good at it. I am pooped and my comments are not what they should be but yours added quite a bit to what I have already said.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 3:41 pm

Gayle does write on occasion, maybe you can hit the search button above.

Maggie Redux
Maggie Redux
  EL Coyote
May 13, 2018 7:20 am

Why so snarky? You miss me, don’t you?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Maggie Redux
May 13, 2018 4:43 pm

It might sound that way but I have my doubts if the search button works as advertised, I have nothing but respect for MC, who has been a perfect lady to me since the beginning.

Your so full of yourself, Miss Red Rope of Happiness. I only copied and saved your gardening outfit because of the strange pink highlights on the walls.

  EL Coyote
May 14, 2018 8:14 am

Grow lights.

  EL Coyote
May 14, 2018 4:50 pm

I see your “John Waite” and raise you with a 1980’s ballad from “The Boss.” I really like the heartbreak in his voice at the end. Heart and Soul. Dry your eyes, baby…


The song that follows… Wreck on the Highway… is terribly sad. Bruce, in his heyday, could write a ballad about what tears open one’s heart and makes one want to sit in the corner and cry until someone makes it all better.

And then he got rich, famous and full of himself, I imagine. It happens.

I had a nice pair of backbones, too. Men of sophisticated taste, like Alejandro, appreciate the sensual nature of the shoulder blade.

Maggie Redux
Maggie Redux
May 15, 2018 8:00 am

Okay, last chance before I go go.

Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
May 11, 2018 11:14 pm

No, women were bred to be slaves and still have that genetic programming. 50 shades of grey was a smash hit and it was story of a woman offering herself as a sex slave. Bondage is the only type of pornography that women like more than men. “Cutting” is a phenomenon found almost exclusively among women.

Islam treats women as slaves and has no problems with “militant feminists.” Muslim women show no signs of any sort of “rebellion.” Furthermore, Islam is ascendant, claiming new territory and increasing their numbers.

While I would never condone the manner in which Muslims treat women, it’s undeniable they have a better understanding of women overall. Their women aren’t working against their men, they’re helping them win.

Western women need to be stripped of almost all their “rights” and Western men need to rediscover the pimp slap. It’s not really any more complex than that.

Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer
  Mr. Frosty
May 11, 2018 11:31 pm

Mr. Frosty be a COLD muthafucka.

  Jack Hammer
May 11, 2018 11:48 pm

Mr Frosty needs to either meet a higher class of women or be a higher class of man.

Event Horizon
Event Horizon
May 12, 2018 2:02 am

Go sell your tradcuck hope&change bullshit somewhere else.

Oh, by they way, how’s Q and Trusting The Plan?

May 11, 2018 11:42 pm

On Jesus’s last trip to Jerusalem, he made an interesting comment:
In the world, those in authority lord it over those under them; but in my kingdom it is not so.
Anyone who wants to be lord must be a servant.

This takes the husband/wife relationship to a completely different level.

May 12, 2018 12:19 am

Great job, Girl…

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 12:49 am

A little insight on the picture at the top.

The caption was something like “First time women walk around Toronto with their legs exposed” of something like that.

I was wondering what they were thinking that day, those two women who had to hold hands as they walked around the city and were stared at by all the men. They had to be a bit crazy, don’t you think?

I gotta turn in. Thank so much for your encouragement. It does make you want to write more, doesn’t it?

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 12:59 am

Does anyone ask what *men* were thinking, daring to do anything at all?

Why do men go around in shorts or without tops on? How dare they?

What you think is “crazy” is only “crazy” in the context where Supposedly-Civilized Men Get Upset and Violent and Somehow Ruin Things.

Hasn’t anyone ever seen a National Geographic?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Chubby Bubbles
May 12, 2018 1:36 am

Chubby, we had no clue you belonged to the opposition. If Admin doesn’t post my article, I will come back here to hit you both barrels on a lot of points you make. You are seriously messed up but I like you, that’s a credit in your favor.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
  EL Coyote
May 13, 2018 11:32 pm

The “opposition” of what?

