Our Struggle

Guest Post by The Zman

The great political realignment we are experiencing is due in large part to demographics, but there are other factors at work. The age in which most of us grew up in was formed by the two great industrial wars and the long Cold War between Bolshevism and liberal democracy. The Cold War is over, the demographic age is upon us and we are well into the post-industrial age of society. As a result, the political arrangements of the old age are slowly giving way to a new politics that will reflect the divisions of this age.

There are at least three camps now, maybe more. One is the new Progressive camp that believes the brown tide will wipe away the white culture and replace it with something that has yet to be explained. The opposition to that is where the demographic and race realists are congregating. Like the former, it is not all that well defined ideologically. Then there is the large group of people, mostly white, who remained trapped in the mental framework of the past era. These are the normies our side endeavors to convert.

People on our side of the great divide talk a lot about this last group, but we don’t spend a lot of time getting to know them. The clever boys of social media invest a lot of effort into coming up with clever memes to either scandalize the normies or red pill them. Sometimes they do both with unpredictable results. The NPC meme, for example. More important, I don’t think our side spends enough time contemplating just how difficult it is for these people to even make it to the water’s edge, much less commit to crossing over to our side.

That came to mind when reading some of the responses to my Letter to the CivNats post a couple of weeks ago. More than a few commenters here fell back on the old lines you hear from people like Ben Shapiro. Others fretted that the gap between Left and Right has become dangerously wide. This post from Robert Stacy McCain was what got me thinking about the normies. His post is actually a post about a post, where he sort of summarizes me and then turns back to the old civic nationalism. In the build up he writes:

“I assume my readers to be intelligent, sane and mature, capable of evaluating facts for themselves, and unlikely to suddenly go join the Klan because of some article they read on the Internet.  Joining the tiki-torch brownshirt parade is a bad idea, and I should hope my readers don’t need to be cautioned against this.”

What struck me about it, is I read heretical bad thinkers like me every day and I never think of them as evil. I don’t think of myself as a dangerous heretic, even though I’m well aware of my heresy. As far as I know, no one reading me has joined the KKK, donned a brown shirt or taken up with Old Scratch. Yet, people who still find Gavin McInness edgy do think people on our side are dangerous. They do worry that even limited exposure will cause them to burst into flames. They really do worry that we deal in the black arts.

A point that cannot be made enough is just how scary it is for most normal white people to contemplate their future, even when they accept our demographic reality. Later in his post, McCain writes, “The prospect of a “permanent majority” alliance on the Left that disturbs ZMan is, indeed, a cause for concern. But despair is not a strategy. If we wish to summon to our banner all men of goodwill, we must be able to persuade them that we have hope of a better future. How about this: Discredit the institutions of the decadent elite.”

This is where most normal white people have been trained to veer from the road to reality into the lotus fields of multicultural delusion. Reading that line, I expected Ben Shapiro to pop up on my screen, lecturing me about how a nation is defined by its ideology, rather than the complexion of the people in it. It is that mental block that so many white people have which prevents them from taking the next step in their chain of logic. If the Left is going to be an explicitly anti-white coalition, then our side needs to be….libertarians!

Now, in fairness to Robert Stacy McCain, I don’t know much about him. He could be /ourguy/, but working as a missionary in the land of the normie. He could be a super normie guy who is struggling with the changing world around him. He could have been bitten by the werewolf of race realism and is starting to turn. I have some recollection of him being quoted by gentry conservatives, but I could be mistaken. He’s not the topic here, just a jumping off point to illustrate a larger point about white people.

For as long as anyone reading this has been a live, white people have been marinating in a poaching liquid of self-loathing. To root for your own team has been defined as the worst imaginable evil. The result is a mental block that operates like a great barrier in the mind, that always causes normie to return to where he started. More important, beyond that barrier, the place on the map that reads, “Here there be monsters”, is the land where the bad people dwell. To cross the barrier, means never coming home again.

That’s an important thing our side needs to grasp. For most white people, individualism, civic nationalist, anti-racism and so forth are what define their life as a citizen. To abandon those things would be the same as moving to another country. People do walk away from the friends and family to start new lives. Many of the people reading this have ancestors they knew, who left the old familiar to become Americans. For most Americans, though, this is the destination, so leaving it is like abandoning the point of their life.

The reality is, America is going to be a majority- minority country, at least while it remains a country. There is no changing that demographic reality. Robert Stacy McCain is right about “summoning men of goodwill to our banner.” We will need numbers to contend with the rising brown tide that threatens the West. It’s the “goodwill” part that our side must always keep in mind. Converting these normies is about convincing them that rooting for your own team is the moral thing to do, the thing men of goodwill do. That’s our challenge.

