The Eagle, the Dragon, and the Bear

Does Trump recognize the limits of US power?

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Trump’s new world order comes straight from The Godfather. There are three global powers: the US, Russia, and China. None of these powers can militarily defeat either of the other two, and even an alliance among two of them would have trouble defeating the third.

Like Don Corleone, Trump is dividing up the larger territory into smaller, great-power controlled sub-territories. He is tacitly recognizing Russia and China’s dominance in their own spheres of influence, and holding them to account in their territories. The implicit agreement among the three is apparently that each power will, in their, “sphere of influence…enforce peace.”

Trump’s New World Order,” SLL 3/20/18

In one week President Trump confirmed that his first concern is the United States, that he has what may be a workable vision for its place in the world, and he loathes globalism and the globalists. A good measure of his efficacy is the outrage he generates. By that measure, that week was his finest hour…so far.

Europe won’t have a seat at Trump’s great-power table. Its welfare states are addicted to their handouts, deeply in debt, rely on uneven trade arrangements with the US, and have below-replacement birth rates. They are cowed by Soros-sponsored propaganda—Immigration is the answer!—and haven’t shut off the immigrant invasion. Refusing to spend on their own militaries, they’ve used what they save on defense to subsidize welfare spending and state bureaucracies.

They’re ignoring a lesson from history: nations that rely on other nations for their defense generally come to regret it. Instead, they’re wedded to the globalist acronyms: NATO, EU and UN. They have frittered away their power and their glory—Europe’s heritage and civilization—opting for overrun masquerading as assimilation by dogmatic and implacable foes.

Trump is all about power and despises weakness. There isn’t always strength in numbers. A confederation of weaklings doesn’t equal strength, especially when the weaklings’ premises and principles are fundamentally wrong. Strongest of the weaklings is Germany, a trade powerhouse but a US military vassal. It’s hard to say if Trump’s dislike of Angela Merkel is business—she’s one of the world’s most visible and vociferous proponent of globalism, or personal—it’s always her way or the highway. Probably both, and it looks like Germany may finally be rejecting her way on immigration.

Trump clearly relished snubbing her and her G-6 buddies, particularly boy toys Trudeau and Macron, who may actually believe his bone-crushing handshakes intimidated Trump. When you’re paying for a continent’s defense and you’re giving them a better deal on trade than they’re giving you, that’s leverage, and Trump knows it. He’s not intimidated.

US Atlanticists have used that leverage to cement Europe into the US’s confederated empire. That Trump is willing to blow off Europe suggests that he may be blowing off empire. America’s imperialists equate backing away from empire with “decline,” but such a sea change would be the exact opposite. Empires require more energy and resources to maintain than can be extracted from them. They are inevitably a road to ruin.

Nothing is as geopolitically telling as Trump leaving Europe’s most “important” heads of state early to meet with the leader of one of Asia’s most impoverished backwaters. Europe’s time has passed, the future belongs to Asia. Barack Obama’s “pivot” to Asia may look like the same recognition, but it was not. That pivot was designed to encircle China diplomatically, economically, and militarily. That thinking persists among much of the US military, but Trump may have something different in mind.

China has its problems. Much of its economy, especially its financial sector, is state-directed, despite the capitalistic gloss. There will be a reckoning from its debt binge. The repressive social credit system typifies the government’s immoral objective: keeping China’s people compliant but productive drones. However, enforced docility and innovation—the foundation of progress—mix as readily as oil and water, and theft of others’ innovations can’t fill the void.

Notwithstanding its issues, China is a major power and is not going to be encircled or regime changed by the US. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) it cosponsors and finances with Russia is the centerpiece of a basket of initiatives designed to further those countries’ influence and leadership within Eurasia and among emerging market countries. BRI is an apt symbol of the movement towards multipolarity, with competition shifting from the military to the economic and commercial sphere.

Trump tacitly accepts Russian and Chinese dominance in Eurasia. However, Trump doesn’t give without receiving; he’s going to extract concessions. Number one on the list is North Korea and its nuclear weapons. We’ll probably never know what has gone on behind the scenes between Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, and perhaps Vladimir Putin, but Kim may have received an offer he couldn’t refuse. Both China and Russia would be well-served by a Korean peninsula free of nuclear weapons and US troops. Whatever transpired, Kim came around. Trump ameliorated any potential humiliation, journeying to Kim’s neck of the woods, laying on an inspirational movie video, and flattering the North Korean leader and his country. Kim the farsighted leader may be able to reach a deal; Kim the browbeaten puppet couldn’t. If he tried, he’d probably be deposed, always a danger for dictators.

