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December 8, 2018 12:46 pm

Rather paradoxical. The government bringing in aliens to replace the French thinking people don’t revolt for someone else’s posterity. In other words, it isn’t worth fighting for any ideology on another’s behalf. Another thing the Ron Paul Zealots don’t understand. Which explains why the Browns are in no rush to put food on the table in Venezula and the Whites belatedly through hard real world experience now know this.

I’m wondering if the whole EU structure was based on the same premise. That people would migrate from within the EU to break the Nation State. At that point it wouldn’t matter what ruled but who ruled. And when that failed they resorted to Africans.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
December 8, 2018 2:28 pm

We’re going to need the help of a medium to interpret Anon’s post.

  EL Coyote (EC)
December 8, 2018 5:44 pm

I’ve got you on that one, EC. The Schengen area is what he’s referring to. The idea that having no borders inside the EU would eventually break down people’s allegiance to their individual Nation and instead they would transfer it to the EU. That didn’t work. So they needed to bring in a population with no allegiance to anything. Same shit that’s happening here. If you can put foreigners in the US Army, they will shoot Americans if told to do so without any remorse

December 9, 2018 2:50 am

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 9, 2018 9:13 am

Nailed it.

Here it’s not just foreigners that are the problem in this sense. The RCMP is loaded with young recruits who have been successfully brainwashed by our Marxist system into believing that their fellow citizens have no rights and that following orders is more important than respecting human life. They are watching many of us very closely and waiting for an excuse, any excuse to kick down our doors and SWAT us into submission.

The problem for them is public anger and frustration is growing so rapidly here that there aren’t enough of them to control it anymore. And SWATing people like me will no longer make a difference in what happens next.

The fire is being stoked north of the line. The globalist goose is being cooked as each time they ramp up the rhetoric and try to advance their agenda (as they panic) the pushback increases.

Interesting times.

  Francis Marion
December 9, 2018 7:18 pm

FM- Canada should have/should do the same or worse to that crackpot Boy Wonder, Trudon’t . My hope is the Canucks run him and other asshole elites out of your country.

December 9, 2018 6:29 pm

Right on starfcker

Iska Warn
Iska Warn
  EL Coyote (EC)
December 8, 2018 5:59 pm

It might be Andrea. Or maybe Anonymous is on acid.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
  Iska Warn
December 9, 2018 5:25 pm

More like Yobes is on acid. Yobes said whites would unite under a EU-like flag if only minorities would go away. How’s that working for the EU? Hey, white people, your supposed to love each other! Group hug, eh?

December 8, 2018 12:52 pm

Presumptive end result of Macronism:

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December 8, 2018 1:10 pm

A gas tax hurts the poor and working class; not the rich class.

If the government was really interested in cutting fuel emissions it would ration the fuel to rich and poor alike. The gas hike on top of already exceedingly high petrol prices is really a sign that the increase tax serves another hidden agenda.

The French government clearly does not represent the people. It seems because of the arrogance of the French president a revolution is coming to it; not by design but by hubris of the politicians that should be doing something about the dissatisfaction of the French people.

In the coming weeks we will see how bad off the French common man really is. With what has happened so far it seems like the economy must be taking a real bad hit. When people have nothing left to lose in a material society then why work? This is what is happening in america and that is why there are so many jobs unfilled. The wealth of the modern nations took 60 years to amass and be directed to the 1% that own it. People are waking up to the grossly unequal distribution of wealth and I think something is going to be done about it by the common folk. The fact that the rioting mass has no leadership is a threat to government because there is no way for it to cut off the head of the snake. This means possible endless protests and having to maintain a giant security force that will eventually bankrupt the government.

And this headless revolution of the masses is speeding across Europe. It could snowball right into the middle of winter which is predicted to be a very cold one.

Me thinks we are on the highway to hell.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
December 8, 2018 2:22 pm

Methinks, moron.

  EL Coyote (EC)
December 8, 2018 2:41 pm

Youtube Chris Rea Highway to Hell.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  EL Coyote (EC)
December 8, 2018 3:53 pm

Come on. Give (EC) credit when credit is due.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 8, 2018 3:51 pm

Like I said the other day in response to the idea only a few percent “might” take part in a revolt against oppression. 1% of the US is 3.5 million. 1/1oth% is 350,000. 1/100th% is 35,000. If anybody thinks 35,000 people with the intention to “shut down the machine that runs the world” popped up at about the same time all over the country damaging infrastructure, setting fires and maybe 10,000 shooting from steeples and overpasses wouldn’t bring shit like we’ve never seen, think again.
If TPTB don’t wake up that will be the nightmare they are presented. I can imagine a heck of a lot worse than all of us trying to live under the Constitution. Time for those f’ers to start doing it or face the consequences. These guys tried to storm the Presidential Palace. Gated communities won’t withstand such an attack there or here. Pray for wisdom.

