No, We Don’t Need Death Squads

Via Raconteur Report

From Comments:

“to EFFECTIVELY protect the border you MUST use deadly force. Something we are NOT doing currently as evidenced by the THOUSANDS who succeed in entering America every month. The UGLY TRUTH no body wants to admit is that as long as the benefits outweigh the risks they will KEEP COMING. And when the only real risk is merely being sent back to TRY AGAIN there is no incentive to not keep trying. People denigrate the Berlin Wall but he truth is IT WORKED….and it worked because it was enforced by DEADLY FORCE. So YES!!!!! Want to end ilegals invading America? Kill a bunch trying. Don’t have the balls to do that? Then say goodbye to your culture and country. THAT is reality.”

Um, no.
Not even close.

When they can’t come here because it’s too hard, too expensive, and they get caught 99.999% of the time, they’ll stop trying. Most people stop trying to beat their heads bloody against a wall long before they suffer skull fractures.

Somebody may die falling off the fence onto their head; if that happens, tough luck, Pedro, that’s Darwinism in action.

But we don’t need death squads patrolling No Man’s Land and gunning down strays. That’s quite simply fantastical bullshit. I could be wrong, I was only on the border directly for about ten years, and personally apprehended a couple of thousand or so illegals in that time, without needing to kill any of them.

A couple of our apprehended OTMs from DirkaDirkastan somewhere were whisked away one dark night by MIB in black SUVs, and all knowledge of their final destination disclaimed, but otherwise, the rest were just tossed back over. (I’d have preferred working them to the bone for six months on bread and water, and I’d have walked them under shotgun guard chained at the ankle from our location to San Diego proper, some 80-100 miles on foot, but I wasn’t the sheriff of that patch.)

But once we got the Monster Wall put in, they stopped trying there, for 10 miles. Do that X 200, and that party is over for good. The only way in at that point is the front door. The bare few hundred Olympic athletes who could cross annually, instead of 1M+, wouldn’t raise a fuss at that point even if they all worked across the street from Nancy Pelosi’s house.

And if anyone is asinine and foolish enough to think shooting them out of hand is the answer, there are 7 BILLION of them. You don’t have that many bullets, nor anyone who’d fire them, and anyone willing to try is certifiably psychotically sociopathically insane.

Just a hunch, but I suspect the rest of the world, including our nominal allies and friends, might have a say if we decided to unilaterally begin a genocide of brown people.

If you didn’t take away that lesson on why the Berlin Wall failed, you weren’t paying attention.

There are also ten other things we can do that don’t involve bullets, and vastly more effective at ending the flood. Starting with closing the border and taxing remittances at 50%. Mexico’s economy would crash in a month, and they’d start shooting attempted crossers from their side, without any further impetus from us at that point.

This isn’t going to be solved by guns, nor need it be.

Suggesting otherwise is akin to saying that in order to stop burglaries, you need to slaughter you neighborhood, and man machinegun pits at the corners of your front yard.

People serious like that get hauled away in a rubber truck.

All this takes is a few things, which impact actual Americans minimally to not at all, other than those criminal lawbreakers exacerbating the situation:

1) Build the wall.

2) Deport the illegals already here.

On Monday, DHS raids all the companies in each town starting with “A” to audit and arrest illegal employees. On Tuesday, do the “B”s. And so on. By Wednesday, the wait to cross south at I-5, I-19, and I-35 would stretch north to the 36th Parallel, and that would be the end of that problem. When you finish with businesses, do the schools next. Watch grades and test scores climb like a moon shot when 98% of the country speaks English again. Bummer about having to arrest and prosecute all those harboring illegals in violation of federal law. Lather, rinse, repeat.

3) Tell Mexico that all legal entry is closed until illegals stop trying to get here from there.

One attempt, anywhere from Brownsville to San Diego: one day closure. Ten attempts, ten day closure. Etc. Group punishment worked in kindergarten and boot camp. Take Mexico to kindergarten boot camp. Another problem solved. I’m betting at 300:1 odds, after the third or fourth such disruption, the locals on the entire border will behead the attempters, and present their severed heads to border guards as a goodwill peace offering.

4) Prosecute everyone helping or hiring illegal aliens. Start with US governors and mayors.

