THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Jesuit order established – 1540


In Rome, the Society of Jesus–a Roman Catholic missionary organization–receives its charter from Pope Paul III. The Jesuit order played an important role in the Counter-Reformation and eventually succeeded in converting millions around the world to Catholicism.

The Jesuit movement was founded by Ignatius de Loyola, a Spanish soldier turned priest, in August 1534. The first Jesuits–Ignatius and six of his students–took vows of poverty and chastity and made plans to work for the conversion of Muslims. If travel to the Holy Land was not possible, they vowed to offer themselves to the pope for apostolic work. Unable to travel to Jerusalem because of the Turkish wars, they went to Rome instead to meet with the pope and request permission to form a new religious order. In September 1540, Pope Paul III approved Ignatius’ outline of the Society of Jesus, and the Jesuit order was born.

Under Ignatius’ charismatic leadership, the Society of Jesus grew quickly. Jesuit missionaries played a leading role in the Counter-Reformation and won back many of the European faithful who had been lost to Protestantism. In Ignatius’ lifetime, Jesuits were also dispatched to India, Brazil, the Congo region, and Ethiopia. Education was of utmost importance to the Jesuits, and in Rome Ignatius founded the Roman College (later called the Gregorian University) and the Germanicum, a school for German priests. The Jesuits also ran several charitable organizations, such as one for former prostitutes and one for converted Jews. When Ignatius de Loyola died in July 1556, there were more than 1,000 Jesuit priests.

During the next century, the Jesuits set up ministries around the globe. The “Black-Robes,” as they were known in Native America, often preceded other Europeans in their infiltration of foreign lands and societies. The life of a Jesuit was one of immense risk, and thousands of priests were persecuted or killed by foreign authorities hostile to their mission of conversion. However, in some nations, such as India and China, the Jesuits were welcomed as men of wisdom and science.

With the rise of nationalism in the 18th century, most European countries suppressed the Jesuits, and in 1773 Pope Clement XIV dissolved the order under pressure from the Bourbon monarchs. However, in 1814, Pope Pius VII gave in to popular demand and reestablished the Jesuits as an order, and they continue their missionary work to this day. Ignatius de Loyola was canonized a Catholic saint in 1622.

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grace country pastor
grace country pastor
September 27, 2018 3:24 pm

“The Jesuit order played an important role in the Counter-Reformation and eventually succeeded in converting millions around the world to Catholicism.”

People on this site regularly confuse Catholicism with Christianity. The two are diametrically opposed. The first is a human centered works based religion like Islam (what does man need to do to please God or assuage His anger); the latter, Christ centered faith and trust in the work already accomplished by God on behalf of humans (died for our sin, raised for our justification). The first focuses on mans perceived righteousness from which stems most of the worlds problems (because of what I do “for God” I’m better than that guy, he needs to convert or die…); the later, Gods inherent righteousness imputed freely to the account of unrighteous man (the realization we’re all in this mess of a world together and the mess is our fault, not Gods).

  grace country pastor
September 27, 2018 4:31 pm

But people confuse American evangelical Zionism with Christianity when it is no such thing. That monstrosity is the cause of most of todays wars. Protestantism is based on the exploitation of the working class , funded by bankers so they could privatise and squeeze more wealth out of society just like Wall Street today.

September 27, 2018 5:44 pm

Justification by faith alone

Through grace alone

In Christ Alone , the only true way to God.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
September 27, 2018 7:13 pm

You are right, evangelical Zionism is extremely problematic. There are millions of Christian people who believe that the Jews are still Gods chosen people; or, that Christians have been somehow “grafted” with them into their position of favor. One of the best kept secrets on earth today is the fact that the Jews are currently no longer Gods chosen. Israel is fallen and what is seen today occupying the land is in fact counterfeit (anti-christ) Israel. Entire religions (civilizations) have been constructed around the Zionist lie which is directly refuted in the book of Acts as recorded in the King James Bible. Is it a wonder the book is so profoundly misunderstood, if not outright hated? It is the destroyer of religion… and men love their religion. It gives them “authority” and excuses.

I can’t agree with your thought that Protestantism in general is based on the exploitation of the working class. I don’t give the movement that much credit. As far as it was a step away from Catholicism it was headed in the right direction, but was usurped by those who would follow Peter as their pattern and not Paul alone; confusing and distorting the extremely important messages (gospels) of both men.

A Christians marching orders come from God through Paul. Paul is nowhere in early Acts yet most “Christian” and Catholic churches teach the chapters as doctrine for today. They could not be more wrong. An honest reading demonstrates this clearly.

Gal 5:1… “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”

Marx took the Communist Manifesto directly from Acts 4 where its roots first took hold. The difference between then and now is that back then the (Jewish) “commune” was Divinely inspired, and for a very good reason. They were to be that “shining city on a hill” to the rest of the world. Globalism (one world orderism – satanism; not Protestantism alone) is the destruction of the individual (the working class individual) in favor of the “collective”. It is subtle and pernicious. Whether people realize it or not, what is wrong with the world at its core, is a perversion by human effort of what God will someday do by Divine measure. The worlds religions are Luciferian at the pyramids top. They seek total control. One will emerge. My money is on Rome. The Bible is at the center of our reality, like it or not. It is human history past, present and future.



Justification by faith alone

Through grace alone

In Christ Alone , the only true way to God.

Plus nothing. The plain truth as found only in Paul’s epistles. Amen, BB…

September 27, 2018 5:51 pm

The Jesuits are the leftist army of the Vatican who are true SJW and practice liberation theology. Our government is full of them .

September 27, 2018 10:43 pm

Ignatius Loyola was a Sephardic Jew, a “converted” Catholic serving Jewish interests. See the book “The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews” by Dr. Robert A. Maryks (2010, pdf):

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
September 28, 2018 9:30 am

Saved to my desktop John, thank you. Makes perfect sense as Peter, the first “catholic pope” was a Jew through and through, not a Christian saved as BB rightly contends. Catholics do not study the Bible for themselves but listen to what “priests” tell them it says. Study would guide them toward the very uncomfortable truth that they are in reality counterfeit Jews. As uncomfortable as that truth would be for them, the same sets a man completely free.

It appears that men prefer the chains which bind them body and soul to the rigorous work it takes to break free. No wonder the shit’s gonna hit the fan.

2 Tim 3:13… “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
September 27, 2018 11:23 pm

And that increased the downfall of the Catholic Church.