The Between Age

Guest Post by The Zman

One of the things people come to realize, when they make the journey to this side of the great divide, is that America lacks an authentic Right. In fact, it may have always lacked an authentic Right, as the country was formed by people who explicitly rejected the ideal of inherited rule and a hierarchical society. That’s certainly debatable, but what is not debatable is the fact that modern America lacks an authentic opposition to the prevailing orthodoxy, which is founded in radical egalitarianism and the blank slate.

Since Gettysburg, Progressivism has been ascendant, first controlling the federal state, then slowly and methodically taking total control of the culture and politics. It’s opponent, what Robert Louis Dabney called Northern Conservatism, what we just call conservatism, was never an authentic Right, but “merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition.” Instead of offering an alternative vision of society, the American right offers a series of tweaks and modifications to the Progressive vision.

The result is that the Left comes up with some new radical idea, conservatives throw their dresses over their heads and a make big deal out of opposing it. They rarely offer an alternative, in the case of a real public policy debate. If they do offer an alternative, it is one that accepts the morality that is driving the Left’s interest in the subject. The result is the “opposition” to every radical idea is just a different radical idea, that is rooted in the radical morality of the Left. The obvious example is homosexual marriage.

In this age of media saturation, the phenomenon described by Dabney a century ago can be seen playing out in compressed time on the internet. For example, the Left is in the process of stealing the Florida election, by use of wholesale fraud and rule breaking. The response from the so-called conservatives is ridiculous nonsense like this post at the American Spectator. To quote Dabney again, “The resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism.”

The tone and content of the piece is so stunningly obtuse that it seems contrived, until you step back and think about how this has been the pattern for as long as anyone reading this has been alive. It is why the alt-right coined the term “cuck” and why it stung so-called conservatives. It perfectly describes the so-called opposition. Their first instinct is to come up with some way to explain away the latest Progressive outrage. Their obsequiousness to so repugnant, it suggests a total lack of the very essence of what defines a man.

Of course, there is the philosophical issue. An actual opposition would note that democracy has to result in the sort of circus we keep seeing in our elections. They would also note that a system designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator must always result in the worst possible answer. At the minimum, an authentic opposition would point out that the Left sees democracy as a bus they can ride to power. Once in power, their goal is corrupt and destroy it so there can be no legitimate challenge to their rule.

Another example of this instinct to grovel is from Joel Pollak at Breitbart. We now live in an age where the federal courts says the President cannot decide who gets a press pass into the White House, but the court is perfectly OK with big banks shutting people off from the financial system because they hold the wrong opinions. An authentic opposition would immediately point out the absurd contradictions of the dadaist legal system constructed by the Left. Instead, the response is to argue this latest outrage is a conservative principle.

The debate about where to place fascism on the modern political scale is mostly pointless, but it does underscore the problem of today. The people feverishly arguing that “the liberals are the real Nazis” do so by first accepting the Progressive moral framework. As a result, like someone trying to build a ship in a bottle, they are reduced to working within arbitrary confines in order to achieve something with only ornamental value. They don’t even notice that they are doing it, because that habit of mind has been institutionalized.

That said, the debate does open the mind to the idea of there being no authentic alternative, because it was killed off in the Enlightenment. As a result, the great debate, the great ideological competition, has all been within radicalism. Bolshevism, liberal democracy and fascism were all competing with one another. After a bloody century, liberal democracy came out as the unchallenged political philosophy. Because it evolved as a response and now lacks an authentic challenger, it is slowly spinning out of control.

In the mean time, we live in this between age, where liberal democracy is universal and unchallenged, but decaying into madness. It’s why the aesthetic resembles the inside of a mental ward and the players carry on doing the same thing over and over, but in an increasingly bizarre fashion. Perhaps Fukuyama was not completely wrong. Instead of it being the end of history, maybe it is just the end of liberal democracy. It was something that could only exist in opposition to the more depraved variations of Rousseauism.

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November 21, 2018 8:25 am

Most of the “right” are just regula people who want to be left alone. The “left” are those who those who want to tell us what to do and steal our stuff. That is the way it has been for 5 or 6 thousand years. Whoever uses the most violence gets what they want. Life is simple but it ain’t easy.