“Sanctuary” city or state? Your mayor, city council, and chief of police, or governor, AG, and the entire legislature, get arrested by feds tomorrow. The president may need to appoint territorial governors in the interim. For any such entire states, declare martial law. Good luck with your case in DC Military Tribunals, and enjoy your time in federal prison. 50/50 the Congress declares your city or state’s reversion to permanent territory status as “in rebellion”. You can re-apply for admission to the US in a couple years, if you can manage to convince Congress you’ll faithfully execute and enforce the laws of the land. (Bonus: US territories don’t get to seat voting representatives or senators in Congress!) Or remain Washington D.C.’s chew toy in perpetuity. I don’t care which. Starting with my home state of Califrutopia. Actions have consequences, and words mean things. Especially in federal court.

5) Seize businesses under RICO for any number >5 illegals employed.

More than 5 is clearly a criminal conspiracy, not an accident. CEOs, CFOs, and HR management being frogmarched to prison by feds on national TV, and seizure of the company, will nip that in the bud after Arrest #2. Less than 5? Only arrest the head of HR. And start in Silicon Valley, with the custodial and food service staffs of those SJW companies that want to fix America for its own good. Amazon, Microsoft, Google, WalMart, etc.: auctioned off to the highest bidders. Auction buyers must be 100% US citizens/corporations. Proceeds to the US Treasury. Say goodbye to the tax deficit for the next 50 years. (And personally, I’d rename “Amazon” to “Mississippi”. F**k that rainforest worshiping BS.)

6) Tax remittances at the top US tax rate, in perpetuity.

Require real ID and an SSN (not a TIDN) with InstantCheck, and report the transaction to the IRS, by law.

7) No social security number? Impound the transfer 100%. Require notification of INS of the sender on the spot. Failure to do so: See Item 5 above.

8) Stop all legal immigration cold for the next 50 years.

No exceptions. No waivers. No entry. Have a nice demi-century. Unf**k your own country. (You want a humanitarian exception for SAfricans? Hell no. They had a half century to see that coming. They should’ve asked the Chinese formerly in Macao and Hong Kong how to deal with that. Ship them all the AK-47s we grabbed in Grenada they need, drop off metric fucktons of ammo spam cans, and tell them to deal with things, or run somewhere else. If they take the AK-47s, send them any SF advisory teams if they ask for them. If they turn down the AK-47s, wish them best of luck wherever they land. The US as not the world’s tampon means Not The World’s Tampon.) Want to marry a foreign national? OK. Usual hoops, then they can be permanent legal residents until 2070. If you divorce before then, they go back, same day. Possibly with half your stuff. Pick your mates wisely.

Those eight things would stop this whole problem in about an hour.
Total bullets required? Zero.

If someone’s trigger finger is still itchy? :
Weapons free on boats and planes entering or attempting entry illegally. Zero fucks given.
Same deal as Mexico, with a twist: After cutting off any U.S. aid in perpetuity, we’ll start bombing the airports and harbors of any country from which those craft are embarking. No apologies, no reparations, no payouts. Just bombs. Then tell them to have a nice day.

Under international law, piracy and banditry are crimes against humanity, and to this day, pirates can be hung on the spot by any navy that chooses to so do, consequence free.

And that won’t start a war, but regarding drugs, it’ll end one. Once again, in about an hour.

Problems solved while you wait.

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December 30, 2018 2:51 pm

I don’t want to have to spend billions on border control, walls or deportation hearings. Mine the border and when some greasy 5 foot tall mestizo is shipped back to Central America and he’s now 3 feet tall they’ll understand the border is closed to illegal immigration!

December 30, 2018 2:56 pm

You and KaD should get together and form a club ….. she wants to mow down everyone — including women and children — with machine guns.

EL Zorro
EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 3:34 pm

You think mating Insane in the Membrane472 with Killing and Death is a good idea?

  EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 3:48 pm

If your ancestors had kept their pants on you wouldn’t have to invade other people’s lands to survive. Mexico’s population in 1940 was just under 20 million. Today, despite the millions of low quality immigrants it has dumped on the USA, it is almost 125 million.

By way of contrast the USA had 140 million in 1940 and today has 327 million with about half of the growth from uninvited immigrants.

EL Zorro
EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 4:42 pm

My ancestors, who would that be; the Tarahumara, Zapotec, Mixtec, Huichol, Yaqui, Chontal..? Maybe you meant the mestizos which are a melting pot mess of something like 90% Indian, 9% European and 1% Black. The mestizos also absorbed and eliminated some border tribes in North America.

