Image result for occupy wall street hot girl

I’ve now been running The Burning Platform blog for over ten years. It’s been over eleven years since I wrote my first article – Why We Need Ron Paul – in May 2008 during the Republican primaries. I really thought I could change enough minds through my writing to influence voters and help wake up people to the truth about our deteriorating financial situation. I would send op-eds to my local paper, and they would publish them. My articles on Seeking Alpha in 2008/2009 were the most read and commented on their site.

My assessment of the Wall Street banks, coming financial crisis and recession were accurate enough that I was being sought out by Glenn Beck on CNN, Neal Cavuto on Fox, and Maria Bartiromo on CNBC to be interviewed on their shows. I didn’t want that kind of attention, since it would likely have negatively impacted my day job – which actually supported my family.

I had already experienced negative blowback when I predicted the bankruptcy of General Growth Properties in one of my articles. It seems the CFO was a Wharton grad and large donor to the real estate department. He called the Dept. head, who called the Deputy Dean, who called my boss, the CFO. It was at this point where any mention of Wharton was forbidden on my part, or I risked being terminated.

The interesting part of the story was the General Growth CFO said none of my facts were incorrect and six months later General Growth Properties filed for bankruptcy. I sent a link of the announcement to my boss, who throughout his tenure defended my right to free speech whenever the Dean’s office received complaints about my articles. We had a good laugh about their bankruptcy.

During late 2008 and early 2009 I was driven to write at least two massive articles per week about the financial industry, the economy or the military industrial complex. My views were virtually identical to those of Ron Paul. The two sites who published all of my articles – Seeking Alpha and Financial Sense – loved me during the early days of their sites when they were trying to attract eyeballs.

But their goal was to become mouthpieces for Wall Street and make money, so articles critical of financial markets did not help them achieve their financial ambitions. I had no such ambitions, other than seeking the truth. They began to edit my article submissions. This really pissed me off. In early 2009 a Seeking Alpha reader offered to create a website where I could publish without fear of censorship. Jason created the Raging Debate website and in February 2009 I was live.

The intelligent, volatile, nasty, humorous comment stream, that has been a hallmark of TBP, began immediately, as Seeking Alpha fans followed me to the new site. I was eventually banned by both Seeking Alpha and Financial Sense, as they sold out to the establishment for money to pump stocks and regurgitate the fake Wall Street narrative. As the markets continued to fall and we experienced the deepest recession since the Great Depression, I was contacted through email by some guy saying he wanted me to be in his documentary about the financial crisis. I said no. I didn’t want to be in the public eye, and I was skeptical that it was a real documentary. I had done a number of phone interviews with various like-minded websites, but eventually began turning those down. I couldn’t risk my livelihood, as I was financially responsible for a wife and three boys.

The documentary filmmaker was persistent. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. He had read all my Seeking Alpha articles and insisted I be in his film. I finally agreed to meet him in NYC after work. I paid my own way to take an Amtrak train after working a full day at Wharton. I arrived at an office building and went up to the floor where they were filming. I expected to be asked questions and then answer.

Instead the filmmaker just asked me to start talking about how the housing market led to the greatest financial collapse in history. I talked for 30 minutes and about 20 seconds made it into the documentary. The documentary was Generation Zero, based upon Strauss & Howe’s Fourth Turning theory. And the filmmaker was a little-known man named Steve Bannon. It was a cool moment in my life when I was able to take my wife and kids to the world-premiere in NYC the following year. I think Bannon went on to bigger things.

Not having the chore of running the website allowed me to do nothing but write. I was pumping out one large article per week and daily posts about the various economic lies put out by the government. But, my penchant for scorning and ridiculing the establishment, the government, Wall Street and corporate America was at odds with Jason’s plan to convince a mainstream media outlet to buy the Raging Debate and cash out.

I had no interest in his vision. He began to censor my articles and tell me what I could and couldn’t publish. It got ugly and we both burned our bridges. He pulled the plug on me and I was left without a site. A good friend at Wharton had an Indian IT company and put his best guy to work on creating a WordPress site using a cheap server company to host it. I was up and running about a week later with version 1 of The Burning Platform.

The daily visitor counts averaged 3,000 in the early days. It was the wild wild west. The daily commenters (Smokey, Llpoh, Stuck in NJ, AWD, Davos, and a few others) would have epic shitfests over the smallest disagreements. During the OWS protests in 2012 the competing factions would fight with such vitriol and venom, we would abandon the site for days. I tried everything I could think of to increase visitors, including having Burning Platform business cards printed, and leaving them next to student computers across the university.

But it turns out the best way to increase traffic to your site is to write provocative articles and get them published on other more popular sites. I owe most of my site’s success to Zero Hedge for publishing every article I’ve sent them for ten years. But Lew Rockwell, 321gold, Dollar Collapse, Market Oracle, Steve Quayle and several other sites have also contributed to my increase in visitors.

In the early days I was driven to write. I felt I could influence enough people with my views regarding the crooked politicians, terrible financial shape of the country, government lies, media propaganda, Deep State control, and how all of this would be impacted by the current Fourth Turning. My Fourth Turning articles even came to the attention of Neil Howe and we met for lunch to discuss how this Crisis might progress. As I kept writing, the visitor counts grew. I signed up for Google Ads and I started to make a few bucks. The revenue covered my server costs.

But my articles tended to piss off the establishment. It wasn’t long before Google pulled the plug after I wrote a critical article about their Orwellian tactics. Being a capitalist at heart, it was gratifying to earn a few bucks from my writing, but it is like getting punched in the gut when these left-wing goliath social media companies ban you from their ad platforms. Over the next several years at least a half dozen ad companies have abruptly pulled the plug on TBP with no warning and no chance to respond.

I can honestly say it is depressing when you work 365 days per year trying to keep a blog interesting and lively, and the rug is pulled out beneath you when the modest amount of income you were generating is gone in an instant. The goal of the SJW’s who complain to the left-wing internet media conglomerates about my site is to shut me down and shut me up. They don’t want dissent from their fake news narrative. They don’t want my site to infect too many people with the truth.

They are worried truth-telling, fact-based sites like mine will undermine the establishment and create resistance to their agenda of control. The undermining of my revenue streams has temporarily taken the wind out of my sails, but every time they have knocked me down, I’ve found alternative advertisers and my dedicated TBP family have picked me up with their generous donations.

As this Fourth Turning has progressed (or regressed is more fitting) I’ve found myself becoming more and more detached from the daily minutia. For years I would scour every BLS, BEA or Census report from the government apparatchiks and methodically and sarcastically skewer their fake data narratives. But, based on the lack of comment stream on these posts and me getting bored saying the same thing over and over again, I stopped analyzing the bullshit government reports. What good does it do?

Anyone who has followed TBP for a long period of time knows the government lies. The ignorant masses who believe everything they are told by their keepers don’t read my website. Trying to convince people who are already onboard is not necessary. The blog has migrated towards political and social issues because that’s what the readers want. This has required a shift in how I view my blog.

I decided it was no longer about me and what I had to say. I’ve resolved myself to the fact nothing I write or say will change anything in this world. We are on a path towards a painful future. I thought it had arrived in 2008/2009 and we’d be faced with a relentless onslaught of pain and suffering. I filled my storage area in the basement with water, food, and survival supplies. I bought some guns and took lessons to learn how to shoot properly. I had exited the stock market well before the crash and have stayed out for the last ten years of this bull market.

