Tuesday’s Presidential Alert Text Is Everything You Need To Know About The US Government

Via TheAntiMedia.com,

The internet erupted in a flurry of posts about President Trump’s message to millions of people Tuesday afternoon. The text, which was announced prior to its transmission, served as a test to a new national alert system enacted by FEMA for the purposes of alerting citizens about natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and other emergencies.


People were quick to express their desire to opt out (you can’t) and their general disgust at receiving direct texts from the president. Others condescendingly claimed the alerts will be for our own good – because apparently no one ever got word of national emergencies until the day Donald Trump and FEMA decided they were going sound the alarm.

While the national alert has people issuing a glut of social media posts focused on Trump, the single message actually tells you everything you need to know about the government.

1. No one ever asked if you wanted it: Because of a law passed in 2006, the government can assertsthe president’s right to text you even if you turn off other government notifications. Similarly, the increasingly omnipotent government at large never asks if you’d like to participate. Despite popular rhetoric about the “social contract,” at no point in a person’s life does the government send a consent form to the people it taxes and rules over asking if they would, in fact, like to engage in the system. Though politicians and their supporters can claim “we are the government” all they want, we were never given a chance to actually voluntarily agree.

2. You don’t have a choice over these impositions on your property: Even though we own our phones and our data plans, there is no way to opt out of the presidential alert. Just as owning your own home does not preclude the government from taxing it and confiscating it if you refuse to pay, the government can also apparently invade your private phone. The same mechanism applies to taxation in general: the government asserts its right to impose itself on your property (money). This is the basis of how it sustains itself and all of its operations, including sending you annoying texts with screeching alarms.

3. You can’t opt out: You might be able to opt out of annoying cold calls from private companies, but when it comes to government, you have no choice. You were never asked if you want to participate, you can’t prevent the state from infringing on your private property, and you also can’t peacefully excuse yourself. If you, for example, decided you didn’t want your tax dollars to fund imperial wars that kill innocent people, well, too bad. If you don’t want to fund mass surveillance, tough luck. And if you refuse to pay, you will be thrown in a cage. If you don’t want to go through the TSA’s body scanners, you can technically “opt out,” but only insofar as you’re willing to have your private parts groped by a government agent. This is what defines government: its ability to force you to submit without requiring your permission and without giving you an alternative. You can’t even “leave if you don’t like it” without paying a compulsory, exorbitant fee.

4. It’s for your safety!: Many are convinced the alerts are necessary in order to protect us. But just as FEMA is certain these texts will help in emergency situations, the government at large insists it is there to protect you. The previously mentioned wars, mass surveillance, and state-sanctioned sexual assault are all in place to preserve public safety, just like President Trump’s text.

The memes mocking Trump’s new alert system are already flooding the internet, and most people have already formed an opinion on it.




If only they would opt out of the mentality that their participation in this entire system is voluntary.


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Mike Meredith
Mike Meredith
October 4, 2018 1:15 pm

If they can push messages to your phone without your permission, they can read messages from your phone without your permission.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernerbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernerbygraceofgod
October 4, 2018 1:18 pm


No Eric Peters article?

October 4, 2018 7:55 pm

Or will it be Trump the next time,if it actually is a matter of life and death.

Miles Long
Miles Long
October 4, 2018 3:02 pm

I feel left out. Nobody sent me anything on Tuesday. Maybe I need to get one o’ them cellphone gadgets so that anyone can call me at anytime & 1/2 the known world knows where I am & what I’m doing. Nah. Life is pretty good without it. I wonder if there’s any truth to that microwaves in the ear/brain cancer correlation.

October 4, 2018 3:45 pm

Isn’t all of this ‘regulated’ by the FCC?
Why is this ‘a thing’? I’m more pissed about telemarketers and those fucking annoying auto-voice calls. How is this any different than the testing of emergency alerts on your television? How ’bout the loud ass horn in each community that blares like fuck and goes round and round three times until your ready to throw a stapler.

Fuck, if it were a real emergency – people would want a way to be ‘contacted’. No I don’t want to be listened to and eavesdropped on and the rest. But this? This is what some are getting their shorts all bunched up about? puh-leeeese. Next topic.

October 4, 2018 4:07 pm

hehehehe…..well, since you asked.
Admin, you such a good writer – I can’t wait for your articles on what’s coming in the next few months – good and bad, but mostly good. I for one believe the Fourth Turning element is still there, and will not be denied. But, that storm is going to hit the deep state and her minions hard and fast. Read neonrevolt and skip the Q posts – I do. Then, watch these events with a perspective the normies don’t – can’t – have. Unlike many, I have no illusions that Team Trump can’t negate the storm but seriously, Trump or the cunt? No offense, but if more followed your voting abstinence view – that fucking bitch and her entire deep state would have you in a gladiator camp by now and your old ass would be busier than a test bench at a plunger factory.

October 4, 2018 3:50 pm

I beg to differ. You can opt out if you go into the settings and block messaging then Alerts are turned off.

October 4, 2018 4:19 pm

No, that fucker is on. Short of taking out the battery, it’s on – period.
In fact, my Dad had an old – and I mean old, cell phone. He’s tech retarded, his remote control is still viewed as cutting edge ‘height of mankinds achievement’ level of tech retardedness. He punched 9-1-1 and they came a rollin’. So, dunno – but that fucker’s on like the eye of sauron.

MN Steel
MN Steel
October 4, 2018 5:13 pm

Gee, I wonder if the real-time ping was able to track every single phone’s GPS, collate all the meta-data to each individual, and create the largest threat-map of all time?

If not, I’m very disappointed in all the debt created to purchase all the data centers, fusion centers, backdoors, supercomputers, and the best algos the ADL/SPLC could provide to turn this into the largest paranoid open-air prison in the world.

BTW, when TSHTF, leave your portable tracking device somewhere you are not. Don’t worry, the signal will only come back because they want you to use them, if the 5G towers haven’t fried you first.

October 4, 2018 6:54 pm

Some are starting to think that the Presidential Alert Test was really designed to identify which phones have “bad” chips in them or to identify compromised cell towers/transmitters. Time will tell I guess.


My twelve year old flip phone never received the alert. Keeping it was probably a good choice. Interestingly, despite everyone I work with having smart phones, only about half of them received the alert.

Free Speech Forum
Free Speech Forum
October 5, 2018 1:01 am

Everything the ruling class supports is bad for you.

The elites want you to fear everything so that Americans will support the police state.

The elites want Americans hooked on anti-depressants so that their thinking and feelings will be dulled, they will become obese, and their vision will fail.

The 1% want Americans to be afraid of countries so that they will support endless wars.

The ruling class wants Americans to embrace debt so that they will be enslaved.

The elites want Americans to be weak and dependent on welfare.

The 1% wants Americans to be immoral so that will be easier to control and blackmail.

The ruling powers promote bread and circuses so Americans will be distracted.

The elites want Americans to be divided against libtards, cops, blacks, feminists, illegal immigrants, refugees, and homosexuals.

The 1% want Americans to be afraid of recessions so that they will support bailouts for the rich.

October 5, 2018 10:52 am

Whatever that BS alert was about, I think we can all agree it wasn’t for our benefit.