¡ Viva México!

Guest Post by The Zman

In the years just after colonialism ended, Europeans who worked in Africa would say, “Africa Wins Again” whenever some project went sideways. The point was that no matter how well-intended or well designed, the best ideas of westerners trying to help Africa would fail. The implied reason was that Africa was the way it was, because it was full of Africans. This expression may have been common during colonialism, but it turns up all over in accounts of the post-colonial years. There was simply no way to beat nature.

That’s what comes to mind whenever a Latin American country makes the news for some reason. A decade ago, libertarian economists like Tyler Cowen were sure that Argentina and Brazil were on their way to first world status. Sensible people knew that the Latin Way would eventually bring these counties back to their natural state. Argentina is back to begging the West for bailouts and Brazil is teetering on social and political collapse. It turns out that the Latin Way always wins too. There’s no beating nature.

Mexico just had an election and the winner is promising to prove every cold-hearted Anglo north of the border right about the nature of Mexico.

Veteran Leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has been elected president of Mexico, winning the largest landslide in his country’s recent history in a remarkable routing of what he terms “the mafia of power”.

Promising to combat corruption and drive down record crime rates, Mr Lopez Obrador captured 53 per cent of the vote, according to preliminary results – a historic victory for the party he created.

Voters decided in their millions to turn their backs on the two parties which have ruled Mexico for almost 100 years, and finally give him a chance – sending his supporters into a frenzy.

The American media will never honestly report about anything, so we can expect them to celebrate this guy as the antidote to their great nemesis, Donald Trump. You just know they will find some way to link his rise to the election of the Puerto Rico bimbo in Brookly, who beat the old white guy. Alternatively, they will swear Trump caused it. It depends upon how things unfold. If chaos ensues, then you can be sure it will be blamed in Trump’s rhetoric. In reality, this is just Mexico being Mexico. Here’s a summary of AmLo’s platform:

  • Amnesty to all drug cartels.
  • No longer will work with U.S. immigration enforcement.
  • Nationalize oil industry.
  • Farm subsidies.
  • Elimination of multinational corporate influence on farming.
  • Support and assistance for economic growth plan:
    • using •mass migration of Mexican nationals into Southern U.S.,
    • create AmeriMex border region, and
    • remittance of earnings back to Mexico as initiative for rapid domestic economic growth.

Now, in fairness to Mexicans, the two main parties have become so corrupt that voting for either is just a vote for the status quo. That means a country largely controlled by two murderous drug cartels and a political elite willing to protect them. Just how much money the Mexican ruling elite makes from the drug business is hard to know, but they have grown very rich off the free trade scams operating at the border. They have also helped facilitate the waves of migrants entering the United States every year.

Obrador is probably a good result for Americans. He will no doubt make an excellent bad guy in the coming war with Mexico. That’s where things are headed, whether anyone realizes it. The Mexican government is incapable of ending the flow of drugs into the US and they have no choice but to facilitate the flow of migrants.That means the border will have to be closed and most likely guarded by the US military. That’s an option the public will support, if Mexico is led by a nutty Marxist who hates America.

Putting that aside, it is another reminder that Mexico is a failed state. The central government retains control of Mexico City and the immediate area surrounding it, but the rest of the country is controlled by drug cartels. One reason the political elite facilitates migration is they skim from the remittances back to Mexico, from their people living in America. Carlos Slim, the owner of the New York Times, owns the Mexican phone company, which means he gets a taste, every time Pablo calls home from America.

Those old enough to remember, will note that NAFA was supposed to prevent this from happening. Instead, it has been a disaster for Mexico, making the people poorer, while their elites grew rich. Mexico was never going to withstand unfettered contact with the first world, for the simple reason it was never a modern country and is never going to be a modern country. The human capital of Mexico cannot sustain it. This is a reality of the human condition that people used to know, until there was money in pretending otherwise.

Now, America has a failed narco-state on its southern border, thanks to the greed heads we politely call globalists. You’ll note that everything these pirates of the new economy touch eventually falls to pieces. That’s because this form of economic activity can only thrive in chaos, so it works to create it. A disordered world, where sovereign people no longer have control of their borders, lurches inexorably toward chaos. Instead of Vikings raiding the West, the last 30 years has been men in suits raiding the West.

