Most Of America Is NOT Participating In The Hysterical Rage You See On The News

Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,

If you were to read about the United States of America from someplace else, you’d probably think it was a nation full of people who are gearing up to go to war. Anyone would think the same thing from what they saw in the media. You would see hysterical rage fueling terrible acts. You’d see the intense hatred between people who belong to different political parties. You’d believe this is nationwide.

But it’s not. Sure, there’s some tension if you talk politics, but in most places, it isn’t crazy in a life-threatening kind of way. Mostly, it’s pretty friendly.

But this isn’t the America of the media.

When I went through the news today to search for a writing topic, it was like being hit with a wall of despair. Parts of the country are truly in bad shape. The venomous hatred is like nothing I’ve ever seen in this nation.

There are absolutely pockets of rage – violent enclaves studded with people who are nothing more than domestic terrorists. Full-on fascists who unironically call themselves anti-fascists.

In Portland yesterday, some people in masks (and some who brazenly went without them) took over a major intersection and “directed” traffic, shouting obscenities and racial slurs toward white drivers. An elderly man became fearful and drove through them. They chased him down and began striking his vehicle with batons and rocks. AN OLD MAN. They were within minutes of beating him, according to reports. Meanwhile, the police “monitored” the situation from a distance, allowing the mob free reign. (Read more at Zero Hedge.) Near Portland, arsonists actually set fire to a truck bearing a couple of pro-Trump stickers.

In Kentucky, Senator Rand Paul’s wife sleeps with a gun. Fear is now a constant companion for her. She wrote an open letter to Senator Corey Booker that was published on CNN, calling him out for urging people to “get up in Congresspeoples’ faces.” Booker isn’t the only member of Congress who is inciting violence, either. Judicial Watch has filed an ethics complaint against Representative Maxine Waters for “inciting violence and assaults on the Trump Cabinet.”

It goes on and on. writer for The Late Show tweeted “I’m just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh’s life.” A special education teacher in Minneapolis tweeted, “So whose [sic] gonna take one for the team and kill Kavanaugh?” An executive from Google tweeted, “You are finished, @GOP. You polished the final nail for your own coffins. F–K. YOU. ALL. TO. HELL.” And these are just this week. Wow, and we thought Trump’s tweets were a bit over the top.

Lest it seem one-sided, there’s a whole language that angry conservatives use to insult liberals on Twitter. Twitter is a verbal war zone and there aren’t a lot of people taking the high road there.

Over the past year, we’ve seen violence at a Unite the Right rallies, notably the one in Charlottesville, Virginia that left a woman dead when a car drove into a crowd.

It’s impossible to find truly unbiased links for all of these and that leads me to my point.

It isn’t like this in everyday America. The media is painting an ugly picture and putting that picture everywhere so it seems like this is our reality.

It’s not.

Rage is not the reality for most of us.

Here’s the America I’ve seen.

A couple of days ago, my neighbors were grilling and we chit-chatted over the fence. They shared some delicious southern barbecue with us, and I passed on some of the last, delicious late tomatoes to them. They had a Hillary Clinton sign in their yard when we moved in, but they still caught our dog Bella and brought her home when she escaped over the fence for a little walkabout.

We helped the neighbors on the other side of our house when the husband had a heart attack last year. We couldn’t do much, but we went over while they were waiting for the ambulance and took care of their pets during the hospital stay. Later, the wife brought us a cake.  I have no idea for whom they voted and I don’t care. It was a delicious cake.

My landlady has bumper stickers all over her car with which I disagree. Some of them make me cringe internally, but I don’t feel obligated to point out her errors in critical thinking. I gave her a nice plant to thank her for letting us move in and she gave us a couple of pumpkins for the front porch. She brings dog biscuits for our pets every time she swings by to do a repair or collect the rent.

When I was in California, I was a part of the warmest network of homesteaders you can imagine. When there were wildfires, they opened up their fields and barns to others fleeing the flames with their livestock. We got together monthly to learn new skills and all “paid” the teacher with a homemade or homegrown goodie. When one homesteader broke her leg, we all took turns looking after her livestock until she recovered.

This is the America that I see. Neighbors being kind to neighbors. Communities that care about one another. People who don’t want to participate in the hysterical rage that we’re seeing all over the media.