Mad as Hell
Mad as Hell
November 21, 2018 3:26 pm

Left and right would not even be an issue in voting if we would have kept with the intent of the founding fathers – only people with skin in the game, IE property owners – had the right to vote. This would limit this nonsense, because the “get out the vote” BS the left always pulls, would be moot. Property owners want to be left alone, but there would not be a bunch of free loaders allowed to fill in the gap. The free loaders would have to appeal to the property owners, whom would not act in any way against their own interests. Unfortunately, once we abandoned the skin in the game requirement of voting, that was the beginning of the crap we see today. The only voter we would have to worry about are the hollywierdos and some various wealthy land owner libtards. But even they would probably vote differently as it would not be profitable or beneficial to push the libtard agenda on the useful idiots, since they could not vote, and thus could not give those land owner libtards more power anyway.

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
November 21, 2018 9:06 am

Wrong paradigm…….left and right always merge…the real distinction is between those who favor individual supremacy over those who support government collective supremacy……the challenge for the individualist is how best to limit government for which there are some necessary functions. You might want to actually read the US Constitution via the above lens and hopefully, it will become obvious.

It is also true that most of us individualist types want to simply be left alone with minimal intrusions by the “state”, or even nosy neighbors via the HOA!

I do agree the USA went off the rails post civil war with the 10th Amendment no longer having any teeth and then the direct election of Senators (who are supposed to represent the interests of the States vs. the Federal Govt) sealed the deal.

While not as vocal as the Statist/Collectivist cohort there are many more of us than you might suspect so take heart and give thanks that we still breathe and yet may win.

November 21, 2018 9:21 am

Here is the problem. That the Ron Paul’s don’t understand. Take healthcare for example.

A full 1/3 of the population is incapable of understanding the Free Medicare for all means rationing of healthcare if the supply of health care remains the same.

And 1/2 of the population is incapable of understanding the Free Medicare for all means not only rationing of healthcare but the supply of health care will also shrink.

And some of those near the middle of the bell curve are wealthy celebrities who assume just like Canadians that they can jump a que by jumping over a border to get healthcare in another country.

So Democracy will always degenerate to the lowest common denominator or at least a good portion of the left side of the bell curve.

November 21, 2018 12:55 pm

And what you don’t seem to understand is that it shouldn’t matter how well people understand or don’t understand any of this, FREEDOM is the right and moral path to take. Further, we did NOT get to where we are because democracy “degenerated.” We got here because our Constitution was not respected by our so-called republic, because government power and violence was NOT contained to the limited scope it was supposed to take, and because big business interests exploited that growing power to destroy this and so many other segments of the marketplace. Absolutely NOTHING wrong with wishing to get back there, working towards that goal, or supporting candidates that promote it. In fact, it is the ONLY moral path to take (along with educating others to that end).

November 21, 2018 4:25 pm

Exactly my point of Ron Paul libertarian zealots who only look at the system without the context of biology.

A 1 man 1 vote Democrat Constitutional Repulic will enevitably collapse. Because the IQ of the people is incapable of understanding anything with respect to reason.

And many of the people who are capable of reason are blinded by the godlike brillance of their ideology to the point where their system will enviably collapse on itself.

Add that to importing more IQs of a mean of 90 with a different ethnic makeup will expediate the demise of the Repulic.

Eyes Wide Open
Eyes Wide Open
November 23, 2018 2:48 pm

Most of the recent newcomers our government paid to import actually have an average IQ about 70 to 80, and fully expect to join the Free Shit Army and take a lifetime ride on the Free Shit Train.

Can’t disagree with any of your points.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
November 23, 2018 12:46 am


Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
November 21, 2018 9:56 am

I was all ready to say “yeah but” but in the end I found myself in full agreement. Z, I think you will like the Weinstein video.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
November 21, 2018 10:53 am

There aren’t any “ism’s” that accurately capture the individual and collective ennui of those who see our Republic stolen by “Social Justice” progressives who crave the gratitude of those without the spine to stand for themselves.

No secular or religious philosophy can guide one as well as their own star, nor can thought of anyone else, no matter how enlightened, create societal “norms” for the whole of humanity.

This world is a gauntlet of deception that tempts one to believe that another can endure the gauntlet for them, absorb the instructive blows meant to teach them. We learn our lessons by being knocked down, not by being carried on another’s back.