Chaos always results in a reaction and that reaction is usually authoritarian. That’s what is happening in Mexico and will happen in Brazil and Argentina. If those countries are lucky, the authoritarians will be like Pinochet and the result will be a pruning of the political elite and the imposition of order. It’s always a coin flip with strongmen. For every Peisistratus, who restores order and economic balance, you get a Nero. The track record of Latin America suggests the latter is the way to bet, but maybe this time will be different.

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Bob P
Bob P
July 2, 2018 1:47 pm

Would you rather live in a post-apocalyptic world where the few humans left die slowly of radiation poisoning while freezing and starving in a prolonged nuclear winter . . . or Mexico?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Bob P
July 2, 2018 2:35 pm

I’m thinking it over…

July 2, 2018 2:09 pm

This election cost the lives of 100 politicians, imagine that happening here, payment for votes was said to reach $250 and many voting sites reported they had their blank ballot forms stolen at gunpoint. AMLO promised – read my lips, no nationalization of industries. AMLO was also the victim of a vicious smear campaign accusing him of murder. He was robbed in the last election with pay for votes and other crooked tactics. You can call him the Mexican Trump for being a populist and a nationalist but the comparison has to end there, this guy was not born on third base.

NAFA, aka NAFTA was an American takeover of Mexico. It was not a ‘humanitarian’ enterprise.
As far as skimming the remittances, I have not heard of that. Cash deposited here can be picked up at a bank or supermarket, Vito is not standing by to collect the vig.

The Lebanese Carlos Slim owns enough Mexican industries and the phone company (plus NYT) that it is said he collects on every transaction. His phone company also provides service for Obama phones, so he collects from US taxpayers as well.

July 2, 2018 2:22 pm

As my Dutch Grandmother would say: “Well … the people from the warm countries….”

Everybody in Europe knows Spain, Portugal, Italy aren’t worth shit. It’s the same with Mexico and Latin America. They want socialism because they don’t want to work, don’t know how to work, are too lazy to work, and don’t have the intelligence to work at more than plowing a field with a mule.

If I were Trump I would shut down any personal money transfers to Mexico / Latin America. Fix their ass.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 2, 2018 2:47 pm

If you don’t plant your crop today, you can always plant it a month from now…

July 2, 2018 2:41 pm

“Now, America has a failed narco-state on its southern border,” ——— article

Tit for tat ….. Mexico has a failed narco-state on its northern border. Oh, yes, that’s true.

Mexico ain’t shit. They thought they were ‘all that’ when they beat Germany in the World Cup last week, jumping up and down, screaming with job, acting like big shits …… which is weird because they’ve never won anything of real value …….. and TODAY reality hit when Brazil proved they’re nothing but a bunch of chumps, or is that chimps?

This new President, the American Hater, is gonna make it easier for millions more Americans to hate Mexicans. Too bad. That’s not how it ought to work … but is it how it will work.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 2, 2018 2:49 pm

Now why would Americans hate Mexicans?

July 2, 2018 3:56 pm

No sooner did an independent thinker win and already Stuck is willing to vilify him as anti-American because Germany lost. Boo-hoo-hoo let’s start a damn soccer war. He’s a nationalist, he wants to re-negotiate NAFTA on terms more favorable to Mexico than the noodle-spined Pena-Nieto would yield to.

Since ’88, Mexico has been governed in ways that hearkened back to the Porfiriato when foreigners treated Mexico like their playground. After 30 years of that, the peasants revolted (and likely triggered the wars in Europe) against the abuses of the church and the oligarchs.

When Colosio attempted to run a populist campaign in ’94, he was assassinated. Folks on this side have feared such a thing happening to their populist leader. What would you have them do, vote for another appeaser like Pena-Nieto? I suppose you want the Mexicans to remain under narco rule. Maybe you wish Al Capone had not been busted. Maybe you loved John Gotti. You can take the boy out of Austria but you can’t take the despot out of the boy.

July 2, 2018 4:13 pm

Is that you, EC? Hombre?

You say, — “I suppose you want the Mexicans to remain under narco rule.” Ummm. No. But, the article says he wants to give AMNESTY to ALL drug cartels. You think that’s a good idea — not being under narco rule by legitimizing narcos??? That’s odd.

