What Gen Z Learned From Millennials: Skip College

Authored by Andrew Moran via LibertyNation.com,

Generation Z is already learning from the millennial generation’s mistakes…

For years, millennials have scoffed at the notion of fixing someone else’s toilet, installing elevators, or cleaning a patient’s teeth. Instead, they wanted to get educated in lesbian dance theory, gender studies, and how white people and western civilization destroyed the world. As a result, student loan debt has surpassed the $1 trillion mark, the youth unemployment rate hovers around 9%, and the most tech-savvy and educated generation is delaying adulthood.

But their generational successors are not making the same mistakes, choosing to put in a good day’s work rather than whining on Twitter about how “problematic” the TV series Seinfeld was. It appears that young folks are paying attention to the wisdom of Mike Rowe, the American television host who has highlighted the benefits and importance of trade schools and blue-collar work – he has also made headlines for poking fun at man-babies and so-called Starbucks shelters.

Will Generation Z become the laughing stock of the world, too? Unlikely.


Z Is Abandoning University

A new report from VICE Magazine suggests that Generation Z – those born around the late-1990s and early-2000s – are turning to trade schools, not university and college, for careers. Ostensibly, a growing number of younger students are seeing stable paychecks in in-demand fields without having to collapse under the weight of crushing debt.

Because Gen Zers want to learn now and work now, they are abandoning the traditional four-year route, a somewhat precocious response to the ever-evolving global economy.

Cosmetologist, petroleum technician, and respiratory therapist are just some of the positions that this generation of selfies, Snapchat, and emoticons are taking. And this is an encouraging development, considering that participation in career and technical education (CTE) has steadily declined since 1990.

David Abreu, a teacher at Queens Technical High School, told a class of young whippersnappers at the start of the semester:

“When you go out there, there’s no reason why anyone should be sitting on mommy’s couch, eating cereal, and watching cartoons or a telenovela. There’s tons of construction, and there’s not enough people. So they’re hiring from outside of New York City. They’re getting people from the Midwest. I love the accents, but they don’t have enough of you.”

While students feel the pressure of attaining a four-year degree in a subject that offers fewer employment opportunities, the blue-collar jobs are out there to be filled. It is estimated that more than one-third of businesses in construction, manufacturing, and financial services are unable to fill open jobs, mainly because of a skills shortage and a paucity of qualifications.

This could change in the coming years.

The Future Of College

Over the last decade or so, the college experience has turned into a circus. At Evergreen College, the inmates ran the asylum. The University of Missouri staff requested “some muscle over here” to suppress journalists. Harvard University has turned into a politically correct institution. What do all these places of higher learning have in common? They’re losing money, whether it’s from fewer donations or tumbling enrollment.

Not only are these places of higher learning metastasizing into leftist indoctrination centers, their rates for graduates obtaining employment are putrid. And parents and students are realizing this.

With the trend of Gen Zers embracing the trades, the future of post-secondary education might be different. Since colleges need to remain competitive in the sector, they will have to offer alternative programs and eliminate eclectic courses, and the administration will be required to justify their utility.

A pupil seeking out a STEM education will not be subjected to the inane ramblings of an ecofeminism teacher or the asinine curriculum of a queer theory course.

Moreover, colleges could no longer afford to spend chunks of their budgets on opulent settings. A student interested in the trades is unlikely to be attracted to in-house day spas, luxury dorms, and exorbitant gyms. They want the skills, the tools, and the training to garner a high-paying career without sacrificing 15 years’ worth of earnings just so they could enjoy lobster for lunch twice a week.

Generation Smart?

Millennials are typically the butt of jokes, known for texting in the middle of job interviews, demanding complicated Starbucks beverages, and ignoring their friends at the restaurant. Perhaps Generation Z doesn’t want to experience the same humiliation and stereotypes. This could explain why they are dismissing the millennial trends and instead adopting common sense, conservatism, tradition, and anything else that is contrary to those who need to be coddled.

The next 20 years should be fascinating.

In 2039, Ryder, who prefers the pronoun “xe,” is employed as a barista, a position he claims is temporary to pay off his student debt. He lives on his friend’s sofa, still protests former President Donald Trump, and spends his disposable income on tattoos. In the same year, Frank operates an HVAC business, owns his home without a mortgage, and has a wife and three children who enjoy their summer weekends at the ballpark with the grandparents.


One went to college for feminist philosophy, the other went to trade school. You decide who.

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January 7, 2019 8:32 am

If I had to choose a new career tomorrow, I’d either go into plumbing or HVAC, work with a mentor for a year or two then start my own business. Word of mouth spreads pretty quickly – guys who are competent, honest and fairly priced get all the business they can handle.

January 7, 2019 1:08 pm

Tried to convince a couple of my young relatives that way. Failed. One mechanic. Hvac is the one though. Potential for well paying sidework to supplement income is much better than most other carreers.