If you are in opposition to me doing Whatever the Fuck I Want and Am Capable Of.. then screw you.

  Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 9:25 am

Don’t go nuts, chubby. Please see Gerold’s comment below to learn how a gentleman replies to opposition.

October Sky
October Sky
  Mary Christine
May 13, 2018 1:59 am

Mary Christine

That day in history was made for them. The photograph is perfect, capturing their mode of “crazy”. All courage and cheer kicked into stylish “We’ve Got This”.

I consider the women were confident most of the men would give them their space. I wonder how the men discussed amongst themselves the ease the women maintained. Did some of the men stare at the women in such a way as to spare the women cultural shock? That would have been a gentlemanly act. Were looks of disapproval made out of concern for their safety?

At the end of the day, did the women have to defend their actions to anyone? Or were they entirely lifted up in their day of history?

The photograph is perfect.

May 12, 2018 4:57 am

No happiness is like unto it, no love so great as that of man and wife,
no such comfort as a sweet wife.
— Robert Burton

I agree, Mary, that man and wife should submit to each other. Yet there are manly roles and womanly ones that make like easier than if the two are constantly battling to make things equal. What seems most important to me is that I want the best for my wife, I want to see her prosper and be happy with her life. Still, I am a man, with a man’s strength and protectiveness that naturally spills over to a certain dominance, for want of a better word, that is not only not resisted, but favored by her even as she stands her ground on what is most important to her.

Lots to consider in your article and I liked the way you meandered and weaved through all the topics and arrived at some generous insights. I love women. They shouldn’t be voting, however. Too socialistic by nature.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 3:09 am

Robert Burton never married (that I can see), and lived a solitary clergyman’s life in the 15-1600s.

It’s not clear that he ever had any sort of congress with an actual woman.


May 12, 2018 9:22 am


Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 12, 2018 10:31 am

Congratulations, Maggie. I’m glad you checked in to read my essay.

I made a few more comments last night that seemed to have disappeared into digital space.

I did want to explain the picture I chose and that is one of the comments that went “poof”.

The caption was something like “Women show legs for first time in Toronto” or something like that.

I wondered what they were thinking, those women who chose to dare to show more leg than ever before and walk around the city. They had to hold hands for courage. I think they might have been a bit crazy, don’t you.

Chubby asked how I came up with the title. It was on response to a Zman post a few weeks back with a similar title.

Chubby had a lot of interesting comments. Somehow, I do not think we would get along well, me and her.

May 12, 2018 11:24 am

Nice job, Mary!!

100+ comments on your FIRST article!! Woohoo!! Rarefied air!

A nice choice of Scripture, and accurately analyzed.

Lastly, anyone who thinks women could do a better job ruling the world should make an appointment with me to meet the Hellacious Trinity; my libtard seester, wacky mom, and evul ex-wife (who 20 years after our divorce is STILL denigrating me to whomever will listen.)

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 12, 2018 3:15 pm

Your depiction of her hairy ass is the stuff of nightmares.

May 12, 2018 4:02 pm

Thanks Stucky! That’s quite a compliment!
I’m not sure I can follow up with similar quality.
I would like to try but it won’t be soon. It’s really quite exhausting and time consuming.

May 12, 2018 1:27 pm

“Men expected single women to be the one responsible for her reproduction and if it failed, then abortion was always a viable option.”

Expecting single woman to be responsible is the act of boys, not Men.

May 12, 2018 3:02 pm

Boys are not men until maybe 25 years of age, if that. Meanwhile they have the hots for sexual congress like you wouldn’t believe. If I were a single woman I’d acknowledge the facts and not worry too much about gender equality, expectations of others, and an ideal world.

May 12, 2018 2:45 pm

Although I’ve known and loved some wonderful women when I was a young man, I could never find the courage to marry. After 67 years of living and learning I’ve come to some realizations that many people won’t like to hear.