Your point about the chaste North Americans conveniently leaves out the fact that some 60 Million white babies were murdered by abortion. There’s your missing population growth.

  EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 10:14 pm

Got me there. I realize there are intelligent men and ‘attractive’ women South of the Border. There are also the dregs of society. We have enough of our own.

I would even gladly replace our human scum for a Mexican who wants to and will work but not vote in our elections anymore than you would want me voting in Mexico.

EL Zorro (a real American)
EL Zorro (a real American)
December 30, 2018 10:36 pm

Unit, they only have compulsory education to the 6th grade in Mexico. There is a lot of ignorance. That is good when the kids grow up working but it’s bad when they grow up gang-banging.

At the moment, the gangs want to make gang-life compulsory. They need enforcers, killers, as well as regular soldiers to keep control of their drug-smuggling territories.

The shrinking dollar will also make it necessary to increase sales to make the shortfall up by volume. Motorcycle gangs used to cover the drug sales here but now the gang-bangers have moved in to provide just-in-time drug sales.

They are hardened criminals with little fear of the cops, prison or death. A wall will deter economic refugees but it will only be a challenge for the drug gangs. A wall will also put the BP agents in jeopardy as the gangs seek to infiltrate and intimidate the BP in an effort to circumvent the wall by other means, the old silver or lead threat – Plata o Plomo.

December 30, 2018 7:00 pm

Precisely the problem! When they are back to 40 mil or so, then we’ll talk.

EL Zorro
EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 9:10 pm

327 – 140 = 177/2 = 88 Million illegals. Really, crazy?

December 30, 2018 4:19 pm

And if you remember I said no I didn’t. Your reading comprehension or your memory is off.

EL Zorro
EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 4:29 pm

I didn’t say anything about the machine guns, that was Stucky, however, I renamed you Killing and Dying because you said you wished they would all die before reaching the Holy Border.

December 31, 2018 8:26 am

Stuck – the guy who wrote this caught 2000. If he had been shooting them, how many would he have shot before they stopped coming? Less than 2000 I betcha.

EL Zorro
EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 3:08 pm

when some greasy 5 foot tall mestizo is shipped back

December 30, 2018 3:56 pm

You can hardly blame people with nothing trying to enter the US. I would and you would too. It’s up to our govt to protect the borders. Wanting to kill some poor bastard looking to better his life and that of his family has at least some sociopathic element to it. Reconsider please.

December 30, 2018 4:20 pm

Some poor bastard? Shitloads of these people are criminals looking to steal, rape and kill and they DO. Tired of America being the low hanging fruit.

EL Zorro
EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 4:47 pm

If you are so tired, maybe you need a vacation or a checkup. America will be low hanging fruit until that’s all gone and the fruit at the top will be the super-rich.

  EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 9:08 pm

At some point, Americans will no longer tolerate criminals crossing the border, or people supporting them, like you….

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 30, 2018 5:30 pm

Agree with this, too. Both can be true.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 30, 2018 5:30 pm


December 30, 2018 9:06 pm

So you think these criminals will play nice if we treat them nicely?

December 30, 2018 3:01 pm

Bullets are way cheaper.

EL Zorro
EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 3:27 pm

Might as well call this the Alcoholic’s Guide to Border Control. Vern done figured all this shit out with a little help from his friends at the after party of the Tractor Pull and Hog Festival. Lame brain does not even begin to excuse this dumb article. Even Yokes has the good sense not to comment in favor of this Skinnerian nightmare. This asshole must be some frustrated Jyreen in cotton panties.

  EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 7:03 pm

piss off zoero

December 30, 2018 3:43 pm

If you did 10 percent of that it would stop the problem.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
December 30, 2018 3:49 pm

This blather was written by a moran. Apparently the same moran who let 11 million beaners invade merika. Why would we want to take his advice on anything, let alone on how to keep the beaners in beanerland.

December 30, 2018 4:25 pm

Is anyone paying attention to the illegal Invader problem in AZ? Obviously not our government, Gov. Ducey of AZ, or “churches”. TWELVE THOUSAND of these illegal people in 90 days.

EL Zorro
EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 5:54 pm

You are not even aware, last time they were holding ticker tape parades for the Cubans coming in at the El Paso port of entry. No word about that anywhere. The recent asylees have been branded, as I suggested in an earlier post, and released until a future court appearance. This has put a burden on the city of El Paso and likely other border towns.

