The Price of Empire

Hat tip Steve N.

Via Medium

Why America and Britain Are Self-Destructing (And What the World Can Learn From it)

It’s a striking fact of today’s world that the two rich societies in shocking, swift, sharp decline are America and Britain. Nowhere else in the world, for example, are real income, life expectancy, happiness, and trust all plummeting, apart from maybe Venezuela (No, “but at least we’re not Venezuela!” is not the bar to aim for, my friends.) Their downfall is, of course, a self-inflicted catastrophe. But the interesting question is: why? And what does it tell us about what it takes to prosper and thrive in the 21st century, which is something that America and Britain clearly aren’t doing, and maybe aren’t capable of doing?

Here’s an equally curious observation. America and Britain aren’t just any countries. They are the former hegemons of the world’s most powerful empires. Britain, until the first half of the 20th century, and America, picking up where Britain left off. Is this just a strange cosmic coincidence — that it is the two greatest empires of the most recent past who are the ones seemingly most incapable of meeting the challenges of the 21st century? There aren’t coincidences that great, my friends. Such tides of history always whisper lessons to be learned. What is this one trying to urgently teach us?

That there is a price to empire. A grave and ruinous one. And that price has grown over the centuries — so high that now, it is not worth paying anymore. Let me explain what I mean — because it is not just about spending too much money and grasping too high. Not at all. It is about the kind of a place and people such a country ends up limited to being — and perhaps can then never really easily outgrow.

To be a great empire, you must also be a certain kind of culture, society, place— a people with a certain set of values, a certain kind of attitudes. You must cherish control and prize possession over humanity and empathy and wisdom. You must value brutal competition above all else — and train your children to be little warriors, basically, whether tossing them into seas, like Spartans, or making them do “active shooter drills.” You must be domineering and controlling and vengeful, feared, not loved — you must come to prize anger and rage as the only true or worthy emotions in life, not, say, intelligence gentleness, kindness, or happiness. The primary objective of your institutions, the aspiration of your best and brightest, must be subjugating others, instead of lifting them up — after all, empires are made of subjects, not equals. You must instill in people an admiration for violence — since empires are run with bullets, whether fired from drones or armies. Your science and art and so forth must be dedicated, fundamentally, to the proposition that somehow, you are the natural masters of the world which is your dominion — no matter how they claim to admire freedom and equality and truth. You cannot plan for any kind of long term good — your primary motive is simply to acquire, colonize, plunder, take the next possession.

In other words, to be an empire, you must cultivate the qualities of cruelty, of selfishness, of greed, of tribalism, socially. Of materialism and acquisitiveness and conformity to greed and selfishness, mentally. You must encourage the rise of supremacy and triumphalism and bigotry and misogyny, culturally. You must attach to all human life just one purpose: not happiness, or belonging, or the growth of meaning and purpose, but material gain, whether it’s measured in colonies, protectorates, slaves, bodies, or GDP. Thus, the overarching organizing principle of your entire empire must be just this: the strong survive, and the weak perish. Everyone — even the weak — must come to buy into this principle, treasure it, cheer it, applaud it — even when they themselves are the ones being destroyed. Just think of how Donald Trump embodies all those values to a comical, disgusting degree.

How else are you to run an empire? How else are you to convince people to go out there and conquer the world for you — instead of happily tilling their fields and loving their children, taking fields and children from others? You can’t do it without accomplishing most or all of the above. Every empire from Rome to Egypt to America to Britain has needed to build these ramparts and beams of the human mind and spirit to be an empire. Empires are Darwinian things, little pecking orders of humanity — what they are not is democracies, really, though they might be so in name, they cannot be in spirit, in intellect, in sentiment, in truth.

Now. Let’s observe the state of America and Britain today — and then connect the dots. What’s really curious about them? Just think of Trumpism and Brexit as you read the next paragraph.

