Conservatives Hate Dancing, Strong Women So Much!

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Conservatives Hate Dancing, Strong Women So Much!

Could you believe that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was caught on videotape dancing like a sinning sinner of sinfulness? Like all conservatives, I hate dancing so much, so very much, as part of our anti-joy agenda. Luckily, so many prominent, influential conservatives took to Twitter to call out her wicked wickedness, including such conservative thought-leaders as @QTruthGuy1776 and @ILoveMAGAAndAmNotABot.

Dancing! Harrumph! Outrageous! It’s about time we all re-watched the original Footloose, and gave a listen the thoughts on dancing of the movie’s hero, John Lithgow.

Her dancing sure showed us. She’s going to dance, damn it, and she doesn’t care how offended we are.

You know what else I hate? Strong women. Like all conservatives, I hate strong women so much so very much. And the new Democrat caucus in the House is full of strong women, which I know because they and CNN keep telling me the House is full of strong women and it’s not like they would ever mislead us. See, we conservatives hate strong women because of course we do. I brought this up to my wife, Ofkurt, just yesterday. When I finished speaking, she raised her hand, which is hard to do in a handmaid’s robe, and after I called on her, she agreed that strong women are the worst.

Their being strong women sure showed us. They’re going to be strong women, damn it, and they don’t care how offended we are.

And now there’s presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren. She drank a beer on video, which is horrible because everyone knows we conservatives hate beer, especially when it’s being drunk by a strong woman. And the fact that she’s Native America made it 1/1024 times worse.

Plus, this devastating video opus showed how authentic and in touch with real people she is, and how likable and relatable she is too.

Her totally being a strong woman who is Native American, likable and relatable, sure showed us. She’s going to be a strong woman who is Native American, likable and relatable, damn it, and she doesn’t care how offended we are.


We have at least two more years of this, folks.

Two more years of calculated nonsense designed to sway the voters into the installing the liberal elite back into power. Their goal is to both ingratiate these weird liberal mutations with Normal Americans who aren’t paying a lot of attention to politics at the moment – in large part because Trump’s economy is putting them back to work – while also attempting to alienate them from the conservative/populist faction that is responsible for the country’s improving condition.

Wow, conservatives really hate it that Alexandria Ocasio-Castrowannabe danced? That’s weird and horrible and I can’t possibly vote for those people!

So we’ll be seeing more of it. Beto was a test case. Skateboards! Air drumming to the Who! Whataburger! They really think you’re that stupid. And some people are.

Of course, the lapdog media is eager to help. Build the liberals up, tear us down. Why else would they highlight Mitt Romney doing his schoolmarm thing? Next, we’ll see Biden on a chair getting some ink and talking about how chill his administration will be. No doubt Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit will show up on The View to shake her groove thing.


As with everything the elite does to try and retake and hold power, it’s a lie and a scam

They plan to push an image, a vibe, a feel, and thereby distract us from the poisonous ideology they back. We can’t let them.

Even as their coordinated propaganda push gets underway the truth still keeps slipping through. We can’t let them dance around it. Since we have zero cultural/media power, we have to fight them on substance. We have to make people see what these monsters would do given the chance.

Take Rebel Dance Gal, please. First, let’s understand that the media will amplify attacks on her to help her. While literally no one with a pulse was outraged by her dance vid, we do go off on her a lot over her goofiness and general ignorance. She’s a nitwit, but her puppetmasters are cunning. If you count her out because you fail to understand her appeal (working class girl goes to the Swamp to make change!), you’ll lose. Dumping on her is legit, but it’s useless to get bogged down in her bio details – so she stretches the truth about being Alexandria on the Block? No. One. Cares. She’s appealing, and like Trump, she will prosper if we attack her for who she is.

Attack her for what she wants. Accept her challenge. Her whole premise is that she is a lil’ lady demanding respect from us meanies and we aren’t giving it to her because we’re jerks. Give it to her. Let her speak.

She wants a 70% top rate? In the big liberal states like California and her own New York, that means an 80%+ rate. People notice that, including liberal people. Even the lonely divorced teacher with cats and a twist-top Chardonnay jones who represents the Democrats’ base is going to balk at paying four-fifths of her paycheck. If it’s money for welfare cheats or her cats, Fluffy wins.