You think it’s as simple as a wall. Maybe you missed Uncola’s Ayn Rand quote to the effect: Don’t bother asking why, just ask who benefits. Drug interdiction gives the US an excuse to have American patrols inside Mexico. (We also have American peace-keeping troops in Syria.) Illegal detention is big business and the wall is a threat to the private prisons. You probably are also not aware of the child detention centers in the area surrounding El Paso. Why do they want to isolate the kids; maybe for some Project Monarch experiments?

  EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 6:23 pm


It’s da joos.

EL Zorro
EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 7:03 pm

Another candidate for most worthless comment.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 7:07 pm

“Why do they want to isolate the kids; maybe for some Project Monarch experiments?”

A deeply disturbing thought that cannot be dismissed out of hand knowing what “they” are truly capable of. Sickening…

The govt incentivizes the entry of these people. Walls not only keep people out, they keep people in. I don’t want to shoot anyone unless I absolutely must to preserve that which I hold dear enough to personally die for.

Stop the incentives, stop the problem. With every vote I’ve cast with promises of problem solving, the problem continues to grow. Therefore I can only conclude “they” want the problem to continue. The incentives are there for a reason.

“They” are creating a chaotic situation “they” will then usher in a “solution” for.

Ordo ab chao. It’s whats for dinner.

  grace country pastor
December 31, 2018 12:02 am

They do not incentivize, they incent.

It’s like the morons that use myself instead of I or me, and start every fucking thing they say with So.

  EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 9:10 pm

You mean Jimmy Carter and his (((friends)))….

December 30, 2018 4:29 pm

“Just a hunch, but I suspect the rest of the world, including our nominal allies and friends, might have a say if we decided to unilaterally begin a genocide of brown people.”

Who gives a fuck what color they are….they crossing illegally, they dead. Brown/Black/White/Red/Yellow whatever….

EL Zorro
EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 5:55 pm

Oh shit, another mass murderer fanning the flames of genocide.

  EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 8:39 pm

Oh shit! Another fucking moron who wishes to let all the other 6/7 billion people into the house because it makes him feeeel virtuous and caring.

EL Zorro
EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 9:02 pm

Not at all, shit for brians but you just virtue signaled right there.

  EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 9:11 pm

Groups that don’t defend their territory become extinct….Apparently that’s ok with you, but not with real Americans.

EL Zorro
EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 9:19 pm

Pray tell who are real Americans? And please list those who you consider unreal Americans. I can almost guess, porhous.

December 30, 2018 4:56 pm

I will just drop this in here for a dose of …….? Not sure exactly but I saw this on another site and it added some idea of the breadth of the issue.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 30, 2018 5:36 pm

Interesting that this guy who spent ten years at the border wants the wall, but that dumb fuck author of the other thread says the wall is a waste of money. This for a federal government that spends $14B per day. Also “no sense building a wall if you’re not going to entirely end the social safety net”. That’s like saying there’s no sense quitting smoking if you’re not also going to become an organic vegan. Cripes, do the simple things first, especially when – like the Wall at $25B – they’re dirt cheap.

December 30, 2018 5:36 pm

#9 not a legal citizen? Then no federal benefits, no right to vote. No in-state college tuition. No federal grants, or scholarships. No subsidized housing or special relocation/settlement benefits. Let HAIS and the “church charities” who are so eager to receive illegals support them while they are here.

EL Zorro
EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 6:19 pm

Killin’ and Dyin’

Killin’ and dyin’ and hatin’ and loathein’
Shootin’ and bombin’ at night in the desert
That won’t get you into heaven
So if you’re lookin’ to find hell you can share
All you gotta do is bomb them and frag them and kill them
And show them that you scare
Show them that you scare just for fun
Do the things he likes to do
Wear your hate just for him, ’cause
You won’t let them
Crawlin’ and a-creepin’, runnin’ and a-hidin’
‘Cause crushin’ and mashin’ and choppin’ and maimin’
Plannin’ and dreamin’ his hellfire will start
That will get you into his heart
So if you’re thinkin’ of how great Satan is
All you gotta do is shoot them and kill them and bomb them and maim them
Yeah, just do it
And after you do, you will be his
You gotta show him that you care just for him
Do the things he likes to do
Wear your hate just for him, ’cause
You won’t let them
Crawlin’ and a-creepin’, runnin’ and a-hidin’
‘Cause crushin’ and mashin’ and choppin’ and maimin’
Plannin’ and dreamin’ his hellfire will start
That will get you into his heart
So if you’re thinkin’ of how great Satan is
All you gotta do is shoot them and kill them and bomb them and maim them
Yeah, just do it
And after you do, you will be his
You will be his
You will be his