As global competition moves from military to economic, Trump is also going to make sure he tilts, as much as possible, the rules of that competition back towards the US. There are the existing trade arrangements with Europe, Canada, and Mexico that he’s willing to blow up, presumably to obtain better arrangements.

China is in a league of its own when it comes to gaming trade, and it’s getting the Trump treatment as well. Much of the Chinese “advantage” stems from Chinese overcapacity, fueled by below market interest rates in China and around the globe. Trump can’t do much about that “advantage.” The low-interest regime will eventually crash and burn, but it’s going to take a depression to clear overcapacity in China and elsewhere.

Innovation and intellectual property are America’s one indisputable comparative economic advantage. It will be a tough nut, but Trump is bent on curbing China’s acquisitions, by fair means and foul, of US know how. If he succeeds it will slow, but not stop, the Chinese economic juggernaut. It has millions of smart, well-educated, industrious people who will continue to fuel indigenous innovation (notwithstanding state-enforced docility).

Three realities confronted Trump when he assumed office. The US empire is unsustainable, so too is the trajectory of its spending and debt, and the government is fundamentally corrupt. It would be foolish to bet Trump doesn’t understand these issues and the linkages between them.

“Trump’s New World Order”

If Trump has recognized that first reality and is implementing Don Corleone’s spheres of influence concept, he may get some breathing room to address the intractable second and third realities: the trajectory of US spending and debt, and the fundamentally corrupt government. On the debt, all the breathing room in the world isn’t going to save him. The US keeps adding to principal, which is compounding at rising rates. Cutting imperial expenditures would help some, although transfer payments are the biggest enchilada. To make even the first step on the thousand mile journey to solvency, however, the US government will have to run a bona fide surplus for many years. That prospect is not on the horizon.

As for corruption, thousands of articles by bloggers and commentators, including SLL, may have less instructional value for the populace at large than one simple demonstration: most of America’s rulers and its captive media are speaking out against a peace initiative, not on the merits of the initiative itself, but because Donald Trump was one of its initiators. That tells those Americans who are paying attention all they need to know about their rulers and their captive media. Whether they do anything about it is another question.

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June 21, 2018 5:00 pm


June 21, 2018 9:19 pm

@ star Focker,


June 23, 2018 3:43 am


Nice post, RG. I was going to plop a picture of my new goat here in a typical Maggie farm animal photo bomb, but decided your effort deserved better than a drive by hooterville shoutout. (EDIT… I dumped it at the end, after all. Enjoy.)

Um,… unless you’d LIKE to see my new goats while I actually read your post instead of skim it. And if you don’t understand the logic of my choosing YOUR title over the others, well… my coyote friend round here gets it. Is why I’m such a magpie at times, perhaps.

In any case, Robert, I am stopping by on a late summer’s eve to wave to TBP friends, lumberjacks, beermakers and beerdrinkers alike, Admin and maple syrup lovers everywhere! It seems it was only… FOUR YEARS ago? I was sipping wine late at night in my cousin’s basement tapping away on the computer while a family of Mennonites lived in my treehouse while building my log home here in the boonies? Well, a lot happened in those four years on many levels.

We are in that crazy chaotic swirl of change. The big 4T type of change is the only thing that explains the fog of confusion and babbling nonsense spouted by, well, EVERYONE almost except us. I’m seeing some interesting things here in nowhere. But, I will hesitate to declare divine intervention when the thing is easily explained with logic, but hear me out: It was Divine Intervention.

My walking buddy knows a church lady from the town they lived in prior to moving here to the suburbs of the sticks. That church lady mentioned her daughter needs to “re-home” her beloved pet goats. My walking buddy knows my dear husband just finished my goat pen, but I hadn’t decided whether I wanted to spend the money wisely for Nubians or Nigerian Dwarf goats (I want the cheese!) or should I spend money rather frivolously on those little feinting goats that are so funny to watch with giant dogs like my beloved Jake and the other one. I had just begun to look at the local auction ads and got a bit of stomach cramps at the price for the milk goats. I mentioned the situation to my neighbor during morning walk and before the sun set, I was scheduled to go pick up these goats.