  Harrington Richardson
December 8, 2018 5:28 pm

I was in France in 1970, 1971. I certainly wouldn’t want to go there now.

Revolutions are not planned; they just happen. This winter is going to be a very cold one. This means very large electric bills for the French. How can a country with so much nuclear power have such high electric bills?

Petrol in France is way over 7 dollars per gallon in american terms. Imagine what would happen here in america if petrol became this expensive. The French have been boiled like frogs.

So after the third Saturday of riots the French up the tension and put 95000 police on the streets to control the protesters and make 1300 arrests. Now the government seems to think they have matters under control. Yes they seem to have matters under control for now with 95000 machines turned loose on the people.

Remember the Mexican revolution? People are the same all over. Most are docile and will take a lot of abuse. But there comes a time when abuse in excessive amounts cause craziness to overcome the collective consciousness of the people and like when in a football game a fantastic play results in a touchdown causes all on the side of the team to align consciously for an applause. Like what an ant colony does when their routine is disturbed by an outside invader.

I think we are seeing the beginning of a great revolution of the people against their governments. And the cold weather is going to be a catalyst in bringing it about.

The material minds of the elite are not seeing the writing on the wall. Their crystalized mindset about their power over the population will not let them see the suffering they cause everyone by taking the majority of the wealth to themselves. They become soulless.

There is a great reconciling coming. It is spiritual in nature. All one has to do is look out at the universe and see the order in it. Then look at what man is doing to man and ask oneself is this the order that our creator visioned for us?

The material man is the lowest level in the scale of humanity. Yet the material man is in control of all the major institutions that govern man. But this is going to change.

These people have been duped into thinking that the changing climate is the fault of the masses using fossil fuels. So the masses have to be micro managed off their use of fossil fuels. While they themselves being the minority can go ahead with their lifestyles without consequences.

Conversely, we are being told by astro scientists that global cooling is fast coming upon us due to a prolonged solar minimum cycle indicating from past evidence we are entering a mini ice age.

This evidence is more convincing than the evidence presented us by those promoting global warming. And in addition to that; unlike the politicians, they are not promoting global cooling taxes. They are just saying get prepared.

When the truth comes out and the affects of global cooling hit us, these soulless creatures now ruling us will be in deep trouble.

This winter is going to disrupt their status quo.

December 8, 2018 9:56 pm

The French have few weapons. It is unlike the French Revolution where peasants with scythes could compete. The 90,000 police will be well armed if needed, the peasants not so much.

December 9, 2018 11:32 am

Llpoh, this revolution will not be won by guns. It will be won by taking the money away from the elites. This is where their power is.

One thing I noticed in all the footage of the riots is all the ATMs that were smashed. Did you notice that? Did you also notice that the toll booths were opened and guarded opened so everyone could pass through without payment of tolls? This is an act of defiance.

What the French people are doing are depriving the government of money. This tactic is going to accelerate all over the country and the police cannot do anything about it.

Revolution in the 21st century will be different than anytime before.

Before corporations and business were made the tax collectors for the government people had more freedom. Over the years more taxes were forced on the people through payroll taxes which went to the government which used it for more control over the people. As people became poorer government became richer and more powerful. Notice that the rich elites control the top political positions in government? This is no accident.

So now the French people have woken up about this practice and are now using it in reverse to deprive the government from their income through taxes.

This revolution is going to spread across the entire western world. Taxation without representation is criminal. It causes revolutions.

The materialistic elite have outdone themselves. The tipping point has been reached. Their weapons will not save them from what is coming their way.

The French don’t appear to be responding to their government in uncontrolled anger; as the media would like to portray them, but rather in tempered resistance. This is what makes this revolution different. It is premeditated resistance. The elites have not faced this type of resistance before. Watch the videos of the clashes with the police very closely. The peoples’ beef is not with the police; it is with the elites that control the government.

In this century it is not the governments that will be defeated. People want good government. It is the elites that have taken more than their fair share of the wealth; using the government that the people created that will be defeated.

When the governments are starved of their financial resources taken from the people then the elites will lose control.

