The Game Of Chicken

Guest Post by The Zman

A corollary to Hanlon’s Razor is”never attribute to behind the scenes scheming what can more adequately be explained by chance.” It’s always tempting to think there is some great design or designer behind events, but most of the time chance is the real hand pulling the strings. Humans in general simply lack the ability to see more than a few moves ahead and usually just react to what is in front of them.  We’re seeing this in real time as the Senate prepares to vote on the Brett Kavanaugh nomination this week.

The game began when Mitch McConnell decided to schedule the hearings and vote on the nominee before the election. He calculated that it was good politics for the Republicans and tricky politics for the Democrats. They have half a dozen Senate seats up this time in very Trump states. Now, McConnell correctly figured that the Democrats would have to go nuclear on the nomination, so he and the GOP brain-trust convinced Trump to go with the cleanest guy on the list. Kavanaugh had been vetted many times, so he was safe.

That was the first mistake by McConnell. Despite being in Washington for a lifetime, he somehow failed to notice that the Left never abides by its own rules. When their rules work against them, they either ignore them or make up new rules, swearing that the new rules are ancient traditions handed down by Moses. That’s what they did here by hiring the Jewish lesbian to troll for middle aged women willing to swear Kavanaugh assaulted them in the time before anyone could verify. They were going to #metoo him into withdrawing.

Given the climate in the world in which the beautiful people live, this seemed like a clever ploy to Feinstein and Schumer. After all, they could count on the cucks in the GOP to run screaming into the darkness at the first sign there was heresy afoot. In other words, they never thought they would have to actually produce witnesses. That’s why Feinstein leaked the anonymous letter she was holding since the summer. She figured all she needed was a good whisper campaign run by the fake reporters in the media.

Despite spending so much time with Kavanaugh, they appear to have misjudged how he would handle being smeared. It also reveals how petrified white men in the Democrat coalition feel right now. They just assumed Kavanaugh was as scared about this stuff as they are right now. Either way, the judge turns out to be a Boy Scout, who thinks he has a duty to defend his honor in public against these smears. His speech last week resonated with white people, who are the only demographic that still believes in fair play.

Another miscalculation by the tribal leaders of the coalition is they assumed Trump would light up Twitter about these attacks. That would allow them to shift the focus from their attacks on an innocent white man and instead make this into a fight against the pussy-grabbing womanizer in the White House. Instead, Trump was strangely quiet, saying it was up to the Senate to decide. Trump’s instinct was that this was working to his favor so he could just stand aside and let the Democrats dig their own grave on national television.

An interesting bit from the Hill story on the Democrats is this:

The lawmaker said Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) is urging undecided centrist Democrats to wait until three undecided Republicans — Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Jeff Flake (Ariz.) — make their positions known.

“He’s telling them, ‘Keep your powder dry.’ That means you don’t have to decide this — wait and see how it plays out. There’s some speculation that Kavanaugh may not last,” the lawmaker said. “They always vow to stay right until they don’t.”

A second Democratic senator said there’s widespread disbelief in the caucus that Kavanaugh is holding on.

“I just had a conversation with a colleague who said they couldn’t believe he hasn’t dropped out yet,” the second lawmaker said Monday evening. “There was a time he could have done it gracefully and could have protected the Supreme Court.”

In other words, all along the tribal elders were telling the members of the coalition that they would never have to actually vote on Kavanaugh. Just as we saw with vulnerable Democrats being forced to vote for ObamaCare in 2010, the tribal leaders of the coalition have no qualms about lying to their members or putting them at risk.It is what allows them to be so brazen, but it also means being reckless. The Democrats may have blown up their chances to win the House and could lose some Senate seats, as well.

The game is not over yet. McConnell really was out foxed on the smear campaign, which is a reminder that he is no Machiavelli either. The hysterical reaction of Lindsey Graham to the discovery that his “colleagues on the Left” were willing to lie to him, should be a useful reminder that the average GOP politician is quite stupid. The fact that Feinstein has not been reported to the ethics committee is another reminder that the GOP will play fair even when they know the other side plays dirty. We’re not dealing with geniuses here.

Thus we find ourselves in a strange game of chicken. The Democrats are praying the FBI pulls their bacon out of the fire by finding anything they can use to force Kavanaugh to retire. Otherwise, they will have to vote. On the other hand, McConnell has to wonder if his three super-cucks will fink on him at the last minute, thus blowing up the GOP’s chances in the November election.Those vulnerable Democrats have to be wondering if it makes sense to be in a party that is so willing to throw them to the wolves, just for the sport of it.