To be truthful, I really don’t know jack shit about this dude. I do know he’s not a big fan of Murika. And he’s not going to cooperate with the immigration issue. So, yeah, fuck that beaner cocksucker!

Oh, BTW, I don’t really give to shits about the World Cup. I like having a team to cheer for. Now that Germany is out, I still have Russia, the Swiss, and Belgium to cheer on.

Lastly, what’s wrong with Al Capone? He hated copfuks. Ain’t that nice?

July 2, 2018 5:03 pm

After you see 100 politicians get whacked in broad daylight, you might want to court the narcos a bit with amnesty. Promises of amnesty get votes here, so it must work over there too. I look at his offer of amnesty as the bait in the rat trap.

He’s not a big fan of NAFTA but he softened his approach. He wants to protect Mexican farmers that are going under due to NAFTA subsidies of American crops (corn).

He wants to stop the foreign plunder of Mexican industries, sales of capital to foreigners. He said he wasn’t going to nationalize them but, heck, Putin did that to correct some Venezuela type abuses where industries were nationalized and practically gifted to individuals (see Carlos Slim in Mexico).

It’s funny that Bubba claims they have elected a communist. Mexico has had communist rule since the end of the revolution. They only got the free vote a few years ago. Many folks suspect the crooked Salinas-Gortari had Colosio whacked.

Normal life changed dramatically after Salinas was elected. It has only deteriorated since ’88.


July 2, 2018 7:40 pm

I doubt most Americans give a shit what happens to Mexico, as long as we can keep it isolated to their side of the line. Wish we had that wall.

July 2, 2018 9:20 pm

” I suppose you want the Mexicans to remain under narco rule. ”

No, I want them to remain under Mexican rule–in Mexico.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 2, 2018 9:42 pm

Wrong article, Anonypuss. This is about the election in Mexico. It’s seems you only have two speeds; fat, drunk and stupid.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  EL Coyote
July 3, 2018 12:59 am

You morans shaddup, you know you will use my modified insult at work. People always steal my ideas.

July 2, 2018 9:41 pm

We need Free Reed to give us the real storey, not fake news.
BTW weren’t both Bush I and Clinton in favor of NAFTA with Bill, having the honor of signing it?
Remember Ross Perot and the Great Sucking Sound of jobs going south of the border? Sad that he was portrayed as an idiot when on this subject he was a savant.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 2, 2018 9:46 pm

You strike me as a savant yourself, prusmc. What day of the week does January 12, 2084 fall on?

July 2, 2018 3:35 pm

My experience with Mexican Americans over the years have been one of no real moderation. I’ve met amazingly hard working Mexicans who roof houses when its a 100 degrees and have multiple jobs and seem to love to work. Or the type that just want to live on welfare and do nothing. So my experience over the decades with those recently from Mexico are that they seem to come in polarities.

But soon the communists will just give people free College, housing, food and all the rest. So the new breed of Bernie Commie’s and the tag along rich Dem’s who now have to hate on ICE as a prerequisite for being a top dog for the Demmie-Commies will be trying to open up the welcome mat even more. Parts of America already look alot like the shitholes to our south. Mind you there are still some nice places to the south, but it seems like many of the south American countries are turning shitty at a fast pace.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 2, 2018 4:31 pm

Let’s just keep doing what we are doing and eventually we as Americans will live in a multicultural diverse shit hole of a country . We will have blacks from every shithole in Africa browns from every shithole in South America tans from every shithole in the middle east . As we circle the drain faster and faster the last one out won’t have to turn the lights out , everything will be dark and in a shithole !
Adios America …!

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
July 2, 2018 4:40 pm

Poor Mexico!
They have traded corruption and rule by unaccountable elites and terror by mafiosi cartels for corruption and rule by unaccountable populist socialists, and terror by “the people’s Party”.
Their economy is a shambles, you have to pay bribes and fight bureaucracy to get anything done and you have no real power, wealth or opportunity unless you are / know the right people; nothing can be done because the system reinforces itself. Now that the “new rulers” are coming to town, the economy will become a wasteland, bureaucracy will not know who to listen to and become inert, and they will have no real power, wealth or opportunity unless they are part of the “new ruling class”.
How is this an improvement? Do they really think they can bully Trump into allowing all their unemployed to come up here? And if our economy is headed for a slowdown (as some contend, it is unsustainable in any event) what will all those migrants do for work? Who will hire them?
It ain’t gonna get any better, poor Mexico; and it can get a lot worse, I guess.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
July 2, 2018 4:45 pm