These are societies which cannot brook the idea of being equals with any other. Isn’t that Trumpism and Brexit are really about — we must be number one? They are societies which cannot cooperate with any other — or even cooperate amongst themselves. They are societies which cannot plan for the long term. Societies which seem to revel in both their cruelty and their ignorance, while the world looks on, aghast. They prefer being Darwinian places to being humane ones. They would rather build walls than build schools and hospitals, minds and bodies. They are societies which cannot tolerate the idea that they do not still reign supreme — and the moment their supremacy is threatened, bang! They lash out even at their closest neighbours, allies, friends, and partners.

Don’t these two lists seem weirdly, eerily, strikingly similar to you — the list of the qualities it takes to be an empire, and the list of savage, intractable problems afflicting Britain and America, which have caused them to crater into extreme ruin? That’s not a coincidence either. It is cause and effect. Let me put that more clearly.

America and Britain built the world’s two biggest, most powerful empires — ever, period. Sure, America didn’t call countries it’s colonies — it said (LOL) that it “liberated” them. What that means is that they effectively became colonies of American style predatory capitalism (take a look at Puerto Rico — or Iraq.) Just a century ago, half the world was a British colony — I don’t need to tell you that story.

Now, the problem with a colonial mentality, attitude, society, way of life is this. What happens when you run out of stuff to colonize? After all, sooner or later, you’re going to run out of tempting frontiers, helpless savages, Manhattans to trade for beads, fish in the ocean, and so on, right? That day might seem a long way away — but it has to come, after all. Well, then, my friends, you are screwed — if you can’t give up the colonial mindset, then you will have to colonize yourself. What do I mean by this curious phrase, “colonize yourself”? I mean that you will have to exploit your own people the very same way that you exploited others before. You will have to teach them to exploit each other, just the same way that they once exploited poorer people of different “colors” and creeds, when there are no more of those strangers in new frontiers left to conquer, no more fresh mountains left to plunder.

And that is exactly what happened in America and Britain. It’s most obvious in America. When there was no one else left to exploit — first it was slaves, then it was subhuman blacks kept segregated, then it was various countries who were “liberated” by war for their oil and cheap labour — bang! Americans were told to turn on themselves. They obeyed. What else did they know? That is what they’d been told all their lives — that this mindset of exploitation and violence is good. So off the American went to work as a manager at an HMO, where his job was to deny people healthcare, or as a minor-league corporate droid, where his job was to find cleverer ways to jack up profits he never even saw a larger share of.

(It happened in Britain, too — only in a roundabout way. Though Britain tried to overcome empire’s hangover, by building great public institutions, like the NHS, in the end, the values of greed and selfishness and hate, the need to be supreme, won out. But all that meant was that Brits began to exploit each other. That is not just what Brexit clearly shows — but its root causes, Brits getting poorer for a decade or two, as they turned on each other.)

The lesson is as simple as it is crystal clear. Empires require colonial mindsets. Attitudes of materialism, selfishness, greed, cruelty, domination. But what happens an empire runs out of things to colonize? Do you see any countries in the world left to colonize easily? I don’t. What happens when a country that used to be an empire runs out of things to colonize is this: it colonizes itself. Bang! That is the story of American collapse and Britain’s stunning decline in one sentence.

You see, giving up something like a colonial mindset is not easy. It is addictive, just like any easy pleasure. It’s much easier to suppose that my prosperity comes from taking yours, at the point of a gun — whether or not I call it “liberation” — than it does from recognizing you as a human being, doing the hard work of lifting you up.

But the truth is that is precisely where prosperity comes from: me lifting you up. Not me colonizing you. That is the greatest lesson of the 20th century. How do we know? From the nations which truly turned their backs on empire. Many other nations had empires, too — just not ones as great and strong. So perhaps they were easier to let go of. Or perhaps it was the great war and its horrors which taught them the lesson better. Still, nations like France, Germany, and Spain did a better job of letting the colonialist mindset go. After the war, Europe tried hard to build a new continent on a new attitude — wealth would not come from seizing it from others anymore, but from cooperating to lift one another up. What had the road of seizing wealth, life, prosperity from others ended in after all — but horror and ruin?