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robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
October 16, 2018 1:38 pm

Sorry, Leftist took all my good will and replaced it with ill will towards them. I’m very choosy about my friends and who I help now.

Extracurricular Celibacy (EC)
Extracurricular Celibacy (EC)
  robert h siddell jr
October 16, 2018 1:44 pm

Shaddup, stingepot. You want a medal?

  robert h siddell jr
October 16, 2018 9:14 pm

“Robert Stacy McCain, and Co.”, are the people who have killed Western Civilization. Grovelling for their mortal enemies, who have spent decades pumping fuzzy delusions into their heads. “Robert Stacy McCain’s” of the world, look your selves in the eye, and face the reality, that you have helped kill your own people, and ruin the greatest civilization ever known, know that at your core, you are spineless fools.

As for the U.S.A., sadly, her days are numbered. All manner of cretins are bent on carving up the remains. Anyone to the right of karl marx can be publicly threatened with death, and not only are there no consequences for the threats, the people being threatened get zero help from their own people.

White people are being wiped out, because our people have become stupid cowards.

October 16, 2018 1:44 pm

Reading articles on crux.com, a catholic site, sent by a deacon friend it appears the church has abandoned white America. It has set its focus on Latin America, Central and South America. Africa is their focus too as demographically that is where the human population is expected to grow exponentially. So the church and governments, federal state and local have abandoned the majority population in favor of multiculturalism. Having just watched season three of P. K. Dick’s “The Man In The High Castle” I see the imprinting that the select do on society via this show. The Nazis since their fall in 1945 have become so much larger in print and film than they were in life and have come to embody all the evils of the world. Not so much for their actions but because they were a unified people.

October 16, 2018 4:46 pm

” It has set its focus on Latin America, Central and South America. Africa is their focus too as demographically that is where the human population is expected to grow exponentially. So the church and governments, federal state and local have abandoned the majority population in favor of multiculturalism.”
Reminds me of HollyO’s line about being in a bubble of good will, plentiful resources and peace, and making a wholly erroneous judgement that such conditions WILL CONTINUE AD INFINITUM. When TSHTF, the USA may retain it’s majority-white status for GENERATIONS; if 80% of the non-white population STARVES, DIES IN RIOTS or is FORCED TO LEAVE, the surviving non-whites will keep a low profile and long for food security, water security and personal security, in a world that looks NOTHING like it did this morning. Africa may become a depleted, starving land of locusts again now that Rhodesia, South Africa and various others are not feeding themselves anymore. South America might not change much, unless waves of political unrest make it chaotic again. But expecting this bubble to persist in permanence just means you don’t understand history, depletion of resources and ethnic unrest very well.

October 16, 2018 4:53 pm

“Converting these normies is about convincing them that rooting for your own team is the moral thing to do, the thing men of goodwill do. That’s our challenge.”

he’s correct,but can we hold on long enough to convince most of the competent white men to not only believe it,but to stand up for it?
short of massive,unwarranted violence that causes a rapid change of mindset,i don’t think it’ll happen–

October 16, 2018 6:58 pm

Whites will become like Jews. Say on thing in public and do the opposite. Theyll move out of Blue States into Red Ones. They can give their neighbors excuses such as better weather, better skiing and more fishing opportunities.

October 16, 2018 9:04 pm

America will survive the the United States.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
October 17, 2018 10:18 am

In this country, the antipathy between people of different racial and cultural origins is not a result of differences in skin color, religious beliefs, or social norms. The breakdown of the “nuclear family” into single-parent households is the acid eating away at the entire moral fabric of this country. A nation of broken families has no future, no matter what your skin color, religion, or cultural orientation may be.

We should all envy cultures that embrace strong family ties. The American “Ozzie and Harriet” ideal of family unity is dead in white America. Do white families even eat dinner together these days… even on Sunday?

Cohesive communities start with cohesive families. Half of American babies are born to single parents whose children grow up idolizing the gansta/rap/hate culture of youth without a purpose in life or a reasonable goal for their future. I don’t see much of a future for any white child born today when every child of color is encouraged to blame whitey for their problems instead of their absent parents.

Name ONE politician of mixed race (white/black; white/brown; white/yellow; white/red) that identifies as a white person. There aren’t any.

Being white is a strike-out before you step up to the political plate, because only whites are oppressive racists.

Being black, red, yellow or brown is immunity from the ‘racist” tag, even though African, Asian, Latino and Native tribes have been enslaving and slaughtering each other for 1,000’s of years before whitey showed up.