Never believe anything anyone tells you about their relationships. It’s all lies and self-deception. Orson Scott Card said, “We make virtue out of necessity.”

Before getting a vasectomy (being a momentous decision) I decided to talk to parents about raising their families. I asked a very straightforward question. “If you could do it again, would you raise a family?” I thought it was a simple question with a limited number of answers:

1) Yes
2) No
3) Maybe
4) I don’t know
5) None of your business, fuck off.

Instead of answers, I got nonsense responses like, “We did it for the kids” (WTF?) or “But, we love our children” (I should hope so because you can’t stick ‘em back where they came from.) I soon realized my mistake was talking to both parents together. When I talked to each one alone, I got real answers. Most of the answers were ‘NO.” In fact, more women said ‘no’ than men. This shouldn’t be a surprise as they still do most of the work child-rearing despite feminist propaganda. Raising a family is tough!

In other words, husbands and wives say one thing when they’re together and the opposite or totally different when they’re alone (especially after a few drinks.)

Over the years, watching siblings, friends and colleagues, I became much more aware of the lies and pretence that’s necessary to keep marriages together. I’m a lousy liar so I would have made a terrible husband. I have no regrets about being single. And, that’s reinforced after a lifetime hearing wishful comments from husbands and wives about my bachelorhood. I bite my tongue and try to change the subject because I know it’s tough keeping a marriage together.

The video below is something else most people don’t want to know or admit about women and their tendency to self-destruction.



EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 12, 2018 3:36 pm

Gerry, why do you have an eagle icon like we’re supposed to look up to you? You may be a legend in your own shower (with all the women you fucked, it’s a wonder your dick is still attached) but that vid you posted is a bullshit concoction of historical proof. Shit, you can cobble together just the right bits of history and frame a race of chimps. Go blow YoBo, Ger.

  EL Coyote
May 12, 2018 4:23 pm

E C, when I was looking at different surveys about successful marriages I came across an article that said “statistics show that gay couples are the happiest.”
Now I know the old saying about damned lies and statistics so I figure it’s skewed. But they don’t have kids so there’s that. But now they want kids so that will fix that problem and they can be just as unhappy as straights. Not that I’m advocating that lifestyle mind you.

  EL Coyote
May 12, 2018 6:19 pm

EL Coyote, don’t say I didn’t warn you with “some realizations that many people won’t like to hear.” You can’t even accept history. Sucks to be you! Believe what you like; that’s your problem, not mine.

BTW – that’s a raven, not an eagle. Common to Northern Canada where I grew up. Smart bird and very cautious. I chose it as my Gravatar because I’m not gullible either.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 13, 2018 4:29 pm

Don’t get butthurt, Gerry. You know we play rough here. I pick on YoBo but I like him too.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 12:46 am

Gerry, while I’m not sure whether “Women Destroy Nations” (if they do, I don’t know why that would have to be a bad thing), I really appreciate your attempt at an honest poll!

There’s clearly a huge biological impetus to procreate, one which does not necessarily render the lives of procreators better than it was before procreation. But that’s not the point of biological procreation. Biological procreation in any species seeks the maximum amount of species biomass up to and including population collapse. Always. Humans aren’t exempt from that equation.

It’s only after the biological fact that we make up heroic stories about our destructive exploits.

Gloriously Deplorable Paul
Gloriously Deplorable Paul
May 12, 2018 5:36 pm

“Serve expecting nothing in return – Part of gracing one another is doing for each other with no strings attached. The goal is not a 50/50 partnership, but that each spouse extend 100% grace to one another.”
That’s it- the money shot. 40 years married in two months- lots of give and take along the way, lots of grace extended, even more received.
Thanks for the essay. Very well done. Will be looking for more.

May 12, 2018 7:32 pm

LOVED this, MC!!

You have a gift! And, of course, it IS work to write so cogently and heartfelt!

I’m sharing it with my spouse as well!!