Ask her about that.

A green new deal? So, there go all those coal jobs that just came back. There goes America’s energy supremacy, which is just within reach. Oh, and here comes…more taxes. Limits on SUVs. Higher utility bills.

Ask her about that.

Get her talking, because when she’s dancing she’s winning. But when she’s talking, we’re winning.

She’s bad on policy because she really is an empty-skulled pinko dork. But we’re just not going to beat her (or any of the others) solely by pointing out, with increasing desperation and frustration, that she’s an empty-skulled pinko dork. People will get that when they are open to it. Her words will open their minds.  Here’s the thing – the left thought Trump was stupid and crazy, and said so, but shut out the personal critique because they liked his ideas. They won’t like hers.

In the meantime, we can all look forward to Kamala Harris crunking and Bernie Sanders doing the cabbage patch. See, socialists are cute n’ fun! And maybe it will make us forget, for a moment, that they adhere to a bloody ideology built on the corpses of 100 million innocents.

Want to see what happens if they succeed? My latest novel, Wildfire, asks what America would look like if it split into red and blue halves, and the answer involves lots of action and mockery of liberals. Check it out, along with the first two novels in the series! And remember, we can dance if we want to

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January 7, 2019 7:30 am

Here’s the thing with the internet that I’ve been thinking about recently. This particular story is just one example, but there are dozens more stories that can demonstrate the same point:

Look, I know who AOC is. I think she’s probably a moron about how systems actually work. I don’t think she has the slightest idea of the repercussions of the ideas she’s espousing. But she’s the Darling Princess of The Left right now, and that’s that.

Beyond that, there’s no impact to my life. Sure, I’m aware there’s a dancing video of her. I’ve seen one, but not sure if the kerfuffle is over the one vid I’ve seen, or something else. I don’t care. She danced when she was young. The end.

So many ‘discussions’ online have no bearing outside of the space of cyberspace. It’s like there’s a whole segment of the internet that exists only to frame Non-Important/Non-Urgent issues as Important/Urgent.

Great. And now, I’ve just spent valuable time in my life chiming in on a subject that I just said was a non-issue. So there’s that.

Old Shoe
Old Shoe
January 7, 2019 10:54 am

“Beyond that, there’s no impact to my life”. Respectfully disagree. Aside from her radical political posture which is neither here nor there, this woman is a low information individual with a serious emotional illness. This illness will continue to manifest itself in greater proportion moving forward as she is continually mocked by the right and in all probability, shunned by her Democratic colleagues.

January 7, 2019 11:22 am

It was fabricated.

January 7, 2019 5:13 pm

Bet it was that guy/girl/trans. who spit on Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) back in 2010.

January 7, 2019 7:41 am

Its what we seem to have degenerated to… A car commercial isn’t a telling of attributes, qualities and amenities. Its a either a music video or its an image piece showing us how envious everyone will be if we buy one of their’s. Everything is feelings…selling “us” on a saxophone-playing bill clinton…who is actually a criminal, a drug addict and a human trafficker. Nothing…well, almost nothing…is intellect, fact, or reason. And while we conservatives purportedly hatehatehate dancing, the truth is the totalitarian, communist left truly hates logic. They can’t stand it. Logic is the wobbly table leg to their house-of-cards.

January 7, 2019 8:39 am

If it’s not glaringly obvious to you that AOC is being professionally marketed, no less skillfully than a tropical resort vacation or an upscale lifestyle achieved through the lease of new luxury SUV, you probably don’t notice much else of anything either.

She made the deal. No more chatter about Palestine, and in exchange we’ll make you President. Get used to the idea of this vapid, misguided harpy being your figurehead because it’s just a matter of time.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
January 7, 2019 2:27 pm

I assumed the point of the booing she got upon voting for Pelosi was the fact that she had just made a big “stand” protesting outside Pelosi’s office and was now cravenly abandoning whatever principles she appeared to have.

But no, AOC corrects me, I’m just a “hater”.

Big Dick
Big Dick
  Chubby Bubbles
January 7, 2019 6:51 pm

How can you have principals when you are a stupid dumb fuck?