I could chalk it up to being early, but that isn’t any different than being wrong for a decade. I’ve made it a mission to use any funds from TBP to pay down my mortgage. Being completely debt free in the next three years is the goal. I’ve had a tumultuous work situation for the last four years that has sapped my mental strength. We’ve dealt with some serious medical issues in our household over the last couple years, which further detracted from my ability to think and write. Hopefully, the work and medical issues are resolving themselves, but you never know what looms over the horizon.

As my increasing detachment has led to less output on my part, I’ve encouraged my extremely intelligent readers to make their voices heard by writing their own articles. This has been a resounding success, as dozens of readers have found their voice and written outstanding, thought provoking articles. Many other bloggers have approached me as they try to get their blogs off the ground and asked if I would post their articles. I’ve done this gladly, as I remembered how ZeroHedge and Lew Rockwell helped me get off the ground.

Supporting like-minded websites is our only defense against the oligarchy, media conglomerates, surveillance state and leftist Big Brother agenda. Whenever I’ve found myself depressed or in a funk, it’s the commentary, courage, fortitude and not giving a fuck attitude of the TBP crowd that sustains me and keeps me plugging away. I’ve always been inspired by this Samuel Adams quote:

“It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”

The readers of my blog are most certainly a minority in this warped, corrupt, decadent society. I met a few of them at Marc’s farm. We are irate. We are tireless. We love liberty and freedom. We coalesce on TBP because we want to be among others who believe in freedom from a tyrannical government, a manipulative media, an out of control military industrial complex, and a cabal of greedy evil bankers.

By committing myself to keeping TBP relevant and entertaining, I’ve become mostly a publisher of others, rather than a writer of my own stuff. It is grueling trying to find 15 to 20 posts every day, mostly done at night after work or early in the morning before work. When I start to feel sorry for myself, I think about what my life would be like without the people I’ve come to admire and call family on TBP.

So here we are, eleven years since the start of this Fourth Turning. It probably has close to ten years to go. I hope I’m wrong again about the intensity and amplitude of the coming hurricane of consequences brought on by our recklessness and foolishness over many decades. But I fear I will not be wrong this time. The mood in the country and across the globe continues to darken. Sides are being drawn. Enemies are being chosen by nations, politicians, and citizens alike. Simmering animosities are rising to the surface.

There will be no compromise in the current environment. The unmistakable smell of conflict is in the air. We have entered the time of year when stock markets crash and those swimming naked are revealed. Debt, civic decay and global disorder are three category 5 hurricanes relentlessly moving towards a final denouement. The next decade will surely be perilous, but most people are wholly unprepared, mesmerized by their iGadgets and zombified by the relentlessly false mainstream media narrative.

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“It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.”Emiliano Zapata

I simply cannot visualize a positive outcome to our current Crisis situation. Some people may say I’m prone to viewing situations from a negative viewpoint, but I think I view the world from a rational realistic point of view. The problem for people like me is the world has adopted a delusional, unrealistic, head in the sand perspective on the desperately irrational “solutions” put forth by our ruling class.

I’ve been wrong for ten years because I thought rationality would come back into style after the second crash in eight years caused by the Federal Reserve and their minions in Washington D.C. Instead, they double downed on their debt dependent debauchery. The world has gone mad and I’ve been left demoralized, depressed and now detached.

No one blinks an eye at $22 trillion in debt, trillion dollar annual deficits, 0% interest rates for ten years, $17 trillion of negative interest debt in the world, retro-active adjustments to GDP and savings rate calculations to make them more positive, 40% of the working age population not working – but unemployment reported as 3.7%, inflation reported at less than 2% when the average person experiences inflation in excess of 5%, corporations using their billions in tax cuts to buy back stock to boost their stock price, a military waging undeclared wars across the globe, an out of control surveillance state monitoring our communications, media companies using propaganda and censorship to push their new world order agenda, and $200 trillion of unfunded liabilities that cannot be honored.

Facts won’t matter until they matter. I wonder what historians fifty or one hundred years from now will say about this profoundly corrupt, aberrational, willfully ignorant episode in world history. How could we be so stupid, egotistical and disinterested in the fate of future generations by wasting the wealth of the unborn to live above our true means today? The selfishness, greed and myopia of those steering the ship of state, and the willingness of the masses to go along with the lies as long as they can be distracted and entertained by their phones is mind numbingly ludicrous in my opinion.

But clearly my opinion is not worth much these days. I guess that’s why I find it harder and harder to write articles pointing out the absurdity of everything going on around me. I think my time is better spent working in the yard, taking long walks with my wife, going to the gym, and just letting this Fourth Turning play out as it will, with an unforeseeable culmination and new beginning – I hope.

Whenever the feelings of demoralization and depression sweep over me and I wonder what’s the use of running my blog, I am sustained by the thoughts of the long-time virtual relationships I’ve formed, the community that has grown within TBP, the great people I’ve met in person, the knowledge there are thousands of people who read TBP every day but don’t comment, and knowing the establishment would like it if I shut TBP down. This is where defiance enters the picture.

The establishment has tried to shut me down with denial of service attacks, trying to get me fired from my job, cutting off my modest revenue stream, and trying to suppress my articles. They didn’t realize pissing me off is the exact opposite of what will work. It was my anger and outrage that drove me to start the blog. The anger directed inward results in depression. As long as I have enemies to fight, I’ll keep TBP alive and defying the forces I view as the enemy.

As my brain tells me the next phase of this Fourth Turning will be tumultuous, dangerous and bloody, my heart hopes I won’t have to face the tragedy and fateful choices that lie ahead. I doubt many people are mentally and emotionally prepared for tests on par with those about to be faced by Americans in 1860 and 1940. Note the 80- year gap. And understand 2020 is 80 years since the last major test of human fortitude and courage. I find myself pondering what trigger will ignite the next phase of this Crisis period.

A financial crash resulting in a bail-in from 401k holders to sustain the Wall Street cabal would push people into the streets (i.e. Hong Kong, Paris). A leftist president attempting to initiate national gun confiscation would provoke violence in the streets. Lastly, if the government tried to force my three sons to fight in a foreign war for oil, the gloves would come off and I’d take to the streets. I will continue to fight the establishment through the free thought allowed on my blog. It’s good ideas and freedom of thought which are the only hope for generating a positive outcome at the climax of this Fourth Turning. The gathering storm approaches. The tests ahead will try our souls.

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“Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth — more than ruin, more even than death. Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habits; thought is anarchic and lawless, indifferent to authority, careless of the well-tried wisdom of the ages. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid … Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man.”Bertrand Russell, Why Men Fight

It is my sincere desire to provide readers of this site with the best unbiased information available, and a forum where it can be discussed openly, as our Founders intended. But it is not easy nor inexpensive to do so, especially when those who wish to prevent us from making the truth known, attack us without mercy on all fronts on a daily basis. So each time you visit the site, I would ask that you consider the value that you receive and have received from The Burning Platform and the community of which you are a vital part. I can't do it all alone, and I need your help and support to keep it alive. Please consider contributing an amount commensurate to the value that you receive from this site and community, or even by becoming a sustaining supporter through periodic contributions. [Burning Platform LLC - PO Box 1520 Kulpsville, PA 19443] or Paypal

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September 3, 2019 12:04 pm

My brother, now you feel the lash as Alex Jones has been feeling it for some time. I do not know yer Spiritual connection but I feel you are ready to read and ponder “Ecclesiastes” in the Old Testament. All I know is that when I was a bitter, cynical Atheist, it was a wake up call to Eternity for me. I feel led to urge you in this endeavor. I also want to give you a hearty “well done” for yer manly attempts at protecting those who are still ignorant with yer insight and courage. Brace yerself for the coming Storm. Like Norse warriors of old, for the prepared soul, death is not to be feared but just an entry into complete understanding!