May 13, 2018 2:02 pm

Impressive!! Very well done!

May 13, 2018 9:35 pm

Mary, great article. I appreciate the insight into the implications the pill and abortion have had on us, costly to say the least. At 53 and about to celebrate our 32nd anniversary I’d say my wife is an immeasurable gift of grace, beauty, love and forgiveness, a true picture of humility with a strength that I continually admire. I’m just not worthy of such a woman but I want to be, she’s truly God’s gift to make me a better man.
In turn, my children have been richly blessed by having been raised seeing her faithful, hardworking character lived out before them. Her mom was the same and I am rich because of it. By the love of Christ, the best marriages survive because grace and forgiveness abound.

Blessings back for your writing, keep it up! Andrew G

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 13, 2018 11:29 pm

So crazy!

Look at these insecure men attacking a woman just for running in an amateur footrace.
[imgcomment image[/img]


[imgcomment image?itok=QRONi4Sm[/img]

Kinda funny that some of the ‘traditional’ TBP female commenters served in the military. Not that I agree with it, because I’m not sure I do, but how do you think that would ever have come to pass, without “feminists”?? Mary Christine would seem to want us to bring on the burkas. #keepthepimphandstrong

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Chubby Bubbles
May 14, 2018 12:09 pm

I think you missed the point entirely. I don’t think it’s wise that we just hand all the power back over to men. Both sexes have major flaws. I am just trying to point out there are ways to make it easier without going all overboard one way or the other.

May 14, 2018 8:18 am

I want to thank Underdog for sending me notice you’d posted this Mary and to tell you how very glad I am you took the plunge.

I was hoping that TBP icon, Billah’s Wife, would show up and tell the world what she thinks women want, but alas… twas not to be.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 14, 2018 11:59 am

Which anonymous are you? Or do you not care to say? In any case, thank you.

Billah’s Wife’s opinion on on this would be quite amusing. Care to try to channel it?

  Mary Christine
May 14, 2018 1:13 pm

That anonymous was Maggie. She is referencing that I e-mailed her to check out your article. Which by the way, precipitated her early return from her vision quest; something that even El Coyote could not accomplish in spite of his incessant howling to la luna.

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 14, 2018 2:09 pm

Is because you used the “secret squirrel” email and he refuses to do so because he is stubborn. I know I hurt his feelings but I realized when he flat out said he didn’t understand what my point was that the idea of a story told in tandem with two hardheaded people like he and I would end poorly.

Me: Agnes stared at the sky, watching the formations of aircraft and helicopters approaching the mountains hundreds of miles away. She wondered what her old physical therapist, Pedro, was doing now that the government had evacuated the nursing home where her sister, Violet, lived, still circling the hallways looking for her.

EC: Pedro knew good and damn well the megalomaniacs in power were probably going to bomb Syria and start the War to End ALL WARS all over again. He had gathered up his loved ones and family and made his way to the safe little villages in the mountains of South America, where the soils are still clean and the tribal laws are still honored. He’d sent Violet back to room 221B for the last time and never gave a thought to her crazy older sister Agnes. Meh. She was a Maroon.

Me: The planes had long ago disappeared over the horizon. Agnes wondered if the nursing home close to the Air Force base nearby was still standing. She walked out onto her balcony and lit a candle, watching plumes of heavy smoke float across the eastern skies.

EC: As soon as Agnes lit the candle, the sniper sitting in the enormous oak she could see from her balcony took aim and fired.

And, then, of course, I would have to send 42 bears to eat the sniper and before you know it… the story makes no sense at all and is starting to read like one of those Bible stories Stucky likes to summarize so very well.

Gotta go. Son is here and that ain’t gonna happen much longer.

I am probably going to alter my moniker, but I will not be coy. I’m not really into being “subtle.” I tried it once.

Am using the Agnes image for now with this account.

May 14, 2018 2:38 pm

You didn’t hurt my feelings, I always knew you loved Unspoiled more than me.
Oh, how you crowed for months about having caught a whopper of a jFish.
What do I get? “You’re no Alejandro.”