January 7, 2019 8:44 am

A real strong woman is my wife. She will try and hang with the guys if it literally kills her. Be it hiking, rock climbing, snowmobiling or 4 wheeling. She had the worst sled wreck, got knocked cold, got up and tried to drag a 500 pound sled out of the woods. It took 4 guys to drag it out. No tears. Just gimme a beer. When she works, its all damn day running plants across four states. Thats a strong woman. And she votes a straight republican ticket unless i say different, because we are a team, we vote together towards one goal. My wife never nullifys my vote. Not a poser bullshit artist, just a true strong woman.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 7, 2019 8:50 am

God damn – you done well.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Iska Waran
January 7, 2019 10:12 am

“she votes a straight republican ticket unless i say different”

Now we know why he needs more fingers, to snap out more orders to the wife. Let’s keep this little secret here, like the precious fire lantern in the movie Quest for Fire. There is hope, people!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 7, 2019 8:55 am

I kind of like AOC. She’s hotter than Adam Schiff, and she was a bartender. That she thinks we can give everyone everything for free if only we’d soak the rich just means she’s a democrat. Most Americans are innumerate – why would she be any different? If she’d turn her focus from giving people free shit to spending less on “defense”, I’d like her more. I don’t think they’ll be able to rein her in. She seems to shoot from the hip, which increases the chances that she’ll occasionally commit candor – which can be helpful.

  Iska Waran
January 7, 2019 11:32 am

Sure she’s likable and has a nice rack, but she’s already on the program. Don’t be a sucker.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
January 7, 2019 9:00 am

As a person who has spent much of his life in Latin America and is married to a real so-called “Latina” from a real Latin American country, I am irritated by these faux “Latinas”, or, in the case of “Ocasio-Cortez”, Latinx’s. As an aside, the weird, hyphenated surname is virtually never used by real Latin Americans. Only Puerto Ricans – considered “gringos” by most south of the border, use it; real Latin Americans use their father’s and mother’s names. For example, Juan Lopez Gomez is Juan Lopez in ordinary use or conversation. Rarely, some use the mother’s name, like the snobbish Communist author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who thought “Marquez” (Marquis in English, his mother’s name) sounded more upscale than the very common Garcia. A Latin American with only one surname is usually regarded as a literal bastard.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is, of course, a typical product of a modern American education: a loud-mouthed, densely ignorant dingbat full of identity politics nonsense. All of this blather about socialism and the rest is simply hot air. To use an old Randy Newman line, she doesn’t know her ass (rather shapely as it is) from a hole in the ground.

For man used to genuine Latin American women it is exasperating to see these “gringas” like Ocasio-Cortez putting on the Latin act. First, she is a U.S.-born (I think) Puerto Rican. Bad news for those folks, but most people from Latin America see them as Spanish-speaking gringos (though they are careful not to tell them to their faces). There is nothng wrong with this, really, but it is a fact.

But the situation is even worse with the “Latin” children of immigrants born in the U.S. who insist in pretending that they are “Latinos”. They aren’t. Born and raised in the USA, they are no more “Latino” than an Italian-American is really an”Italian”. Yes, the family maintains some ties to the old country and tries to preserve some cultural artifacts, but you can’t rewind the clock.

Take Miami Cubans. Now into the third or fourth generation born in the U.S., they are as American as I am, and I am glad to say it (I might add that most are as white as I am, being the descendants of fairly recent Spanish immigrants; an example is the actress Ana de Armas is not a Miami Cuban – she grew up in Cuba the child of such Spanish immigrants to Cuba. I think she is white enough for any of us, though.)

I knew a Colombian girl who married one of these “Cubans” from Miami. I asked if her soon-to-be husband was Cuban. She laughed out loud and said, yeah, his parents were from Cuba but he was “hopelessly gringo”. I knew just what she meant.

In another case, I read about some U.S.-born “Colombian” girl who was acting as a tour guide in New Jersey or somewhere. In any case, this woman was bitching because some man had made some compliment about her Latin beauty. As would any modern American girl, she took tremendous offense at this and spouted out some twaddle about as a “Latina” she was offended”, etc.

Ha! In all my time in Latin America I have never met a single woman “offended” by being politely complimented on her looks or the way she is dressed! Of course, Latin women don’t like creepy, foul-mouthed guys any more than the next woman would but they still react to normal men in a normal way. My secretary greets me with a kiss on the cheek every morning and she is not the only woman in the office who does. The “Colombian” tour guide was not a Colombian at all. She has no idea what Colombian culture is about, but you can bet she plays the Latina card every chance she gets.