Easy as pie. Except it was goats and not trained Pyrs. And it was my first goat rodeo, which I didn’t realize was uniquely different from “normal” livestock. Dear Lord, no wonder you warned us about cloven hooves. That little goat was fast. I have skinned knees, bruised arms and I’m stiff and sore in places a fifty-six year old woman should not be sore. Or falling on. But I was determined to not have to come back for the kid. Personally? I thought if I drove off with the mother goat, then turned around, it might shock the little goat and the guy could “grab” her then. But, in addition to being in no physical condition to help much, the man was not making good judgement calls. I did ask him if I needed to bring ropes or collars and he said NO. I assumed he had a way to load them. NO. We makeshifted a piece of plywood supported by a couple of fenceposts. Did I say “we?” I meant “me.”

So, the buck loaded pretty easily, wobbling up the shakey ramp with a shove from me into the crate. The male kid and doe took a few tries. The other kid, still attached to Mother at the udder, panicked. That is when I earned my free goat. And when I say “earned” I mean EARNED. That little Nellie goat will not be let run free around here. I realize they had grandchildren and they thought the little ones were cute running around the yard. They are also cute in the pen.

I had literally told my friend I really wished I could find someone with a nursing doe they wanted to sell. Well, these folks did want to sell these goats. To a dude in Arkansas for a few hundred bucks. However, that fell through and they were desperate after the buck, Simon, broke the fence again. Simon is a Pymy buck paired to Nigerian dwarf doe with a set of twins, the little girl still nursing and ready to wean. I called, set up a time to pick up the little goats, assuring the woman I had taken classes in goat cheese making, which made me an expert, I was sure. Then.

I put three giant dog crates in the back of my husband’s 4×4 and headed down into the “bottom” land where all the mosquitoes live. My goats were at the Dutchtown exit off I-55 near Benton and if you know where that is you know I drove into the Doldrums in my quest for goats. When I got there and realized what I’d stumbled into, I almost called Nick and asked him to come bail me out…but something inside of me refused to yield to the challenge. I stayed at their home almost three hours chasing the little female kid around their three acres at the edge of a wheat field in the middle of cutting Finally, the owner got “Nellie” by the hind leg and I got the tie-downs and discovered I’d left the door ajar on the truck, the key in ignition and radio softly playing, except I didn’t discover all that until that poor man, recovering from heart surgery and unable to chase those little goats at anything more than a snail’s pace, drove his car over to the goat pasture to help me start that truck.

Nothing worth having is easy. When something gets your goat, it worked hard to get it.

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June 23, 2018 3:48 am

Oh, I’m sorry Admin… that first picture violates the No Nipple rule.

June 24, 2018 9:05 am

By the way, my weirdo prepper pals with the big underground bunker somewhere in Oklahoma sent me one of the rare “Must SEE” videos one of them is involved in distributing.

I think it discusses the Eagle, Dragon and Bear business nicely.

I have read a great deal about what happened in Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution from as many perspectives as possible and I just don’t find anyone who seems to have enjoyed it a great deal and had a book published about it. Perhaps Mr de Niro Zero could write one and someone could turn it into a dossier for the Hillarybilly (nice one, eh? Is that a “new” term? Or do I now speak in “TBP slang?”)

I get up very early now, but rarely tune this dial on the computer before long after I’ve gotten really worn out chasing rabbits and goats. Oh, dear… I just reminded myself why I came in. I discovered Pipper, my little “pet” rabbit I’m trying to train to live in the goat pens, ate my geraniums. Gotta go.

I’m on topic, Robert, but unfortunately my comments on TBP articles run in the background of my mind as I take care of a lovely family of goats. Nick and I built Simon a table yesterday with an old tabletop and some posts. He stood on it for hours. He’s one happy mountain goat. He’s been down in that flatbottom land wanting to see some rocks and trees and just wait until he gets to live at the creekbed!

So, Narnia.