May 14, 2018 5:04 pm

I am a natural born nurturer, what can I say? You don’t seem to need any nurturing and the tadpole SEEMED to. Of course, we all got reeling in hook, line and sinker by that big fish in our tiny little puddle.

And now, Mary Christine has made a tremendously big splash in the little pond. I should revise my attempt to sell that oil painting I have… the Burning Platform on the Lake my aunt created for her senior thesis 60 years ago when she graduated from the world-renowned art academy in Murray, Kentucky. (Title is really Fire on Kentucky Lake, but I am trying to sell a painting, not a bottle of moonshine. One day, that painting could be priceless instead of worthless.

May 14, 2018 6:44 pm

At least El Codependent is not as sensitive as Left A Comment. I mean, EC didn’t even kick sand on anyone and Maggie apologized, right? Maybe ole Lefty will be back stronger than ever. I read somewhere this week that sharks evolved from angry dolphins.


[imgcomment image[/img]

May 14, 2018 7:13 pm

Her brother said she was a high functioning autism but it could’ve been Asperger’s. If anybody needs nurturing, this ain’t the place. Where did Lamar Odom go when he needed nurturing? Vegas, baby.

May 14, 2018 7:50 pm

It was Asperger’s. I included that initially but then edited it out because me mom always told me to never tease anyone about something they couldn’t change. Except for orphans. Orphans don’t count. What are they gonna do? Tell their parents?


It looks like MC will hit 200 comments her first time at bat. It could not have happened to a better rookie.

May 14, 2018 8:04 pm

Why you think I’m hanging around here, Unexpecting? Think I’m gonna miss the chance for the second leg of the Triple Crown? See you AFTER I hit 200, suckers. Beep, beep…. goes the roadrunner. Can Speedy Gonzalez catch up?

May 14, 2018 9:09 pm

In California they take 2 hour siestas. Looks like Stucky won the day.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 14, 2018 9:32 pm

I got sand kicked in my face by a minnow. Look, Alejandro sounds Mexican, as such, I suspect he has the pic with the high-beams hidden somewhere his wife will never find it. If it had been me and this statuesque hottie is walking around the beach in bare bazooms, and I have a camera in my hands, I would turn into a paparazzi in a second.

El Doggie says men will now face jail time in Mexico City if they are caught doing what comes natural, taking pics of delicious asses or mouth-watering tits walking around the city.

May 15, 2018 7:02 am

Famous Last Words… that seems like a good bulleted list for Stucky to put together.

May 14, 2018 9:45 am

Good stuff, thank you Mary.
We are about to be empty nesters, 2 kids, and we have seen and are seeing many more divorces now. We are in our early 50’s. Seems like well over 50% of the people we know.
Some of our 20 years of marriage observations are:
The wife tries to ‘change’ the husband. And visa versa, but usually it’s the wife. Almost never works out very well.
We believed early on that the marriage is more important than the kids.
A marriage must be worked on constantly. ‘dating’, etc… Being interested in and going to each others functions…..
Never stew a problem, it will fester and get worse. bring it out instantly.
It’s OK to disagree on parenting, etc….. So we agree to disagree. It’s OK for the kids to see different perspectives (usually just man/woman perspectives).
A sad part of a successful marriage today is friends that tell us “it’s hard to be around you guys, because it’s so obvious that you really love and respect each other and it just hits home that we/us don’t”.

We worry about todays youth and culture and if/how our young adults will get threw it with the right people.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 14, 2018 12:04 pm

“We believed early on that the marriage is more important than the kids.”

I was going to go there but I just had to try to stay out of the weeds. It’s a long enough essay as it is.

The kids would not exist without the relationship existing first. Obviously the kids have to some first now and then but overall, marriage first, then kids.

As stormy as my parents marriage was, I am glad they stayed together. I didn’t follow their example, however. It took me a second time to get it right. Even though it was hard on my girls, they both say now that they understand.