September 3, 2019 12:12 pm

Here in this article we have a couple of people growing hoarse with their continuous clarion call. One tells the truth and is ridiculed (on ZH) another tells lies and is defended. People read Admin’s article and somehow decide that what he needs is salvation. Others read that lovable nut Hollywood’s repetitive bs and want to build him an altar. Hollywood is so convinced by his own lies that only the discerning long-time readers would know the truth, the unsuspecting would be convinced.

I’m sure that people understand the gravity of Admin’s message but it is too disturbing. It is much easier to ignore and keep believing in business as usual. After all, the sun is shining and the newspapers say everything is hunky-dory, why does Admin persist in telling us that time is almost up?

Like a doomsday clock, Admin has advanced the minute hand to less than 5 minutes until midnight. Whoop tee do. The nuclear clock has been 2 minutes to midnight for years and nothing has happened yet. Maybe if we pictured Admin’s countdown clock like this, people would sit up and listen. The option to override the country’s self-destruct mechanism is almost gone.

James the Deplorable Wanderer
James the Deplorable Wanderer
September 3, 2019 8:22 pm

(1) Why would a mining ship / ore hauler like the Nostromo even have a self-destruct sequence?
(2) The whole purpose of Ripley starting it was to trap the one Alien on the main ship, and destroy it before it could multiply / entrap other humans investigating the hulk. Given that the Alien escaped with Ripley and the cat on the lifeboat, wasn’t destroying the Nostromo pointless?
(3) Given that the Company (Weyland – Yutani) was corruptly trying to gain a weapon for its bioweapons division (and would sacrifice the ship, crew and cargo to get one), why didn’t Ripley set the ship to crash on headquarters?
Alien 1/2/3 were great movies; logic wasn’t highly involved in some areas.

  James the Deplorable Wanderer
September 3, 2019 9:43 pm

It’s a derivative of Ten Little Indians. The self-destruct feature is a convenient way of amping up the excitement and thrilling climax. It’s kind of silly that the ending is just a Betty Boop chase scene but Jaws didn’t show the shark too much either.

It’s the tease, not the strip – Doc Pangloss

September 4, 2019 11:47 am

It is called raising steaks.

And stakes.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 4, 2019 1:11 am

You know ec, it does appear that you can not understand what is going on around you. Jim is not a purveyor of doom porn. He is trying to incite you to consider what is going on around you and to take some action to mitigate it. He does not hold some magical clock that is ticking away the hours to our personal enslavement. He is attempting to point out that much of what we are told does not add up and if you can seperate yourself from you comrades for a moment, you might see that your own demise is wrapped up in the same flow of events as those whom you seek to deceive. You appear to be the useful idiot that we have all heard about, but never actually met.
comment image

September 4, 2019 11:44 am

Should we call you Cassandra? Forced to scream Truth at people who could not hear it.

September 4, 2019 11:48 am

Was that Cassandra? I thought Cassandra was a pessimist who is often compared to Pollyanna. Hmm, where is Paula?

Men don’t want to hear what we have to say, they just want to know where we are at. – Mrs. Pangloss

September 3, 2019 12:16 pm

I have read your blog for over 9 yrs during healing from total paralysis… I should’ve been so fortunate to attend Wharton and had you as a professor. Am a former banker, business owner and CEO of a dually listed medical company.
No doubt I am your senior. I am in my 11th year of recovery now from a disease that coded me twice. Total life support can be a humbling/learning experience but I am blessed. My fight continues it never ends. I am a former vet and our VA did an incredible job of speech therapy, PT, OT, and mental support. Every breath is for my family, grown children, and grandkids…plus their futures.
I made a pact with God … never give up nor surrender to evil. He assured me … He was my Wingman.

September 3, 2019 1:54 pm


That was inspiring.

September 4, 2019 12:01 pm

Yes, inspirational sentimental claptrap.

September 4, 2019 9:37 pm

You could use an enema but with friends like these, …

September 4, 2019 10:24 pm

Says the anonymous coward.

Peter Pan
Peter Pan
September 3, 2019 12:32 pm

As I too visit regularly but are of few words, all I can say is me too,
to coin a phrase…

September 3, 2019 12:42 pm

Nice work Jim. I was worried you were hanging up your spurs for a bit while reading though.

Been reading your work since Ron Paul 2008 days.

Comment section seems to have gone off the rails with personal grievances, bible quotes, and other types of nonsense. I miss being able to spend time reading and learning from the comments, but now I mostly just skim through them and wonder, but I can be glad that you provide a place where everyone can have their say.

September 3, 2019 12:53 pm

you said ‘bible quotes, and other types of nonsense’ in the same sentence…
it’s truly heartbreaking

here’s to hoping you continue skimming and wondering, there is grace in that ‘nonsense’

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
September 4, 2019 1:14 am

Thanks for playing maggie.
comment image

September 3, 2019 12:55 pm

Gone are the days for me of Rage against the Machine.
Time is now better spent listening to the skies as the storm clouds gather.
Now I plan instead for family and friends around this internet campfire.
This amazing place that is called TBP…

September 3, 2019 12:57 pm

When I get to feeling bummed out I read TBP it helps me to know there are others out there like me. I should be so lucky to be able to write like you guy’s. Thank you for hanging in there.
I enjoy talking to you. Your mind appeals to me. It resembles my own mind except that you happen to be insane.”
― George Orwell, 1984

September 3, 2019 1:25 pm

Quinny, I’m late to the thread.
It was a busy labor day weekend, doing pleasurable activities to stave off dwelling on the depressing realities we have become aware of.
But see, you’ve opened many eyes and minds with all your efforts and sacrifices.
I’m a big fan of just sending out a vibe and letting the chips fall where they may.
Take heart in the rare satisfaction of appreciation, for your labor and angst.

Many comments here express what most of us feel.
2 noticeable things, that I see.

1. A deserved kick in the shins to get this placed funded more comfortably for you, as our provider.
2. The number of new commenters that have emerged to let you know that your reach extends far and wide.
-Never doubt or question that what you’ve accomplished here is extremely valuable, so, please continue, as long as possible, as difficult as it is.

In the midst of all the gloom, using humor to create friendships helps, as a salve of sorts, to the aches and pains that haunt our desire for regaining sanity and satisfactory living.

So, Thank You, for revealing wisdom, recruiting like minded, and for giving me a platform, to make new friends and find common ground, & shared experiences.
Some zlotys soon forthcoming.

You’re a good man, Charlie Brown. With a good woman, too.
~Cheers, in salute to you both.

September 3, 2019 1:26 pm

Communism, if you were the leader of a communist country, you would be in charge of all land, of all buildings, of all business, of all jobs. Would you give your enemy a job? Would you give your enemy a place to live?
Probably not, people are very emotional and if there are people they do not like, and they are in charge, the people they do not like will not get any place to live nor any resources to live.
That is why capitalism, small busness is the best for all, it gives us all a chance.

September 3, 2019 1:38 pm

I’m a fairly new TBP’er, about a year or so, and I thank you for your effort, your stubbornness, and the equally resolute folks that comment and contribute. I am overseas trying to build up infrastructure on my farm in preparation for the turning. Daily visits here help make the time away from home bearable

September 3, 2019 1:41 pm

Anyone else have this problem?

You’re logged in with One TouchTM, Gerhard.Not you?
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[email protected]
Sorry, there’s a problem. Please try again later.
If you continue to encounter problems, please contact customer service.