Bolshevik Revolution destroyed Russian culture, I’m betting. Killed a lot of people who didn’t realize their possessions belonged to everyone else. They didn’t realize they had to take care of a bunch of peasants from regions they had never even visited. Then, those peasants got Community Organized and it only took a couple decades to do it. What if someone looked at that and then, say, from 1973 until 1993, decided what should be put in place for them to do the same thing? What if they were strategically placed in the modern day Kulaks where the peasants spoke their own language of cronyism, nepotism and family-owned corporate farms that gulped at the government udder without hesitation? And suppose the plan went according to design until they got usurped by another Community Organizer from Chicago playing a whole new ballgame?

The Long Walk Home is a book by a Polish soldier who spent some time in Siberia before escaping and walking through Mongolia, China and into India to REJOIN the war effort against Communism. During that long walk, in the Himalayas, he mentioned several small villages of people living tucked on mountainsides who would bring them food and follow their passage, helping but not interacting a lot.

In case you don’t realize it, I’ve decided to sit this turning out and the most amazing cluster of people have settled around me and now, I’ve got goats.

This is a decent listen if you can walk around and feed the animals, catch a couple naughty rabbits and thank God for the sidebars. Even though the villagers in the outer reaches of Mongolia and India were mentioned only as an aside, I saw them there and think they were probably happy people, tucked away from all the world carnage. I try to believe they are still there, happy.

June 21, 2018 6:07 pm

The Axis of Cooperation, USA + Russia + China
This is how we will survive. Less bullying, more cooperation. Less war, business all the time.

June 21, 2018 6:30 pm

Blueprint to a winning strategy.

In my neck of the woods it is interesting to hear people starting to come around on how they feel about Trump. People are amazed that he seems to be unfazed by the overwhelming 24/7 criticism, despite his many angry tweets, his capacity for work, he seems to be on the job round the clock seven days a week, and it is obvious he enjoys the job and is committed to deliver on his promises. Most politicians say one thing and then do the opposite after elected, Obama being the best example ever of this. Trump may not have come through on everything yet but he gets big props for trying to navigate all the obstacles and hysteria to find a way to come through. Slowly people are starting to respect the effort.

Socratic Dog
Socratic Dog
June 24, 2018 12:55 pm

I give him a lot of credit for still engendering blinding hatred from all the right people.

I give him a lot less credit for actually implementing what he said he would.

But the hatred means there’s still hope.

June 21, 2018 6:57 pm

I’m glad our savior is so adept in ensuring his new world order and America’s continued dominance in our spheres
I couldn’t even finish without bursting into laughter.

C’mon BOB! You’ve gotta do better than this…
Read some of my comments on other recent threads like Stucky’s question of the day or Southern Sages recent attempts at logic.

June 21, 2018 7:02 pm

Here’s one in response to the bullshit idea to slap tariffs on Chinese products…

The only reason the economy is headed upward is due to stock buybacks and the FAANGS, and how GDP is factored….the F.I.R.E. industry is the only thing propping up the GDP!

This is why the gap between the upper one tenth of one percent and the rest of us debt serfs, globally, is at its widest margin in contemporary history!

When they finally pull the plug on the Dollar, it’s going to be catatastrophic!

Much weeping and gnashing of teeth indeed! But dont fret, the phoenix on the back of the dollar bill, which is part of the Great Seal of the U.S., tells us this must happen so your benevolent masters can offer you the savior system!

Now, the Quantitative tightening and FED stopping it’s purchasing of our IOUS along with the global VILLAGE beginning to dump it’s held treasuries and creating new trade and energy deals using other currencies besides the Dollar,
The rate of acceleration in the demise of the Dollar will continue under MAGA MAN! This is why he was appointed by the elite after all!

Drain the Swamp!


Fighting the “deep state?”
C’mon MAN!
As an astute commenter said on another thread,
The term “deep state ” went mainstream about 15 months ago…
Any critical thinking adult should ask themselves the question, “WHY?”
Because, with PROPAGANDA,
Of course nobody enjoys feeling like they’ve been duped especially when they have become so emotionally invested in the propaganda…

It’s not just one country but most countries moving away from the Dollar…
They are hedging the risk of what is to come!