Good government is not run by material men. It is run by men of wisdom.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 8, 2018 11:34 pm

The model predicting cooling is the Russian model which uses observable data. The warming models are fairy dust and lies, and have made no correct predictions, which of course they can’t because they don’t use real data. They are psyop models only. Based on accuracy to date, the Russian model is the only one worthy of respect.
You mention the Mexican Revolution. I believe the kind of civil war looming, if one is, would be far more like the decades long Cristero Wars of the 1920’s and 30’s in Mexico.

  Harrington Richardson
December 9, 2018 6:18 pm

The Cristero Wars don’t compare to what is going on now. I have to disagree with you on that.

Iska Warn
Iska Warn
December 8, 2018 6:01 pm

Dost thou?

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
December 8, 2018 2:13 pm

Been 10 years since I was in Paris but when I was there in 2008 it was stunning how third world the “City of Light” had become……I was staying in a 4-star hotel close to the Champs L’syee and it was a back chador burka fest. Every trip on the elevator was jam-packed with Muslims in full ME outfit. They weren’t rude or obnoxious but it wasn’t Paris anymore. The rest of the city was much the same, our usual restaurants were still good but the walk in the evening was much less pleasant. Now that is a very nice part of Paris I can only imagine what the Banelieus (Muslims ghetto suburbs) were like….now the city looks like a ghetto.

Macron’s so-called fuel tax is really a tax for “Climate Change”….to curb emissions. So much of the angst is not just that the average person life is now much less attractive than it was say 30 years ago it is the idea that the average person should suffer for a nonsensical idea like climate change. The Globalists have overreached.

With any luck this will not end and will grow to the rest of the EU…..May a storm come and clean these streets…..

December 8, 2018 3:26 pm

Let them eat baguettes.

Make them start wearing deoderant. Please.

I got on a jet one time with 15 French exchange students.
Was worse than a gym locker room with no ventilation.

Next preventative measure by Macaroni…ban the sale of yellow vests, gas masks, matches and lighters.

The tear gas has one side benny, though. I bet there’s very few pigeons perched on high, shitting on the targets outside George V. Hotel.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
December 8, 2018 3:54 pm

By statute ever vehicle in France must have two yellow vests.

  Harrington Richardson
December 8, 2018 4:05 pm

Did not know that.
Smartass quip for vest ban doesn’t really work, then.
Oh, well.

Sing it with me…
” Don’t ask me what I think of you. Ya might not get the answer that ya want me to, Oh, Well”
-Fleetwood Mac, and a cover by The Rockets.

December 8, 2018 4:48 pm

Turns out it’s not just about the gas tax. The French middle class are as pissed as middle class Americans that they are being taxed and regulated out the ass to subsidize their own displacement by the 3rd world. The western media isn’t reporting this accurately. (((shocker)))

December 8, 2018 6:18 pm

I agree,gas tax was just the final straw.While the folks should have fought back years ago,better late then never.The same could be said about the US,the difference is hope things start to turn around in a positive way as our people are armed to the teeth,believe this keeps us in check more then say the Parisians but the anger will be higher we do explode,that will be very ugly.So,as always,live for today while preparing for tomorrow.

December 8, 2018 8:37 pm

Maginot line. Ring any bells?

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
December 8, 2018 8:33 pm

Stupid rich fucks not understanding why people who actually work to get shit done are angry…. amazing… what a mad, mad, motherfucking world.

22winmag - Say no to doom porn and NSAcoin stories
22winmag - Say no to doom porn and NSAcoin stories
December 8, 2018 9:43 pm

Macron’s tear gas has killed more people than my gun.

December 8, 2018 10:01 pm

Stupid fucking frogs are their own worst enemies. The people have brought this all on themselves. The unions rule over their country. Business, esp. small biz, will virtually not hire anyone because they cannot fire, almost under any situations. The work week is regulated to no more than 35 hrs by memory, no exceptions. Welfare is the way of the world. A lazier, stupider bunch than the French you simply cannot find. They elect one knitwit after another.

These asshats deserve exactly what they are getting.

December 9, 2018 5:57 am

none of that has anything to do with flooding the country with Africans

December 8, 2018 10:18 pm





December 8, 2018 10:25 pm
December 9, 2018 4:10 am

Well if the vote was not fraud – then let Macron screw the frogs and let in millions of wogs

December 9, 2018 11:05 am

Admin.- Farage said this morning that the French out in the smaller towns outside Paris are petrol-bombing the tax offices in their provinces. THAT is how you do it!!!


December 9, 2018 5:09 pm

since this post is about rioting & migration,i’ll put this here–
the council on american/islamic relations(cair) is calling for a day of action in san diego to “assist” the people trying to crash the border–
it’s worth taking a few minutes to read their newsletter–

Muslims To Mob Border To Assist Immigrants