  Mary Christine
May 14, 2018 2:57 pm

I’ll go in the weeds, don’t care.
We saw almost universally, the wife would use the kids as and excuse for everything. Lots of self-esteem issues for sure too.

I liked your ‘husband bashing’ points too. My wife wouldn’t take it, cause usually she was friends with the husbands as well.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 14, 2018 12:20 pm

I never expected this to stay up over the weekend into Monday. I didn’t think about it being Mothers Day weekend and whether it might be related. I just had it hanging over my head and needed to be done with it.

Thanks, Admin, for helping me with the picture of the crazy man and for taking a chance on a newbie.

May 14, 2018 12:56 pm

She writes like someone who pays attention.

May 14, 2018 1:47 pm

To explain the name game, Admin, if you give a shit, which I doubt, I am learning the “ropes” (and, YES, some are RED) of linking various images to single WordPress accounts. I don’t plan anything sinister, but I am doing an experiment on a phenomena I noticed both here and on my little hillbilly community page on Facebook that now has 1008 followers. No kidding… a Thousand people follow the antics of my rabbits and my occasional antics in the kitchen with whole foods. About a third of them knew me as a kid, like me and get a kick out of my crazy escapades here. About a third of them knew me as a kid, hate my guts and tune in to tell the other third, who I never met, all the dirt and gossip they can dig up or make up about me.

Miranda knew of what she sang…

I am offline a majority of days, Admin, but when I tune in, I tune in here. I recognized a soul sister when Mary showed up. Then I got cocky and mistakenly thought You Know Whosie was a lady. Sigh. Then, EC refused to be the physical therapist in my nursing home story, wanting to be the doctor or the nurse and I realized no one can see what I am thinking unless I manage to put it into writing. I don’t care what anyone says about the history and traditions of the really ancient cultures (of which Russia is ONE), the truth of the matter is MOST is conjecture and pompous theory proposed by academically ordained intelligentsia and since the new rulers tend to revise history and destroy the evidence (or hide it in underground vaults at the Vatican and other various places), no one really can gather enough of the facts to put together the real sequence of events called “TRUTH”.

What happens when one emperor takes over from another, via lineage OR violent/peaceful overthrow or, even, election or takeover by the proles?

They destroy what they can of the previous culture and the facts get revised into a new truth from the NEW emperor’s perspective.

Who, by the way, probably is still wearing no clothes.

I am glad to see Mary producing such excellent copy. I hope to join her again soon, but I got a little TOO famous in a small town, so to speak and needed to step away from the computer…

I am delighted also to see your donation meter filling up. I know it helps since you give out those lovely gift certificates for HSF’s syrup for hitting the one hundred mark, as I did on this post of Mary Christine’s. I make a new freeze-dried cranberry and almond and granola snack mix drizzled with fresh chocolate ground from beans imported from Ecuador long ago. Is a bit of hard work, so I MADE a few gallons of it and froze it. You and Avalon just might get the rare portion I send out on the rare occasion. Now that I really AM the “Little Red Hen” and I am planting the grain, tending the grain, harvesting the grain, et cetera, I find I really don’t want to make enough to sell it anyway and I already know how damn good it is. But, I really appreciate your integrity and honest assessment of people and situations, JQ, and feel I have benefited greatly from my reading here and from my interactions with so very many unique and smart people who read this blog.

May 14, 2018 2:17 pm

Speaking of granola, did you receive a sample of another maker, via a northern friend?
Haven’t heard, and is wondering, but is at least glad you’re back and well.

Maggie Redux
Maggie Redux
May 14, 2018 4:26 pm

EGAD, thanks for reminding me. I put that in the pantry and forgot I had not opened it. My son is visiting and I am all “clucky” like a mother hen.

I’m on the OTHER computer now. I really do plan to sort all this out and return to normalcy. Well, Maggie-level normal.

