A Prediction of Warfare

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1. “A prediction of warfare”: When an organism is in the throes of stress, forced out of its most favorable milieu, it will take drastic measures to ensure its survival and that of its species.
The media is in the throes of an existential crisis. I give you 4 different headlines:

a. There was no FBI informant (the now politically correct term for spy in MSM).
b. If there was, he was there to protect Trump.
c. or And if you don’t believe that, the individual was investigating collusion.
d. Oh and Mark Warner says that individual must be protected
3. The level of self-contradictory idiocy has been taken to a high art form that awaits the high oratory of Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi (soon enough)
Most people with functioning brainstems will realize there is deliberate obfuscation at play.
But brainstems are rare in DC.
4. This “informant/spy” who seems to exist to protect and investigate Trump at the same time is Stefan Halper. He may not exist, but if he does he must be protected according to multiple law makers.
Why do they want to protect someone who was protecting Trump? He is a hero, no?
5. Stefan Halper was identified as the nebulous corpulent creature who tried to subvert democracy by many on twitter. I was probably the last to do so. He seems to be a man of contradictions, he is a protector/investigator and also nebulous whilst corpulent, an impressive feat.

6. I wrote about my own impression of Halper a few days ago when I became convinced that he was the mystery ingredient in the circle of filth. The as yet undigested remnant that would surely pass into the bowl of recognition next morning.

Rising serpent@rising_serpent

1.“There is a Circle of filth for that” My verbosity is truly out of control on this one. What I am writing is already well known, but I write so to dispel my ignorance and plebeian understanding of its complexities. Judge me not too harshly. https://twitter.com/rising_serpent/status/945068687236747264 

7. That thread has plenty of links to the work of people who have done some excellent work to bring this to light. I’d include @ChuckRossDC and @NameRedacted7 here

Glen Greenwald’s writing in the intercept recapitulates what we know and some of what wasnt.

8. Halper coordinated a 1980 spying campaign along with George H W Bush in which the Reagan campaign obtained classified information about Carter’s foreign policy to ensure Reagan campaign knew of any foreign policy decisions that Carter was considering.
How interesting.
9. Here is where things take a turn for the bizarre: in taking that turn they leave the “twilight zone” in the rear view mirror.
Halper has close ties to Bush family and supported George H. W Bush’s election.
A CIA operative supported a presidential candidate in 1980
10. In another turn of “past is prologue”, during 2016 election, Former CIA Director Michael Morell endorsed Clinton in the New York Times and claimed Putin recruited Trump.
George W. Bush’s CIA and NSA director, Gen. Michael Hayden, pronounced Trump “clear and present danger”
11. Now not only did New York Times not name the corpulent spy, they began to talk out of both ends whilst publishing details that would make inferring his identity only a matter of having a somewhat functioning nervous system (a rare commodity in publishing, I submit)
12. All this time Non-Journalists on Twitter held & published strident opinions that went against predigested tripe being peddled by MSM journalists suckling at the teats of big government entities.
These were predictions based upon publicly available information. not “sources”
13. That each and every prediction lead to the uncovering of Halpers identity and his nefarious work, is a testament to the dogged determination of people who toil ceaselessly simply for the love of truth.
The media has now one function it does truly well: Obfuscate, nothing else
14. I want to make an important point here that may be missed if not clearly stated.
The elements plotting to subvert the presidency are politically controlled marionettes on BOTH sides of the political spectrum. Halper, for example had strong republican ties. Others lean left.
15. That suggests that the circle of filth is deep, wide and entrenched in the fabric of American politics. It is multi generational, transcending political ideology, its existence a function of political elite controlling ebb and flow of money, information and law enforcement.
16. Their livelihood and very existence is being threatened by the man who was viewed as nothing more than a pimple on presidential primaries.
Turned out he became the president, he is a disrupter and is looking to disrupt everything that has been held sacrosanct for so long.
17. There will be two opposing vectors in my “prediction of warfare” paradigm that is occurring as we speak. Conventional news media acts a Remora fish that is inextricably linked to the sharks in political dynasties.
They will act to preserve the conventional power architecture.
18. Non-Conventional media will have to pick up the gauntlet constantly dispelling misinformation & restore balance to confabulatory reportage. And I think they have prepared for this day well & long enough. Expect a barrage of absolutely untrue nonsense flowing torrentially
19. Stefan Halpers name and deeds are the levee that has broken just enough to allow more information to emerge that only solidifies the long held contention that the country narrowly escaped a coup. Yes, I said it, a coup. This is bigger than any of us can imagine.
20. What is more important is that it didn’t happen, and we must make sure it doesn’t ever happen. So keep your eyes open, beware of disinformation that will stun from every angle.
It is going to get worse and their reward is your panic and discombobulation.
21. The IG report will shake the foundations of steadfast held beliefs. It’s time to divest yourself of anything you think you knew well or trusted.
Sometimes things have to unravel just enough for a gleaming new edifice with unshakable foundations to be constructed in its place
22. I am extremely optimistic. The dying gasps of evil may cause a lot of discomfiture, fetid smells and unpleasant sights. But its demise is a matter of universal rejoice. And rejoice you must.
And “prediction of warfare” is the title of an Amon Amarth song
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Hollow Man
Hollow Man
May 19, 2018 5:09 pm