September 3, 2019 2:40 pm

Nope, went fine for me.

Two if by sea, Three if from within thee
Two if by sea, Three if from within thee
September 3, 2019 2:19 pm

Two bent cents sez…why not take far more time off to enjoy what`s present and form a real community invested in real property? Something along the lines of HardScrabble or even less than.
$40,000.00 a month towards something shared and capable of being passed on to offspring might be conceivable.

September 3, 2019 2:29 pm

How shocking that Generation Zero still got things wrong. If you were born in the second half of the 1950’s, you only had a job, because the government started to take on debt to fund it. The first economic crisis hit in 1978 on Black Tuesday when foreign countries defaulted on their debt. Instead of bailing them out, the banks wrote off the debt or delayed default by collecting interest only. Our politicians and anus leaders knew then that socialism and globalism was a failed experiment, and instead of paring back, they forged ahead. So it is pretty disingenuous to pretend a country like Brazil had its first default in 1994. After the write offs, the banks did not recover, thus took another hit in 1987 in the foreclosure market, oil and gas markets (which were really loans to fund covert wars) based un-collateralized loans. The bankers fix was to raise the interest rates to 21%, merge banks parking one-half of the worthless stock at the Federal Reserve, more government debt, write offs or delayed default by collecting interest only as the FDIC was almost insolvent. Then came the their globalist failure in the 1994 debacle and theft of middle-class estates under AG Gonzales, followed by the 9/11 crisis for the control of the masses and subjection of their rights. Next the 2008 bail out with mass layoffs whereby 95 million Americans are still out of the work force – having grown by a million since Trump took office, more foreclosures due to variable rates resets, zero interest loans with more bank failures and worthless stock parked at the Federal Reserve.

The majority of Americans have not figured out Las Vegas even with the tip off, because they don’t know how to look at who invested in OSI System stock to see it bounce on the day of the reservation, the day of the check-in, the day before and of the shooting whereby it started to decline based on the allegedly pre-planned visit to the White House.

In the meantime, government made numerous changes to social security and Medicare beginning with Clinton, then Bush, then Obama and now Trump. They keep telling everybody, it was the sacrifices needed to keep it solvent. Jokes on you, because they dumped the missing $21 trillion into the social security/Medicare fund so that today, both programs are $30 trillion in the red. Every body blinked and missed it while you were distracted with their stage plays. Now your surviving spouse, if dependent on you, is only entitled to 1/2 of your social security for the rest of their lives. So much for restoration of the family, moral values, believing women/wives count, etc.

Remember those people born in the second half of the 1950’s that these morons want to include in saddling future generations with debt. Wrong, only those politically connected or with government contracts fared well. The rest will retire under a bridge or some third world neighborhood in America due to pure unadulterated theft that are just starting to wake up as they attend town halls asking why their social security is only $800 to $1,000 a month and why the COLA’s are so low that they can’t pay their bills. Yet the politicians still stand there and lie to their faces, but the crowd is building and these are the people the Generation Zero wants to blame? Talk about a propaganda hit piece that is failing in the real world.

Coming is the decline into January 2020, followed by push inflation by the same people, which fails after less than two years leading to another decline going into 2022. It rebounds for 2 short years until 2024 and then the global cooling hits. The last peak in the economy does rebound until 2032 driven mostly by exorbitant commodity prices from farmers driven from their land and gobbled up by the wealthy, hedge funds, pension systems and foreigners. 2028 to 2032 will be the period of real inflation as robots produce your real and fake food for costly consumption. From the rebound in starting in January 2020 until 2032, the DOW can reach heights of 30 to 35,000 all based on smoke an mirrors with profits taken by the high speed trading in 2021 and 2025. Then near the later half of 2032 the crash and burn time starts to accelerate lasting until 2045-2047 at best guess for the U.S. as the global economic cycle does a shift to the Pacific Rim beginning in 2032. Some keep saying China, but there is a lot of disagreement, because of Xi for life, social credit surveillance, communism, ecological pollution off the charts, over population, lack of all freedoms, etc. In the mean time it is pump and dump gold, ETF’s, stock and what ever asset or commodity or stage play that fits the public’s fancy of hope and change or make great again or keep great until reality hits.

The wealthy that continue this wrecking ball, think that raising taxes will solve the issue. Wrong, it can only result in the government confiscation of their wealth and drastically reduced government with their pensions wiped out as well, because the rest of us poor bastards, well, will just be poor bastards with our bones already picked cleaned.

In a normal world, Quinn would have been right on the mark. He only missed the mark, because he doesn’t know the tricks still left up these wealthy elitist psychopathic globalist sleeves and unfortunately doesn’t believe Bannon is one of them, but he is. Despite what is going on in the world right now, the global economy still sees the U.S. as a safe venue to invest for now. The EU will crater before the U.S., which is why the UK wants out now. What happens in the paragraph above will happen in the EU first and the Rothchilds would never stand for it. Be as it may, it will one day happen to them, because they will be out of other people’s money.

Lots of people know things are wrong and hopefully now they will come to understand why. Time is very short to make corrective action and I wish you well. I was there on Black Tuesday in 1978, the high unemployment, low wages in the North moving South to experience the crash of 1987, which I was told was coming a year prior so I was in a position to take advantage, then knew to watch for the next dip planning for retirement, so hopefully I will be okay. But despite all that I know, it didn’t stop the bankers from stealing from my family or even attempting to foreclose on me while trying to pay off my loan based on fraudulent accounting. I fought them, and Elizabeth Warren disbursed my money to Obama’s favorite leftist clowns while the Republicans further whittled down my retirement. Only to be beat out by the DemonRats that are now trying to pass legislation so you lose your pensions or lose them through inheritance despite your spouse taking a lessor amount.

Here is the proposal for the corporate criminals that did not fund your pensions. If the fund is 40% or less funded, or there cannot be five active workers for every two retirees, then the pension fund will be allowed to go bankrupt. If it is more than 40% funded, the pension fund can take out a loan and the corporation can figure out how to pay back the loan. But what if the company you worked for has merged with another company? It will all come down to greed, because nothing can force the company to take a loan if the pension funds were kept separate. What if the company is no longer in business? It defaults to the 40% above and will be paid out until there is no more money as the government is getting out of the pension business. See how nice that workers out for politicians. Take big campaign contributions from these same companies that used their over paid lobbyists and then tell you, the worker that earned the benefit, oh well sorry about your bad luck. Right now the only thing stopping it is Mitch McConnell refusing to bring it up for a vote as he is facing a primary and election in 2020. Cruz gave a false promise to fix this mess by eliminating the offsets and windfalls for those that worked less than 10 years in the system, but once elected, it was crickets.

Best case for me is to receive less than 50% of the retirement money I or my husband earned, no matter how you do the math and I still have three years to go to retirement age. Yet today, our country is paying illegals, welfare bunnies and drug addicts more than people who worked their whole lives. May be we should sent these aforementioned people over to live in China’s ghost cities and tell them they are on their own.

Shifting the blame on to the Baby Boomers is just a dysfunctional attempt of the elite politicians and globalist hacks to shift the blame, because the money doesn’t lie, they do. Please feel free to share this with any one from the millennial to the zero generation, so they start to realize that their parents and grandparents will one day be their roommates through no fault of their own.

September 3, 2019 2:29 pm

“I’ve resolved myself to the fact nothing I write or say will change anything in this world.”

Just finished reading the article. Haven’t read a single comment, yet. So, if I’m repeating sentiments already expressed, I apologize.