Argentina had first world status until they elected Peron who made them fat and happy temporarily by feeding them the seed corn. They even had aircraft carriers right after WW2. Only rich countries have aircraft carriers.
Nothing good is going to come out of this. There is no such thing as an honest commie reformer. We are probably headed for a new Cristero War with the next chapter of the Banana Wars to follow close behind. Probably nothing as inspiring as George Pickett carrying the flag through the breached walls of Chapultepec.

  Harrington Richardson
July 2, 2018 5:09 pm

Up until the 1920s Argentina was wealthier than Germany , let that sink in to everyone who thinks ,it can’t happen here.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 2, 2018 9:50 pm

Anonypuss, WW2 was a boon for America. Let that sink into your stupid head.

Up until the 476 Rome was a world empire, let that sink in to everyone who thinks ,it can’t happen here.

  EL Coyote
July 2, 2018 11:30 pm

Stickler for history (and historicity) here. Rome never was a world empire. It dominated a large region. It’s not even in the top 10, and it’s behind Alexander the Great’s empire.


The only compelling candidates for a true world empire are Great Britain, and depending on your views of US “democracy” and motivations, the post-WW2 United States. For direct political control from one capital city, with no disguises or debatable motivations, the UK is unmatched.

The next runner up would be the Mongol empire, but that never crossed oceans.

July 3, 2018 1:12 am

It was a world empire in the then-known world. Judging by its effect on the modern world to this day, I say they should count. If you’re going to compare the British Empire to the Roman Empire, that’s hardly a fair comparison. Roman architecture, Latin language, and Roman Culture seem to have a lot more of a lingering effect on the world than the British do. According to the page you listed, they are the 3rd longest-lasting Empire.

July 2, 2018 5:05 pm

Mexicans like blacks vote for the same leftist liberal shit time and time again.They seem to learn nothing from the history of their own country. It’s claimed they have a higher IQ then blacks but I’m beginning to think otherwise.Maybe they vote out of Envy ?

July 2, 2018 5:19 pm

People in Mexico are fed up with the same mafia political parties. Mexico is still controlled by the families of the conquista . Unfortunately for Mexico ,these mafia parties are imbedded into every facet of Mexican life . If Obrador starts to arrest and put a stop to these mafioso they will kill him. The young people of Mexico are better educated and a lot have studied and lived in other “normal” countries all over the world. They wonder why Mexico can’t be “normal”. Mexico needs a bloody revolution to eliminate these mafia or else nothing will change. But I believe the mafia are too powerful , nothing will change.

July 2, 2018 7:10 pm

Obrador won’t do shit about drug cartels, organized crime and corrupt politicians (all of them)… Not even “regular” or petty crimes, like theft, burglary and so on… He didn’t do shit when he was major of Mexico City, and was surrounded of bribe taking government officials under his rule (caught on video, google Rene Bejarano bribe video), and his response to that: “it’s a complot to smear my name”… Instead of fucking putting that asshole in jail and strip him of all his money and possessions to make and example of…

So spare us all your “hope” that this asshole will be any different.

Mexico… Always a shit sandwich, different colored shit every 6 years though.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 2, 2018 9:54 pm

So spare us all your “hope” that this asshole will be any different.

America… Always a shit sandwich, different colored shit every 4 to 8 years though.

July 3, 2018 1:18 am

They sure do. And with the US serving as their convenient pressure relief valve, that revolution will never occur. If we kept the Mexicans on their side of the border, perhaps things would change.

I think we could quickly change border policy with our neighbors if we scooped up all their criminal illegals, forced them through 2 or 3 weeks of shake-n-bake training at the School of the Americas and sent them back to their home nations with a uniform, pair of boots, a gun, and some ammo and let them fix it for themselves. Succeed, or not, that would get everyone cracking on border controls.

July 2, 2018 6:50 pm

I can hardly wait for Fred Reed’s next post that explains this in a positive light, because this is a declaration of war against the U.S. Good luck to ’em.

I hope the surrender terms include the relinquishing of the entire Baja peninsula. We’ll rename it Baja Trump.
My cousin lives in Cabo and has told me that both coasts need development.