But English speaking societies, it seems, never learned this lesson. There are days I wonder if they can. They are too wedded to their colonial mindset — attitudes of supremacy, of being-number-one, of not being able to treat anyone else as an equal, of an inability to cooperate, of anger as the primary emotion in life — to make any progress now, it seems to me. The English speaking countries probably won’t lead the world in the 21st century. That shouldn’t be controversial. They can barely manage themselves at this point. But the lesson, I think, cuts deep and true.

The price of empire is that maturity, psychologically, socially, economically, culturally, becomes harder and harder, every day. Maturity beyond what, exactly? Beyond violence. Beyond stupidity. Beyond greed and selfishness and cruelty. You see, the Anglos of the world have never given up their strange love of and lust for all these things — whether it comes in the form of suddenly insulting their neighbours, building walls, starting needless wars, whether wars of trade or wars fought with missiles, drone-bombing children to death, or the subtler violence and greed of people taking their neighbours’ healthcare and jobs and savings away.

But violence and greed and cruelty cannot lead anyone anymore to prosperity in the 21st century. There is nobody left to colonize and exploit left but yourself, your very own society, in a world which is out of easy frontiers and helpless peoples. Nobody’s trading Manhattans for beads anymore, are they? And so violence and greed is only left in one form: self-destruction. Funnily, ironically, foolishly, tragically, the only choice that English speaking world seem able to make anymore is self-destruction — because the problem is that empire’s price is an addiction to ruin in the first place, but in the end, there is no one to ruin but yourself.

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January 17, 2019 3:58 pm

Stopped reading after gettin the idea… you’re an idiot. And anyone who agrees with you is an idiot. Primarily because you have no idea of the factors that drive humans to achieve, expand and grow. You assign evil intent to the natural human desire to improve. In short, it’s impossible for anyone to take you seriously because … you’re an idiot.

And that’s all the time I can spend on an idiot.

January 17, 2019 5:06 pm

I never know what or which Mouse you are. There is one on here who is reasonably smart and sensible. It would be a hard sell convincing me that’s you.

January 17, 2019 5:27 pm

I’m the smart and sensible one that avoids walking by your mom’s house after she’s had a box of wine.

January 17, 2019 4:02 pm

You can be damned sure the French or Germans would be having the same issues if they’d have fought AND won over the last 100 years. Anybody who tells you it isn’t awesome to win and be the best is probably tired of losing all the time.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
January 17, 2019 4:35 pm

Oh look. I guess the little faggot who won’t post his name wasn’t done. Well, it’s good to let everyone have their say. I for one thought that this was a very precise explanation of why countries, which are aggregations of stinking slime people like mouse, tend to get their poor to fight their wars of aggression for them because they are cowards themselves. It is the cost of fighting the wars of aggression that eventually burden the country to the extent that the empire collapses. At that point the pompous assholes who forced the underlings to fight for their own “winning” slither off into the weeds with their winnings leaving the vast majority of the population to rebuild their lives from the wasteland that was plundered by the “winners.”

You really are a hideous creature mouse and I can only hope that you are not a christian. If you are, you know that when you die you are going straight to hell and will deserve the lake of fire that you have earned with your evil.

  Hollywood Rob
January 17, 2019 5:03 pm

Spoken like a Frenchman.

January 17, 2019 4:20 pm

What bullshit. Like condemning capitalism when you don’t understand that you mean ‘credit based fractional reserve banking’.