You wanted to change the WORLD??? lol Who do you think you are? Jesus???

Hmmm, … what about Jesus? I wonder how he felt while he was hanging there on the cross. Three years of busting his ass preaching, teaching, healing, sacrificing, loving, healing …. and for what? Abandoned by EVERYONE except a few woman weeping at the foot of the cross. Even his Father in heaven abandoned him! Being that he was fully human, I imagine he must have felt exactly this; “What a waste of time this was!! I accomplished nothing!!” Of course, little did he know he’d change the world like no other human ever had before, or since.

Of course, you, Jim Quinn, are no Jesus!! So, how about being satisfied that you changed individual lives? Like mine.

Remember when you called me a neocon? Remember how I didn’t even know what the term meant? Then remember how I threatened to come to your house to beat you up? Holy shit, it’s embarrassing to even type those words.

What’s not embarrassing is knowing how hugely YOU have changed my own life-views in the past ten years. I am literally not the same person … thankfully. You changed my life; now that might not mean much in the Grand Scheme Of Things … but, it matters enormously to me, and those I love. That’s because I became a better person as the result of your writings, as well as the writings of our guest editors … truly some of the best on the internet.

Thanks for everything.

September 3, 2019 2:47 pm

On some occasions I’ve quoted things I remember my pastor saying — 20+ years ago!

He once said that when it comes to raising children that “values are caught, not taught”. The meaning being, of course, that our kids watch us constantly and intently … actions speak MUCH louder than words. My second son hadn’t even been born yet but, that little rhyme stayed with me forever. He certainly has no clue about that.

I wonder if he knows that I have never ever forgotten his sermon titled “Living Your Life Between The Dash”. The premise was that every tombstone has two dates and a dash. The first date is the day you were born. The second date is the day you die. We control neither date hence, they are unimportant. Since we get no second chances, the only thing that truly matters is how we live our lives in the little sliver of time between the dash. Does he know how much that simple Sunday sermon affected my entire life? No way.

Ya just never ever know how what one says or writes — whether profound or trivial — will affect lives over time … or eternity.

September 3, 2019 2:51 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 3, 2019 3:06 pm

I was hinting at that above my countdown clock. Of course, somebody else compared him to the prophet Jeremiah so it must be an easy call. I guess being a prophet isn’t all fun and games. Then, to top it off, you get to go into a deep well or the stockade or the furnace or the cross.

I certainly profited from your conversion, Stuck. Many others have also. That is Admin’s fruit from his hard work. And, ironically, many benefit later without knowing who busted his ass for them.

There are many ways to say it but I will go for the gutterball if nothing else: If your just jacking off, nobody will say anything but if you are doing something worth doing, the cock-blockers come out of the woodwork.

Joe Shelby
Joe Shelby
September 3, 2019 2:35 pm

I really enjoyed reading this. I am one of those people that read a lot, but never post. I’ve been reading Jim’s work from about 2008 or so and like many others he influenced me read the 4th Turning among other books. One article that stands out from back in the day was an article Jim wrote that compared the Black Sabbath lyrics, War Pigs or something like along those lines, to the situation back around 2009, it’s been so long I forget all the details. That article really jumped out at me, it was witty and on point . I too feel DEMORALIZED, DEPRESSED, DETACHED & DEFIANT. This entire situation is like watching a slow motion train wreck. Yet, here we are approaching the year 2020. They say hindsight is 2020? We are about to find out! Me and mine are debt free, living below our means, and trying to prepare for the worst. However I don’t think we realize how bad it could get? Keep up the good work Jim! You’ve reached more people than you realize friend!

The South was Right….

Crush Limbraw
Crush Limbraw
September 3, 2019 2:53 pm

Every prophet in the OT felt alone – Elijah had to be reminded that he wasn’t.
Jesus Himself said that broad is the way to perdition – narrow is the way to life and few that find it.
It comes with the territory!

Ignatius J Reilly
Ignatius J Reilly
  Crush Limbraw
September 3, 2019 3:36 pm

TPTB divide the people to make them easier to control. As the number of people and speed of communication increases, so does the opportunity to create new divisions. The dividing lines seem to be getting more complicated and numerous. It was simpler when the lines were economic, racial, sex, union membership, abortion. . . Now we have all the gay marriage, lgbtqrstuv, guns, reparations, climate BS, orange-man-bad, and whatever else they make-up.

Admin, I enjoy your blog. Thank You. It proves some things to think about. Truth scraps are important food. That said, your latest piece has me wondering if the newest dividing line is between those with a Cassandra Complex, and those without.

Seeing a destructive tidal wave coming that others refuse to see, or cannot see, can be exhausting. Seems like one of the more frustrating aspects is determining how far away it is from hitting. I’m thinking this one must be enormous. It’s been in sight for 10 years and it’s looking bigger because it’s getting closer, but hasn’t hit yet. God only knows how big it is, and what’s going to come down on us when it gets here.

  Crush Limbraw
September 3, 2019 3:48 pm

‘that broad is the way to perdition’

Which broad, Paula? I was only, uhm, looking.

September 4, 2019 11:54 am

Seek and ye shall find…

September 3, 2019 3:04 pm

According to latest FBI statistics, horse-fucking is down 38% since I wrote an article on the subject. So there’s that.

September 3, 2019 3:08 pm

Hey, take whatever victories you can.

September 3, 2019 4:58 pm

But sheep fucking is up 92%. Just sayin’.

September 3, 2019 5:38 pm

Llpooh – But that’s only in Oz, right?

Ollie Ackbar
Ollie Ackbar
September 4, 2019 9:17 am

I keel you!

  Ollie Ackbar
September 4, 2019 12:27 pm

@ Ollie – Oh no, not the keel-haul!

September 3, 2019 3:06 pm

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to meeee; happy birthday dear TS, happy birthday to me!

300 !!!!

Thank you, thank you. What a wonderful gift it is.

September 3, 2019 3:11 pm


September 4, 2019 11:56 am


22winmag - Q is a psyop and Drumpf is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a psyop and Drumpf is lead actor
September 3, 2019 3:18 pm

I donated a little $$$ to the website last year and hope to do so again before the barbarians top the walls.

Donate and you’ll feel warm and fuzzy! Don’t send PMs!
comment image

September 3, 2019 3:52 pm

Thanks for all your efforts Mr Quinn. You have educated many. We are headed for a test and times far worse than 1860 and 1940 I believe. I shall enjoy my life until the day of our reckoning. I too am prepared and I am tuning out the show… the circus.. Enjoy your wife, and family and your yard, in the meantime… while we await the sunset of America God Bless you and your Family

September 3, 2019 6:53 pm

MY FRIENDS,if you listen to the PROPHETS OF GOD,then you know the end of america is now on the horizon,the US MILITARY have figured out they can’t get the GUNS and their date with the HANGMAN FOR TREASON, can’t be postponed much longer,THEIR GOING TO NUKE EVERY MAJOR CITY IN AMERICA,then blame it on some one else,THATS what they do now LIE,LIE,LIE,theres a WAR coming and no one will lift a finger to stop it,I suggest you leave pen.OR you maybe meeting some RUSSIAN soldiers you won’t like ,THEY were given everything america owns to help kill everyone,THE HERO’S of america are nothing but devils and have been warned..take care my friend…

September 3, 2019 7:06 pm

with relation to your health problems you should take a look at william mount channel on youtube for the cure to cancer and other deseases it will help millions

September 3, 2019 8:08 pm

I’ve got 125 acres down in Uruguay…. getting real ready to get out of dodge…..good luck and best wishes to all.