December 30, 2018 6:23 pm

With the same spirit that I commented on Erickson’s ‘The Wall’ post, all this posturing – pro and con – is supposing that any of this can/should get done, or can-but-shouldn’t get done. There won’t be no blastin’ away at the border, there won’t be any meaningful deterrence, legal or economic, there won’t be any uprising until the whole shitpot explodes. This country and gov is completely at odds with itself, so just how would any possible solution be accepted or implemented? When all the debts and scores-to-settle come due the whole border fiasco will be way WAY down on the list of concerns. Those who are ignoring will continue to ignore, scammers/schemers will scam/scheme, lotsa talk w/ no action by all concerned…makes for a good comment thread, but that’s pretty much all that is going to happen.
I really wish that I was wrong, but I really don’t see it going any other way.

EL Zorro
EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 7:02 pm

Total Scam, you would have made a great beatnik, just settin’ in a coffee shop stewing about the shit.

  EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 7:41 pm

Extra Zoned –

Wall. Tall.
Ball. It bounces.
High, Off the Wall, Man

EL Zorro
EL Zorro
December 30, 2018 8:59 pm

I dig it, Bongo Head

December 30, 2018 9:04 pm

The problem is that Central America is overpopulated and collapsing economically…As things continue to degenerate, their citizens will stop at nothing to get into the US, and the US legal system will cooperate with that if these illegals get over the border.

EL Zorro (a real American)
EL Zorro (a real American)
December 30, 2018 9:49 pm

Maybe so, but it’s a simplistic assessment. Take a look at the scourge of American exported gangs. Imagine if your city was invaded by lawless gangbangers conducting kidnappings, murders, rapes, drug smuggling, etc. Little wonder these folks want to leave the place where they were born.

I have no solution. A wall would be nice but it would only solve one problem. It would make another problem worse. Shutting out the Latin American countries would leave those places in the hands of the gangsters who would quickly move to evict (as they did the residents of the Juarez valley) and displace people so that many, many more would become refugees heading north.

I have read that there are plans afoot in DC to start a war in Latin America. Things have been too quiet for too long. A wall will not completely insulate the US from the blowback. There will be refugees, gun-running, more drug smuggling as the governments become overwhelmed or overthrown. It’ll be nice for the MIC because the US will install new bases in Latin America and more weapons will be needed.

Looks like happy days will be here again sooner than we think.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  EL Zorro (a real American)
December 31, 2018 1:53 am

A thought-provoking comment. MS-13 may be nominally “American”, but really? When they get deported back to El Salvador, the locals see the tats and deal with them brutally. It’s unfortunate for those who might have been forced into the gang, but I suspect that their tales of being forced into the gang are overblown. It’s not like every Salvadoran boy in the US is in MS-13. And if you object to my saying “back to El Salvador” (on the theory that America is the only country they’ve ever known), if they were provably born in the US they wouldn’t get deported. It sucks to be born in a shithole country, but the only people who can fix Central America are Central Americans, and they’re more likely to do it if moving to the US isn’t an option for most of them. Besides, there are about 235 other countries in the world, including an entire continent south of them where most of the people speak the same language.

December 30, 2018 9:29 pm

Just a hunch, but I suspect the rest of the world, including our nominal allies and friends, might have a say if we decided to unilaterally begin a genocide of brown people.

Nobody would care enough to actually do anything about it.

The Chinese are at the beginning of genociding their Muslim Uyghur population. If the Chinese take hold of Africa, they will eventually exterminate the Africans and Arabs – perhaps keeping some in zoos or on nature reserves, for their entertainment value.

If we did the same in America, to our imported undesirables, the only thing baffling the Chinese would be why we waited so long to do it. Don’t project European values onto others, that is how we got here.

December 30, 2018 9:33 pm

A lot of that post made sense. The will to actually do anything? Trump could talk about national security and then as Commander and chief, just use the military to patrol the border.

EL Zorro (a real American)
EL Zorro (a real American)
December 30, 2018 10:40 pm

commander in chief, jefe.