I see an America that pulls together.

In times of trouble, our communities are there for one another. We do this without government intervention and media urging.

There’s the Cajun Navy, which formed after a bunch of guys who fish and hunt banded together and then went and rescued people who needed rescuing. There are the people in Hawaii who saw that the government wasn’t doing anything to help people displaced by a volcano, so they stepped in and built a tiny house community for their homeless neighbors.

There was the guy in Puerto Rico who bought a utility truck with his neighbors and restored power to their neighborhood himself. After Hurricane Harvey in Texas, there were stories of community that would melt even the coldest heart. And remember how practically the whole internet stepped in to support the woman who got in trouble for rescuing abandoned dogs and cats after Hurricane Florence?

We can and do pull together during hard times. And when those hard times happen, it doesn’t matter who somebody voted for or what they said on Twitter. That rage doesn’t matter anymore.

A few ways to have a less outraged day

First of all, I refuse to connect with any of my neighbors on social media. I won’t look up old friends there either. I just don’t need to know their deeply held political convictions that may or may not be ridiculous enough that I’d feel differently about them.

I know how kindly they treat stray cats. I know they share the extra apples from their tree with the rest of us. I know how cute the kitchen is of the woman with the apple tree because I spent a pleasant afternoon in there teaching her how to can applesauce. These are the things that matter.

I only use social media for business purposes, to help people who want to be better prepared, and to tell funny stories or share pictures of my cat, if I’m being honest. I can’t be bothered to get into arguments on there. When in history has anyone ever totally reversed their deeply held opinion on anything because someone on Facebook ALL-CAPPED the “truth” at them?

I don’t talk about politics and religion. Remember the days when this was the norm? When it was considered discourteous, particularly at the dinner table or at family functions? It was absolutely not done at the workplace either. Maybe instead of avoiding the topics, we should have learned to have these discussions civilly, but that ship has sailed. It’s now truly impossible for most people.

Over in my Facebook group, these topics are completely off-limits too. People get a warning when they post something political, and then if they continue to do so, they’re out of the group. That’s because we’re a community. We learn from each other and we celebrate our similarities. The hot-button issues don’t add to our conversations. Instead, they make people angry. Insults start to fly. People leave – good people. We don’t need that stuff. We need the exchange of information.

I believe these topics that will cause nothing but strife and alienation should be pushed back into places where they’re appropriate instead of front and center of all media publications, all social events, all online forums. Is the fact that I’m neither a Republican nor a Democrat really pertinent to my ability to teach you how to prepare for a power outage? Do my stepfather’s deeply held beliefs – ones with which I strongly disagree – actually change the fact that he is a wonderful, generous soul? Of course not. I focus on his kindness, not his cringe-worthy opinions. I know that arguing with him would be pointless – he’s not going to change his mind. And I like having a pleasant relationship with him.

These opinions we’re all so currently worked about?

They’re mere asides, personal tastes, like preferring whiskey instead of vodka over the ice in your highball glass.

These political arguments?

They don’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

If the SHTF tomorrow, you’d no longer care who the people surrounding you voted for in some rigged election. (I’m not talking about Russians. I’m talking about the fact that our entire system is corrupted.)

You would care about whether you could trust them to have your back. You’d care about whether they were willing to trade their eggs for your tomatoes. You’d care about how you could work together to keep your families safer.

Stop letting social media draw you into fights that are not your fights. It isn’t your responsibility to tell someone they’re wrong.

Stop letting the media make you feel like you’re under siege. While there are definitely some pockets of political violence here in the US, these pockets do not represent the majority of us.

Stop taking part in the rage

Sure, you can personally dislike things done by the President or by some member of Congress on the “other side of the aisle.” But stop thinking each one is a personal attack. These are just politicians politicking.

And they’re really be politicking in the next little while. They want to stir us all up into a frenzy as they try to motivate people to get out there and vote to put their corrupt heinies back in their comfortable seats on Capitol Hill. “It’s the most important election of our lifetime,” they’ll say.

Yeah. Just like the last election and the election before that.

Just like this recent clusterf*ck of a SCOTUS confirmation and the SCOTUS nomination before that.

They  – the politicians, the media, the rich people pulling the strings, and industries like Big Tech and Big Pharm – want us at each other’s throats. It supports them. It confirms the veracity of their whims. It puts money in their pockets and power in their hands. Divided we fall and these are the people who want that to happen.