James the Deplorable Wanderer
James the Deplorable Wanderer
September 3, 2019 8:35 pm

I read the site, every day or every other day on the whole. Lots I learned, lots I knew; some I figured out going along for the ride. Simple mathematics, simple human psychology, simple human greed and envy explains most of it. I WANT, and the rest of you be damned. Well, the fruits of letting the evil and ignorant teach our children are ripening, and we all will be forced to choose.
I am fairly peaceful when left alone; I will become a nightmare out of hell when provoked sufficiently. The time of reckoning will winnow out those who cannot defend themselves, their families and their possessions. Those who think they can just take, take, take without regard to earning and prudently setting aside food, water, weapons and shelter for a rainy day will die. They will take some of the righteous with them, but the cities will be emptied when food is no longer delivered regularly – be away from them, far away.
I need to pick a refuge and start making plans / placements / purchases for when the music stops. There isn’t much time left, but maybe Trump will buy us a bit longer. I’ll look for a place with more resources than people, more land than buildings and more soil than concrete.
Best of luck; we’re all going to need it. And the will, skill and practice to use a twelve-gauge persuader when the flag goes up.

the blame-e
the blame-e
September 3, 2019 8:42 pm

‘A financial crash resulting in a bail-in from 401k holders to sustain the Wall Street cabal would push people into the streets . . . ” No. I’m sorry. It wouldn’t.

I certainly agree that there is a “bad moon rising.” But I don’t see anything in the character of the people around me that would drive them out to the streets. Everything could be taken from Americans today and I still don’t think these people would get it. Someday they will be gone, in a cloud of orange Cheetos dust.

“A leftist president attempting to initiate national gun confiscation would provoke violence in the streets.” No. It wouldn’t. And gun confiscation is coming. Disarmed, people are serfs and slaves if they cannot defend themselves against tyranny and despots. So, yes. Gun confiscation is coming. Senator Chuck Schumer is pushing a ban on ammunition. Now that’s impingement upon the 2ND Amendment. Nothing is more useless than an unloaded gun. He knows that. See anybody standing up and saying “NO!” No. Not a soul.

Senator Chuck Schumer is pushing for a ban on body armor. Confiscation of the bulletproof bookbags of American school children will be the trial run for gun confiscation. See anybody standing up and saying “NO!” No. Not a soul.

The degree of organization the forces of evil — the American Communists, Cultural Marxists, Political Correctness, “Open Borders,” the death of civilization, the Progressive Socialist Democrats, just to name but few — have undertaken is astonishing, amazing, disheartening, and truly scary. It’s like they have been planning this for the past 50-years.

According to recent PEW and Yale studies, there are approximately 60-million people in this country illegally. We don’t know the real figure because the professional politicians are such contemptible and pathological liars that they won’t tell you how fully one-fifth of the US population are here illegally. 20.5-million illegals are Hispanics. If illegal immigration were guns, and “Open Borders” was gun violence this would be an epidemic. Oh, wait.

Infinite illegal immigration is being inflicted upon a finite state by American Communists and Progressive Socialist Democrats, like Governor Andrew Cuomo, and the Pope through Catholic Charities, George Soros and “Open Borders.” It is evil on a scale surpassing even genius. When is enough enough? How many illegals do they plan to bring in?

Just recently the State of New York moved Somalian illegals into the apartment complex I live in. In fact they are my neighbors. It wasn’t bad enough that my hometown of Rochester, NY looks like a Soweto ghetto, with black Adidas wandering the roads, streets and highways on foot. This is what citizenship has come to. Why do these illegals just walk in a get handed everything my family worked generations to achieve? This is my reward for all my years of hard work? This is what citizenship means? This is all my university education counts for? Nothing? These illegals can’t speak English, haven’t graduated from high school, have no marketable skills, and will never be productive members of society, and yet here we are.

And there is nothing — Nothing — standing in their way. And when they come for your sons and daughters to fight yet another banker’s war, you will hand your flesh and blood over. Maybe not willingly. But you will. Nothing is enough. Nothing is too much.

Somebody prove me wrong. Please. I beg of you.

  the blame-e
September 3, 2019 10:52 pm

It’s all been in the works for over a century, BTW…

James the Deplorable Wanderer
James the Deplorable Wanderer
  the blame-e
September 3, 2019 11:03 pm

Sounds like you need your own twelve-gauge persuader, yesterday. Just make sure you’re ready to fight and win – when the Somalis decide you need to live under THEIR Sharia law.

September 3, 2019 9:07 pm

How could we be so stupid, egotistical and disinterested in the fate of future generations by wasting the wealth of the unborn to live above our true means today? The selfishness, greed and myopia of those steering the ship of state….

Some of us are not living above our means and are choking to death, drowning in the wake of the ship-of-state, and at this point all that keeps me going is the basic, inarguable, inalienable understanding that when God shows himself, all of this “living lies” will end. I don’t care what comes after, I just want this hell-on-earth . . . to burn.

One series of truths deserves another, I guess. Don’t mean to be negative, but i see no other way this plays out.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
September 3, 2019 9:26 pm

Look at all the people who came out of the woodwork to encourage you, Jim! You never know who’s mind has been changed by what you write. Some people will never say anything but nevertheless, their lives have been changed.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
  Mary Christine
September 3, 2019 11:27 pm

And then they tell two people, and so on, and so on…

This place reminds me of Alice’s Restaurant.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
September 4, 2019 12:54 am

HSF – That is so true.
“You can get anything you want, at Alice’s Restaurant. Exceptin’ Alice.”

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
September 4, 2019 10:49 am


Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Hardscrabble Farmer
September 4, 2019 4:09 pm

…with twenty seven 8×10 color glossy pictures with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one…

  Mary Christine
September 4, 2019 8:40 pm

MC –

He started jumpin’ up and down with me and we was both jumpin’ up and down
yelling, “KILL, KILL.” And the sargeant came over, pinned a medal on me,
Sent me down the hall, said, “You’re our boy.”

TBP on any given Friday night.

September 3, 2019 9:33 pm

Bless you Jim.

TBP is the only website I visit for a daily dose of “sane” thinking in the big internet world. So sad that most other human beings are being played for fools by media talking faces (not even full heads which would imply a brain), political crazies, politicized religious leaders, economic lunatics and the like. I have no $ to send you as I and my wife live off only our social security in a rural house out west that we own outright – now for 5 years.

My advice is to be at peace, all will well with you and your family because you are mindful, watchful, humble and faithful to the values you and your family hold dear.

The crazy ones, doped up ones, broke ones and unprepared ones will all suffer the dire fate of their choices. So be it. As the fourth turning unfolds you and your family will survive quite well – less creature comforts most likely – but together your resourcefulness will provide you all safe and unharmed passage through it all just as tens of thousands of humble families living outside the worldly “radar” made it through in good spirits of survivorship from the past world wars and civil calamities.

Face it, folks like you and me who want a simple life outside the mega-crazy world are not valuable enough “targets” for any of the elite to care about.

So go about your detached life, get as debt free as possible, and forget about saving the crazies in the world, or converting them. In the end we will all have the life we choose within the crumbling world around us.

I now pretty much leave the world at large alone to whatever destiny it befalls. I look at the mountains, sky, stars, wildlife, my adult children, my God, and my like minded neighbors and friends and have all the beauty and love in life I need, and probably much more than I deserve.

So too I wish it all for you.