December 30, 2018 11:04 pm

Actually, if you kill a whole bunch, they will stop coming. Cheapest easiest way.

EL Zorro (a real honest to goodness American)
EL Zorro (a real honest to goodness American)
December 31, 2018 12:50 am

Field of Dreams – If you kill them, they won’t come.

December 30, 2018 11:25 pm

I thought you said shooting illegals wouldn’t work.

But didn’t you carry a firearm as a Borderale? What FOR, if I might ask, if shooting illegals “won’t work”?

And then you offer THIS:

” (I’d have preferred working them to the bone for six months on bread and water, and I’d have walked them under shotgun guard chained at the ankle from our location to San Diego proper, some 80-100 miles on foot, but I wasn’t the sheriff of that patch.)”

I assume then that the shotguns would be used to ward off (4-legged),coyotes and mountain lions trying to attack your wretched captive peons as they trudged through the desert, yes?

You destroyed the premise of your own argument, fella.

December 31, 2018 12:28 am

Forgive me- I posted this on the Bone Crushing thread, but I felt it apropos here, too. If you already read it, move on
If you wish to stop border crossers, there is a very simple recipe. Frequently, simple solutions aren’t actually reasonable, but this one works on multiple fronts.

1. Declare all public assistance and aid programs off-limits to illegal aliens. No free heating, free food, free housing, free medical care, etc. None. That was intended for citizens and tax-payer funded. It was not intended for illegal aliens to sneak in and steal it. This would save Americans a fortune. Funding illegal aliens is a massive drain on our resources.
2. Declare public school off-limits to illegal alien minors. Public higher education is also off-limits to adult illegal aliens. Anything relating to federal public spending is now means-tested with passport and birth certificate. Why should our schools be babysitting criminal illegal aliens and/or their kids? They don’t deserve it and we don’t need to fund it. They also don’t deserve access to tax payer-funded higher education.
3. Declare all states using state funded public aid to illegals to be cut off from federal funding. No more anything to anyone helping illegals. Back up the threat with cutting off all access to federal anything to the states holding out, i.e. California, New York, Illinois, etc. No federal aid. Nothing controlled by the feds moves. Airports are closed, highways closed, ports closed, military bases shut off all outside access. NASA closed. Incoming goods are halted due to lack of customs processing. Immigration agents don’t process paperwork at ports of entry. Nothing moves in or out. Cut off electricity where it flows across a govt-controlled node. Shut them down at every point. Literally everything is controlled by the Feds at some point, so literally everything can be halted to the recalcitrant states. Fuck em’.
4. Declare all illegal aliens currently in the USA to be liable for prosecution under RICO for operating a continuing criminal enterprise (they’re breaking federal law every day they’re here) and make it open season for law enforcement at all levels to find, identify, detain, and turn in illegals for deportation. All property, bank accounts, businesses, vehicles, etc owned by illegal aliens is open to seizure. The cops would have a field day self-funding themselves with the treasure they seize. Anyone caught helping illegals, including the Catholic bullshit charities, gets dragged in, too. Even if you’re innocent, the legal case and the long, slow processing time involved, eats you alive. You deserve it for being an accessory to a crime.
5. Offer a $500 bounty to private citizens for each illegal alien reported, detained, processed, and deported. Offer up lists of known illegal aliens to private citizens for bounty hunting (this actually happens and it is very easy and profitable- I used to know a PI from AZ who did this very easily and racked up tons of cash doing it).
6. Suspend all foreign transfer payments south of the border via Western Union and other money transfer businesses under suspicion of organized crime (remember RICO from above?) and drug payments. That effectively cuts off the flow of money these people send south. Tracking the flow should make it easy to find illegals, too.
7. All illegal alien minors who are born here as anchor babies will be deported with their families (we don’t separate families, right?) and may return to the USA when they are 18. Also, declare all illegal alien babies as of the date of passage not to be US citizens. Even if they sue it into oblivion, keep it in legal limbo, even if you lose, for years to come so they can’t claim the benefits. Unaccompanied minors all get sent back to their nation of origin. We don’t separate families, right?
8. Use E-Verify and any other potentially successful employment ID check system. If you can be identified to purchase alcohol, sign up for welfare, sign up for education, get a gun, get a driver license, fly in a plane, etc, you can be identified to get a job. You already file paperwork to work. Filing a proof of citizenship should be no major issue. Spot checks or in-depth inspections by ICE or IRS or anyone remotely connected to the issue should reveal cheaters and detain illegals. Any illegal employees are arrested on the spot. Any illegal employers are also arrested on the spot and fined the approximate value of their illegal laborers for the duration of their employment. The fines would accumulate quickly for corrupt employers. Those businesses bereft of illegals would be forced to hire citizens and pay worker-friendly wages- a benefit to American citizens. This has been proven multiple times when ICE shuts down a workplace and detains their illegal workers. Once forced to hire legals, they begin paying survivable wages to US citizens.
9. Profile. The majority of Americans are not suspected illegals. The majority of suspects are Hispanics, Chinese, and Russians, as well as South Asians, Arabs, Africans. No reason to focus on Sally Whitebread and her 6 blond-headed kids, unless they’re speaking Russian (All Russians are evil, right?). Folks advertising illegal businesses in the PennySaver or Craigslist, folks with food carts, black dudes selling wristwatches on street corners in Georgetown, DC, day laborers standing on the corner in College Park, MD, etc are worth a look. Pretty much anyone with a dented, rusted-up unmarked white van in Northern VA with a ladder on top are prime candidates. Also- start checking dump trucks. There are a lot of illegal construction operations out there.
10. Build the wall. If South Korea, East Germany, Russia, and Israel can successfully bar unwanted visitors at their borders, perhaps the USA can, too. The South Koreans have shown you can detect and prevent tunnels. The East Germans showed you can prevent unwanted visitors almost entirely. The Israelis have shown you can cut down on terrorism with a nice, high wall. Walls work.

