This Is Everything That Is Wrong With Mainstream Feminism

Guest Post by Caitlin Johnstone

Outlets like MSNBC and Politico have been excitedly running headlines titled “The military-industrial complex is now run by women” and “How women took over the military-industrial complex”. Apparently four of America’s five top defense contractors are now women, whose names I will not bother to learn or report on because I do not care.

These headlines are being derided by skeptics of the establishment mindset for the cartoonish self-parody of the corporate liberal mindset that they so clearly are, and rightly so. Pretty much everything in American mainstream liberalism ultimately boils down to advancing mass murder, exploitation and ecocide for profit while waving a “yay diversity” banner so that the NPR crowd can feel good about themselves while signing off on it. But the fact that these stories exist and have an audience can also be blamed more specifically on the failures of mainstream feminism.

A lot of men (and the occasional cultishly servile woman) like to bitch about the problem with modern feminism as though it is something that hurts men, threatens men, demonizes men, or robs men of their place in society or anything else they feel entitled to. This is all dopey nonsense which amounts to nothing other than a childish temper tantrum over men losing control over women that they never should have had in the first place; it’s people whining about losing their slaves. That imaginary piffle is not what is wrong with mainstream feminism. What is wrong with mainstream feminism is exemplified perfectly in a mass media parade celebrating the rise of women to the top of the most depraved industry on earth.

The problem that true feminism seeks to address is not that there aren’t enough women at the top of the corporate ladder, or that Americans refused to elect a woman to do the bombing, exploiting and oppressing in 2016. The problem has always been that we’re trying to value women with a value system created by a few very powerful men. By leaving in place the value system created by patriarchy (i.e. capitalism), we are now valuing women but only for their ability to play men’s games. Nobody has ever become a billionaire by being a mother, even the very best mother in the world, and nobody ever will because capitalism was designed by men, for men, to value men’s qualities. This has created a species-threatening imbalance because inequality is baked in to the system. When men reluctantly allowed women out of their house-shaped cages in the sixties, they did so on the condition that they would not change a thing about themselves. Women could play, but it was the women who had to change. As usual.

It’s interesting to go back to seminal texts like Germaine Greer’s “The Female Eunuch” and see how much time feminists spent back then thinking about how women could be paid for domestic and child-rearing work. Fifty years ago, feminists of the time could easily see how financial abuse runs rampant through marriages because women don’t get paid for the majority of their work. They could see how if women were to ever be truly free, that had to be fixed. If you’re not getting paid, then you’re not able to leave, and if you can’t leave, you’re a slave. Despite all of feminism’s gains, today if you dare suggest that women be paid for bearing children, you will be jeered at. It was decided somewhere along the line that, fine, you can be a fake man if you want to, but don’t expect us to value YOU. Men refused to value women’s work, which is why most of it is still essentially slavery. And that was a crucial, planet-threatening mistake.

By refusing to value women and what skills they naturally bring, humanity continued to not value the meta work of the feminine. We continued to not value the health of our environment, the health of our social cohesion, the mental health of each other. By refusing to place a hard and fast value on cleaning, healing, networking, redistributing goods, disappearing problems, restoring, reusing, collaboration, happiness and health, we are strengthening all their opposites.

Many men will knee-jerk argue that they too are slaves to the corporatocracy, and that’s true. That’s what you get when you don’t change a valuing system that was created by slave-owners to distract their slaves from killing them and to keep them working anyway. That’s what you get when you insist everyone change to suit a system that was created by power to keep power in place. We laugh about how indigenous people were fooled into handing over vast swathes of their land for handfuls of shiny shells, while we hand over our labor, our land, our rights and our freedoms for paper rectangles, today.

True feminism doesn’t hold that the world would be better off if women ran things; shifting control from one gender to the other would change very little as long as the current valuing system remains in place. True feminism holds that all of humanity needs to change its valuing system to one which rewards feminine work as much as masculine, instead of only rewarding women when they succeed at climbing the ladder of the patriarchal paradigm.

Women controlling the military-industrial complex is not feminism, it’s toxic masculinity. It’s the fruit of the sick valuing system that is blackening our air, poisoning our water, filling the oceans with plastic, bulldozing the rainforests, and marching us toward the brink of nuclear armageddon. True feminism means turning away from the toxic valuing system which elevates the most ambitious sociopaths and toward one which values empathy, collaboration, nurturing and peace instead.

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January 5, 2019 7:32 am

Piece of chit article. My wife, daughters, sisters, mother are not “cultishly servile” because they understand men and women are inherently different and excel at different roles in a society.