September 3, 2019 9:35 pm

what if the smell of inevitability belied the true condition of the carcass beneath? What if all this is future past? There are bodies of literature with information which seems to come from outside our time domain which state clearly there will be such a time as this… I regret the ominous weight of dread that accompanies those few awake and aware individuals, but “with increasing knowledge comes increasing pain…” so, here it is. I appreciate the content and care that goes into this site. I wish everyone well- but everyone will not be well. And, that is the unsettling truth.

September 3, 2019 10:02 pm

The dude who’s been writing about the Fourth Turning for ten years is too baby-boomer stupid to understand his role in history and that the crypto-milennials are at the vangaurd of the hero generation. Typical academic. Yeah, that’s right guy, YOU!

September 3, 2019 10:12 pm

I find more like-minded people here than in my own circle of friends. You guys and some from my family are about it. Seems like Earth is traveling through a looney part of space. Like many of you, I’ve about given up trying to turn people. It’s like I told my college-attending grandson…”you’re getting an indoctrination, not an education”. He says there is no politics on campus. I told him that’s because they all agree with the wacky left. Hopefully, we will all survive. Thanks for all you’ve sacrificed to keep TBP alive, Jim Quinn. You’re a gentleman and a scholar.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
September 3, 2019 10:18 pm
  Mary Christine
September 3, 2019 11:40 pm

Probably out planting landmines in the barrio.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
September 3, 2019 10:19 pm

Somebody else is going to have to get this to 400. I’m going to bed.

September 3, 2019 11:23 pm


I doubt you’ll get a chance to read this, what with it being buried among the other great comments on an even greater post of yours. I just wanted to reiterate to you how much your site has meant to me over the years. My uncle used to joke, “Illegitimati non carborundum”. While that aphorism may have originated during WW2, I think its truth is timeless.


tim mcgraw
tim mcgraw
September 4, 2019 1:19 am

My suggestion is that you should go for that long walk with your wife. There is no changing people after the age of five. Believe me, I’ve tried. I’m 67 and I’m done with changing people’s minds or attitudes. Thank you for your website and hard work. Dr. Ron Paul is a great man and so is his wife Carol. Don’t forget the spouses for they are a big part of a winning team.

September 4, 2019 1:43 am

I was not aware of the history.
Much respect.
I appreciate the life force given.

I am not alone in what I see.
I am not alone in what I feel.

Approaching 70 and not knowing where that quiet corner of the universe will be.
Next stop, Willoughby.

September 4, 2019 5:48 pm

Not many folks would understand your “Willoughby” reference!

September 4, 2019 6:34 pm
ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
September 4, 2019 7:29 am

I first read this and there were 0 comments….what was that, two days back?

Several years back, not even sure when, I stumbled in here from Steve Quayle site. Started commenting a year or so ago…..

I still hold that what is coming is more than a ‘mere’ 4th turning. In Mr. Quinn’s realm, he has been telling the truth about an ever looming catastrophe that seems challenged because ‘the trains are all on time’, I reckon.

In an entirely different realm, I came across a guy named Dane Wigington of

He is/has/and continues to give the clarion call on the subterfuge of TPTB in the whole climate fiasco, and reveals equally evil results, speculates a bit on motive.

Hurricane Dorian Steered by Military – Dane Wigington

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<<<<—– "the prince of the power of the air"

I know life is short, even if you live a long time. Redeem the days.

September 4, 2019 8:17 am

After a day or two of mulling over this post, I sought another brief escape into a music distraction, on the ride into work this a.m.

That tune that Admin placed in the margin off right by John Coster probably doesn’t get enough looks.

Lost Horizon captures the mood with really good lyrics backed by a good melody and for me, a hauntingly good electric guitar.
A bit like some Chris Issak tunes.

I’ll save you the trouble of an easy search, and post the link here in this comment below.
Thanks Jim, and John.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
September 4, 2019 3:13 pm

That was a fine song, L.

I’ll raise you one from farther up the draw, GCP posted it on the ‘Judgement Day’ cartoon:

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<<—What is a poor man's gold ?

Since that's in my neck of the woods, I listened to a number of others by the same group:

September 4, 2019 9:37 am

400, I win

September 4, 2019 12:31 pm

No, no, no… this is only the next step to the win. You win the semi-finals. There’s still 94 comments to go. The person who comments last comments loudest.

September 4, 2019 9:47 am

Admin, I know you said me and Paula are not allowed to confront HR but he is all over the place now and he is the kiss of death on any thread, He already deep-sixed HF’s article by acting like the Gatekeeper. His own atheist article has a stench of sulfur and I’m afraid to even go there. I hope you snap out of the doldrums soon. I only have the encouraging words my son said to his mom; 60 is not the end, it’s the beginning of the end. Buck up, man. Fat, drunk and depressed is no way to go through life.

Thank you for all you have done for all of us. A toast to our host! Hip, hip, hooray!!

September 4, 2019 9:58 am

Make America country # 110, and all this bull goes away.
Sometimes you gotta do whatcha gotta do, irregardless of PC and the blabbermouths who created it.

September 4, 2019 10:27 am

From the way a lot of people treat other people on the internet, I can feel that they are depressed and demoralized. Why? They are very emotional and often very negative.

As an East Asian, I am strongly influenced by Buddhism. In that religion, the most important thing is not happiness but peace of mind. The wisdom of Buddha profoundly changed me from a pessimist to an optimistic person, even though there is not much to be optimistic about on earth at this particular time.

Change what we can change, and accept what we can’t change and live with it peacefully. At the same time, keep peace inside of our body and soul.

Our physical health severely impacts our spiritual and emotional wellbeing. Eat organic fresh food, and minimize/avoid processed food to the maximum extent possible.

Have a long walk everyday and enjoy some soothing (and Buddhism) music.

When we love ourselves, we don’t need other people as friends. That would only be a bonus. Why? We are our most important, loyal and only friend to be around 24×7.

Even though I like this website, I don’t come here often any more. Why? I don’t have time to deal with some trash (people). Instead, I listen to some podcasts I truly value and enjoy.

Our spiritual and emotional wellbeing is far more important than material wealth. This is where I focus a whole lot.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
September 4, 2019 11:10 am

I agree, JLS, although I find optimism in pessimism. I am enjoying this series:

  Chubby Bubbles
September 4, 2019 11:40 am

I read from a book (authored by Chapman): “The only reason to be optimistic is that it makes us feel better.”

September 4, 2019 11:53 am

Even though I like this website, I don’t come here often any more. Why? I don’t have time to deal with some trash (people). Instead, I listen to some podcasts I truly value and enjoy. – JLS

I hope you don’t work for Hallmark Cards, if you hadn’t noticed, Admin needs a hug and you just blew it.

September 4, 2019 12:10 pm

The best laid plans…

I am sadly aware the best of intentions sometimes get mauled by the real original sin: envy.

Does the innocent baby learn “no!” until it reaches for what it is not allowed?

Still, if a thing is unattainable to the child, why not just be honest? Why taunt from a hiding place?

So? Just musings on a flowerbed break.

The truth when outed is ugly.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
September 4, 2019 12:34 pm


Around our home our motto is ‘it is neither good nor bad’ in regards to whatever happens in our lives. Happiness is overrated, contentment with whatever you have, wherever you are, with whomever you love is where it’s at.

Welcome to the jungle.

September 4, 2019 11:51 am

400. This time I mean it. Wake up, MC.

September 4, 2019 12:35 pm

Sigh. See why I have such trust issues? I thought you were sincere on the LAST claim.

To reiterate:
No, no, no… this is only the next step to the win. You win the semi-finals. There’s still 94 comments to go. The person who comments last comments loudest.