January 7, 2019 11:48 pm

Every trade has side jobs. I turn down work all the time where I live and I don’t even look for work or want to work for other people anymore. I was at a party on Saturday and my friend tried to see if my son would wire in a generator for him as an emergency power source on his next days off. Cash deals. Even as a pilot I had side jobs. I worked all day teaching school and was part timer pilot for a few logging contractors. They paid with $100 bills. When I wasn’t doing that I did office renovations every summer. After I retired I took a 7 month welding course at the local college. So many skills are transferrable from one trade to another; square is square, plumb is plumb, and a good fit and building solution jumps right out at you whether it is in white oak, sheet metal, or welded mild steel. I have an aquaintance who is an orthopedic surgeon. Before that he was a mechanical engineer. He made his fortune inventing surgical tools that improved his technique and outcomes. Next time you go to the dentist and get a filling watch what they do. It’s a trade with fine motor skills on top of medical knowledge. It all beats sitting at a desk, for sure.

January 7, 2019 9:10 am

I am one of the few “oldest” millennials in my family. Lately the youngest (Z and young minnies) have been asking whether or not college was worth it.

I started a small fight with my family when I told them – emphatically – that it was not.

Even with dual-chemistry degrees, intern experience, and a good paying job – its not worth it.

The student loans are crushing. The opportunity cost is sky high. Jobs are falling behind steadily. The world is advancing too quickly for a university education to keep pace. The education offered is behind the curve, and frequently aimed at the lowest common denominator.

PS: The fight doesn’t happen when I stay that school is a dumb move. It starts when I argue “elders” into the dirt with facts, logic, and experience.

January 7, 2019 11:58 pm

TPC – educations is worth it. It is the going into debt that is not, esp. if the debt is for some dumbass arts degree. Students do not have to go into debt. Work and study at the same time, live at home, state and community colleges, etc., can be used in combo to avoid debt. It takes longer, and ir reqyures actual work, as opposed to borrowing the money – which seems easy enough until it has to be paid back.

Because you will call me a racist no matter what..
Because you will call me a racist no matter what..
January 7, 2019 9:18 am

The parents of these kids today are aged 35-50. They have seen and lived through lifes experience telling them college degrees were worth it. However, when colleges started making it impossible to graduate in 4 years, making it mandatory to pay for lesbian dance theory electives just to graduate, turning it into a 5 year ordeal these parents stopped pushing kids into going to college. Between the safe spaces, and ranting crazy looney professors encouraging riots and providing class credit to miss school to politically protest, we are not paying them for this. That is the real story. Its not a bunch of 12-18 year olds magically waking up and paying attention to the Millenials and how society negatively views them and fearing the backlash making these tweens not want to go to college. Lets not pussy foot around the issue. We parents work hard for our money and refuse to allow us to be hoodwinked into paying freak professors to screw our kids up, become liberals to vote them in for life, while these kids live on our sofas in our basements while we never retire due to supporting them. The liberals have always believed in “other peoples money” and that gravy train has been derailed. Far too long have they been able to use guilt or fear of “ism’s” in making us pay for their shit while destroying our offspring. For decades I asked a simple question:

Q; How can a leral looney leftist turn the offspring of Trump or any republican into a blue haired leftist socialist femanazi?

A: make it federally mandated that all commercials be racially diverse. Allow certain charities to shame corporations into making specific races in these commerials be placed into power positions. Never allowing white people in power positions. The Next pharma commercial you see, look how many docs in white lab coats are not white or when someone in a commerial is the butt of a joke every time its the white male. They have belittled whitey and especially white males for 20 years. Convince the daughters of these white republicans via sitcoms and, YouTube videos, that racially diverse relationships are not just encouraged, but to prove you are not a racist you should virtue signal, to the extreme by having a black baby. An added benefit, it will piss your parents off. Because your parents love you and want you to enjoy life with a partner who loves you and your own offspring by showing and proving that love by helping you, by being their for you, by partnering and providing their part for a strong family. Strong financially. You get the point. There are many more ways I could make you see the narrative or agenda. The main goal is to piss the parents off enough to disown this female white offspring of a republican. Why? Because then it signals to other racially diverse men she is open to that type of relationship when they see the child. She in turn is hit on mostly by men of color and out of frustration ends up with 2-3 more racially diverse kids. Having no support of any of these men, as history has proving they are mostly non working baby producing bums, she files for welfare. Thats is where she is bought and paid for. Now the State owns her lily white ass. She will be fully indoctrinated by the democrats running these welfare offices and scared that Trump or republicans (like her parents who cut her off) will take away her benefits. SHe is voting democrat for life. And that is how you destroy the republician party from within. Indoctrinating thier offspring….why the white females you ask? Because society will emasculate the white male. TV commercials show them in menial or weak positions of employment, or always a weak nerd standing next to a very strong well fit black male. They further the narrative that all white men are racist. It goes deep. Pay attention to the next 25 commercials and count how many have this agenda…..bet it will shock your lily white asses, huh ?