Mad as Hell
Mad as Hell
January 17, 2019 4:48 pm

I’m sorry, I may have misunderstood…..does the US or Britain actually have capitalism? I thought it was corporatism, or its close cousin – cronyism. Can capitalism even exist when one group of participants get printed money, and the rest have to earn it with actual production? I think if we had capitalism, you know real capitalism, where everyone must stand on their own, and provide value to someone else, would we even be having this problem? I doubt it. It is some elites being more equal than others that is causing all of these problems. How would you get the young to go and die, if they had a better alternative, like getting a good paying job, buying an affordable home and raising a family? Do you think most 19 year olds would rather have their foot blown off (or worse) for some asshat politician or meet a good looking wife, and have a home they could afford? Do you think that if a kid could go and apprentice somewhere and then move up the ranks at a company, rather than have to go in to debt just to “get their foot in the door” for a job that requires some goddamn “degree” because some HR drone has convinced some idiot manager that you need it to do the job, would they? No.
Most of life is relatively straight forward and simple. The complications are all due to certain people, making other certain people “believe” something untrue. How many Tesla’s, Amazon’s and Netflix would be around if they did not have direct access to the crony capitalist elites and printed money? None. /rant over.

  Mad as Hell
January 17, 2019 5:02 pm

We have Crapitalism. Crony Capitalism.

  Mad as Hell
January 18, 2019 12:39 am

Actually, capitalism is a descendant of judaism, and also a cousin of socialism, communism and islamism and also corporatism. The result of these “isms” is always empire and then collapse. All the same and all the same roots. Like Democrats and Republicans. Two sides of the same exact coin but packaged in a flavor that you accept and are thus kept docile. The farm system at work. Brillant if it wasn’t so evil.

January 17, 2019 6:14 pm

“Isn’t that Trumpism and Brexit are really about — we must be number one?”
No, they’re not. Brexit is about the British ruling Britain and not the globalists ruling Britain; Trumpism is about Americans ruling America not globalists ruling America. And it’s the RIGHT that’s trying to END the empire and bring our soldiers home.

January 17, 2019 7:02 pm

I find it hard to believe that there are folks here who don’t like this article.

I think the author does a terrific job explaining the mindset necessary to become an empire, maintain it, and then finally it’s decline (when there’s no one left to exploit, conquer, etc.). How is what he said not true??

He said “but in the end, there is no one to ruin but yourself.”. How is this not a description of America today?

Overall (meaning I don’t agree with all of it) it’s a great article.

January 17, 2019 7:11 pm

Stuck – if you have not noticed, it is a current bugbear of mine just how many people on TBP these days object to facts and truth. If it does not support their narrative, they do not want to know about it.

Used to be facts and truth were important around here, and folks would factor them into their opinions. Not so much these days. They only want what supports their pre-formulated opinions, and dismiss as fake, no matter how accurate the source, if it does not support their narratives.

January 17, 2019 7:23 pm

What you say is very very true.


In a marijuana article last week someone said that pot should be legalized because no one obeys the current laws.

I said that’s a weak argument, and gave some examples. For example, we don’t revoke laws about murder simply because people still murder!!

Now, I did NOT take either a pro or anti pot stance. I simply made a statement based on elementary logic. And the result? Lots of thumbs downs. Why? Not because of logic … but because (I’m guessing here) I wasn’t Libertarian enough. As you correctly said ….. pre-formulated opinions rule the day much more often then in the past.

Nevertheless, my friend, you, several other mostly long timers, and myself …. well, we carry our crosses and soldier on pursuing this ….

[imgcomment image[/img]

… so that we may SAVE a few.

January 17, 2019 7:28 pm

Stuck – I appreciate what you do. I am amazed people seem not to understand the importance of the shit-stirring you do around here. Hell, you even get me going on occasion. You challenge people. And it is appreciated by me, and many, many others.

I have had my opinions changed many, many times on this site, and I am stubborn as a mule. But I try to base my opinions on facts, and if facts can be given me that show I am using a bad data set, then I need to re-evaluate.

Btw – I saw your post on that, and believed it reasonable and logical. I mean, how can the truth of it be denied? To change a law simply because there are certain numbers who do not obey it? How about making shoplifting legal? Millions of people shoplift – I guess way more than smoke pot, but just a guess- so why not legalize it?

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 17, 2019 7:42 pm

Sometimes the my way or the highway mindset of some commenters makes me wonder if I’ve lost my mind. They sound like nothing but Walleye Trumpeteers hell bent on ethnic cleansing the country.