September 4, 2019 12:43 pm

Leave your trust issues at home, this is the jungle. Some weasel stole 300 and I am not sure who got 400. I was trying to alert MC.

September 4, 2019 1:33 pm

It was me B-day.

So there.


On to bigger and better things. Tractor’s fired up, time to go beat some more brush.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
September 4, 2019 4:13 pm

I’m late to the party today. Had more family shitshow to deal with. On to 500?

September 4, 2019 12:44 pm

I’m a professional in the financial markets…forget what I do, I’m not going to say for fear that a regulator will “Make Me Pay…” I’ve experienced, first hand, government interference in my business, and felt the injustice in dealing with regulators who don’t have a clue about WHAT they regulate. That said, dishonesty in my business should be harshly dealt with, but as with the REST of the Justice System, regulation is NOT about protecting investors, and certainly NOT about creating a “Fair Investment Environment for All Investors.”

The FED was created by Progressives and along with the 16th, 17th, and 18th Amendments, have RUINED the Republic. It’s only a matter of time before they drag us to destruction, but in the meantime, I can make a living being an ant among giants. My friends think I’m a nut, because of my perspective that Western Civilization is worth saving, my clients are THANKFUL for the way I’ve made them money. No one I know uses gold to buy and sell…until paper is finally BURNED, gold and silver will never replace the paper that we all use for everyday life.

All this said, (and more), I want to thank you for what you and others write, here. We are a small community of followers, but it will only take a small amount of men to drive the direction of the society once the disaster of Central Banking finally breaks the world.

September 4, 2019 7:18 pm

Captain says:

No one I know uses gold to buy and sell…until paper is finally BURNED, gold and silver will never replace the paper that we all use for everyday life.

Let’s say I had a 1 oz Gold American Eagle in my pocket right now. I’m not saying I do, mind you, but let’s just say I did and you were here. You could watch me either cash it in at a coin dealer or trade it with virtually anyone anywhere for its face value, or very close, in fiat cash or say… a $1,400 used car. And that’s BEFORE cash is burned and while gold coins are still readily available, ya know?

September 5, 2019 6:36 am

Well, the operative word here is, “pocket.” I have never met anyone who carries a single gold piece in their pocket…there’s a case for gold certificates as a means of exchange, but you’ll never make a case for gold bullion, in any form, being used for everyday purchases…now, if the society falls apart, sure. However, we’re not there, yet. In the meantime, you could use your gold piece as a ball marker while golfing.

September 4, 2019 1:46 pm

I don’t visit TBP as much as I used to, but glad I caught this article.

Jim, you are an inspiring person to take on the establishment and persevere as you have.

The only thing I’d argue with is the notion that people will take to the streets over the economy. Never. Gonna. Happen. Even if there’s a 401k grab. We are too fat, lazy, and fragmented due to “diversity” and multi-cultural ism (same things, I suppose).

But Civil War 2.0…that’s an entirely different thing.

Mike G
Mike G
September 4, 2019 11:53 pm

Like a cornered rat and that they assume

September 5, 2019 5:07 am

I didn’t realize you posting more than one article per day. The advertisements make the article resize and shift constantly. It was so hard to follow the first article that I never noticed there were more.

September 5, 2019 1:32 pm


Bill Douglass
Bill Douglass
September 5, 2019 2:12 pm

chaos in every nation
systems crashin, high inflation
panic in the streets, riot police
beatin down the crowds

The grand façade of mainstream news
used to program, pacify, confuse
distract, Indulge and entertain
to dumb and numb your brain

stir the pot, incite and frighten
shame and blame and purge all white men 
everyones a victim
in this united states of socialism

government and corporations
thought controls and manipulations
clueless masses all comply
as long as they have free wifi

fish are dieing, birds ain’t flyin
somethin weirds goin down
really not surprising
when you think of all the crazy things we’ve done


markets crashin… looters trashin
terrorists again attackin
just a normal day on cable news

false flags and …media frenzies
soap boxes for new agendas,
regulations and new world orders
land grabbers and gun controllers

from the wreckage one to lead us
antichrists to decieve us
playin ignorance and fear
to stay in power, profiteer

but politics don’t mean much
if everybodys losin touch
of sense and reason, wrong and right
insanity the new enlightened

well fish are dieing, birds ain’t flyin
somethin weirds goin down
really not surprising
when you think of all the crazy things we’ve done


doesnt anybody think…
that we’re on the brink?
can anyone explain….
how the world went insane?
is there anyone left to tell
we’re on the road to hell?


pledge allegiance to this flag
for which our fathers bled and died
so we could now enjoy the rights of this modern age

freedom from religion
purging all judeo-christian
while promoting every flavor
of freakish, deviant behavior

accept the state religion 
tolerance, the new dominion
resist re-education
be marked a homophobe, a hater

yes old glory ..still it waves
oer the land of debris,
home of depraved
when there’s nothin here left worth to save
it’s gonna all come down

well fish are dieing, birds ain’t flyin
somethin weirds goin down
really not surprising
when you think of all the crazy things we’ve done

doesnt anybody think…
that we’re on the brink?
can anyone explain….
how the world went insane?
is there anyone left to tell
we’re on the road to hell?


here’s to the new face of bravery
women guard the right to kill to their babies
girls trained in acrimony
and men and men in matrimony

save us from more education
deviant indoctrination
reverse the laws of God and nature
swap your organs choose your gender

they’re adding new ammendments
to the 10 commandments
honor all the most disdained
take pride in what once was shamed

addicted generation
seeks increasing stimulation
love and faithfulness are dieing
brave new world is arising

well fish are dieing, fields are fryin
somethin weirds goin down
really not surprising
when you think of all the things goin on

doesnt anybody think…
that we’re on the brink?
can anyone explain….
how the world went insane?
is there anyone left to tell
we’re on the road to hell?

does anybody care
becomin stupid, crazy, foolish, lazy
shameless, arrogant and greedy
idolize the vain and sleezy
self-indulgence, unbridled
don’t you know we’re all entitled?
but we’re gonna pay the price
for the things we left behind


20’000 drones
5g, ai, chips in phones
every face identifying
from the earth the beast is rising

with promises to save us
will monitor, deceive, enslave us
luciferian elitists
controlling sold out souless leaders

hi tech false signs and wonders
the great deception is upon us
lie on lie …engineered seduction
many blind to their own destruction

while wildfires, tidal waves
tornados, flooding, hurricanes
volcanos spittin, continents splitting
oceans dieing……forests fryin
coronal mass ejections
pandemics, plague – mass infections
famine, drought and on and on it goes

earthquakes on the new madrid,
yellowstone could blow it’s lid,
cascadia and san andreas
all around the ring of fire rages

trumpets in the heavens blowin
prophecies are all unfolding
age of grace soon is closing
but no one sees them on their phone

time is short, reject the lie
that we are gods, we have the right
to choose whatever path we will
or imagine theres no heaven or hell

babylon burning, smoke rising
end of age is soon arriving
burn your idols, believe the bible
trust in jesus the one messiah
if we repent he will heal us
In him alone is life revealed

only his power can restore,
a hopeless soul can be transformed
he is true hope and life and peace
so open eyes and see …that

fish are dieing, fields are fryin
somethin weirds goin down
really not surprising
when you think of all the things goin on

Tony K
Tony K
September 6, 2019 2:02 pm

“…if the government tried to force my three sons to fight in a foreign war for oil, the gloves would come off and I’d take to the streets.” I’d be right there with you, brother.