Tesla stock soars on news they ‘only’ lost $717 million

Guest Post by Simon Black

Sometimes I feel like I’m living in an alternate universe… it’s like the financial version of the ‘upside down’ from Stranger Things.

Case in point: last night the infamously loss-making electric car maker Tesla announced its quarterly earnings.

As usual, the numbers were gruesome. Tesla’s net loss was TWICE AS BAD as the previous quarter, a record NEGATIVE $717 million. That’s a LOT WORSE than analysts were expecting.

After adjusting for various capital investments, Tesla’s total cash burn for the quarter was MINUS $740 million… which is a bit better than what analysts were expecting. Congratulations.

Oh yeah, and Tesla cult leader CEO Elon Musk mustered an apology to all the analysts he insulted on the previous quarter’s earnings call (where he derided them for asking “boring” and “bonehead” questions).

And now the stock has soared 12%.

Is this really what capitalism has come to?

Companies are richly rewarded for posting record losses that are worse than anyone expected because the grown men who pilot them can refrain from publicly hurling childish insults at financial analysts while managing to ‘only’ burn $740 million of shareholder capital?

Give me a break.

In total, Tesla has burned through $5 billion of its investors’ cash.

And nearly half of the money it has left in the bank is in the form of customer deposits, which are often refundable. So that money’s not even safe.

Most likely Tesla will have to raise billions of dollars over the next few years just to stay afloat.

And yet, despite these losses, and despite the fact that their CEO is sidetracked making flamethrowers, limited-edition Tesla surfboards and promising to solve Flint, Michigan’s water crisis. . .

. . . and despite the fact that he seems more concerned with Twitter spats than running the business (the Wall Street Journal ranked Musk as the second-most active tech CEO on Twitter behind Salesforce.com’s Marc Benioff, with 1,256 tweets this year through mid-July) . . .

. . . shareholders still granted their CEO the largest executive compensation package in the history of the world earlier this year (worth a potential $50 billion). . .

. . . and have now doubled down on their investment, sending the stock price up 12%.

As W.C. Fields once said, “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”

No doubt Musk is full of both.

(If you want to dispute the latter, please refer to Musk’s tweet in which he called the British cave diver who helped rescue the trapped boys in Thailand a pedophile.)

Now, it may surprise you to hear me say that I appreciate what Musk has done for consumers.

This guy gave a swift kick in the gonads to the entire auto industry, forcing them to reinvent themselves and create more innovative products.

So now all the big manufacturers are getting in on driverless car technology, AI and electric vehicles.

And the cars they produce are more advanced than ever before. This is great for consumers, and most of the credit goes to Elon Musk.

Plus, to be fair, Tesla makes great cars. (Unfortunately they lose money on every single one that they sell…)

I certainly hope the company is able to pull it off. I sincerely do.

I also hope the Dallas Cowboys win the Super Bowl this year. But the odds are slim.

The odds are also stacked heavily against Tesla. They’re rapidly running out of cash at a time when interest rates are rising and competition is stiffening.

They’re no longer the only game in town when it comes to luxury electric vehicles, so they’ll have to contend with Mercedes, BMW, Audi, etc. going forward.

And, let’s be honest, Tesla isn’t exactly the most prudently-managed company in the world.

You can say a lot about Elon Musk’s vision and tenacity. But often the greatest visionaries don’t make the best business executives.

Business is… well, serious business.

Recruiting, training, managing thousands of employees and dealing with intricate details in a complex manufacturing business… these skills don’t always go hand-in-hand with creative genius.

Clearly Elon Musk doesn’t work alone. But there’s been an alarming exodus of top executives who have departed Tesla over the past few years.

(Check out this list compiled by Bloomberg of the dozens of senior execs who have left Tesla since 2016, including Chief Accounting Officer, Chief Financial Officer, President of Global Sales, Director of HR, etc.)

But Musk is undeterred… he’s staying the course.

It reminds me of something Barack Obama once said– “If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.” #DidIjustquoteObama??

Unless, of course, you’re on the wrong path. In which case you’ll eventually lose everything.

Elon seems content to remain on his loss-making, cash-burning path.

Regardless of the consequences, regardless of the feedback that the market is providing.

But we’ll see. Anything’s possible.

In light of such obvious risks, however, it still seems like a sign of pure lunacy.

To wit:

Tesla manufactures electric cars. BMW also manufactures electric cars.

Tesla loses money on every sale and posts record losses. BMW is profitable.

Tesla burns through billions in cash. BMW pays its shareholders a 5% dividend.

Yet with a $50 billion market cap, Tesla is now worth exactly the same as BMW.

Something is wrong with this picture.

But perhaps Elon can convince us otherwise on Twitter.

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August 4, 2018 8:58 am

I wonder who the actual buyers of all that Tesla stock are?