Russia just dumped 47 billion less than a week ago, Ireland 17 billion, China a bunch too….they don’t want to dump them all at once which would hurt the value of what they still hold….it takes time for the markets to figure it out…

But the time IS rapidly approaching when the world rejects the dollar and all the worthless dollars will come home to roost!
A global game of Hot Potato within the currency wars race to the bottom…
Guess who gets stuck with the hot potato, err worthless dollars,
You guessed it! U.S. citizens!
This is why a LIQUIDATION will be necessary of all the “useless eaters” as Big Z infamously referred to us Americans!

Why do You think Trump was appointed?! To justify the rest of the world shunning American influence to the mind of the average global citizen…

Meanwhile China is using the value of U.S. treasuries to loan to African nations to develop infrastructure and the New Silk Road, purchasing U.S. state houses, real estate, water way rights and buying gold just as other BRICS nations continue to do, like India.

June 22, 2018 12:32 pm

Plato you are right on target. Trump is a full-time actor and you know who is writing the script.

June 22, 2018 1:25 pm

@ Diogenes

Trump is playing his role and will be used as the fall guy to explain the world losing “faith” in American leadership….
This will adversely affect our currency considering the dollar is a fiat, “faith based”currency…

The elite realize the IOUS will NEVER be paid back and are planning accordingly. The PUBLIC is catching up to this, like I said before, it’s TIME for the public to know.

Liquidation of the “useless eaters” through manufactured, socially engineered, civil war 2.0!
I wish I were wrong!

Derk Norman
Derk Norman
June 22, 2018 3:01 pm

Sort of a stoned rant there, huh, Plat Top?

  Derk Norman
June 22, 2018 5:04 pm

@ Derk a Derka
Actually I wasn’t loaded when I wrote those, This is not to say that I don’t partake from time to time, for medicinal purposes of course.

The long winded comment above is actually 2 comments from my responses from 2 different threads out into one LONG rant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Don’t be upset with the extra exclamation points I used, Raw Dog asked me to use them more, just obliging him)

June 21, 2018 7:06 pm

The pace of dollar dumping seems to be accelerating under Trump, exactly what I said he was put there to do.
A globalist wolf in a nationalist wolf costume!
The perception managers are very good at their jobs! And the level of deceptions sold to us for generations make for a difficult delusion to overcome for too many of us.

“Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”
J Edgar Hoover

Yes, the overall plan is to lower standard of living for Western nations and bring up the “developing nations” to a similar level of poverty…everyone needing the global neo feudal Nanny State for subsistence….

The plan is truly demented! And the propaganda is so slick it entraps well intentioned people into prisons of their own making in order to use them as pawns against one another in a global game of chess…like Z. Bryzinski entitled his book the Grand Chessboard

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
June 21, 2018 8:02 pm

Plato was a fascist, not something I would want as an avatar. Trump is not perfect, I think he has relied too heavily on first moronic family members (Jared and Ivanka) and putative supporters in DC Reince Priebus and even Bannon. He has however learned faster on the job than any other president in my lifetime and I am mid 50s. Have you noticed how Trump sounds less tone deaf, the leaks have stopped from the West Wing, no more stories of “chaos in the WH” etc. Instead he holds a rally last night in Duluth MN, a traditionally heavy Democrat area, 9,000 people showed up and cheered themselves hoarse. That’s a mandate and raw naked power.

CNN and MSNBC etc can’t afford to cover these rallies as Trump has the “facts” on his side and they are overwhelming. Traditionally, the out of power party (Dems in 2018) pick up seats in the first mid-term. Obama got his ass kicked by the Tea Party twice in 2010 and 2014. The Blue Wave for 2018 is barely a ripple despite every effort by the Media….even the current Kids kerfuffle has been swatted aside with aplomb by Trump and his EO. Dems literally have nothing and nobody of stature. Trump has definitively won the domestic politics battle…..

That leaves him in a very strong position to make changes in the Global Political System. I think he is first a nationalist, a patriot and secondarily a mercantilist. He has waited 30 years for a chance to stick it to the countries who have hurt his beloved America. Thus FUCK EUROPE. Robert is 100% right on that one, the toothless Europeans are actively committing suicide and will soon be another Islamic zone, albeit with nuclear weapons in France and the UK, though I am sure we will denuclearize Europe with Russia and China at the right time.