This world is a difficult school to graduate from if you follow anyone else’s cheat sheet during the exam.

We are all tested by the same questions and nobody has ever had an answer that is better than yours.

How much religion nor government are needed by anyone who lives to learn their truth instead of yours?

November 21, 2018 12:59 pm

Again with the supposed left-right dichotomy. Why? You either support the primacy of the individual or the primacy of the government (collective).

comment image

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
November 21, 2018 7:00 pm

It’s not the “end of history”; it’s the end of civilization.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  A. R. Wasem
November 21, 2018 11:33 pm

Not for the first time either.

Eyes Wide Open
Eyes Wide Open
  Harrington Richardson
November 23, 2018 2:50 pm

Probably not the last time, either.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
November 21, 2018 11:25 pm

I don’t believe Z is saying anything this audience hasn’t already figured out.
It is quite evident that the main problem with declaring a party of the right is how the liars and pee pants will immediately decry any movement as twenty things it is not. A prime example is the “western chauvinist” and pro constitution group the Proud Boys. They are of the right or at a minimum oppose the violent and radical left. Their leader Gavin Mcinnes has even spoken of how good it felt when he decided he was going to start punching leftists assaulting him in the face instead of letting it pass. Of course answering leftist violence with defensive violence triggers every cowardly instinct of the RINO and “cuckservative establishment” and has the cucks and fuques scurrying about assuring everyone they are not like and condemn those horrible Proud Boys.
As a further example, none of the cuckservative establishment will ever publicly disagree that the Boys are extremists, White Nationalists, racists, neo-Nazis, Klan sympathizers and homophobes (because one of them called an Antifa sucker puncher he was beating the shit out of “faggot.”)
As a point of fact, all races and ethnicities are welcome to join. All religions. All sexual orientations. You just have to be in favor of western civilization and believe it is OK to be a male. Rumor has it drinking beer may also be involved to a fair degree.
To make them look like a middle class biker gang it is reported they have a “jump in” initiation like a street gang where the group beats the crap out of you for some period of time. In fact a half dozen members surround the newbie and tickle, slap and poke at him like your brothers did when you were a kid teasing you until the new guy names five breakfast cereals. Seriously, that’s it. What is being done to them is textbook treatment given any constitutionalist group or right leaning group.
This is a lot of why Trump got elected. People will not tolerate being called vile names because they oppose communists and cowards and because they resent being lied to. The alt-right has it right when they attempt to take back the language and definitions and label the cucks and cowards what they are!

  Harrington Richardson
November 22, 2018 12:35 am


I’ve posted about it before…but I spent an afternoon with some Proud Boys and Oath Keepers on a line facing some Antifa and Snowflakes who tried to shut down a Free Speech rally…only reason there wasn’t violence was a line of State Troopers with night sticks in between us.

Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed the Proud Boys and they came to dance…and they were going to lead. I was probably the oldest guy (by far) who shouldered in with them at the front. After it was over I went up to them, in a parking lot about 12 – 15 of them total…shook every one of their hands and we talked for a short while.

Lots of American flags, patriotic shirts, some clean cut, some hairy, all were polite, all were white, most seemed blue collar good ole boys (this was in NC). I liked them seeing how I’m a proud older American.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
November 22, 2018 1:48 am

