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i forget
i forget
July 2, 2018 11:45 am

Normal. Abnormal. In&Out Burghers. (Drive-by gnu•trition.) Us & them. Peers – covert pressure always, overt pressure as necessary. This is every sew(ing circle•jerk)ciety. Including the one that many here would wand wave into existence, if they could. Meet the new Bostich nailer (gun), same as the last one.

Fully, or more fully, human beings know what their prerogatives are. And that the same prerogatives, inherent & inalienable, apply to everyone. Indifference to, ignorance of, active subversion of these universal prerogatives are the condition & moves of wimpy subsidized•debtor burgher-eaters…for whom repayment Tuesdays are always *next* Tuesday, & so never arrive (until too big to fail is also too big to “succeed”).

These are the swinging memberschlongs that constitute, & “constitutionalize,” societies, & so-called civilization.

A republicspittle, if you can keep it, says the pub crawler to the burgher-eater, over & over again.

Fool me once, shame→. Twice, shame←. But put out a saltblock, & the lickers come. If you build it, they *will* come.

What, really, has foolishness & shame got to do with it? It’s built-in, automatic. Toe that line. Peck that order. Gnu-trition attention!, “intention,” & attrition.

Take the lick away, postpartum depression. Get away from the builder-lickers, if you’re not one of ‘em, postpartum elation.

Hell is other lickers…disguised as people. & that Timex just keeps on tickin’…’til the bomb goes off…then the next batch of builders gets busy. ∞