Old TV Shows

Guest Post by The Zman

I have been working on some projects that have required me to sit in front of the laptop most evenings. My habit when I have to work in the evening has been to watch some television while working. Without a cable subscription, this means watching something off the Kodi or whatever movies are free on Amazon. I saw they had The Sopranos and The Wire on prime, so I decided to binge watch those two series. I watched them when they were on, but it has been ten years so I figured I had forgotten most of it.

I enjoy watching old movies just to see the culture change. Watching a movie from the 1940’s is like watching a foreign film. There are hints at subversion, as the commies were in deep with Hollywood back then, but they had to be very careful, so it is extremely subtle. A degenerate like Gore Vidal could slip some subtle homosexual stuff into the script, but even in the 1960’s, the degenerates had to be careful. They had to fear old weird America, as whites were still in charge and were willing to fight back.

Anyway, I was a little surprised at having the same sort of reaction watching shows that are just ten years old now. I watched The Wire first, as I get asked about it and I forgot most of the story. There were scenes in the show that would be cut out today, for fear the anti-racist lunatics would burn down the studio. A realistic portrayal of black America is no longer permitted, so I wonder if the show would even get made today. Then there would be the demands from the actors to make it even more black or make the whites more evil.

The fact is, the writers highly glamorized the hell out of black crime in Baltimore. There are no savvy and clever black drug dealers. All you have to do is look at the crime reports and it is obvious. Most of the murders in the city are between knuckleheads over petty disputes. The crime is disorganized and random, because the street gangs are just as disorganized and chaotic as everything else in the black community. The truth is, the smart drug distributors stay far away from the street level drug dealing in Baltimore.

Similarly, there are no smart, but corrupt black politicians. There is plenty of corruption, in fact the entire city government is riddle with hacks. It’s just that they are ham-handed about it. The Feds could lock up every elected official tomorrow, but that would be both pointless and politically impossible. Imagine the reaction to seeing black politicians frog marched out of their offices.Watching these parts of the series, I had the same reaction as I do when watching a 1970’s portrayal of black America. It’s all sadly alien.

The Sopranos is a show that certainly would not be made today. There is a part of the story when the main character’s daughter dates a mixed race boy at college. For starters, the kid is half-Jewish and half black, with his mother being black. No way the today’s writers touch a topic like that, unless the mulatto is somehow made into a Wakandian superhero. Then there are the comments from the mafiosi about blacks that no actor would agree to utter on screen. There’s simply no way it could get made today.

That said, I forgot how good the program was for a TV show. I recall that pretentious phonies preferred The Wire at the time, but the truth is, The Sopranos is a vastly better show. The humor is first rate. That’s the thing that struck me. Our current age is dominated by vinegar drinking scolds, so nothing is funny anymore. Humor is dead, because everything Hollywood makes is saturated in multicultural proselytizing. Much of what makes the Sopranos work is it still has plenty of old fashioned jokes about life.

Keep in mind that these shows were made just a decade ago. In the 1980’s, watching shows from the 1970’s meant adjusting to the lower technical standards and clunky sound tracks. Frankly, I find it easier to adjust to black and white movies than the campy soundtracks of the 1970’s, but maybe that’s just me. The point here is that the damn broke in the culture war last decade. The lunatics no longer feel any restraint, so it is endless poz in everything. Someone from the recent past would not recognize us today.

Something I’ve mentioned before, but really came to mind while speed watching these shows is just how much is crap you can skip. I now fast forward through all sex scenes, as they add nothing to the show. Thirty years ago I could understand spicing the show with some smut, but in the world of unlimited porn, there’s no need for it in a regular adult drama. Maybe they put it in there out of habit, like the car chase in every action film or maybe the actors demand it. They are all vulgar degenerates, after all.

Another thing I find myself doing is skipping past the pointless character development stuff that usually makes no sense. Maybe women like learning about the emotional issues of the fifth guy on the crew, but it adds nothing to the story, so I don’t care. In the Sopranos, I skipped most of the scenes featuring the kids. I get that they are a part of how this mob boss is struggling with life, but that can be assumed. I don’t need to spend twenty minutes watching the daughter interact with the mulatto in her college dorm.

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July 24, 2018 1:26 pm

What are all these “Chicago” this and that shows? Does anyone really watch them? Who cares about ‘Chicago’? The sooner an apocalypse comes to that town, the better.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 24, 2018 4:31 pm

To Hollywood, there are exactly five cities in the US: LA, New York, Boston, Chicago and (on rare occasion) Miami.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 24, 2018 4:29 pm

“I never said a guy who wears glasses is a queer. A guy who wears glasses is a four-eyes. A guy who’s a fag is a queer.”

– Archie Bunker

July 24, 2018 4:36 pm

One thing about the Sopranos always bugged me. In one episode, Pussy and (I forget the other guys name) were in an apartment belonging to a big Russian dude and acting like complete assholes. They managed to piss off the Russian so they killed him (or so they thought), rolled him into a carpet, stuffed him into their trunk and drove off to the pine barrens to bury the body. As they were digging a shallow grave, the Russian woke up and managed to get free and then grabbed a shovel and started whacking the Soprano mobsters, then he made a run for it. As he was bobbing and weaving through the forest they took shots and one of them struck as you saw a spray of blood from his head, but when they went to look for the body, there was none.

After looking around they went back to their car and it was gone. It turned out the Russian dude was formerly in their army special forces and was a badass. Naturally it was expected he would return in a future episode for revenge, but it never happened…

Just want to know. . .
Just want to know. . .
July 24, 2018 7:00 pm

“Pussy and (I forget the other guys name) were in an apartment belonging to a big Russian ”

That was Christopher and Paulie.

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
July 24, 2018 5:23 pm

TPTB are pushing Cultural Communism and are constantly pushing the envelope toward more sex, violence, satanism, etc.

July 24, 2018 5:25 pm

I love the Sopranos so much, I bought the pinball machine, brand new.
The best part is that the machine curses just as much as the show!

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
July 24, 2018 6:04 pm

I could never get into the Sopranos. Dago fucks. It’s not the story line or the show itself, it’s knowing the entire time that half of New Jersey aspires to be these stupid characters, and half of Philly too. This show is proof of just how little guineas have contributed to our society. We needed a wall around Ellis Island, that’s where it started.

  JR Wirth
July 24, 2018 10:21 pm

Deadwood was a pretty awesome show too.

July 25, 2018 12:44 am


Left Handed Penguin
Left Handed Penguin
July 25, 2018 4:37 am

Mr. Wu “Bok Gwai Lo…cocksuka!”

July 25, 2018 12:00 am

My step-dad worked on a lot of 60’stuff shows most notably The Andy Griffith Show. He said Andy was one of the nicest guys you’d ever want to meet.

Most of Norman Lear’s shows could never be made today….you can’t say honky or colored anymore…although my mom still says colored person still.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 25, 2018 12:30 am

The ’50s and ’60s had the best TV shows. And I like old movies from the silent-film era to about the ’70s. After that, I didn’t like a much.