  Maggie Redux
May 14, 2018 6:11 pm

Give your son a few of those rain lillies too.

May 17, 2018 6:57 pm

It is delicious. I love crunchy granola, but my husband likes it soft. I’m gonna take your granola and hide it. I added some of my dried cranberries to it for breakfast.

Do you make/distribute that granola? The thing about the stuff I make is this… it is good and people love it but I don’t want to make it all the time, so I really just make it for family and a few special friends who also send me presents.

Like rain lily wipes.

Here’s the funny… After I suds my arms, legs, feet and neck with your wipe, I tuck it under my brassiere because anywhere you sweat a lot, ticks like to congregate. Waistbands and straps are bad. NOT ONE TICK TODAY.

So, I was considering other private areas where ticks like to sneak in and stay put… thinking of all the ways you could advertise the wipes for bug repellent.

How’s this:

Rain Lily wipes not only help you stay fresh and clean when you are rushed for time, they can also be tucked away to keep ticks off your tits and pests away from your cooch.

Just trying to help.

Let’s see if we can’t get Billah’s Wife in here to baptize Mary Christine’s first post.

May 17, 2018 6:48 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

I thought I’d get a nice gardening photo, with an arrow showing you how I get my internet. Across my chest.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 14, 2018 8:16 pm

Once a week. I’ll get right on that.

I’m posting a song for us when I get home.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 14, 2018 9:32 pm


I just needed an excuse to post this song, just because I like it.

Not EL Coyote, OK maybe
Not EL Coyote, OK maybe
  Mary Christine
May 14, 2018 10:00 pm

Yep, Maggie walking around the beach in her skivvies was legendary. I still recall Maddy’s Mom answering the door bell wearing nothing but a tray of sandwiches. Actually, it was a story she shared and I kidded her and the good sport said I’d been peaking. Yeppers!

May 14, 2018 8:05 pm


May 14, 2018 8:06 pm


May 14, 2018 8:06 pm

” See you AFTER I hit 200, suckers. ” ——- Magnificent Mags

200 !!!!!!!!

So solly Mahvelous Maggie … 200 is MINE!!

And MAJOR CONGRATS to Mary Christine!

May 14, 2018 8:38 pm

DAMMIT… where the hell did YOU come from? Sigh. I came in early from landscaping my asparagus beds with tick infested mulch JUST to do a sneak attack on Mary’s Virgin Post. How did Unattentive MISS that obvious pun, especially since everyone is so freaking willing to take jabs at Martha, who was just trying to fix the Lord his dinner. He was, after all, a man and we all know the real way to the heart of a MAN.

By the way, EC is all hung up on the idea that bare skin photos have to include frontal nudity for women in order to be sensual. I disagree and my Nick does too. He finds this image of me at 20ish far more offensive than others I consider more revealing in bikinis or other attire considered skimpy in my day. Of course, no one had even considered putting floss up our butts and calling it a thong then.

What do you think, Stucky? And, am I a true pal or what? If a sneak peak at young Mag’s bare back attracts the “Prurient” interest and propels this post to 300, it is worth the world seeing my bare shoulder blades thirty-five years later.

Oh, if it does make 300? There is no triple crown for anyone, but there’s still a shot at the Daily Double for you or I!

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May 15, 2018 11:42 am

“What do you think, Stucky? And, am I a true pal or what? ” ——- Mags Magnificent Mams

Oh, yeah, you’re a true pal. You still lost the Quest To 200 … but, you took your defeat quite well.

That’s a rather nice sexy pic. But, at first glance (crappy screen here at the library) it looked like you only had one leg. But, then again, your name is not Eileen. Also, is that a tattoo on your face?

May 15, 2018 12:11 pm

Why you worrying about old peg leg’s tat? Those ain’t Bette Davis eyes, it looks like Dorothy stole her ruby slippers.