Just remember this when you run into one of these countereit “Latinos”. If they start spewing anti-American crap, just look them in the eye and tell them they are just as much ‘gringos” as you are and you don’t buy their Latino act.
You will laugh out loud at the reaction.

EL Coyote the Counterfeit Mexican
EL Coyote the Counterfeit Mexican
  Southern Sage
January 7, 2019 11:22 am

As the resident beaner here, I can say you are not entirely wrong or right. In another time or place, you would be entirely correct.

A person from another country might rightfully call herself Colombian or Guatemalan. They cannot arrogate to themselves the term Latina and deny that title to people from another Latin American country, that’s not how it works. What you are talking about is culture and manners; what is called ‘education’ in Latin America. While you delight in a kiss on the cheek every morning, you propagate a practice frowned upon in current times – the antiquated culture of machismo where women are subservient to males.
We are not counterfeit anything. We are beaners, pochos, gringos, ciudadanos and anything else you care to call us south of the border. We call undocumented immigrants ‘mojados’ or ‘illegales’. Latin women who marry for a greencard are called ‘india pata-rajada’ (split foot indian) or ‘gringa nalga-prieta’ (dark ass gringa) – especially if she is married to a white guy and puts on airs. We are not bastards, we are following the common practice in America and drop the Spanish use of father and mother surnames. Women’s libbers tried the double surnames for a while but it never caught on except as a fad so you can see why we dropped it.

Maybe we identify ourselves by our parents or grandparents country of origin but we are not wearing a mask. At first, we tried Mexican-American. Then we tried simply ‘Mexican’. Then the term Mexican became a pejorative universal appellation for any brown person so we went to Hispanic or Latino.


While Europeans, Africans and Chinese are allowed to have their own landmass of origin, Brown people of the Americas are denied this right. White people are called Europeans and Chinese people are called Chinese. Brown people are denied any such identity. The equivalent and more correct terminology would be Americans but this term has been appropriated by North Americans for their own use. We have had to make do with the imposed categories like Latino or Hispanic. This is awkward because we are neither Romans nor Spaniards.

But I digress. Latino or Latina is currently fashionable and overused. It used to refer to Puerto Ricans and Cubans. Mexicans preferred the term Hispanic. In California, the polite term for quasi-illegals who are more comfortable speaking Spanish than English was “Spanish”. The more anglicized, or rather, English-speaking beaners went by Hispanic. Unless they were secretly ashamed of their background and pretended to be Italian.

Maybe you can get away with calling first gens faux-latinos but second and third gen Hispanics are, as you say, gringos. They are not dreamers who were born elsewhere and raised as Americans here, they are Americans having more in common with their classmates than with their parents or grandparents.

I appreciate your comment as an illustration of a view from the other side of the border. Thanks.

  EL Coyote the Counterfeit Mexican
January 7, 2019 12:34 pm

I like your reply E.C., most gringos don’t differentiate as they cannot see the subtle differences in Hispanics. In Guam, my birthplace, the Chamorros have over the years divorced themselves from their Spanish imprint though it is there. I think they are gringos like me as they are all about Give Us American Money culture. The historian Manchester pointed out in his book “Goodbye Darkness” that they have their own corrupt families running the island which was still going strong when I was living there in the 90s. Reading the book 1492 opened my eyes as to how the Spanish parsed out groups of their subjects based on percentages of blood they had.
A P.R. friend told me that his island was the only true non racist section of the United States as it was a mixture of black, and Spanish. He has since settled in Hawaii which has an influence of Puerto Ricans.
Then there are the Tejanos. A whole different kettle of menudo. I liked watching on Netflix El Ministerio del Tiempo, or The Ministry of Time, as is showed the Spanish influence on the world in their eyes for their audience.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 7, 2019 4:34 pm

1. the Spanish parsed out groups of their subjects based on percentages of blood they had
2. Chamorros have over the years divorced themselves from their Spanish imprint though it is there.