Every single one of us is being manipulated. We’re being turned against one another. We are being ripped apart for the benefit of those who love power.

It doesn’t have to be like this.

We are better than this.

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robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 10, 2018 9:13 am

Saving my rage for 6Nov and for when it’s time to take the Trash out.

October 10, 2018 9:31 am

Take a hike with your “plague on both sides” nonsense, Daisy…No conservatives are doing any of the things that Antifa is doing.

October 10, 2018 11:08 am

TPTB encourage & benefit from “conservative vs liberal” conflict. We are being worked.

October 10, 2018 9:40 am

This article is full of wishful thinking. You think the unhinged progressive-socialist-communists are going to live and let live? Not going to happen. They will continue until they’ve taken over everything and then what? Then you’ll find yourself in a country just like Venezuela that’s what… Chip

October 10, 2018 11:31 am

Thank you, Joan Kaiscik. That’s not who we are!

October 10, 2018 9:52 am

had 2nd thoughts

October 10, 2018 10:24 am

This guy is way off. Most of us here have had to suffer in silence while all this stuff dating back years has been going on
around us.

Where has this idiot been. In a closet?

The rage on the left is very real. Even the stupid whiteys buy the line that Kavaugh was a special privilege white boy. This is what concerns me most. Stupid whitey.

October 10, 2018 11:36 am

People with skin in the game keep their mouth shut and don’t have bumper stickers on their car. Unfortunately, this has imbued those wacky with their demented confirmation bias. And as a result , their flock of sheep is much larger then the author imagines.

October 10, 2018 11:14 am

This article proves one of the dangers of reading the thoughts of a good writer …. and the author of this piece IS a good writer ….. and that is this; a good writer can take ANY side of an argument, and make it sound reasonable!

IOW, this author could have jest as easily made a case — > “Much Of America IS Participating In The Rage You See On TV”!

That’s why you, the reader, must use all your faculties to discern the truth of the matter, especially if the writer is very good at his/her/xer craft.

Me? I think the author is a bit of a Pollyanna … if not full of shit. That’s because SHEER NUMBERS don’t really matter at this point.

—- In 1789, the population of America was almost 3,000,000. How many American fought? Estimates range from as low as 3%, to as high as 20%. Regardless, it was a minority … and look at what they accomplished.

—- It really is true — I can’t believe I’m saying this — that the overwhelmingly vast majority of mooslims are NOT terrorists. But, just look at the damage the 1% (or less) have done.

—- Hillary Cuntham all but issued a declaration of war against Repubs yesterday when she said that civility can only return to America if DEMonS retake the House this November.

I could literally list dozens upon dozens of examples where a tiny minority changed the course of human history. Therefore, this author’s Pollyannish belief in safety in numbers is woefully misplaced.

October 10, 2018 11:23 am

Stucky – You fail to mention that most of that 3% were mercenaries. They got paid to show up and kill people and/or be killed. That would most likely be true today if anyone was telling the truth. It is absolutely true in eastern Europe today if anyone was telling the truth.

October 10, 2018 10:26 pm

DynCorp anyone? XE?

October 10, 2018 10:36 pm

Plato -That is why we have Betsy Devos in the cabinet. Stucky would be correct if we count people watching orchestrated BS rage on tv as participation.

October 10, 2018 10:50 pm

And Steve Feinberg who has acted as Trump’s personal economic advisor

October 10, 2018 11:06 pm

Plato- That is the rub, how many here have a clue that Cerberus is the parent company of DynCorp? Feinberg is head of the Intelligence Advisory Board for DT, not to mention yet another billionaire. And they (Trumpeteers) think the deep state is a separate entity.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
October 10, 2018 2:02 pm

A successful insurgency only requires 15-20% support.
As far as numbers are concerned, when ISIS would show up somewhere with 12 guys in four pickup trucks mounting 12.7’s or 23mm auto cannon and proceed to shoot an entire village or town of several thousand to a pile of rubble in fifteen minutes any concept of strength in numbers of good hearted peaceniks goes right out the window.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
October 10, 2018 3:34 pm