War? As in civil? Nah we to comfortable will have to be a external boogie man.

May 19, 2018 5:53 pm

good post foxy–
it is absolutely imperative that high level operatives be convicted & spend substantial time in prison,both to deter future acts of this nature & to restore people’s trust in govt–
this is reading like a thriller novel that nobody would believe if you told them about it–
all that’s missing is the bodies & the hero who takes care of business for trump & the country–
speaking of bodies,one of these threads within the last few days had kind of a throwaway line about a guy who has gone missing,a lower level guy who was an intermediary–

May 19, 2018 6:57 pm

Uh Tampa,only a large scale purge epic proportions akin to say the black plague death toll numbers would give me any possible remote consideration of having faith in any level of govt.,and,would need numbers matching the after math insanity of the plague toll wise,which was more then plague toll itself,bring me this and will be open to thinking about having any trust in govt.!

May 19, 2018 7:45 pm

The only answer to this level of deep state and media corruption is mass firing squads. Hardly are they going to be prosecuted in a judiciary loaded with Bush and Obama appointees.

Dog and pony show
Dog and pony show
May 19, 2018 8:42 pm

Ponytail I always get a kick out of you, thanks man.

  Dog and pony show
May 19, 2018 8:45 pm

P.S.- “after math” is one word.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
May 20, 2018 12:20 pm

Unless it’s the lunch break after algebra class…

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
May 19, 2018 7:21 pm

The players we should be watching are trumps 2 boss’s Satanyahoo & rottinchild. They have his testes in hand. Damn sick politicos.

Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo
Joey Jo Jo Shabadoo
May 19, 2018 9:44 pm

This shit is SOOOOO SAD!!!!

I’ve generally been a skeptical and cynical person and have wondered how and why the mainstream media had all of the teeth of a ‘fake wrestling’ referee, unless unleashed against a Republican, of course. But, I guess it should not be a surprise when 90% of these lap dogs are libs.

I’ve always wondered why the right didn’t come out fighting instead of being a bunch of p*ssies, but I’ve finally become resigned that these fish are in on the ‘inside baseball’ and I have totally lost faith in this entire process. It must be GUTTED!! Hopefully, somehow-some way, Trump will do it!! It is this country’s last chance-Hail Mary before chaos ensues.

That being said, TRUTH will eventually reign supreme. TRUTH cannot be suppressed.

May 19, 2018 11:02 pm

Hectic day. Started reading the Glennwald piece on my phone this afternoon, and came back to it, off and on, as I could. Just finished it and then read this one. Both hit the target but, as far as I’m concerned, #’s 14 thru 19 above represent the bullseye; it’s what I would hope the sleeple would finally realize as they start to shake off their slumber.

MSM spinning and social media censorship are not enough to stop the truth bombs now bursting within the most secure of safe spaces.

The black hats are losing the narrative. It now seems we’ve reached the point where even another school shooting did not have the desired outcome of diverting the dialogue. Therefore I, too, would not be surprised if the dark powers soon resort to some sort of “nuclear option”.

Regardless, I remain confident the culminating conclusion of any climax shall commence upon the counter actions of common citizens.

Will they hear Laurel? Or Yanny?

May 20, 2018 1:43 am


May 20, 2018 3:05 am

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May 20, 2018 3:37 pm

indecent,is that you in that pic on your moniker?

May 20, 2018 9:15 am

Eh,be careful what one wishes for,martial law could open a can of worms that none of us want,even on a limited basis.I see a lot of other cans being opened declaration of martial law,might even have a few of those cans meself.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
May 20, 2018 9:44 am

James, I agree. Steps 5 and 6 are scary. It feels like a “damned if you do and damned if you don’t” situation.

  Mary Christine
May 20, 2018 10:07 am

Venezuela has martial law, it is working well for them.

Perhaps it would be as successful for us as well, even if there is no provision in the Constitution for it (but I don’t think there was there either).

May 20, 2018 3:07 pm

The article is terribly formatted. Hard to read.