Denmark Diary II

Guest Post by The Zman

The whole point of this trip was to attend the Scandza Forum, which is a series of conferences organized by someone calling himself Frodi Midjord. He is originally from the Faroe Islands, but he now lives in Norway. Greg Johnson spoke at the previous events and he suggested I should attend if possible. For those interested in knowing more about Frodi, should listen to this excellent interview he did with Counter-Currents. He is an interesting guy and I’ll have more on him later, but the interview is a good start.

The event started around noon. The location was near to where I was staying, so I grabbed a taxi from the hotel for the short trip. I recognized that the driver was Afghani right away. He was listening to a sermon in Pashto. He was surprised I knew he was from Afghanistan so we struck up a conversation. His first question was about Trump and the Middle East. Having been around these guys enough, I pivoted on that to talk about how Trump needs to get the troops out of the “graveyard of empires.”

He was pleased that I knew this about his country. Everyone loves flattery, even when it comes from the infidel. He then wanted to know if the Jews would force Trump to go to war with Russia. I got the sense he was very interested in the end times. He said that in the end, Jesus and Mohamed would return together. Admittedly, I’m not up on all the strains of Islam, so that puzzled me, but his obsession with the end times was what concentrated my mind. Our rulers don’t have a clue about who they are importing…

The event was like the others I have attended over the last couple of years. The crowd was young. The median age was around 30. There were some grey beards in the audience, but there were a surprising number of students. Frodi Midjord, the guy who organizes these things, is very charismatic. He’s a working class guy, at least in his sensibilities, but he is well read and has an appreciation for learning. I think that is why he is building up a following. He’s easy to like and even easier to respect.

During the Q&A, Frodi took the opportunity to make a point that I don’t think gets made enough. What he said was that one crazy person in your movement can chase off hundreds of normal people. Therefore, the top duty of any political or cultural movement is to guard against being associated with crazies. This seems obvious to me, but our side of the great divide has struggled to get this right. The endless purges from the Buckley Right has somehow made policing the ranks, at least on our side, a taboos subject…

Tiina Wiik is even more beautiful in person than on YouTube…

A funny thing that struck me is just how far ahead the Euros we are with regards to identity politics. Jared Taylor made the point that normally, the more you do something, the better you are at it. Americans have been dealing with a multi-racial society since the beginning and we just seem to get dumber at it. The Euros got a good look at multiculturalism and immediately started forming a political opposition. We’re not even allowed to talk in public about these issues, much less campaign on immigration moratoriums and repatriation.

I think one reason for this is that Europeans have been dealing with tribalism for a very long time. Just because the tribes are all white does not change the fact that the history of Europe is the history of tribes jostling for space. There’s also the fact that the space in which European national identities developed was a finite space. America was founded with a frontier culture. If you don’t like things where you are, just move. This mobile character of Americans means we feel like we have less skin in the local game.

There’s also the fact that tribalism among whites in America has always been spiritual, rather than ethnic. Northern whites come from a public Protestant tradition, the Southern whites come from a private Protestant tradition. Then you have the old Roundhead versus Cavalier issue that has defined our white identity. Compounding it, of course, has been the moral dimension of black-white relations since the middle of last century. The Europeans don’t have the sack cloth and ashes of slavery draped over ever public discussion…

In his talk, Greg Johnson made a subtle but important point that really needs to be used more often on our side. That is, the Holocaust is a great example of where diversity and multiculturalism can lead. When a majority population feels threatened, it can and will turn on minority populations. Put another way, the Holocaust could not have happened without a foreign population living in the heart of Europe. It could not have happened if there had been a country, or even a province, the Jews could call their homeland…

Jared Taylor pointed out that whites must be gods, because we just have to think about non-whites and it causes non-whites to harm their own interests. When you think about it, that’s the argument behind the claims of “whiteness” being the cause of all social strife in America. Whites just need to show up and their whiteness radiates off them, causing non-whites to go bonkers and ruin themselves. Whitey shows up and blacks start committing crimes and destroying their neighborhoods. Mighty whitey indeed…

The thing you always see at fringe political events are books. In the old days when I had nothing to do I’d go to commie events at the local university. There were always people selling books. At lefty events today it is women sharing their lived experience as some bespoke weirdo or maybe talking about their autoethnographic research into how they felt sad over a TV show. At dissident events, the tables are full of books, old and new, on all sorts of topics. No tackle-faced harpies screeching about their feelings…

Scandinavian women are haunted by rape fantasies…

Finally, there is a great shadow that hangs over Europe. That shadow is the American colossus. Much of what bedevils Europe is lunacy hatched in America and exported to the Europeans. They certainly make it their own, as we see with the feminization of Scandinavia, but America is the creator of this great threat to the West and European people everywhere. Even though they know this, they still look to use for the tools and language to fight the plague. It makes our fight even more important…

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September 16, 2018 8:50 am

I hope you do not mind my starting the discussion having just breezed through. I plan to return and revise this first entry since I am intrigued.