This cuts off the spigot of government money the illegals rely on. It cuts off the benefits they don’t deserve. It cuts off their transfers home with the illegally-earned money they have. It cuts off their ability to find employment and it punishes the people who hire them to save money. It makes it impossible for them to exist here. It punishes those who assist them. It makes it profitable to turn them in. It eliminates a serious crime problem we have. It eliminates a serious human slavery problem we have. It eliminates a major disease and health problem for us, too. Illegals bring crazy, nasty tropical diseases our docs haven’t seen since the 50s. It would also help to cut down on traffic jams. If you’ve ever been to a major urban area with a large illegal alien population, like Northern VA/DC/MD, you know what I mean. It even puts Americans to work looking for them. Their absence raises wages for citizen workers. It also cuts off a major factor that keeps farm wages low. I would gladly pay 2x as much for farm produce if it meant real Americans were benefiting. Farmers also deserve a living wage and, as we know from many recent articles, they’re literally killing themselves over the shitty deal they’ve gotten. Finally, keeping foreigners where they belong means maybe they have a shot at changing their shitty countries, instead of coming here and forcing change in ours to accommodate them. If America’s Founders had merely run to Mexico or Canada to escape hardships imposed by the British, rather than fight the Revolution, where would we be now?

As an alternative view, a friend of mine pointed out South American nations would have a much stronger incentive to change their border policies if we captured, trained, uniformed, and armed each illegal alien and returned them to their nations of origin, ready to fight. It would be cheaper to issue each illegal alien a pair of boots, socks, pickle suit, helmet, M16 or AK47, a few mags of ammo, a canteen and a few MREs and drop them off in the countryside down south to fight for “Change We Can Believe In.” Otherwise, it might be useful to us to force the ones we catch into some kind of work force to dig ditches, clean streets, pick up trash, bury radioactive waste, etc until their court-mandated deportation hearings and their trips home. A few years in a salt mine or radioactive SuperFund cleanup site might give them a change of heart, too.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 31, 2018 2:09 am

As far as cutting off all assistance – including schooling – to illegals: Do you not live in the United States of America? Do you not see the people around you – the ones with “NO Ban NO Wall” stickers or “COEXIST” stickers on their cars? Even accounting for “vote harvesting”, the Dems just got a good 4 million more votes in the midterms than did the Democrat Lite (GOP) party. That “cutting off” shit is not going to happen. Ever. Maybe if we’d never had the 19th Amendment, but unfortunately that ship has sailed. The best we can do is extract some security measures (like the Wall, but also more) from our stupid fellow citizens who think they want a “secure border” despite the fact that they simultaneously believe that anyone who somehow sneaks across that border should not only get to stay but also get in-state college tuition.