1. You look up coyote in the Spanish race scale and it isn’t very flattering. There must be at least 30 racial designations. The nice thing about America is that things are more simple, you’re either white or non-white. However, the Spanish would have parsed and out-selected quite a few proud ‘white’ Americans for having a tad more Indian blood than Elizabeth Warren. (Can you believe the bitch is back-pedaling her status saying she is not a person of color? I wonder if she should give back part of her university salary?)

2. Imprinted prejudices are hard to erase. Americans are not as relaxed with public nudity as Europeans are but they are still more relaxed than the uptight Latin countries where the Spanish idea of ‘pudor’ or body shame has been imprinted on the masses for centuries. The idea of white supremacy is not new, it is a Spanish idea that has carried forward into the present. This is why SAH pointed out that Latin countries have white actors and politicos after so many centuries since the discovery of the Americas. It was imprinted in their brain that white is better, faster, smarter, prettier… Again, it is not a new idea born in the USA, it is simply an idea carried forward from the old Spanish empire.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  EL Coyote
January 7, 2019 5:44 pm

My kids get mad when I call Hondurans, Guatemalans and Ecuadorians all “Mexicans”. It is kind of dickish, so I’m going to try to stop, but then I was thinking about it… If I lived in Southern California, I’d be called an “Anglo”. I’m not English! It’s not because I speak English, either, because then they’d call me “Ingles”. So if they can call all white people Anglos why can’t I call all brown people Mexicans?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Iska Waran
January 7, 2019 6:31 pm

Back in the day they went so far as to call them Anglo-Saxon. Some oldsters still do. I have not used those terms as I differentiate when I can. Otherwise, it’s gringo.
Hondourans and called ‘Catrachos’.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  EL Coyote
January 7, 2019 8:37 pm

Guats are squats, Hondos are darker than I am. Equadorians live in the South American continent. They chew coca leaves and have awesome lung power – imagine living in a place where planes have to climb before landing.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
  EL Coyote the Counterfeit Mexican
January 7, 2019 3:53 pm

Thanks. My perspective is mainly based on South American experience, though I have spent time in Mexico. I think you misunderstood some of my comments. As I pointed out, I consider persons of Latin American descent who are U.S.-born to be just as American as I am. Of course they may maintain some cultural ties or refer to themselves as “Mexican” or whatever. But this is no different from somebody calling Al Pacino Italian. He is as American as anybody. As for using the two last names, obviously I was not talking about persons of Latin American descent in the U.S. I was talking about Latin Americans in Latin America, where the lack of a matronymic is indeed a clear indication of bastardy. Re a kiss on the cheek, it has nothing to do with machismo. You have been in the USA too long, my friend. It is a normal custom anywhere south of the border and is hardly seen as “antiquated”. Re Latin women marrying Americans, what you describe certainly exists and there are Latin women who marry a foreigner – any foreigner – in hopes of a better life. But that is not normally the case. Re perjorative names used to describe Latin women who marry foreigners, I am afraid I have to tell you that those are terms used by Latin men, who may resent their pretty women being swept off their feet by foreigners. Without exception, all of the Latin women I have known -and that is, as they say, a large number – are interested in marrying Americans or other foreigners because they are fed up with the attitudes and actions of many (not all) Latin men or simply because they like the guy (the normal thing). Another thing. The middle and upper classes in most Latin American countries are generally of white, Europeans descent. The relatively small amount of Native American blood merely adds to the exotic beauty of many of the women. A Latin woman from those countries marrying a white American is perfectly normal in every sense of the word and carries not a trace of any kind of “Green Card” fever. My wife has some small mixture of Native American blood, but you would not know it from our kids. It is important to remember that Mexico is a special case in Latin America and that the Latin Caribbean countries (Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico) are different as well from South America. The point of my article was that Ocasio-Cortez is pretty much a total fake,leaving aside her crazy political views. I also wanted to point out that it is irritating for an American who has spent most of his life in Latin America to run into seond and third generation Latin American immigrants who still want to play the identity card. They are Americans and should act – and vote – like they are. Any “Latino” voting Democrat is voting against the interests of America and the American people, for example, and I resent it deeply. Good response, though. This is a complex subject.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Southern Sage
January 7, 2019 4:11 pm

You have been in the USA too long,

I was born here. Since my mamacita was born in Ft Collins, I’m technically a second gen pocho. I say technically because second gen kids are typically monolingual coconuts. If you don’t speak Spanish in El Paso, you are going to get your ass kicked.