I would pay attention but I stopped watching television in the ’80’s and never looked back. Television panders to their demographic and if you are seeing a bunch of phony diversity crap then it is because that IS the audience being pandered to. I always tell people to look at the commercials being shown during a show as the commercial tells you who the primary demographic happens to be.


Because – who said you cannot graduate in 4 years? That is up to the student. Borrowing is a different matter, but a degree can be quite easily had in 4 years.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
February 10, 2019 8:15 pm

I did mine in 3 back when it was possible. LOL!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 7, 2019 9:20 am

Last night when I asked my 14 year old grandson if he had plans for the future. He stated that he planned to be a welder.

I worry that our Z’s and younger Millennials will become cannon fodder in a terrible war, though.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
  Mary Christine
February 10, 2019 8:19 pm


Part of a complete education, as I imparted to my son, is to not be cannon fodder. I know it is hard and it will need daily repetition, but it must be done. I was highly successful with my Michael. He now has two girls he is the proud father of. No matter what! Never give up on proper education! Your child is not property of the state and they don’t have to wage war on people they do not know.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
January 7, 2019 11:16 am

… but … but .. if you go to trade school, you may be required to work a real day job. Maybe overtime.


January 7, 2019 1:06 pm

The youngsters i know under 25 making money mostly drive the heavy equipment that beats on your body, excavators, loaders and such. Its jarring work but pays quite well. Drive a hoe for ten hours. Its exhausting and you will be sore as fuck. They drive new trucks, sleds, bikes, sxs, and are single. Smart kids, little to no college.

January 7, 2019 9:55 pm

“A pupil seeking out a STEM education will not be subjected to the inane ramblings of an ecofeminism teacher or the asinine curriculum of a queer theory course.”

Almost. To get my engineering degree I had to take a couple of “Humanities” electives. I chose an American History class and Anthropology.

In Anthropology, the professor was a young feminist and would infuse her lectures with said ideology. One day she was explaining the sexist origin of many words, including “history”, which according to her is a portmanteau of “his” and “story” (I don’t even think this is correct). She stated that there are no such words in English which have a root in the female gender. I immediately raised my hand and said: “herpes”. The whole room roared with laughter and the professor just glared at me with hatred. It is one of my proudest collegiate moments.

January 7, 2019 11:30 pm

awesome. I have filed that away for future use….just in case I need it. Well done.

January 7, 2019 11:26 pm

My son makes over 200K per year as an industrial electrician working 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. Furthermore, he is paid an additional $7.00 hour towards his pension, which is then matched by his employer every January….this is on top of a full benefit package including fresh coveralls every day, all safety gear, and a boot and tool allowance. He commutes every two weeks from Vancouver Island to northern Alberta by Westjet. Oh yeah, his employer also provides company housing, but instead they pay son another $1,000 per month for him to rent a basement suite at his buddy’s place.

He is 35 and I got him into the trade at age 20. I am a retired carpenter/pilot/shop teacher who started construction by age 15 working for my brother. I figured electrical would be a better trade than carpentry for body wear and tear and I guess old Dad was right to encourage him to sign up. My brother (another carpenter) retired at 55 with an oceanfront home, and I pulled the pin at 57 with a riverfront home and acreage. How? By buying a small home, paying off, and renovating…rinse and repeat. When I taught high school construction/electronics I would encourage kids to get a trade right out of high school and then go on to university later if they wanted. “Do you want to pay your way through school at $35/hour with no debt or work for minimum wage and take out student loans”? Oh yeah, my son lives about 300 meters from me in his own riverfront home on 3 acres. He should have it all paid for by age 45.

January 8, 2019 12:07 am

FIFO is a very hard life, hence it tends to pay well. The other little snag is that those type jobs are notoriously prone to ebb and flows. Australia had a huge boom in this field, followed by a huge bust. The FIFOs that were doing well ended up generally fucked as they overcommitted only to have the FIFO jobs collapse. Glad he is doing well. Keep vigilant.

January 8, 2019 1:38 am

The same people who sell college….started out selling home mortgages on stated income.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
February 10, 2019 8:01 pm

Note, men are not going to college. Only feminazis. I know it sucks because there will be no male STEM majors that will stay in the united States because they are foreigners. Men in the united States are going to trade schools and not engaging with women. Why should they? This gen and probably the one before have finally learned they are second class citizens. Hell, to even live with a woman invites loss of all property.

MGTOW is not a symptom, it is the current way of life. Who the hell, in their right mind, would father a child with a bitch with the I am gonna fuck him royal later attitude?