First edit:
I spent some time travelling between Iceland and Europe, including the Scandinavian countries that were bonded to Europe in NATO after World War II. Let us never forget the Grand Plan.

Second edit:
This is why I usually take the time to read your pieces thoroughly, ZMan. And then, rarely comment. Your fine writing and subtle nuancing skill does not deserve the hateful distraction I provide.

“Everyone loves flattery, even when it comes from the infidel.”


Third edit:
What amazes me is how easily the American populace gave up their rights while someone paved paradise and put up a parking lot. There are a lot of areas where the people are learning to reconnect and find shared ground upon which to stand with neighbors, friends, family and countrymen. I don’t know if there is a better way than the tragic journey this country veered onto around the turn of the twentieth century, but if there is one, I plan to be part of THAT journey to a better world.

I hope someone, somehow, somewhere finds a way to make people stop talking and start communicating. That includes Active Listening as well as Active Voice.

Fourth edit:
I admit I take slight umbrage at this:

“The thing you always see at fringe political events are books. In the old days when I had nothing to do I’d go to commie events at the local university. There were always people selling books. At lefty events today it is women sharing their lived experience as some bespoke weirdo or maybe talking about their autoethnographic research into how they felt sad over a TV show. At dissident events, the tables are full of books, old and new, on all sorts of topics. No tackle-faced harpies screeching about their feelings… Scandinavian women are haunted by rape fantasies…”

First of all, please learn to use an ellipse correctly. Secondly, there was an intentional onslaught of rape fantasy fiction targeting white women in the US in the form of the bodice ripper novels written by the adept fiction writing fingers of such literary giants such as Kathleen Woodiwiss and Rosemary Rogers, not to mention the crank them out by the dozen novels of Barbara Cartland, the queen of insipid damsel needing a big burly man to listen to her never ending stammering of vapid things separated by ellipses.

“But, Brandon, my love … my heart is … broken …” as Heather collapses into his arms and he rips the constricting corsett from her ample and creamy bosoms.

Finally, I just want to mention that the changes in the publishing and journalism industry in the 1980s and 1990s as marriages between media corporations became YUGE investment opportunities on a global scale. I believe there is a piece of legislation written in the 1990s during the Contract With/For/On America that actually has Rupert Murdoch’s name on it to allow him to own so much control of American Media. He paid the brideprice to the Clinton Foundation long before anyone heard of Monica, perhaps.

Lastly, I loved the quiet and resolute strength I saw in the Scandinavian women in Iceland and the few I met in Norway and other NATO satellite countries. There is no doubt those women know how to raise and protect a family in a violent Nordic world.

Next and probably last edit:

I believe the media moguls used the techniques described by Edward Bernays and George Miller and other pioneers studying mass communication and meaning at the turn of the 20th century to guide and direct the attention of an entire country’s population. I think the sort of lurid prose in the 1980s, following the rock and roll excesses of the 1970s after the assassinations, riots and racial violence of the 1960s and the strange middle class America stereotypical Mayberry that never really was town of the 1950s that followed the war. Well, I think you can see how it might have been designed, if there really are an ELITE Powerful People Club that you and I are not in, as George Carlin once suggested.

I need to mention the crazy Mandingo* books that a lot of people(women) were reading behind quilted book covers in the 1980s on their way to jobs or school. I read one or two of them while in high school. The librarian did not believe in banning books, though she kept those aside for her older students who knew to ask.

*(Mandingo was a slave who the “mistress” took a particular liking to. Especially his throbbing black manhood). It was creepy, but as an aspiring novelist, I read a few things I wasn’t proud of to see what made them “go.”

September 16, 2018 9:27 am

Most excellent piece. I hope everyone reads it and thinks about the subtle implications.