August 4, 2018 10:11 am

starfcker and ilk, Inc.

August 4, 2018 12:15 pm

Easy call for me Stucky. Looking over the horizon is what I do for a living. Unlike the naysayers, my emotions are completely detached from my predictions. I’m just looking at the facts through a different lens. It’s a pretty good one, I’m usually correct. Don’t know how I became anonymous

August 4, 2018 4:42 pm

I don’t own any Tesla stock or bonds. But if I did, I would have had a very good day. Being correct about the financial bets that you make in your life is essential. You don’t have to make a lot of bets, just be right about the bets you make. RiNS describe Tesla has a hill I chose to die on. I don’t see any dying going on. If we all owned Tesla stock, I would be the guy who made money. How is that dying?

August 4, 2018 5:55 pm

So you’re saying you don’t put your money where your mouth is?

August 4, 2018 6:10 pm

Not at all. I own my own business. That’s where I put my money. Every day. And if I’m not right, I don’t make any money, and my employees would go hungry. I have people that have worked for me for 25 years. I’m not real caught up in the financial press. I don’t think most of them are that smart. And when the free money ends, we’ll see if they are or not. Who would you rather have listened to last week, me or Simon Black? And he can’t figure it out even after the fact.

11 Tesla FUD Claims Of Years Past

August 4, 2018 9:48 am

Section 8 welfare queen of the auto industry , Tesla !
The government will subsidize any plan doomed to fail , support any thing that would in logical critical path thinking be unsupportable . Ethanol , Israel , Iraq , Afghanistan , Syria , Libya billons pissed out into the gutter . But support social security , support bankrupt retirement plans maybe for government employees but not private industry employees who’s wages and benefits have circiled the drain for decades . Funny our nations representives have trillions to borrow and squander for everything not worth doing but a true interest to the tax paying working American fuck them but ELON ring master of the greatest show on earth . Keep telling yourself how smart he is . Con men once were jailed or tarred and feathered for their scams but now we sing their praises and even elect them to Office !

August 4, 2018 10:23 am

Other …. here is yet another WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU STARTED THIS IDIOTIC COMPANY storyline. Quite simply ….

Moviepass! It’s that service where you pay $9.95 per month (just recently raised to $15 mo.) and you get to watch as many CURRENT movies you want. Hey, that’s great!

However ….. Moviepass pays the studios FULL PRICE FOR EVERY MOVIE you watch!!!” (about $13)

In other words, Moviepass LOSES MONEY ON EVERY MOVIE you watch during the month, except the first one!!! So, if you watch only 10 movies it cost you $9.95 …. and it cost Moviepass $130 dollars. They lost $120 on just you …. now multiply that by the few million subscribers they have! HAHAHAHA!!


I do apologize for all the caps and bold …. but, holy shit … has there ever been a dumber fucking business plan than that, ever??? No, I don’t think so … not even Tesla, or investing in Tulip Bulbs.

But, here’s the difference. Their stock, as of this morning is somewhere around a dime, and they will soon be de-listed.

August 6, 2018 9:18 am

Movie pass model is the same as used by every gym in existence.

david rieck
david rieck
August 4, 2018 11:14 am

Theranos, anyone?

August 4, 2018 1:07 pm

Zuckerberg must be beating his head against the wall–
even though his company missed analyst’s projections by about 50%,his cashflow was still positive but the company lost huge amounts of value & people want his head–

Steve Whatever
Steve Whatever
August 19, 2018 8:18 pm

Wait for it.

Elon Musk will go down in history as the biggest fraud ever, making Bernie Ebbers of WorldCom look like a disgraced kindergarten teacher.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, about this company make sense…underproduction, over compensation, poor product quality, basket case financials, lunatic child CEO with more time for Tweets than running or fixing a company, endless subsidies and tax breaks, pure pixie dust fantasy target projections… And all the mindless cult automatons Tesla investors will be drinking poisoned Kool Aid before the end 2019.

  Steve Whatever
August 19, 2018 9:09 pm

Just wondering if anyone here is aware that Tesla just may be a BIG player in the battery , stored energy for municipalities industry? It’s coming all you oil lovers and the end of civilization ain’t here yet.

August 19, 2018 9:31 pm

About a year ago I was reading about Tesla building 8 Yuuuggge (and I mean Yuge) manufacturing facilities to make batteries. Being smarter that the average Democrat, I knew this mega-enterprise was not all about mere car batteries, so what? That’s right Yuge city-sized batteries, don’t send Tesla to the dustbin of history just yet boys.

August 20, 2018 12:46 am

Star- Read the two above, this is going to be big.

August 20, 2018 3:41 am

I’m familiar with this stuff, Bea. They are miles ahead on lots of things. I think they just got a monster contract on this stuff here. I’ll look it up in time for the next Tesla post