The Cycle of Freedom

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas

Periodically, I offer up a statement by Scottish economist Alexander Tytler, who, in 1787, was reported to have commented on the then-new American Republic as follows:

A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.

The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been about 200 years. These nations always progressed through this sequence:

From Bondage to Moral Certitude;

from Moral Certitude to Great Courage;

from Great Courage to Liberty;

from Liberty to Abundance;

from Abundance to Selfishness;

from Selfishness to Complacency;

from Complacency to Apathy;

from Apathy to Dependency;

from Dependency to Bondage.

Tytler had it right. There is a Freedom Cycle. It’s not an accident. It’s based upon human nature, which is perennial. And it’s not something that can be manipulated to suddenly reverse itself, just because the citizens of a country are unhappy when they find themselves living in the declining stages. It has to play itself out.

Tytler was quite a scholar and had come to his conclusion, based upon the rise and fall of many nations, over the ages, with particular emphasis on the Athenian Republic.

Since Tytler’s time, we’ve been able to witness many formerly free countries slide inexorably into their final stages of decline. For example, the countries in the EU are further gone than the countries in North America, and Venezuela is further gone, still.

But, what this means is that the cycle is likely to stay in order in these countries over time and, at some point, years from now, Venezuela will be likely to climb out of its Bondage stage before Europe and certainly before North America.

But, what very few people can wrap their heads around, is that this is indeed a cycle.

Cycles Never Reverse Themselves

The Freedom Cycle continues until it hits bottom (Bondage), then it stays there for a while. Historically, the generation that is in charge at the time of bondage is never responsible for the eventual rebirth. The bottom must continue long enough for a new generation of adults (who, all their lives have witnessed that “free stuff” is a lie) to create the rebirth. They understand, only too well, that their only hope to have more, is to develop a work ethic and stick to it. (Their still-whining parents continue to hope that a leader will come along and finally deliver on the free lunch.)

The cycle is a long one, as it requires that generations pass. Just as the depression-era people in the US and Europe were hard working and the baby boomers were their spoiled children who voted for those who promised free stuff, and millennials represent the complacency and apathy generation, so these generations must age and slide into the background before a new and productive generation can create a rebirth.

I was extraordinarily fortunate. In my own country, when I was young, we were a relatively poor, but hardworking people who understood that if we didn’t work, we didn’t eat. We didn’t get to build houses for ourselves and we didn’t buy a car. Therefore, everyone except the truly indigent worked. The truly indigent are always very few in any culture, and our entire community looked after them easily, without government support.

But, then came dramatic prosperity. One of the by-products of that prosperity was that a new generation of politicians rose up, hoping to cash in. They promised free stuff to the public, but insisted that they must be left alone to dominate. (Their dual slogans were, “The people may have their say, but Government must have its way,” and, “We were elected to govern and govern, we shall.”)

But small numbers of us challenged them, dug in our heels and, over time, we gained overwhelming support from our people. We had to rout two successive governments, but, eventually, those political hopefuls who remained, understood that, should they become too domineering, their careers would end. As Thomas Jefferson said,

When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

In Jefferson’s day, America had been a frontier. Those who went there to find freedom from the oppression in Europe understood that, if they were to survive there, they must have a strong work ethic and be entirely self-reliant. They were soon joined by others from Europe with a similar ethic.

These were not people who would tolerate dominance. Although the colonists only paid King George a meagre 2% in tax, they revolted at the very principle of domination and, through their tenacity, prevailed. (Remember, the majority of them were self-reliant.)

The same was true in my own country. People who have a strong work ethic and are self-reliant may be kind and sharing, but they don’t like being dictated to. Therefore, when we opposed the tyranny that had just begun in our country, we attracted tremendous support from the electorate. (Again, the majority were self-reliant.)

Cuba, today is just breaking out of the ground in its own rebirth. Although it is not yet understood by most of the world, a younger generation of free-marketers have grown to adulthood in a country where the “free stuff” has been an obvious lie. Their parents remain complacent and apathetic, whilst the new generation are transforming their country from the bottom up and their trajectory is unstoppable.

If there is a lesson to be learned here, it is that a Freedom Cycle exists and has always existed and it’s driven by human nature. Most people, when they find themselves in the downward swing of the cycle, become complacent and apathetic, as Tytler describes. Otherwise intelligent, educated people vainly hope for a Freedom Fairy who will appear on the scene and reverse the process (but will continue giving out the free stuff).

Historically, this has never happened. No country reverses the cycle. Like a plant, it must die before renewal can occur.

So, the reader may wish to ponder where his own country is on Tytler’s list of stages. If it’s on the upward swing, wonderful—life will be good until it reaches the pivot point of “Abundance to Selfishness”.

But those whose countries are in the declining stages (especially if they are nearing the “Dependency to Bondage” stage) are in a more dangerous position. I do believe that 99.9% of them will act in accordance with apathy and do nothing. Only a few will choose freedom. But, to do so, they will need to understand that freedom will not find them where they live.