Thus are two actual rivals are nuclear-armed Russia and China. Russia is an economic mouse, an energy exporter and that’s it. China has benefitted tremendously from the Globalists but Trump is not likely kidding about the tariffs. If the tariffs stay in place over an extended period of time, its a disaster. If they stay long enough to change behavior and open all markets then we will all be better off. I want the guy who wrote books about negotiations, negotiating our trade deals….advantage Trump.

Don’t underestimate the Space Command, Russia and China have already weaponized space, there will be conflict in Space. Trump again is not bluffing. He is prepared to fight to the death (as the Godfather was) because failure means the destruction of the USA or enslavement. I will take the risk of winning rather than the certain enslavement of Europe.

A final caveat though. Watching the rally in Duluth, Trump easily whipped the crowd up to a frenzy of shouting CNN Sucks etc. Typical messianic leader chops. The left alternatively is poking the American bear, which is currently caged. I think there is a rapidly rising risk of miscalculation by the Left and the Deep State. They may try to unleash ANTIFA or otherwise attack folks on the right. Based on what I saw last night, Trump could make one TV appearance and his supporters will make Krystallnacht look like a backyard BBQ.

We really don’t need a civil war distraction but the Left has shown zero interest in accepting its rejection by the American people and utter defeat by Trump. It would be better to come together to focus on external rivals but it is a 4th Turning so Bosnia X’s Rwanda may be baked in the cake already.

The old rules of reserve currency hegemony are being replaced and not by a “new” reserve currency from China but by blockchain enabled transactions and cryptocurrencies. A true paradigm shift.

  Martel's Hammer
June 21, 2018 9:04 pm

C’mon M C Hammer…

Can’t touch this…. …. …..

“We really don’t need a civil war distraction but the Left has shown zero interest in accepting its rejection by the American people and utter defeat by Trump.”

We are living through a co opted civil war right now…co opted in the context of the Grand Chessboard…
Real individuals are being used as a means to an end…
The destabilization campaign has pushed individuals entrenched within the American governmental apparatus working for specific cabals, whether knowingly or unknowingly, willingly or unwillingly, intentionally or unintentionally, to desperate measures to retain their power and conceal their tracks…it has been spilling out into the public even before Edward Snowden famously leaked the Intel to Wikileaks and the Guardian.
Adding fuel to this soon to be inferno is the resentment the “Good guys”, whistleblowers within the alphabet agencies and gov’t bureaucracies have built up…this aspect of the destabilization campaign is noble intentions, but most don’t see the wizards behind the curtains…or are so helplessly integrated into the Matrix of Wonderland that they never even suspect it.

The dominos are knocking each other over just like in V for Vendetta!

The manufactured civil war 2.0 will really get going when the effects of this next “stock market correction” ….errr…next leg of this controlled economic demolition of what’s left of the U.S. econony begins to be felt by each American, individually!

  Martel's Hammer
June 22, 2018 2:02 am

@ M.C. Hammer

You said,
“The old rules of reserve currency hegemony are being replaced and not by a “new” reserve currency from China but by blockchain enabled transactions and cryptocurrencies.”

Im curious, why do you think The new reserve currency (ACCchain cryptoSDR) from CHINA who the IMF tapped to develop ISN’T available for Americans to purchase?

  Martel's Hammer
June 23, 2018 3:51 am

That’s a nice post, Hammer.

June 21, 2018 8:11 pm

I’ve mentioned on other posts the global synchronization of national autonomy at the supra national level is the root cause of the manufactured crises and what is in store for us,

in Nazi Germany, it was referred to as Hitler’s Gleichschaltung
The lesser of 2 evils is still d evil @ the wheel!!

June 22, 2018 2:32 am

Not my words but David Rockefellers own
“The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries”

I don’t know how else to break it down so that you’ll “get it “

June 21, 2018 8:32 pm

“Europe’s time has passed, the future belongs to Asia”

Saying Europe’s time has passed is a bit premature. Furthermore, you really ought to specify it as WESTERN Europe. I think you are correct about Asia.


“Trump tacitly accepts Russian and Chinese dominance in Eurasia. ”

That’s funny. Of course he accepts their dominance. What choice does he have?