I got this Ford truck. It’s a nice truck. I had to take it in for an oil change. Waited outside for something my son promised wouldn’t take long. A woman pulls up. Takes a while gathering her things and her dog as I anticipate opening the door for her like men used to do for women. I’m sort of disappointed she is not young or well-dressed. She thanks me as she enters dragging the dog’s leash.
Inside, there is a large man talking loudly on the phone. A car waits outside, Texas plates and a similar looking placard says Puerto Rico. “They are giving me physical therapy, to walk again.” He says in Spanish. I watch The Price is Right on the tv. The volume is turned down low. All I can hear is the large man’s phone conversation which doesn’t interest me at all. Finally, he gets up to leave.
The old blonde with the dog sits on his now vacant seat even though there are several empty seats. The young blonde walks out to inspect a car, clackety-clack go her thick heels. Her butt is pleasantly wide and shapely, it provides most of the weight balanced on her thighs and calves that require a hundred micro-adjustments every clacking step of the way. I recall a time, many years ago, there were dozens or hundreds of pretty young blondes all over this valley. Today I have found what may be one of the few left. Clack-clack-clack goes the chubby ass blonde with her long hair that she curled that morning.
The old woman sits alone. Then another old customer, all the customers are over 60 except for a young man who brought his company’s truck for service, sits by her next to her dog. I can’t hear what he says, I have trouble hearing.
“I wouldn’t trade him for the..even if I could have a house twice as big, I wouldn’t trade him. She asked if I wanted to see him, I’m not a dog person you see but he was so loving, I fell in love with him. I’m older than I seem. I’m 70. (By this time, I am actively following the conversation, hers, anyway.)
She livened up as she spoke. The wrinkles on her face gave way to her pretty smile. I have a daughter, not my husband’s daughter, I got her after he left. We lived together for 30 years. Then we divorced and after 10 years we became friends and started dating again. We see each other once a month. He refuses to live together, he prefers to live alone. Men don’t like to live with me. I had this job, I lost it because I can’t pick up 30 pounds. I don’t know how I make do. He got me this car.
My truck pulls up, I look at the curled hair. “It’s almost ready, I’m just waiting on the paperwork,” she tells me. Another 60ish couple heads out. The wife goes to the car, her husband lags behind to pet the dog. “Dogs like me, he says, cause I’m a nice person.” The two men exchange notes on dogs they’ve had before. He says good day to the man and then good day to the woman.

  EL Coyote (EC)
November 22, 2018 8:04 pm

1:48am–were you drinking yipper,or just sleep deprived,or are you trying out a new style of writing?

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
November 22, 2018 8:49 pm

Ordinary events don’t automatically amount to a story except in the interpretation. I don’t care to interpret anything. I was at the dealer’s and I got to listen to a pretty lady’s short bio. It was as if a withered flower came to life and bloomed again right there. She reminded me of Diane Keaton who looks lovely when she smiles regardless of her old age. I noticed the contrast of a young blonde booty with clean curled hair and an old blonde beauty with dirty uncombed hair. One has sex appeal, the other has an aesthetic appeal.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
November 23, 2018 12:52 am

Interesting comments, Mark sounds like a natural TBPer. Sorry I haven’t read more of your comments, idk why since new blood is always inspected closely.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
November 23, 2018 1:34 am

Doc Pangloss said that when folks act up, it is within the confines of acceptable behavior. Except for the lunatics on the fringe. When they act up, they go out of bounds.

The author explains that the country has proceeded left for so long that the more tempered leftists are called conservatives. The public is not fooled, they call these milder leftists, cucks. The progressive front cannot go right to act out and so they act up by going out of bounds in the most outlandish ways. The cucks, being leftists themselves, are reluctant to move right and so push the left even more leftward.

Who ever thought Trump could reverse the trend by draining the swamp? The changes take time, the current cultural malaise was set in motion during the Clinton era. The JFK generation gave birth to the sex, drugs and rock and roll movement. The Clinton crowd embraced interracial and homosexual freedom, the Obama babies were indoctrinated with transgender legitimacy.

Reagan birthed the modern Republican in Name Only. Like Trump, Reagan started out as a Democrat. Some folks say JFK would be considered a Republican today. But what is a Republican today if not a leftist who favors war? And what is a Democrat if not a progressive who favors war? In the current milieu, the anti-war protesters of the 60’s would be considered crazy far right conservatives of the Ron Paul or Trump persuasion.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
  EL Coyote (EC)
November 23, 2018 1:55 am

We stand in the great divide of time, the between time as we decay from humans into animals. Maybe this crowd will eventually go left even more until adults are pairing off with children, some with their mothers or fathers, others fucking goats. Thenthe sky will roll up like a scroll and a merciful end to the madness will be here.

In like manner, Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, who indulged in sexual immorality and pursued strange flesh, are on display as an example of those who sustain the punishment of eternal fire.

  EL Coyote (EC)
November 23, 2018 8:13 am

Nice dose of prose EC. You actually can write well.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
November 23, 2018 2:29 pm

THX, KS. I owe it all to my sensei, Stucky, who showed me the way.

The moodiness comes on late at night. During the day I am a happy go lucky punk.