September 16, 2018 12:31 pm

I hope you three didn’t waste your time reading this before downvoting it.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
September 16, 2018 5:41 pm

Maybe you should write a response relevant to the main point of the article without babbling.

  e.d. ott
September 17, 2018 12:01 pm

Well, ed ott, I realized old Agnes had made six of the entire twelve comments on this post, 50% by my calculation. I thought maybe her references to the way our minds and thought processes have been shaped by mass media methodology designed by the Public Relations and Advertising Psychologists were interesting. It is almost as if she suggests some mass communication and film experts designed an American Society that never really existed for all of us to lament as the “Good Old Days” with an image of Andy and Aunt Bea and Opie, who are no more real people than the monkeys on this blog are to me.

If Zman wants Agnes or Maggie or you to stop commenting on his essays, he should say so. I notice your witty comebacks haven’t drawn a lot of replies nor interest.

Nor will this botz tracking tool I hooked onto my comment.

September 16, 2018 9:11 am

Interesting analysis. However, it needs to be remembered that the “great shadow that hangs over Europe” isnt the result of traditional American ideals but rather Marxist philosophy, and that it’s roots were in Europe. As is their Elites worship of the globalist hive-mind. So Europe ‘s past generations are just as guilty as our’s
for allowing this abominable ‘religion’ to get out of control.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
September 16, 2018 9:15 am

Our leaders have no idea what they’re importing … and then again, maybe they do.
I’ve argued with leftwing Nord expats and Americans who’ve emigrated to Sweden about their cultural relativism and religious apathy fueling so-called humanitarian tendencies toward Muslim immigrants. In both cases they denied “no go zones” existed in EU countries, saying the refugees didn’t present a threat. They were either stupid, lying, misinformed, or all three, claiming Muslims were “just like us.”
They were too stupid to understand Anders Breivik was an aberrant social reaction to their leftwing multicultural fantasies.

No, Muslim immigrants aren’t just like us. Not in an ideological sense, anyway.
They are taking the empty European churches left over from failing belief systems and building mosques. The degeneracy of the Catholic Church will only accelerate the building of mosques. An increasing Muslim population will affect our political and democratic processes, forcing us to make religious concessions to Constitutional law.
I see nothing but conflict in this.

  e.d. ott
September 16, 2018 10:08 am

Well said! It amazes me just how arrogant we westerners have become that we so brazenly disregard history, especially that of the Mohamedans. That death cult hasn’t changed in 1300 years, and yet we think we can somehow transform them thru ‘magic dirt theory.’ Assuming we survive, Reconquista 2.0 is gonna make the first one look like child’s play.

September 16, 2018 12:33 pm

Some of us have put a lot of effort and dedicated ourselves to the premise we are meant to survive and fight.

September 16, 2018 5:01 pm

With recent hoopla ongoing in New Mexico, I am reminded that the Zuni Indian Reservation is there in that fine state. Their eschatology takes them from the Center of the Earth through the different stages of the building of the Earth, ice, fire, water, voyage and all of the same sorts of mythical journey a Greek King named Odysseus took us on after the Trojan War ended.

The Zuni have a most interesting community and political network which is positively brilliant in its maternalistic clan organization coupled with its paternalistic hunter-gatherer nature in business and trade dealings with tribes as far away as Peru, where coveted parrot feathers were found in great abundance when parrot feathers were all the rage in North America.

This is just one link… the stories of the Zuni tribe are fabulous in their myth and legend value.

September 16, 2018 1:54 pm

The history of Europe is the history of tribes jostling for space.

Could it have ever been different? But now, the devotees to One World expect humanity to evolve beyond what the globalists believe to be parochialism.

Third definition of parochial:

3 : confined or restricted as if within the borders of a parish : limited in range or scope (as to a narrow area or region) : provincial, narrow

Furthermore, Z-man says:

There’s also the fact that the space in which European national identities developed was a finite space. America was founded with a frontier culture. If you don’t like things where you are, just move.

Over the past four decades, that impetus has been mitigated via “tolerance” as mandated by the U.S. Educational System and electronic programming. Integration by means of diversity is the evolution to unity. One for all and all for all for one (world).

This is how, on the path to paradise, diversity became strength. Or not; depending upon where one places their faith.

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September 16, 2018 2:04 pm

Third definition of faith:

3 : something that is believed especially with strong conviction;

It’s what we do.

September 16, 2018 5:06 pm

A woman I once knew was a Calligrapher by trade and a treasure hunter by hobby. One paid as well as the other.

One of the Calligraphy pieces she sold for a few dollars at Arts and Crafts Fairs around New England during the Bicentennial Celebration of the 1975 and 1976 summers around Virginia Beach, Virginia was a little whimsical stanza of prose.

Fear knocked at the door.
Faith answered.
No one was there.

Would you like me to send you a digital copy of that lovely little post-it note? I will whether you want it or not.

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