Of course, what this sorry episode reveals is that the people who have been building the coalition of non-whites is not as clever as they assume. They are dishonest and devious, for sure, but they can’t see around corners. What they always rely upon is their ability to turn the virtues of white people into vices, that they then use to sow division in the white population. A point that can’t be made enough is that if whites thought like Jews or blacks, there would be none of this. After all, 60% is still a majority in a democracy.

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Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
October 2, 2018 8:04 pm

Polititions and whale shit. Is there a differance?

  Jack Lovett
October 3, 2018 11:50 am

politicians are lower

October 2, 2018 8:16 pm

It seems that too many Republicans are “milquetoasts”, afraid of showing “the courage of their convictions” (if any) and are just plain lazy.
You see, whether their party is in power or is the minority, “the pay and perks” of the office are the same. Why get into real “rough and tumble politics” when you can “kick back” and still enjoy the perks of office?
Even when the Republicans held both legislative bodies, they “laid back” and let the democRATS run all over them.
Lindsey Graham finally showed some balls and pushed back against the democRATS.
I hope that the days of the milquetoast Republicans are over…

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 2, 2018 8:56 pm

Old Sam Francis famously said there are two parties in Washington, the evil party and the stupid party. Trump just may be changing it to the not born yesterday party and the evil party. I hope so.

October 2, 2018 8:54 pm

It looks like Sessions will go down as the biggest Rat in history. How big is his seat in Alabama now that he didn’t investigate what he knew was election interference.

Republicans need 50 Senate seats to confirm the new Attorney General. It’s the only thing that can save us now.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 2, 2018 10:15 pm

Z-man is just fanning the flames of race war-mongerism. When the Repukes became a refuge for crackers of every persuasion and range of IQ and Democucks became the house of pervs, well, things pretty much became a house divided. Z-man is addressing the low IQ morans who react to race politics. He’s only bringing the argument down to his level.

This was meant to be a battle ground, a show of strength, like two young parents fighting over the kid, insensible that the poor kid is getting his arms torn from his body. Z-man would be the idiot bystander telling his friend, don’t let her win, pull harder.

  EL Coyote
October 3, 2018 12:31 pm

demographics is destiny. the coming strife will have a racial component whether you want it to or not, norteno.

October 3, 2018 12:37 pm

Worse still is my suspicion that the tortilla has flipped. A country that can elect Obama is a country no longer in the hands of one demographic. I’m a boomer, these things are slipping from my hippocampus onto a hotplate of something I would not call desire.

October 2, 2018 10:46 pm

A possible motive emerges:

It looks like Christine Blasey Ford has significant ties to a pharmaceutical company that solely manufactures pills to induce abortion.

If Kavanaugh got on the SCOTUS, it’s highly likely that he would take steps that would jeopardize her business.

Is it starting to make sense why she is willing to lie to stop his nomination?
— PNN ( )

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Her ex-BF had some interesting things to say about her, as well:

October 3, 2018 1:25 am

Would it be too much to hope to see Feinslime tarred and feathered herself?

Free Speech Forum
Free Speech Forum
October 3, 2018 4:34 am

Supporting a Constitution-hating Supreme Court judge because you hate libtards is like supporting NSA wiretapping and TSA groping because you fear Muslims.

  Free Speech Forum
October 3, 2018 8:01 am

Arent you at all concerned with the manner of constitution destroying judge the democrats will place on the court if kavanaugh doesnt get confirmed? Look what the district 9 judges have done. You want more of that on the supreme court?

Actually makes me wonder a bit. Slight of hand? Look at this fake rape and not at this real anti ammendments action.
Why are the dems so enamoured with abortion anyway? It kills alot of potential democrats. Less republicans have abortions due to religious beliefs, right? Or is it more important to the dems to have foreigners and not legacy americans?

Rocky Raccoon
Rocky Raccoon
October 3, 2018 9:11 am

Black babies are aborted at a 4X higher rate than white babies. So why do the Demoncraps support abortion? They are racist in the worst way.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 3, 2018 12:52 pm

The easiest way to understand it is just recall whenever you are confused as to what possible motive they have: THE EVIL PARTY. Their boss is the dude in the red suit with the pitchfork.