July 2, 2018 7:12 pm

You’re giving too much credit to Obrador, he’s just a charismatic corrupt coward.

Mexican government will always take it from behind when it’s coming from America, bunch of cowards in the military and government.

July 2, 2018 8:34 pm

When the communists turn Mexico into Venezuela ,we will really see the borders swamped by starving Mexicans.
Fred thinks Mexxico is so much better than USA. That is why we can’t keep the Mexicans from coming here.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 2, 2018 9:55 pm

What’s your excuse, asshole?

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
July 2, 2018 11:00 pm

There are a lot of parallels between the USA and Mexico but our presidential election will send our economic and social chart lines up and their election will send their lines down. PS: Get ready for the “Blue Wave of Tears” boohoo on Tuesday 6Nov2018 with Happy Friends, caviar, champagne because Happy Days are here again!

July 3, 2018 12:03 am

The general population in Mexico have no problem understanding which inhabitants are males and who is female.That point alone is a big plus. You may be very surprised at how nice some parts of Mexico are and I am not referring to just the touristy places.

If there were no comprehensive social safety net here in the USA!USA!USA!, our poor may be heading across the borders both to Canada and Mexico. Would the wetbacks be coming here if there was a Mexican FSA giveaway? Ummm……No.

July 3, 2018 12:26 am

The US army won’t take a person with an IQ of 83 or less because they are incapable of following simple orders. People with an IQ under 83 comprise 10% of the population, more or less depending on each country. These are the ones dragging everyone else down to take care of them. This is one hell of a problem that will not be solved easily. Communism and socialism sound really great to these people and they are told that they were taken advantage of by others and they believe it! Not a good ending for Mexico and other failed states.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 3, 2018 12:51 am

The second largest economy in Latin America is a failed state, wow. Do you get out of Hog Holler much, Gammer? WTF is Trump trying to negotiate NAFTA with a failed state? I think your flyover state is a failed state, mmkay?

  EL Coyote
July 3, 2018 2:02 pm

bit of a butt-hurt beaner this morning. that spic state numero uno has ~120M people has more to do with its gdp than any non-existent mexican innovation or productive capability.
for comparison pretty much any ‘fly-over’ state in this country has a higher gdp than that hellscape.
fucking chile pickers.

July 3, 2018 2:44 pm

Blah-blah, Danny boy. What have you invented? Your just a free-rider in this land o’ the free ride.

July 3, 2018 12:36 am

Gammer- I think you just described Uncle Bernie’s base here in the occupied Estados Unidos.

July 3, 2018 9:58 am

You sure fight to defend, hombre. It’s pride. Noble, irregardless of the flak you take.
UR a better scrapper than me.
I tried defending some of what’s good going on in the city of my yute.
The howls of derision rained down from the platform of the old reputational narrative, from peeps who don’t live within, nor have recently visited Detwah.
So much good going on, but oh, the murder rate ranking and the ghetto thugs. Ad infinitum.
I stopped trying to sway outsider perception.
It’s all in one’s mind focal point, instead of seeking and finding first hand experiences.
Ah, so easy to pull up the negative fact based articles and stats from the www.
Fair enough, if one has no desire to see what’s good in any given shithole.
Plenty of blemishes to go around.
Last I checked, utopias inside the contiguous U.S. are few and far between.
There’s usually a pimple or three on any fat ass the doctors examine, with a biased set of expectations.
And so it goes…

Here’s one from a local band, circa late 70’s.

July 3, 2018 11:27 am

My BIL is from Detroit. I said before that our ISO inspector came from Detroit. When I asked about the $1 homes, he whipped out his cell and showed us some pics. The media can paint anything in scary colors and they do because fear keeps folks in line. To hear my wife’s sisters, Palmdale is helltown.

As for the flak, I don’t get any, I get some thumbs down but most of these idiots have nothing. They are relying on a mutual ignorance and clucking like church ladies – Did you hear….?

Imagine if the Conquistadores had stayed out of Mexico because oooh, MS-13! Trump has got these pussywillows running scared over a little old gang that has less members than other veteran gangs. It’s the modern Reefer Madness scare. Every brown-skinned person you see is a potential MS-13 gangbanger, BEWARE!