How demeaning and intentionally emasculating in your choice of words to say men “bitch” and “whine”, because of the obvious assault on masculinity ( even being taught as “toxic” from coast to coast)- while 3rd gen feminists are trying so hard to prove that they can be masculine. Seems like the women are the one’s who need to evaluate their psychosis, whose core is, “the more feminist they become, the less feminine they become.” No wonder 35% of American women are on anti-depressants– they are at war with themselves.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
January 5, 2019 8:09 am

Oh, no. The funny part of this will be when we might actually have to use the weapons developed under the “management” of this hen party. Combined with our laughable military full of pregnant black women, lesbians, queers and whatnot, it will be quite a surprise when they run into a military machine that still retains a more Stone Age view of war. Something tells me that women are not in charge of Russian and Chinese programs to develop hypesonic weapons and the other tools of war we apparently do not have. All you Trump haters had better pray that he manages to avoid an open clash with Russia or China.

no one
no one
  Southern Sage
January 5, 2019 8:23 am

When the 552d ACW (formerly AWACS) got its first female commander during the Desert Storm era, she stood the entire Wing DOWN to rest and recuperate. It was ridiculous. Several thousand aircrew members doing coloring books on safety every day…

It made the Wing irrelevant and allowed the contractors to take over. I exited the service and got on the gravy train for a decade.

Now, I’m in the hills hiding from cyclops.

no one
no one
  no one
January 5, 2019 8:46 am

By the way? That particular commander was NORTHCOM until last spring. I wonder which contractor she will be working for this spring when her “one year” away from government service is up. Perhaps there will be FIVE of 5 CEOs who are women.

  no one
January 5, 2019 11:30 am

Reminds me of a job I had long ago with a small defense contractor. We got some sweet contracts due to being a “small business”, mandated by federal law.
The owner used to say his ideal CEO, to get more contracts, would be a one-legged black woman.
I wonder if he ever found her…

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
  no one
January 5, 2019 1:39 pm

Hi Maggie. The Air Force turned my daughter down. Scoliosis.

no one
no one
  Donkey Balls
January 5, 2019 4:11 pm

I hope she’s not overly disappointed. What other options is she looking at?

Bob P
Bob P
January 5, 2019 8:36 am

I’d come to think of Caitlin as a wise observer of the depressing decline of Western culture, but after reading this garbage I may have to modify my opinion (i.e., she’s only wise when I like what she’s yammering about).

no one
no one
  Bob P
January 5, 2019 8:50 am

For what it is worth, I did NOT care for the tone of this piece. But, I’ve NEVER called myself a feminist. I’m a woman and managed to get paid exactly what my peers got paid in the same jobs. And, once married with child? Half of what my husband got was mine unless I wanted the other half too.

There is a damned good reason man and woman make children together, bonding as FAMILY. That is the cornerstone of civilization. Not equal pay.

What a bunch of shit.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
January 5, 2019 9:41 am

I have to agree with y’all. There is no clear point made in this article. If I had to guess, o’l Caitlin has been drinking hard for the better part of a month.

January 5, 2019 9:43 am

The author of this article is full of sh!t. Men and women ARE different and complement each other. Feminism is an attempt to destroy the natural order of human relationships.

January 5, 2019 10:17 am

What if they develop menstrual synchrony?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 5, 2019 10:34 am

There will be war every time there is a full moon.

no one
no one
  Mary Christine
January 5, 2019 4:14 pm

And the supply chain will need to be set up for “just in time” tampon delivery.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 5, 2019 10:31 am

“toxic masculinity”

Ruh roh, thems fighten words.

You can’t put a value on a good marriage partnership. It’s just not possible.

K Vizzle
K Vizzle
January 5, 2019 11:00 am

Like her anti war stuff but this article is a steaming pile of bullshit

January 5, 2019 11:21 am

On both sides of the table the politically correct have ascended to the top of the food chain. The bottom line is this: …..these folks have zero idea what the programs are doing and if you do not have a good Program Manager and Management staff the processes are failures as well as the program result……

January 5, 2019 12:05 pm

Does anyone honestly think that we will have a “kinder” or “gentler” foreign policy now that women are squeezing the balls of and paying off the legislators who actively push for endless wars for their endless profits? Yeah, good luck with that.

January 5, 2019 12:57 pm

“Apparently four of America’s five top defense contractors are now women”

Sure. They are sock puppets for the real contractors, which nominally work as subcontractors. The real contractors give classes to the ‘diverse’ primary contractors, who get criminal preference over white men in the selection process.

The black lesbian trannies, or whatever, land the contract (and get to keep a small percentage) and then “hire” a massive “subcontractor” to actually do everything.