  Iska Waran
December 31, 2018 1:06 pm

After Bathhouse Barry, there is no longer any need to pretend you need the support of the public to do what you want to government. Just do it and let the legal challenges slowly wind their way through the courts. That’s what he did. And that’s what Trump should do. With the unlimited funding of the government and the unlimited power of the government to keep the fight up, there’s no reason why the legal challenges should be settled before the next century. Ban ’em, deport ’em, deprive ’em, and bar ’em and let the libtards dump their cash into the system. File a million counter-suits, seize property, and generally use the full weight of the government to crush your adversaries like they do to us. By the time you deport 10 million of them, the balance of the game will have shifted immensely.

December 31, 2018 12:34 am

I don’t see why we can’t use deadly force to protect our border.
Every agent on the border has a gun already, so it’s assumed deadly force IS protecting the border. It’s the same deadly force that backs up the laws all over the land. And we’ve seen the law is happy to use deadly force at any time for any reason. Why do we suddenly back off of it when it comes to the border, which is way more important, in my mind, than many of the other issues law enforcement covers on a day-to-day basis? I’ve gone to the police department to report a break-in and had the cop put her hand on the gun, blade me, and treat me like a threat in her own station, when I was there as (a well-dressed upright-uptight) John Q Citizen (which really, REALLY burned me up), so why not armed force on the border? It is a national security issue and it should be treated as such.

December 31, 2018 12:37 am

2 good reasons to build the wall that do not get mentioned enough–
potential terrorists,of which quite a few have been nailed coming across,and
DISEASE–how many of you have heard that ebola is raging in the congo,in the middle of a war zone?
now we have an idiot american health care worker in isolation in nebraska,waiting to be checked out–
let a few of those come across and make it into tuscon or san diego,then we’ll really have a party–

EL Zorro (a real American)
EL Zorro (a real American)
December 31, 2018 12:43 am

1. Tucson rhymes with took some although some folks prefer to say Too Sawn.
2. The Congo is in Africa, not south of the border, nice try, moron.

  EL Zorro (a real American)
December 31, 2018 11:02 am

They catch a lot of people from South Asia and other locales crossing the border. When I lived in Arizona, they reported finding backpacks full of Arabic documents hidden in the desert. They also had a scary report of a group of Chechen militants heading for the border. And the disease threat is very real. I read about a Texas retiree doctor who made the rounds of all the border hospitals to give advice on tropical diseases he had specialized in which had never been seen or not been seen in over 50 years in the USA. Most docs were totally unaware of Chagas and other illnesses that are common down south. The illegals come up with all sorts of nasty shit we don’t even know about and bring it into our population, making us sick with new shit. Ebola is only a plane ride away. It has a 3 week incubation time. An illegal African could easily bring it here. Even if he got locked up at a border facility, that Ebola would manifest suddenly, infecting every other illegal, agent, and other visitor to the facility in short order, since they would probably not be looking for something as exotic as Ebola and have no precautions in place.

  EL Zorro (a real American)
December 31, 2018 11:25 am

congo to london or paris to mayheco ciudad,automobile to within a few miles of the border,your cuz gets ’em x the border,incubating the whole time,on up to the east or midwest,10 of them could shut down the country for a couple of months–

j ob
j ob
December 31, 2018 8:11 am

Makes sense to me, but then the Dems would make our lives even more miserable.

December 31, 2018 8:21 am

You folks complicate things that are simple.

1) enforce current laws on employers re hiring illegals ($3000 an illegal + 6 months in the slammer,

and 2) do not let them send money back to Mexico. Only legals get to send money, if they can prove it is theirs. There is no right to international money transfer.

Straight away the illegals will sprint to the exits en masse. No jobs, no way of sending huge amounts home. About 3/4 of the issue would disappear overnight.

This shit is not hard.

December 31, 2018 9:17 am

Excellent idea! I wish you had the ear of the President. If it saved just ONE life…..

December 31, 2018 10:25 am

Sorry but just shooting a few hundred of them would bring this mass insurgency to a screaming halt. The Berlin wall was put there to keep people in you idiot. Shooting those who tried to escape kept the attempts way down.

Of course the Democrats are using this as a means to over throw the country. In a few more short years there will be no more dissenting voices in America because the Dems will have succeeded in taking over the country by paying others to vote themselves your money.

December 31, 2018 12:58 pm

We need death squads because we don’t have the balls to do what is necessary. We will get the death squads and aren’t going to like them.