Protesters Greet First Lady With Balloon Of Trump In KKK Uniform

Via ZeroHedge

Anti-Trump protesters met First Lady Melania Trump in Phoenix on Thursday with a giant balloon depicting her husband in a KKK uniform.

The balloon was anchored across the street from the Southwest Key migrant holding facility that the First Lady was preparing to visit.

The demonstrators were reportedly inspired by reports of thousands of migrant children being separated from their parents because of Trump’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy – which he undid last week with an executive order allowing minors to be held with their parents.

Of course, this is just the latest example of “civility” in political debate shown by an increasingly militant cohort of leftists who are vehemently opposed to Trump and anybody associated with his administration.

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June 29, 2018 10:56 am

When the GOV’t can no longer be for us then you know it has or is now not far from a shooting war and that is what they want I look at my GOV”T as just like Great B was when we took them on, Yes a WAR is coming we all hope not but dream on

June 29, 2018 11:00 am

This has been discussed here several times in the comments lately, but once again, the question arises: How do you even attempt a reasoned debate or discussion with such deranged people? You really can’t. It appears that time is over. Obviously the ones pulling these people’s strings know this is just mindless hyperbole used for an agenda, but people that actually pull this kind of shit really are off their rockers.

One thing I will say, though, there aren’t as many of them out the as the media would have you believe. Its a pretty small percentage of the population out there pulling bullshit like this, they are just the loudest so they get the most attention.

June 29, 2018 12:43 pm

they get attention because it fits the narrative and agenda of globalists that seek unified world governance

June 29, 2018 11:37 am

What was needed there is an AZ push back member to infiltrate those protestors, make like he’s one of them, in full soy boy costume, if need be, and with spy-like stealth, wander past that balloon with a box cutter, and secretly place a few small incisions with precision, then exit stage left, and watch them nimrods scramble as it deflates.
With a barely audible giggle from afar, for a job well done.
Foil their plans. Low class activist wannabes. Or, just send in bikers for Trump, to start whipping some ass.
Those dudes wear their bandanas proud, as skull caps, vs. the pansy ass thugs who hide their face behind masks. Push back? Punch back!

June 29, 2018 12:26 pm

My response is….Hail Trump!

June 29, 2018 12:42 pm

Ain’t it great. The Left is now a flaming trainwreck. All Conservatives need do going into the Mid-terms is sit back and watch them all implode. Let them eat their own while they conduct their protests. Their insanity has become the distraction that in turn is doing Gods work riling up Trump’s base. The deke is required because a year and a half into his first term and what has been accomplished. There is..

No wall
No hand cuffs for Hillary.
No Swamp Draining
No Stop in Illegals

It should be that by now the deplorables are beginning to question the Great Orange Hope. Wondering if he is going to do anything he promised.

But instead we have stuff like this, Maxine doing that, a Cortez promising a Chavez in Gotham and now a Pride Parade in San Francisco where the womyns are “keeping real”…..

The unhinged insanity of left nevah ceases to amaze me…

On the bright side it looks like fer once the white girlz are doing fairly well hanging with da sistas!

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Lets give them all a round of applause. They deserve it!

Old Krank
Old Krank
June 29, 2018 3:39 pm

That video is a perfect example of liberal ‘tolerance’.

June 29, 2018 10:36 pm

AAAAAAAND Let’s get reaaaaadddddy to RUUUUUUMBLLLLLLLE!
It’s the Not so Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestliiiiiiiing!

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 29, 2018 1:41 pm

Looks like this is shaping up to be another Summer of Love. Trumpy now comes full circle, he’s found the passage back to the place he was before.
I wonder if the First Arm Candy wore her Melania Antoinette jacket – Does it look like I give a shit? – that she wears when visiting the beaner-baby concentration camps. What were her words of encouragement to the young scofflaws? Maybe something in the vein of Schwarzenegger’s pithy pablum, Mucho trabajo, poco dinero!