  EL Coyote (EC)
January 17, 2019 7:50 pm

Stop it. You have one of the sharpest minds on this site, and I mean that with 100% sincerity.

Just keep on keepin’ on. Sometimes it’s all we can do.

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 17, 2019 8:55 pm

Stuck, I have sorely missed your articles and wit also. In fact, I had to make do with a recollection late last night on the Gillette Now Including Manbag article. I enjoy reading thinking folks such as LLPOH and you. Arguing with some of the noobs is like yodeling into their manginas, it’s a lonely activity.

  EL Coyote (EC)
January 17, 2019 8:59 pm

Hey – you can help me kick shit out of 22. I never paid him much notice, but he caught my attention with his references to Miles W Mathis, his hero. Here are some tidbits that his hero believes:

This is the assclown that says pi = 4.

This is the asshat that says if the earth were denser, you would weigh less.

This clown believes there was no Boston Marathon bombing, and that Lincoln was not assassinated.

He says Stephen Hawking died and was replaced by an imposter, and that John Lennon is still alive.

Among the people Mathis has accused of being Jewish are Jack Nicklaus, C.S. Lewis, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Adolf Hitler, Napoleon Bonaparte and Pierre-Simon de Laplace.

The crazy with Mathis is never ending. And 22 believes he is infallible by the look of it.

  EL Coyote (EC)
January 17, 2019 8:13 pm

EC – I value your perspectives, tho I at times struggle to get the entire translation! It is difficult when so many have no interest in truth, logic, facts at times. Do not despair! Stuck’s juices are flowing. Mrs Freud better watch out, too!

EL Coyote (EC)
EL Coyote (EC)
January 17, 2019 9:02 pm

I understand. Sometimes I side with the man and other times I side with the proles. It depends on who seems to be the underdog. I wasted my pity on Trump for a short while. I can see he enjoys controversy and the give and take that resembles the WWE is like the cream in T4C’s jeans. (Not sure what that means but I like the sound of it)

January 17, 2019 7:47 pm

Yeah …. I think I got your juices flowing quite recently … on that German atrocities thread. 🙂

Thank you kindly. A nice little compliment every once in a while, especially from an Original Big Dog like yourself, is all I really need to rejuvenate my batteries. Much appreciated.

January 17, 2019 7:32 pm

Stuck, I agree, the content was reasonable, the delivery was not. None of us here seem to like the hyperventilating or finger wagging. We all know that delivery is half of the message, and his knock on the door , walk back to the truck with his middle finger in the air, took the excitement out of the delivery.

Dirtperson Steve
Dirtperson Steve
January 17, 2019 9:53 pm

Well, clearly once we are purged of our toxic masculinity everything will be fixed. /s

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
January 17, 2019 11:23 pm

Huh. I see France coming down pretty hard on their own people, so I’m not sure what this guy is talking about.

The easy frontiers being conquered are Law (as in there will be only non-transparent and arbitrary enforcement.. a few months for rape vs. a few years for incorrect speech..), Banking and Currency (as always) and Communications. The helpless are going to be anyone who relies on them and their systems.

Robert Pinkerton
Robert Pinkerton
January 17, 2019 11:55 pm

Throughout her Origins of Totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt warned that imperial methods come home.

January 17, 2019 11:57 pm

Starve the beast. Live a simple, self-sufficient life. Or not and feed the empire.

22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernerbygraceofgod
22winmag - Unreconstructedsouthernerbygraceofgod
January 18, 2019 2:22 am

Britain (and most of Europe for that matter) haven’t been nations in a long time.

They are hotels with lots of shitty short and long term guests.

larry morris
larry morris
January 18, 2019 11:57 am

Even I like the ideas he talked about but it’s sad for we as a nation are done. Few people are welling to put all on the line, they just blame someone else . Me just shoot the the SOB”S they will quit coming.Your kids are not my worry. So what to do buy AMMO lots of it.