“However, Trump doesn’t give without receiving; he’s going to extract concessions. Number one on the list is North Korea and its nuclear weapons.”

Okaaaay … so a nation (USA) of 325 million which has 10000 or so nukes … PLUS a nation (China) of 1.3 Billion, and also at least a few hundred nukes, and which basically feeds the Norks …. well, those two nations were able to get Rocketman and his 5 nukes to come to the table. Supposedly (cuz Rocketman can not be trusted.) Anyway, WOW! Helluva victory! Says Stucky with a hint of sarcasm.

No one really talks about nukes that much. It’s too awful to think about. Just unleashing 10%, or less, of the Russian and American nukes will pretty much lead to a near extinction event for many plants, animals, and humans. Let’s not think about it. Our missiles are still pointed at Russia and China. Theirs are still pointed at us. They are all on hair trigger alert and can be launced within the hour, or minutes in some cases. It’s a fucken nightmare. So, let’s not talk about it.

And what does Trump do? He announces a 10-year TRILLION dollar plan to upgrade our nukes. Is that another Trump victory?

Gee, I wonder what Russia and China are gonna do in response.

June 21, 2018 8:42 pm

I’m pretty sure both the people of Russia and their leaders also loathe Trump. We blame them for EVERYTHING, we sanction them endlessly, we have quite literally encircled their country with nukes, we not-so-secretly wish for regime change, and we won’t even let Russia have her own sphere of influence (ie. Crimea). I’m 100% positive there won’t be a pivot to Russia.

I think the Chinese think of us as useful idiots. I really think they’d love to see the USA reduced to ashes … at least economically.

China and Russia are pivoting closer and closer to each other with every multi-billion dollar initiative … and there are many of them.

India is now buying advanced Russian weapons, much to the chagrin of our Department of War. Never trust a dothead. They always play both sides of the fence.

So, where is Trump’s Asia pivot? Cambodia?

June 21, 2018 11:20 pm

russia has more nukes pointed at the chicoms then she does at us–

June 21, 2018 9:16 pm

I wonder what would happen if the narrative was spun that China wants to take Tawian back sorta like Russia did Crimea….what would be the chants in the papers and across the legacy media and alt right, probably the left too…for humanitarian reasons…haha..and of course with the right or would be it’s our trading partner…

I wonder…

June 21, 2018 9:45 pm

T4C said,
“We get the minerals and pay a fair price

They build the infrastructure with our help

One Belt One Road gets a route up the coast

Through Vladivostok

Japan becomes integrated with the

Korean economy

China wins

USA wins

Russia wins

Fair trade wins.”

Sounds plausible. I’ve stated before that the Korean peninsula would be reunited and divided up for its rare earth minerals, it was just a matter of who got what…
That could be done covertly while certain national players are engaged in proxy wars in other regions and fits in with the overall global agenda to integrate the entire world into the UCC driven Rothschild run banking system which will lead to the inevitable global mono technoculture

June 21, 2018 11:38 pm

as usual bob,a very good article–
the way you’ve been reasonably accurate with your prognostications regarding trump’s intentions suggests you have inside knowledge,should we call you g/q?
here’s something not directly related to the article but if we don’t fix this crap we will not stay equal to either russia or the chicoms–
remember the uss fitzgerald,the ship that hit a freighter last year?
the navy waited a year to do the disciplinary process so the news would fade away–
turns out all the officers in charge of the ship at the time were women–

Tip: Pentagon Covering Up Fact That Female Officers Nearly Sank Navy Ship

  Robert Gore
June 23, 2018 9:58 am

Great article Robert and nice that it got picked up on ZH… Chip

Not Sure
Not Sure
June 22, 2018 8:09 am

“ America’s imperialists equate backing away from empire with “decline,” but such a sea change would be the exact opposite. Empires require more energy and resources to maintain than can be extracted from them. They are inevitably a road to ruin.”