My buddy T and I were in Panama and the girl there was being really shitty with T. When I approached to get my paperwork, I spoke to her in Spanish and all of a sudden she was sweet as candy.

The maid
The maid
  Southern Sage
January 7, 2019 3:10 pm

That’s some swell pontification there, gabacho.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  The maid
January 7, 2019 4:11 pm

Who are you talking to, Maria?

January 7, 2019 9:08 am

Well….like I have said on other posts like this. Vote stupid.Get Stupid!!!!!

January 7, 2019 9:18 am

Yep, Canada made an empty suit trust-fund baby with a famous name and nice hair Prime Minister. Obama was elected President twice. There’s no reason to doubt that the stupidity of voters won’t keep AOC in office for decades, and even see her run for President someday. It’s sad, but history shows it’s often true.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 7, 2019 11:28 am

We were taught in grade school that in America, anybody can run for president. I guess Bilco and Cricket never graduated 5th grade or they went to high school in Missouri.

January 7, 2019 9:34 am

A good mashup of non story. The guy who did video rightly points out that this whole debacle is likely nothing moar than a poorly executed piece of Astro-turfing..

January 7, 2019 10:25 am

RiNS, that was outstanding.

January 7, 2019 10:25 am

Factual: AOC is a horse’s ass with a horse face.

[imgcomment image[/img]

On The Beach
On The Beach
January 7, 2019 11:38 am

Thank you, Stucky. After watching her video, I desired her for humping purposes. Your post brought me back to my senses.

January 7, 2019 11:55 am

Beaners are like pornography. You know them en you see them.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 7, 2019 12:02 pm

Reminds me of an old gay joke:
How do you know when O’cliff is looking at you?
Your ass feels warm.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
January 7, 2019 12:11 pm

I don’t have much respect for Kurt, because he’s often a neocon shilling for the state of Israel, but I had to agree with his point that facts, logic and reason are how you disassemble nonsense. I would add nonsense whether it comes from the left or the right. While the left deals entirely in nonsense, they certainly don’t hold a monopoly on it.

Emotions are powerful tools of manipulation and this is how the vast majority of people are mislead. When I hear a message I try to discern whether it is an appeal to my emotions or my reason. If it’s an appeal to my emotions I discard it as propaganda and move on. If you are going to hold a position you should be able to make a comprehensible and consistent case for the policies principles and ideals you advocate and not merely trigger emotions.

  Grizzly Bare
January 7, 2019 4:25 pm

Totally agree Bare Griz. That’s why emotional propaganda is so effective on most women. I give thanks that I found one that is not susceptible.

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
January 7, 2019 10:56 pm

IluvCO2, You’re a lucky man. Another thing I like to look at when I’m served up a message is to ask myself, who ultimately benefits if I buy into what’s being sold? This might take some thought and even some investigating, as it’s rarely obvious or what’s claimed.

January 7, 2019 6:05 pm

The thing that struck me most about her dancing was how poorly she’s aging. Imagine what she’s going to look like at 40 and 50 (shudder).

Big Dick
Big Dick
January 7, 2019 6:50 pm

Someone needs to shove a broomstick up this bitches ass till the broom stifles her mouth then set it on fire, while we all piss on her.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Big Dick
January 7, 2019 9:50 pm

You’ve been watching too many slasher movies.

Sam Fox
Sam Fox
January 7, 2019 9:20 pm

How that jive gets called dancing is beyond me. Jumping around & twirling, jumping up & down, bouncing around, twirling some more, that’s dancing? Kinder garden children do that kind of ‘dancing’ all the time. No skill or talent required.

Samba & Mambo…THAT”S dancing. Even Foxtrot & Jitterbug are more like it.

What’s her face ‘dancing’ doesn’t bother me. If that’s all she does who cares. Her talk, her agenda, what she stands for…now there’s a problem. She is a talking points sock puppet. Her prefab scripted leftist fascist agenda speech is where the danger is.

She can do what now passes for dancing all she wants. I don’t care.

That she is an ad campaign for the left isn’t good either. Someone said she is being marketed. That’s a good point. The left has no iron in their words, so they have to distract & disguise.