January 5, 2019 1:07 pm

They also lay off people all the time so they can stay under the nominal number to be called ‘small business’ thereby gaining more brownie points.

January 5, 2019 1:28 pm

The phrase “brownie points” shall very soon be officially proscribed by the Goodthink Police.

January 5, 2019 1:03 pm

How are women NOT paid for domestic service and having kids when they get a roof over their head, bills paid, food to eat, and their needs met and well as extras like gifts?
I know several goobermint contractors, they HATE the bitches who took over (Navarro)! They gets loads of divershitty and sensitivity training and the contracts suck too. They want the guys back (Stoller).

January 5, 2019 2:06 pm

Some reading for Caitlin:

The Origin Of Marxist Feminism

If you are a ‘feminist,’ you’re a communist shill – even if you didn’t know it.

January 5, 2019 4:52 pm

I liked her when she stuck to scathing critique of our bankers wars. But we always knew she was a prog snake after her self outing article on This is Me, posted here about 2 mo. ago.
Feminazis can’t suppress the seething hatred for God and Patriarchy boiling down in their bowels.
They remind me of the Alien in a Bruce Willis flick who would burst out of his disguise and become his real self when agitated.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
January 5, 2019 7:13 pm

I don’t see myself as a male chauvinist pig, but I sure wish the ladies would go back to wearing dresses and skirts. Trousers might be a bit more practical but they are not attractive, stylish or feminine.

  Grizzly Bare
January 5, 2019 8:15 pm

I remember when seeing some ankle was hot

January 5, 2019 8:07 pm

So her argument is we need moar matriarchy and less patriarchy. What horseshit that is…. nice try Caitlin..

It has already been tried in Black America and it is a total disaster.

January 5, 2019 8:32 pm

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand this is why women shouldn’t vote!
#repealthe19th #keepthepimphandstrong #keepherPHbalanced #strongenoughforamanbutmadeforher

Word to the Wise
Word to the Wise
January 5, 2019 10:02 pm

Being a woman in my 70’s and living through the time of “The Feminist Mystique” by Betty Friedan and of Gloria Steinum and others…here is another “feminist” article that makes me want to puke. I never undervalued myself or thought I could be better than or lower than a man. It never crossed my mind. “Equality” with anyone was never an issue. We never felt less-than anyone.

You are still beating this same drum well over 50/60 years – get over yourselves ladies and “lady-up”. Quit trying to be better men.

Men are the other 1/2 of the population of this earth!

To the writer of this article -Instead of trying to be the better man – try being the better woman and raise all boats, as they say. Start your own business. Reach out to women and teach them how to become better women also. Pay a great salary. Teach them how to run their own businesses. Go into the homeless shelters and volunteer to help those women who are caught up in human trafficking and prostitution and teach them how to earn their own living. If a woman wants to earn more money which seems to be the crux of this article – let her be worth more and start her own business. It ain’t easy! Chopping men down is not the answer to anything.

I started from scratch at age 40. Worked my way up the ranks. I’ve had Engineering jobs (Drafter/Designer in big and small companies) being the only woman working with all men and was never disrespected, nor did I disrespect the men I worked with, and many are still good friends I value after all these years.

Women no longer know how to be a true woman. They just turn into manly-women! Shallow shrews – “Jezebels.” In 1 Kings Jezebel ended up falling out the window and becoming dog-food! HHHMMM, food for thought, ladies!

Raising children is looked down upon. But there is no more challenging and rewarding job in the world than raising the next generation – and we clearly see how this generation of young people turned out. Children don’t just raise themselves. Women forget that when they have children – that’s their job to raise them with a conscience and good values. No one can ever put a price on that.

A true woman knows how to respect and appreciate a man if she wants to be cherished. Few do. Trouble is women no longer know what respect is, or what appreciation or what cherishing is either. Women have ruined their life for themselves because they know nothing about “mystery.” They just let it all hang out. They never leave anything “off the table” to be slowly discovered. And for God sake, men…never hold the door open for the woman!!! She’ll slam it in your face. Never pay for her dinner!! Why, she can certainly do that for herself!!

A good man will do his best for a woman if he knows he is respected and appreciated. Women have ruined it for themselves by trying to be men instead of a true woman.
As I see it in this article…for women it’s all about the money! That same drum beat has been going on for over 50 years. Get over it and add value instead of griping and complaining.

Women have forgotten love, respect, cherishing, working together instead of steam-rolling over everybody. And trying to be better men. That just won’t cut the mustard. Men and women were created differently for very good reasons. Few women even know why that is.