The fall of the Roman, Babylonian and Persian empires, too name a few, All were predicated on over extension, that finally brought each one down. This was the path of America for the last century, that sent our troops to die in far off countries, to cement America’s empire; to the cheering of corporations everywhere.
Question: has an empire ever recognized its over extension and withdrew its influence for the good of the nation? Is this not the solution offered for every preceding fallen empire to consolidate and reform itself into a leaner, meaner nation, with a focus on its people?
Yes, there are lots of problems facing America, but the first and foremost thing to do is get out of the empire business and focus your reserves on strengthening what remains. It seems a lot of comments here so far are having a hard time seeing the forest through the trees.
Great article by the way, a look back at Roberts previous work tells me the man has been spot on in his observations of President Trumps direction and goals over all other commentators I’ve had the pleasure of reading. Keep up the excellent work!

June 22, 2018 9:57 am

Excellent analysis. Thanks Robert

June 22, 2018 12:55 pm

Something to remember…

“Israel last” – Q

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 22, 2018 12:57 pm

How the debt is eventually dealt with is a mystery still. But it will have to be dealt with. Aside from that…

[imgcomment image[/img]

  Francis Marion
June 22, 2018 1:17 pm

Haha, we all know how unbiased and accurate TIME magazine is don’t we?
Man of the Year 1938: Hitler

Man of the Years 1939/1942: Stalin

Man of the year 1990: Daddy Bush

Man of the Year 2000: DUBYA

Good company! Haha

  Francis Marion
June 22, 2018 1:20 pm

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 22, 2018 4:50 pm

I dunno. I like him. He just keeps pissing everyone off. Frankly – it’s refreshing. Besides – you could be stuck with this guy as your leader…

[imgcomment image[/img]

  Francis Marion
June 22, 2018 7:11 pm

if you covered the face & did not show the skin tone it could be obama dancing–

June 22, 2018 2:47 pm

For what its worth…I’m with T4C.

I don’t buy Trump is just a pawn and just one side of a two faced coin theory. But, it will make no difference to me if I am wrong as I live intentionally no matter who is in power.

I jumped on the Trump train just as the caboose went flying past me…after the primaries.

I had been part of the Draft Ben Carson movement with my money and my mouth after he dissected the Petulant One to his arrogant face at the Prayer Breakfast…but it became obvious during the debates Carson just didn’t have the gravitas to be President.

I had no idea Trump actually would win! But what the hell…with my past activities I was defiantly on the Left’s enemies list and sooner or later with the Left I would have the opportunity to earn my final Purple Heart…with Hillary President no doubt this one posthumously. My attitude was…bang a gong…lets get it on!

I have been a prepper for decades, shifted into high gear during the 2008 debacle and then went full on rural Self-Sufficient Homestead – Compound with multiple fighting positions – Civil War 2 – Don’t Thread On Me ready after the Petulant One was re-elected. When it looked like the Billary was coming back I smiled to myself and said: “Well self, looks like you won’t have to worry about ending up in a frigg’in nursing home…and a fighting death is an honorable one.”

But no matter what happens…everyday I wake up and do my Top 10:
1. Do a Bible reading and thank Him for yet another day!
3. Work out (I mean at 68 I can still kick ass and take most names…and that’s unarmed – but to be honest I’m never unarmed)
4. Work the Homestead
5. Do something to prep (every day…something)
6. Still a good time to occasionally stack
7. Practice my muscle memory on my serious range
8. Check TBP
6. Knock back a couple of happy hour drinks
9. Maybe smoke a cigar
10. Pray before I sleep

Is the shit gonna hit the fan…hell yea…no matter who is President…when? Got me…I’m amazed the fan hasn’t been already knocked over!

June 22, 2018 3:09 pm

+1000 Mark…

A top 10 list of activities all of us should be doing daily.

I agree, doesn’t matter who is President and I’m equally amazed that the fan hasn’t been knocked over yet!

Being on a list for one side translates to being on a list for BOTH sides….remember the Shadow govt stays in control regardless of the figurehead appointed for the masses.

June 24, 2018 10:31 am

Draft Ben Carson??? Oh FFS. and you are still commenting on politics…

June 22, 2018 3:18 pm

I have only one question for the author of this screed.

How can you breath with Tumps cock so far down your throat?

June 23, 2018 10:47 am

I see this is on ZH this morning.

June 23, 2018 7:04 pm

I thought it was Crackerjack.

Lots of little prizes in paragraph after insight after measured angles of the geopolitical dangles. Made me re-read it slow…and lick my mental fingers.