Those who seek freedom must go to one of the places where it’s presently rising up from the ground or has already gotten on a roll and is on the upward swing of the cycle.

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Texas Patriot
Texas Patriot
July 1, 2018 10:12 am

The United States was founded as a republic, not a democracy. If we could somehow recover that, we could perhaps stop the cycle. Unfortunately, I doubt that the republic will ever be recovered without the tree of liberty being refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants as Jefferson so succinctly stated.

  Texas Patriot
July 1, 2018 10:26 am

Either that or the makeup of the Supreme Court changing from Leftist to Constitutionalist.

In reality, there are nine people that determine what we are now and what we become in the future.

Texas Patriot
Texas Patriot
July 1, 2018 10:51 am

True, that!!! Now if Trump can push through with a Constitutionalist to replace Kennedy, that will be a good start. Then if Ginsburg, who is actually already dead, will just fall down so Trump can appoint another Constitutionalist!!!

July 1, 2018 10:51 am

From 1941 to 1971 the Supreme Court did so much to damage our republic by breaking laws of segregation as well taking prayer and Bible reading out of the public school system. Both were done to harm white America and it was done by FUCKING Masons. Then after that other progressives took over that Court . Google who controlled the courts at that time. Jews and Secret societies have done much to harm us. You may ask why…. I’m am going to let all interested figure that out.You have a computer.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
July 2, 2018 5:10 pm

In my opinion, bible reading and prayer should not be the part of government indoctrination centers aka pubic skools. When you allow bible reading and prayer to be done in those venues, then it becomes who’s holy book and who’s prayers. Would you condone children being called to prayer 5 times a day in school to allow Islamic religions their due?

The problem is, as it is with all GICs, government itself becomes an object of worship and therefore imposition of the state as a religion. The best thing that could happen is to abolish all government involvement in education. This means from the local to the national and all in between. Close all GICs and allow the market to provide education.

I realize this probably will not happen due to the FSA. You see if you have your child in a GIC then you are part of the FSA. You force people with no children or people without any children in GICs to support the FSA/Baby Day Care crowd. As long as Mama and Dada want babysitting for 6 to 8 hours a day for no perceived impact to their bottom line, the government will always be involved. This holds true especially for the FSA, you see baby mama can have a few hours peace while she snacks on the American Land Whale diet or lay in the sack making another mouth to feed.

I often read there are individuals calling for all welfare to be ended. Very seldom do I hear for the Educational Industrial Complex welfare to be ended. Most call for the Federal Government to get out of the EDU biz. They do not realize the EIC is just as corrupt as any other government ran pile of excrement.

If you want your child to have your values then the best way is to instill them yourself. I now have 3 gens of progeny alive. I have custody of one of the 3rd gen. My great grandson will be home educated. With the resources available on the internet, there is absolutely no reason why anyone can’t do the same.

As a matter of fact, instead of grandma and grandpa traveling the world or otherwise f’n off in retirement, why don’t they invest in the future of their grandchildren by spending the time to give them a proper education!

July 1, 2018 12:42 pm

Good post. It’s a keeper.

July 1, 2018 1:16 pm

Those with a longer view of history than merely a few generations will recognize this as the cycle of history. It has always been this way since the beginning of civilization and always will be. We are just unfortunate enough to be living after the peak of the cycle in our time has passed. Empires rise and then recede. Sometimes they rise again, as with the Persians or sometimes as with Rome they are gone forever. A century or two in the future things will be better.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
July 2, 2018 12:36 am

“The same was true in my own country. People who have a strong work ethic and are self-reliant may be kind and sharing, but they don’t like being dictated to. Therefore, when we opposed the tyranny that had just begun in our country, we attracted tremendous support from the electorate. (Again, the majority were self-reliant.)”

Self reliance is the key to eliminating Big Brother and a life of liberty. Self reliant people have no need of governing nor tolerance for it.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 2, 2018 7:37 am

As our former republic circles the drain there is enough blame to go around from sea to oily polluted sea . Many Americans need only look in the mirror they will see a victim how ever if they still have a spine they will look a little closer they will see complacency that placed our nation where it is now .
This entire experiment in liberty went well until our elected reps lost all honor and integrity and began to prey upon and capitalize upon the basic weakness of the human condition . At first it paid off hansomely with little damage over all that was barely noticed . So on it went like pigs at a trough of free food . Eventually nobody left filling the trough !
Sadly our founders warned us of this condition that would destroy us from within so our schools dumbed down the next generation and discredited those old white slave holders warnings . So here we are , what’s next ? Re-Birth not likely , Revolution maybe , more of the same till a final reckoning and crash most likely !

July 2, 2018 11:55 pm

Boat Guy….the Republic ended when the folks realized they could vote themselves free shit and the leaders realized that years in public office would yield them great personal wealth . We were warned…no one listened.