May 15, 2018 1:43 pm

We’d walked around the fair all day and I’d worn silly shoes that gave me blisters, so the shoes were the first (and only) thing to come off when we stopped at his house and I took my little ’78 Datsun pickup (remember those?) back to my apartment. It was 1982 and we’d just gotten laid off permanently from the Oil Refinery (he worked in the garage on the fleet of trucks for delivering jet fuel to Ellington AFB.) We figured it was just a blip in the economy, but what was headed to Houston was not a blip at all.

I’ve always been a “comfortable shoe” kind of gal. Why anyone would wear shoes that ruin their ability to walk later in life makes no sense to me at all, but those who claim they love walking in heels, even stiletto heels? Go for it, but leave me the loafers.

May 15, 2018 1:37 pm

My friend in Houston and I had just returned from the annual Renaissance Fair where I’d dressed up in that getup and gotten my face painted. That was his fireplace and I picked up the rifle as a prop. The angle does make me look peg-legged. My husband hates this photo almost as much as the tube top on the bike picture, but both were actually quite innocent. Really.

It was all very long ago and far away, but looking at the images from the 70s reminds me of what sort of twisted political theater I’ve witnessed in my adult lifetime. Mary has really hit it dead center with this post and I really believe the wonderful comments it attracted proves there may be need for a series of posts exposing the hypocrisy of the entire business of institutionalizing birth control as a sacred right so every single person who wants to get laid can do so without fear of pregnancy. And since no method of birth control is completely effective, the right to get laid without having a baby means there needs to be abortion on demand. That follows from the right to birth control. Soon, we might see some young mother killing her own child before it is a year old and claiming her right to a post-birth abortion… It is coming.

Mary is right to skirt that one though… It is the Elephant Turd in the room.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 15, 2018 1:16 pm

That is a really disturbing picture. Kind of pirate/goth.

The tan line reminds me I need to build up a tan before we leave for Texas in a couple weeks.

Before the summer is out, soul sister, we need to meet half-way. Every time we try to work out something, it falls through.

  Mary Christine
May 15, 2018 1:30 pm

Your barely seeing a hint of the real Maggie. Quite a few have walked the plank before and she has keel-hauled my ass a couple of times for some minor bs. Not her darling jFish, no.

May 15, 2018 2:03 pm

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Have you seen the new kits?

  Mary Christine
May 15, 2018 1:51 pm

We will do a more impromptu meetup then, with a spontaneous decision for you to come to Cape or Perryville or St. Louis preceded by an email to me or vice versa. Then, we meet at a restaurant or not…

By the way? My step-son Vincent called to let me know he and that young lady are getting married next June. Answer to another prayer. She’s a therapist at a nursing home and works in the garden and crafts building. Is a good fit and he is so happy. See? The crosstalk here on one’s post is not an insult at all, is it? It is actually a bit of flattery to know your “post” is a comfortable place for friends to sit and and have a chat.

Of course, you know what a shitfest looks like since you brought up abortion in a passing comment. Soon, we will try to open that can of worms, but for now? Them worms gotta keep on composting what’s in that can.

Name Test
Name Test
April 14, 2019 12:03 pm

Them worms gotta keep on composting what’s in that can.

This is worth a re-read, by the way, if anyone is new to the place and didn’t see When Mary Christine stood up and introduced herself to TBP. I think it is worth some thoughtful review since Mother’s Day is coming up.

May 14, 2018 8:11 pm

Here’s an informational video clip on “The Effect of Education on a Woman”:

Huck Finn
Huck Finn
May 15, 2018 12:59 am

What really made women go nuts? When Hillary, the long suffering wife, stood by her predator husband, defended him and viciously attacked his victims. Well, at least it should have made them go nuts.

Very nicely written article MC. The post as well as most of the comments made me do a lot of reflecting on my own deeply flawed life and my relationships.

  Huck Finn
May 15, 2018 2:12 pm

The Clinton connection is appropriate but you have to go back to the 70s and the events that were unfolding in Arkansas that led to his becoming President. There is a trail of bodies that might reach to the moon and back… if we had a way to get them there.