June 29, 2018 2:21 pm

I wonder how Liberals would react if Conservatives went to a Maxine Waters appearance with a balloon that portrayed her as a witch??? I wonder how Liberals would react if they were thrown out of a restaurant by a Conservative owner??? I wonder how Liberals would react if a Trump supporter showed up at their softball practice and started shooting at them??? Liberalism-the philosophy of hypocrits. Liberalism-the philosophy of double-standard’s. Liberals=hypocrits

June 29, 2018 3:08 pm

We already witnessed it. The cake baker in CO, refused the 2 loverboys their request. Instead of finding and patronizing a baker who would, they wanted to litigate the Conservative who wouldn’t, attempting to ridicule, shame, force-feed acceptance, or destroy his business and livelihood in the process.
They failed. Baker survived due to pro bono representation by legal eagles fighting the good fight.
Sad, it had to go all the way to the SCROTUS.
Make of that acronym deviation what you will.

June 29, 2018 7:12 pm

We saw, the Obama rodeo clown, worse thing ever in there eyes, interesting to witness these tards make the kkk look good tho.

June 29, 2018 10:38 pm

A witch? Why not go for a real reaction and wave a noose in the air. THAT would get their goat in .01 seconds.

June 29, 2018 2:41 pm

Saw that picture of a Giant Trump above and remembered a post done a few years back about Giants. Something Stucky wrote that got him put on a shit list of sorts


Well folks Steve Quayle was right after all. All the doubters can just suck on it… there is finally proof that they really did exist and as told in 1st Chronicles…

The Nephilim Giants….

June 29, 2018 10:48 pm

This is your proof? Some creepy dude in a suit babbling in front of a greenscreen, confusing Marines with Special Forces and babbling about a mysterious giant in Afghanistan? Baloney.
If a random story from a random stranger is all you need for proof, I happen to know the Tooth Fairy. He’s pretty light in the loafers, but he really does take your teeth and turn them into cash. He wears spandex and has a tiara and everything. He’s really flaming, but he’s a bit of a nightowl, which is why you never see him, so I guess that’s OK. There you go-random dude online told you about it, so it must be true. Case closed.

June 29, 2018 11:04 pm


They be real. You are just gonna have to deal with it Gilly…

June 29, 2018 2:43 pm

Where in the world would one go to buy a 18 foot tall Trump dressed in a KKK robe BALLOON? Seriously…….where?
This is one of those times when the powers that stir the shit put on a production that has THEIR name all over it. Are we really so blind that we don’t see their hidden hand?

June 29, 2018 2:51 pm

Where’d they get the 18 foot balloon ? At Bill Ayers R’Us !

June 29, 2018 2:55 pm

BUCKEY- Me thinks that is a custom made prop from the boys down at the Imaginarium.

June 29, 2018 10:49 pm

Where do pennyless dummycrat chumps get the cash for it? Methinks Soros $$$ pay for these things.
That’s how you can tell an astroturf protest from a real one- the protesters all have identical signs, while true protesters make their own out of anything.

Ten Year Lurker
Ten Year Lurker
June 30, 2018 5:46 am

I have a friend who is naturally left leaning, hippie type, never had a 9 to 5, etc. but is a good provider for his family and a contributing member of society. Last week he told me that he’s never voted but more than likely going to vote in the midterms and definitely vote for Trump in 2o2o just as a middle finger to the Establishment and all the lunatics on the Left.

It’s scenes like this that have pushed him over the edge after a LIFETIME (he’s in his mid 50’s) of not getting involved.

Makes me wonder how many guys like him there are out there. Throw in a decent percentage of the black vote if Kanye stays on course and Trump landslides in 2020, assuming the shite hasn’t hit the fan.

Keep it up leftists.

  Ten Year Lurker
June 30, 2018 11:15 am

It is not necessary for large numbers of Black Voters to switch to Trump all that is needed is that a smaller percentage show up to vote. Clearly that means Amala or Cory will be on the ticket in 2020. If Amala goodbye Pochantes, hello Murphey.

June 30, 2018 10:07 am

Trump Derangement Syndrome, it’s a thing.