Daisy Luther sounds like a nice lady. And a totally clueless dingbat. Of course the “rage” is only seen in certain spots. Most people have everyday lives to lead and can´t going around punching their neighbors or co-workers in the nose. My father was in World War II in Italy. Parts of the front were more or less quiet for weeks at a time, but a sniper or occasional enemy fighter plane could blast you to hell in an instant. This silly old woman thinks that because she see lots of “nice” people around her and she is eating delicious Southern bar-b-que that all is well.
Can´t we all just get along? No, we can´t. The left has to be stopped from implementing their demented plans. As in all conflicts, the actual fighting and violence may be confined to certain areas at certain times. In World War I French farmers were working their fields during the entire war just hundreds of yards from the front. British officers were living it up in Paris and could take a boat back to Blighty for the weekend. In the meantime, the world was being torn apart. Miss Daisy thinks all is hunky dory because, being an obvious nitwit, nobody cares to upset her by mentioning unpleasant things around her. I am offended by her attempt to pretend that “both sides are to blame” for the mess the country is in. No, it isn´t like that. The left is embarked on a war of aggression against the historic American nation. The first shots and other acts of violence have already taken place. We are in a pre-civil war stage, sort of like Kansas in the late 1850´s. Yes, most of the country was filled by “nice” people eating bar-b-que and being “nice” to their neighbors. A year or so later they were ripping each others guts out at Bull Run and Antiedam. So shut up, granny. We have a country to save.

  Southern Sage
October 10, 2018 4:21 pm

Her site is full of snowflake preppers with the same Pollyanna views that she holds near and dear. I can not for the life of me picture SELCO being so popular there. The people are currently having the vapors over SELCO chastising people who throw the baby out with the bath water just because a prepper article may have one of two four letter words included. He calls it Mr. Anderson syndrome. Daisy (not old by the way) even admits to being “the negotiator” type with the “can’t we just all get along” mentality. Worth the jaunt over there to read SELCO’s article and replies. If things get bad they will be the first to go. The cognitive dissonance is 365\24\7 over there.

October 10, 2018 7:38 pm

Even though it doesn’t have to be like this, we are being left with little choice when dealing with the True Believers.
We are not better than this. We are only as good as we are allowed to be.
Train, prepare, and live your life… in condition yellow.

October 10, 2018 8:12 pm

Thank you. Most of america is not hateful.

October 10, 2018 8:28 pm

Oh, really? Fuck you, ya douchebag libtard. Go sing Kumbayah on a street corner while yanking your pud, ya Pollyanna dickweed!!


Not Sure
Not Sure
October 10, 2018 10:19 pm

Wonderful, I get to disagree with most of the posters here by agreeing with Daisy! She is right, most of America is not chomping at the bit to kick ass, kill the commie or smash Antifa into little tiny pieces. You want proof? The Soros sponsored leftists have been trying to provoke a shitstorm of violence for months now and what has been the result? Many,many false starts. For one, most patriots are smart enough not to get pulled into a set up of a confrontation as many learned what not to do in Charlottesville. For another, the pro Kavanagh supporters chose to pray and not become the hysterical mob that the “I believe” leftists became during the confirmation hearing.
Will this always be the case? No, I don’t think so. An article came out I recommended a few weeks ago that coins the phrase “cold anger” that I thought was spot on. The leftists, who are being egged on by the likes of Hillary, Holder, Booker and many others will continue to fan the flame until somewhere the fire will begin and it will quickly spread like, well, wildfire; because this is all they have left. They have lost the executive, now the judicial and after November, the legislative branches of government. All they have left is to overthrow the current government. It’s pretty simple when you think about it. They are desperate and unless they start a war, they are useless relics of a bygone era. They have double downed themselves out of existence.
So yes, we are a peace loving, live and let live kind of people today, but the liberals will not allow us to keep our peace, for if we do, they will cease to exist and the Soros machine cannot accept such a loss of all he has invested in the democrat dictatorship he envisioned.
So, enjoy the peace you have today, but prepare as Daisy recommends for the future, for the peace today will not be around much longer.

October 10, 2018 10:23 pm

From Daisy Luther’s writing I get the impression she is further along the Awakening process than most others who might benefit the most from her wisdom.

We should be outraged for the right reasons and at the right groups…

Part of the earlier aspects of the Awakening process is , anger followed usually by denial…followed by more anger